TV-14 | 30min | Western, TV Series | Episode aired 9 December 1957
Hardie is ordered to track down the man who murdered a Wells Fargo messenger. He is helped by the driver who recognized the killer and is willing to testify. The town is wild and Hardie is surprised at the actions of several people.
Director: Earl Bellamy
Writers: Frank Gruber, Ernest Haycox
Stars: Dale Robertson, Barry Kelley, Carolyn Craig
Hardie is ordered to track down the man who murdered a Wells Fargo messenger. He is helped by the driver who recognized the killer and is willing to testify. The town is wild and Hardie is surprised at the actions of several people.
Director: Earl Bellamy
Writers: Frank Gruber, Ernest Haycox
Stars: Dale Robertson, Barry Kelley, Carolyn Craig
Short filmTranscript
00:00The Peach Creek Stage was held up this afternoon.
00:15Shotgun messenger Hank Lacey was shot in the chest.
00:19The Peach Creek Stage? Why, that's Jeff McKay's.
00:22Jeff was driving, but he wasn't hurt.
00:24The Cameron boys again?
00:26I suppose so.
00:28The war's put a curse on this country.
00:31It's made killing a noble occupation.
00:34It's made heroes out of desperadoes.
00:37The Cameron boys are simply following the pattern.
00:43Hello, Miss Glory.
00:45Miss Harper.
00:47Hank Lacey died about an hour ago.
00:49I'm sorry to hear that.
00:51I wonder what Bill Boliver thinks about it.
00:53It was Hale Cameron who held up the stage.
00:56He shot Lacey from ambush, then rode out into the open and took the strong box from me.
01:02It's a Wells Fargo rule that the driver must do no shooting.
01:06It seems like a sensible rule for the protection of the passengers.
01:10But I recognized Hale Cameron.
01:12And I've sent a telegram to the district office.
01:15I suppose it's the duty of a citizen.
01:17Father, the Camerons will kill Jeff if they know he named them.
01:21I only named Hale Cameron. He was alone.
01:23It's all the same.
01:25And when, Cameron, you accuse them all?
01:27A man has to do what he thinks is right.
01:30Why? Why does he have to?
01:36Wells Fargo is a big company.
01:38It operates banks, express lines and stagecoaches.
01:42It also has special investigators like Jim Hardy.
01:46That's me.
01:47Rob a Wells Fargo office, hold up a stage or kill a Wells Fargo man.
01:52And it isn't long before one of us will show up.
01:59Hale Cameron, I take it, is one of the Cameron brothers.
02:02Which one?
02:03The younger one.
02:04He's two years younger than his brother, Dan.
02:07In your telegram to the district office, you said you recognized him.
02:11Would you explain that?
02:12Well, I've lived here most of my life.
02:15So have the Camerons.
02:16They come and go all the time.
02:19There's talk they have friends in town.
02:21Like who?
02:23Big Bill Bolivar, for one.
02:27Big Bill owns the Beauty Bell across the street.
02:32Is that him?
02:34Yeah, that's him.
02:35Mr. Hardy, if you stay around here long enough,
02:38you'll find people who will tell you that Big Bill runs this town.
02:41Does he?
02:42Well, you might say that Bolivar stands halfway between the good folks and the rough ones.
02:47Because he controls the rough ones,
02:49some people say that he controls the town.
02:54Do you know Hale Cameron by sight?
03:01Do you know where we're likely to find him?
03:03Yes, I do.
03:17I keep my horse at the livery stable.
03:48Here he comes.
04:03Hold it, Cameron.
04:04I'm coming.
04:17I'm coming.
04:40Mr. Hardy helped me capture Cameron,
04:43but it's my testimony that he'll put a rope around his neck.
04:46Do you know where to find him?
04:48I found him, and I know I've done the right thing.
04:52According to your conscience.
04:54But you know conscience is a luxury in this country.
04:58Half the people in New Hope will hate you for trapping the hero,
05:02and the other half will despise you for not killing Cameron where you found him.
05:06We have laws.
05:07Laws? What laws?
05:13Excuse me.
05:17This is a cruel, heartless country.
05:20Why don't the men in this town do something?
05:23What should we do, Mother?
05:25You might start with Bill Bolivar.
05:42Well, looky here.
05:43Well, looky here.
05:44The big Wells Fargo man.
05:47You're feeling pretty chipper for a man that's going to hang.
05:50You want to bet?
05:52I don't bet on sure things.
05:54That's the only way to bet.
05:56Of course, you see, Hardy,
05:58I ain't going to stretch rope.
06:01If you walk out of here, I won't be alive to see it.
06:08Meaning I get out of here over your dead body, huh?
06:11Something like that.
06:13Might just be the way.
06:27Mr. Bolivar.
06:29Oh, good morning, Miss Harper.
06:31I don't believe the things people say about you.
06:34I hope you never believe all the things they say about me.
06:38Mr. Bolivar, Jeff McKay needs your help.
06:41Oh, don't you worry about Jeff.
06:56I talked to Mr. Bolivar.
06:58I saw.
07:01Will Dan Cameron try to rescue his brother?
07:04We'll soon know.
07:06If he does, we're ready for him.
07:08Mr. Bolivar said nothing had happened to you, Jeff.
07:12Mr. Bolivar promised that?
07:14Can he do that?
07:16I don't know.
07:17Everybody says he's friendly with the boys in the hills.
07:20Some even go so far as to say that he gives them their orders.
07:23I don't believe that.
07:25You don't know him, Glory.
07:26I do, too. I just talked to him. He was very nice.
07:29That didn't cost him anything.
07:32Besides, he saw me watching him from across here.
07:35I think I'll have a talk with Big Bill Bolivar.
07:45Mr. Bolivar is always very nice to me.
07:47He's a perfect gentleman. He tips his hat in everything.
08:02You're Mr. Bolivar.
08:04Oh, Mr. Hardy, I believe.
08:06Sit down, won't you?
08:09You know my name?
08:10Oh, you're a famous man.
08:12You brought in Hale Cameron.
08:14Not the easiest job in the world, I'd say.
08:16We got the drop on him.
08:18Jeff McCain, huh?
08:20Yes, good man, Jeff.
08:22You really think so, Mr. Bolivar?
08:25Yes, I think so.
08:27Because I run a saloon, Mr. Hardy,
08:30it does not mean that I cannot appreciate an honest man or a brave one.
08:37Well, I'm a stranger in town.
08:40When this is all over, chances are I'll go on back where I came from.
08:44But Jeff McCain can't do that.
08:46He's got to go on living here in a town where his testimony convicted him.
08:51A man who is, among other things, a hero.
08:54Though why people make a hero out of a scoundrel and a murderer
08:57is something somewhere beyond my comprehension.
09:02Perhaps it's because the Cameron boys were raised in this town.
09:06That may be.
09:08But so was Jeff McCain.
09:11I hope they don't forget that.
09:15Nice to visit you, Mr. Bolivar.
09:19Good day.
09:24Good day.
09:55Do to what I won't be wearing these when I come out.
10:08Will you tell the court your name, please, sir?
10:11Jeff McCain.
10:12Thank you, Mr. McCain.
10:14How long have you lived in the community of New Hope?
10:17Most of my life.
10:19How can you be so positive of your identification
10:23if the bandit was masked?
10:26I went to school with Hale Cameron.
10:28I know his voice, his walk, the way he rides a horse,
10:33and the way he shoots.
10:35I'd recognize Hale Cameron if he had a wheat sack over his head.
10:39Well, you're a law-abiding, straightforward citizen, Mr. McCain.
10:44The community of New Hope is fortunate to have such a vigorous champion of the law.
10:48Objection, Your Honor.
10:50Counsel's sarcasm is uncalled for.
10:52The witness is not on trial.
10:54Objection sustained.
10:56That will be all, Mr. McCain.
11:04Your Honor, I believe I can save the court a great deal of time
11:08if I'm permitted to call a witness to the stand at this moment.
11:11A witness who can give indisputable testimony
11:13pertaining to the whereabouts of the defendant
11:15at the time of the alleged shooting of Hugh Lacey.
11:18Well, if it'll save any time.
11:20I would like to know the name of the witness.
11:22Mr. William Bolivar.
11:27Very well, Your Honor. In the interest of expediency.
11:31Mr. William Bolivar.
11:38You swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you?
11:41I do.
11:44Your name, please, sir?
11:46William Clayton Bolivar.
11:48Mr. Bolivar, how long have you lived in New Hope?
11:51Twenty years.
11:54I want you to look at the defendant.
11:57Now, tell the court.
11:59Are you acquainted with this man?
12:01I am.
12:02His name is Hale Cameron?
12:04It is.
12:05You are certain he is Hale Cameron?
12:06I mean, you've known him, man and boy, for a good many years.
12:10I have.
12:11Now, Mr. Bolivar.
12:13I want you to tell the court if you saw Hale Cameron,
12:16not his brother Dan,
12:18but Hale Cameron, the man to whom you are now looking.
12:21I want you to tell the court if you saw him on the afternoon of May 15.
12:33Order in the courtroom.
12:36Order in the courtroom.
12:42You're getting on your nerves.
12:44Is it supposed to?
12:48I'm sorry.
12:51Tell you the truth, I'm scared of myself.
12:54If I wasn't, I'd get out of New Hope, going back to the district office.
13:00How's Miss Harper?
13:03I wish this was over.
13:05So do I.
13:07Do you think Dan will make a try?
13:11No, the town's too well guarded.
13:14He's got to try.
13:17He's got to get his brother out of jail, or...
13:20or he's got to kill me, one or the other.
13:40You think Dan Cameron will make a try?
13:52Saw you coming, Mr. Hardy.
13:54Perhaps I shouldn't have come.
13:56It's about Jeff McKay.
13:59I understand your daughter and he were...
14:01adopted daughter, Mr. Hardy.
14:03We think as much of her as if she was our real daughter.
14:07We have no objections to Jeff McKay.
14:10He handled himself very well in the courtroom.
14:12You know, half of those people were trying to intimidate him.
14:16They didn't scare him.
14:18He's scared now, though.
14:20Because of Glory, mostly.
14:21He needn't be.
14:23Glory can face anything she has to face.
14:26You know...
14:27I've been thinking that I should talk to Bill Bolivar.
14:32Would that do any good?
14:33He knows the Camerons better than anyone.
14:36He's taken their money and they've taken his favors.
14:40Yet in court he refused to give Hale Cameron an alibi.
14:43That's one thing you can't say about Bolivar.
14:47That he was afraid of anything or anyone.
14:58Let me have a beer.
15:00It's on the house.
15:04I've just seen Glenn Harper.
15:08He doesn't think you've done enough.
15:09I've done nothing.
15:12You had a chance to save Hale Cameron today, but you didn't.
15:15A lot of people can't understand it, but I think I can.
15:18You wanted to give Jeff McKay a chance, but you didn't.
15:22I'm no reformer.
15:25A town draws its own line between good and evil, Mr. Bolivar.
15:29Your saloon, the Beauty Belle, is a place where a decent man can stop in and have a drink and not be looked down upon.
15:35The homesteaders and the teamsters, they use it as a meeting hall, as a lodge.
15:39They look to you as their leader, their spokesman.
15:42But being in the position you're in, you also come in contact with those people from the other side of the line.
15:47The people that ride by night, that live in the hills, the Camerons and their kind.
15:51You're laying it on the line.
15:53I have to.
15:55When you refused to help Hale Cameron today, you lost your contact with those people, with the Camerons and his kind.
16:02And when you did that, you signed Jeff McKay's death warrant.
16:08As long as Dan Cameron's alive, Jeff McKay hasn't got a chance.
16:11But it's not only Jeff, there's Glory Harper.
16:14She's going to marry Jeff.
16:15That's right.
16:18I admire McKay.
16:20But he's got to learn to temper his principles with a few practical considerations.
16:24This is a hard world for principles, Mr. Hardy.
16:27I've never been able to afford them.
16:36Good evening, Mr. Hardy.
16:38Good evening, Mr. Bolivar.
16:47Good evening.
17:06Dan Cameron's in town.
17:09Anything I've got to say, I can say right here.
17:11I'm too pussy-footed, Bolivar. If you're going to listen to me, somebody's going to get hurt.
17:14You're threatening me.
17:15Not you.
17:25All right, let's have it.
17:26You threw Hale to the wolves.
17:28Your brother brought it on himself by killing that shotgun messenger.
17:31I told you, I didn't.
17:34Your brother brought it on himself by killing that shotgun messenger.
17:37I told you long ago, I wouldn't stand for murder.
17:40After all these years, you took our money, and the first time we really needed you, you turned against us.
17:43That's a lie, Dan.
17:45Hadn't been for me, you and your brother would have stretched rope years ago.
17:48I've elected the last four sheriffs, men who took my orders.
17:51It's no good, Bill. What's past is past.
17:52You brought it up.
17:53It's now I'm talking about. My brother's in jail. You've got to get him out.
17:57What's Jeff McKay to you? Nothing.
17:59It was his say-so to put Hale where he is.
18:01You change his story, and Hale walks out of that jail.
18:03Jeff won't change his testimony.
18:05You or anyone else can't make him change.
18:07Get him out of the way. Get Hale a new trial.
18:09Without McKay, they can't convict him.
18:11Times have changed, Dan.
18:13This country's growing up.
18:14It's gone past your kind.
18:16You and your brother are through, washed up.
18:19You mean that, Bill?
18:20I do.
18:26I've thought about it.
18:27I've given a lot of thought these last few days.
18:30You turned against Hale when you wouldn't come see me even after I sent for you.
18:33I knew it then.
18:34You've made your deals.
18:36You figure you don't need me anymore.
18:38All right, Bill Bulliver, if that's the way it's gonna be.
18:40You're on your own.
18:42But so am I.
18:43Just tell Jeff McKay he's a dead man, Bill. Tell him that.
18:47So are you.
19:14It's just a warning.
19:16That's my brother Dan, Hardy.
19:18He'll be back.
19:23He probably will.
19:25But you won't be going anywhere when he does.
19:31Good morning, Miss Harper.
19:32Good morning, Mr. Bulliver.
19:35Dan Cameron's going to shoot Jeff McKay.
19:38No, he won't do that.
19:40But it's all over town.
19:42I heard them talking about it in Neaton's store.
19:45Dan Cameron will not harm Jeff, Miss Glory.
19:48I promise you.
19:51Thank you, Mr. Bulliver.
20:03I just talked to Mr. Bulliver.
20:06I wish you wouldn't do that, Glory.
20:08Everyone's wrong about him.
20:10He said Dan Cameron wouldn't hurt you.
20:12Well, he didn't stop him last night from shooting up this place.
20:14And right after, Dan was in to talk to him.
20:17He promised me.
20:18Just a moment ago, he said...
20:23Mr. Hardy, you're new in town. You won't be prejudiced.
20:27You're new in town. You won't be prejudiced.
20:29What do you think of Mr. Bulliver?
20:31I don't know him very well, Glory.
20:33I suppose he's got his faults like everyone else.
20:37But I believe if he makes a promise, he'll keep it.
20:40Or try it.
20:43Why don't you drive Glory home, Jeff?
20:45Well, I came in with Father.
20:46We brought the buckboard.
20:50Mr. Harper's busy.
20:52Why don't you walk Glory on home?
21:11Well, here you are.
21:14You were talking to Mr. Bulliver?
21:15Of course.
21:16I've even been known to drop into the Beauty Bell myself now and then.
21:21Did he tell you I talked to him?
21:23Mr. Harper, I think I should tell you that...
21:24Oh, hush, Jeff. I told Father the last time I talked to Mr. Bulliver.
21:27Jeff doesn't approve.
21:29Jeff, why don't you drive Glory on home?
21:31I find I've got some business that's going to take me a little time.
21:34Your mother will be waiting for the groceries.
21:46Jeff McKay might be killed, but I've got to stand here and take it.
21:51When you accepted the job as sheriff,
21:54you accept the responsibility that goes with it.
21:57I know that.
21:58But how far does a man have to go?
22:00All the way.
22:01You can't back down, no sheriff can.
22:04At least, not a good one.
22:21We're coming in!
22:24Dan! Dan Cameron!
22:50He's dead.
22:56Cameron's men quit him when he went down.
22:59Bulliver shot him.
23:02Just like he promised Glory.
23:07With the Cameron gang broken up, my job was finished.
23:12When Glory and Jeff were married,
23:14Mr. Harper gave them $10,000 to set up housekeeping.
23:19A lot of people in New Hope wondered where Mr. Harper got that much money.
23:24Mr. Hardy.
23:28Mr. Hardy, if you lived in New Hope,
23:31I wouldn't tell you this,
23:33but you're going away and you may never return.
23:36That's quite probable.
23:39You're going to tell me
23:41what was in that envelope that Bulliver gave you.
23:45I've seen you looking at me, speculating.
23:48Well, it was money. $10,000.
23:51The same amount you gave Glory and Jeff on their wedding.
23:55Big Bill Bulliver was Glory's father.
23:59But he knew too much about himself and the world to allow her to grow up as his daughter.
24:04Long before he settled in New Hope, he brought Glory to us.
24:08She was never to know.
24:10Well, she doesn't know now.
24:12Bulliver was not a good man,
24:14but he was a strong man.
24:16And when the time came, he played his hand to the end,
24:20without welshing.
24:22What you've told me, Mr. Harper.
24:26What did you tell me?
24:30Good day, sir.