Young Bill Hickok (1940)
Passed | 59min | Western | 21 October 1940 (USA)
Bill Hickok, assisted by Calamity Jane, is after a foreign agent and his guerrilla band who are trying to take over some western territory just as the Civil War is coming to a close.
Director: Joseph Kane
Writers: Norton S. Parker (original screenplay), Olive Cooper (original screenplay)
Stars: Roy Rogers, George 'Gabby' Hayes, Julie Bishop
Passed | 59min | Western | 21 October 1940 (USA)
Bill Hickok, assisted by Calamity Jane, is after a foreign agent and his guerrilla band who are trying to take over some western territory just as the Civil War is coming to a close.
Director: Joseph Kane
Writers: Norton S. Parker (original screenplay), Olive Cooper (original screenplay)
Stars: Roy Rogers, George 'Gabby' Hayes, Julie Bishop
Short filmTranscript
01:09Your ship's late, Tower.
01:10We had storms at sea. That's a very unfriendly ocean, Philip.
01:13Well, this land isn't exactly on speaking terms either.
01:16Well, perhaps you've found someone who'll listen to reason?
01:18I've got just the man.
01:19Is he amenable?
01:20He's meaner than all get-out.
01:22Your description intrigues me. I'm anxious to meet him.
01:36Put it back and move your queen, Senator.
01:39Oh, yes.
01:40Yes, sir.
01:43Why do you say that fella's name was again?
01:45Tower. Nicholas Tower.
01:49He's a foreigner, ain't he?
01:53Oh, I'm sick of waiting.
01:56That's a black deuce.
01:58Oh, yes.
02:00Yes, of course.
02:03He'll be here if something doesn't happen.
02:09Reg, you better stay here and watch, just in case.
02:19Gentlemen, this is Nicholas Tower.
02:22Mr. Tower, this is Senator Tucker of the state legislature.
02:25It's a great honor to know you, sir.
02:27It is I who am honored, Senator.
02:29And this is Morel.
02:32Philip has been telling me about you, Mr. Morel.
02:35He thinks you are just the man we need.
02:38Well, if you're satisfied, I reckon I am.
02:41Says all we gotta do is come to terms.
02:43I already know what I'm doing.
02:45Yes, we've gone over the ground pretty thoroughly with Morel.
02:48Still, our plans must be definite and thoroughly understood by all of us.
02:51Remember, I just arrived in America.
02:53Oh, yes, yes, of course, sir.
02:55After all, we're depending on you to lead us in whatever we do.
02:59Thank you, Senator.
03:00And I assure you that all who wait in this great adventure
03:03will be amply rewarded when we have succeeded in bringing order
03:06out of, let us say, your democratic chaos.
03:09I don't cut into your fancy language, Tower.
03:11Now, let's talk plain.
03:12We're all in this together.
03:14If this country busts up,
03:15your government's figuring on picking up some of the pieces,
03:17California in particular.
03:18Ain't that it?
03:19Putting it rather bluntly, yes.
03:21We're all out to feather our own nest,
03:23only it ain't feathers we're after.
03:24It's gold.
03:25You're hiring my guns and the guns of men like me
03:27to cut all lines of communication from the coast east.
03:30That's my job, as I savvy it.
03:32If I'm wrong, say so.
03:34Your understanding is excellent, my friend.
03:36I think we will go far together.
03:38That's more like it.
03:41Now, here's what I got in mind.
03:45We'll operate out of Hayes City.
03:47The Overland Stage Trail passes through here
03:49going east and west, across the mountains
03:51and through the Indian country.
03:53I'll have a powwow with old Chief Redwolf.
03:55Very good.
03:56Cue, Huster.
03:58Cue, Huster.
04:00Cue, Huster.
04:01Cue, Huster.
04:03Cue, Huster.
04:05Cue, Huster.
04:07Cue, Huster.
04:35Cue, Huster.
04:51I wonder what T. Kettles ran in the wind for.
04:53Can't be nothing else but trouble, Uncle Gabby.
04:55Oh, there you go, always calamity, Helen.
04:58We should have christened you Calamity Jane
05:00in the first place.
05:02What's wrong, T. Kettles?
05:03Big fight at relay station.
05:05Hostile Indians?
05:06No, white men.
05:07How many?
05:10Sounds like raiders.
05:11What in tarnation are we sitting here then for?
05:13We'd be riding right smack dab into trouble.
05:15Well, we've ridden smack dab into trouble before, ain't we?
05:18You stay here with the horses.
05:19Me and the Indians will go.
05:20Oh, you ain't leaving me here alone,
05:22chaperone of no Bronx.
05:23Little Fox, you stay with the horses.
05:25Big Bear, you come with us.
06:29He's killed two of the gang and winged five of them.
06:31They've left.
06:32Let's get out of here.
06:54Looks like it was a pretty good fight while it lasted.
06:58There's one that needs help.
07:02Let's go.
07:10Take it easy, son.
07:12You're pretty well used up.
07:14Did they get the horses?
07:15You mean your relay critters?
07:17No, they didn't.
07:20What do you know about that?
07:21The poor galoot ain't got a pint of blood left
07:23and he's worrying about a bunch of coyuses.
07:25I ain't mistaking them with Morales' raiders.
07:27You didn't drive them off by yourself, did you?
07:29I was alone.
07:30The company was sending a helper tomorrow.
07:32Turned if I'd have believed it.
07:33You must have gone plum wild.
07:35What's your name?
07:37Bill Hickok.
07:38Don't sit there asking questions.
07:39Let's get him inside.
07:53What's happened?
07:54The Morales gang started an argument with a wild man
07:56and he sent them a package.
07:57I'm Elliot of the Chronicle.
07:58You mean to say that one man brought about their defeat?
08:00There was no defeat to it.
08:01He's just done for them with his gun single-handed.
08:04And if he don't get a doctor pretty soon,
08:06he's gonna be done for himself.
08:07I'm an army doctor.
08:08Where is he?
08:09Inside the cabin.
08:13Then you didn't actually see the battle?
08:15No, but powder smoke was still smelling up the air
08:18when we got here.
08:19It's incredible.
08:20One man against ten.
08:22Why, it's the greatest single encounter
08:24since, uh, Horatius at the bridge.
08:27Say, you mean that old coot down on the toll bridge
08:30across the Cimarron?
08:31Has he been in a fight again?
08:32No, no.
08:33Horatius was a Roman soldier.
08:35Where was he Roman to?
08:37Why didn't he stay with his outfit?
08:38Listen, Horatius held a bridge against an army
08:41some thousand years ago, as I recall it.
08:44Say, you're holding your age pretty good, mister.
08:47Look, I...
08:49Maybe I better stick to questions.
08:51What did you say the relay station man's name was?
08:54Bill Hickok.
08:55Wild Bill, I'd call him.
08:57See, there's a good idea.
08:59I'll play him up as Wild Bill.
09:02Wild Bill Hickok.
09:13The government sure knew their man
09:14when they sent us Lieutenant Hickok
09:15to handle this raider situation.
09:17If it hadn't been for him,
09:18we'd have had to suspend his overland service.
09:20Hickok certainly earned that reward money.
09:22And I'm gonna see that he gets it.
09:25With this bank draft
09:27goes a personal gratitude to myself and partner.
09:31Say, this is a lot of money, Mr. Waddell.
09:33Well, it's not much for what you've done.
09:35Jumping Jeehoshaphat, a million dollars.
09:38Two thousand, Uncle Gaffney.
09:40Oh, what's the difference?
09:41One figures has more than two goose eggs behind him
09:43or sold the same to folks like us.
09:45Come on.
09:54Well, we hope to see you up and about soon, Bill.
09:57Take good care of him, Gaffney.
09:58Oh, you can depend on me and Calamity.
10:00Hey, how about them horses we brought
10:01to restock the relay?
10:03Well, I'll send a couple of men down
10:04and take them off your hands.
10:15You're rich, Bill.
10:16What are you gonna do with all that money?
10:18I'd have had good use for it a few months ago.
10:20I was bent on buying a home then.
10:22You must have been figuring on getting hitched.
10:25What happened, Bill?
10:26Did she shake you?
10:27So hard my teeth rattled.
10:29She must have been plumb loco.
10:31A nice young feller so much as looked at me and...
10:33You'd have to hog-kite him quicker
10:34than he could have said Louise.
10:35Oh, I couldn't marry a feller named Louise.
10:38Say, that's what you kept calling when you...
10:40I guess I must have heard you, Bill.
10:42I came just as fast as I could.
10:44Oh, Gabby, she's hurt.
10:45Are you all right?
10:46I'm speechless, but I'm sure glad.
10:48Just a minute.
10:49I want you to meet Miss Mason.
10:51Louise, this is Calamity Jane
10:52or Miss Canary in polite society.
10:55Oh, I never get in it,
10:56so just call me Calamity.
10:58How do you do?
10:59Gabby Whitaker.
11:00Hi, Maruko.
11:01Don't I have the derndest luck?
11:02Meaning me?
11:03No, that pony's gone lame.
11:05We gotta go see about it.
11:06We ain't got no lame pony.
11:08Well, then come on out and help me trip one.
11:10Bill, were you badly hurt?
11:12I'd take a shootin' two ways from Sunday
11:14to get you here.
11:15You didn't have to do that.
11:17I know I didn't have to,
11:18but it helped.
11:19You're here.
11:20Yes, and I'm sorry.
11:22Quarreling about the North and South was silly.
11:24A lot of folks are doing it nowadays.
11:26Not us.
11:27From now on,
11:28the South is gonna have to take care of itself.
11:30I'm taking care of you.
11:31The North don't know it,
11:32but they sure won themselves a victory.
11:34I'll have you well in no time.
11:35Oh, no hurry.
11:36I'm looking forward to a long and happy life.
11:39I'm looking forward to a long and slow recovery.
11:42It ain't proper to be spyin'
11:43on a young couple of courtin'.
11:45What's he doin' now?
11:49Uncle Gabby,
11:50he's a-puttin' his arm around her.
11:52He ain't.
11:53He is.
11:57And now he's kissin' her.
11:59He is?
12:09Where is this morale?
12:11We're losing time.
12:13Every day of it.
12:14Why don't we hear from him?
12:15Speak of the devil.
12:19Hit the back door tonight quick
12:20before he comes here now.
12:27Come to Tower's office
12:28around midnight tonight.
12:29The back door will be unlocked.
12:31I'll be there.
12:32I'll be there.
12:33I'll be there.
12:34I'll be there.
12:35I'll be there.
12:36I'll be there.
12:37I'll be there.
12:38The back door will be unlocked.
12:39You better not hang around here.
12:56Do you realize how much time we've lost?
12:58Where have you been?
12:59Did you ever have a bad dose of lead poisonin'?
13:02No, of course not.
13:03Well, it takes a lot of curin'.
13:04Well, you've taken enough time to recover
13:06from a severe case of hangy.
13:07Some things men out here don't josh about, Tower.
13:10Well, that encounter with Hickok
13:12was rather costly, but, uh...
13:13Ah, don't worry.
13:14I'll collect for those men.
13:15I ain't finished with Wild Bill Hickok.
13:17Now, what do you want me to do?
13:18Well, take up where you left off.
13:20Well, I gotta have men.
13:21It ain't to be had without money.
13:23We've got plenty of that.
13:24All you want, if you get results.
13:25Phillip will pick you up.
13:26Now, get going and hit those trail up.
13:28It's hard.
15:03I'll see you.
15:04Three queens and a pair of aces.
15:06Beats me.
15:07This is my lucky day, gentlemen.
15:08I'd rather lose to you than some Rells Raiders.
15:10Have you seen Hickok?
15:11No, I haven't.
15:13Read this.
15:14I hope nothing serious has happened, Charlie.
15:16It hasn't yet, but it could.
15:18This is a mighty big responsibility
15:20for us to take on
15:21if the Rells Raiders are on the rampage again.
15:23If it's that important,
15:24I ought to know something about what's going on.
15:26Why, there's no one here you can't trust.
15:30we've got a big shipment of gold in the company safe.
15:33A half a million dollars worth.
15:35It came through from California
15:37before the Raiders flared up again.
15:39Now the government insists
15:40we forward it under our own guard.
15:42Well, that seems foolhardy.
15:43Why not an army convoy?
15:44I tried for it.
15:45They can't spare the men.
15:47Now, sir, it's our job.
15:48That's why we've got to find Hickok.
15:50He shouldn't be hard to find.
15:52It's almost sure that he'll be down there
15:54at the Parson's house
15:55with that pretty southern girl of his to stay in.
15:57He's gonna be married tomorrow.
15:59He can't do that to us.
16:00He's got to see
16:01that this gold shipment gets through.
16:03All right, majors.
16:04You go right over and tell him.
16:06Not me.
16:07You do it, Waddell.
16:08I'll meet you at the office.
16:09Oh, no.
16:10That's your job.
16:11You're the head of this farm.
16:12You do it.
16:18Tell Morrell I want to see him tonight.
16:26Darn funny that folks can't get hitched
16:28without having a lot of ribbons
16:29hanging all over the place.
16:31Oh, these are festoons
16:32to set off the bride.
16:34Like as not Bill strangled himself on them
16:36before they get to the I do's.
16:38I'm running this wing ding.
16:41Who's singing?
16:43I got him serenading Louise.
16:45I'm doing everything according to Hoyle.
16:47He's got himself a new pair of britches.
16:50I'm bridesmaid.
16:53My dreams come true
16:58From the evening
17:03Till the morning
17:08Every hour I spend
17:12With you
17:19Why can't I come in?
17:20Because Calamity says it's bad luck
17:21for the bridegroom to be in the house
17:23the day before the wedding.
17:24Yeah, but I feel like a filly-loo bird
17:26perched out here on this rail.
17:28Come on out.
17:29I can't.
17:30I put on my wedding dress
17:31to see how I look
17:32and Calamity says
17:33if you were to see me in it
17:34before the ceremony
17:35it would be flying in the face of Providence.
17:37Yeah, but can't you kind of slip out
17:39while she's not watching?
17:41Well, I could try.
17:43You keep on singing
17:44and I'll come out.
17:48When the shadows fall
17:52Across the Rockies
17:57And the sleepy moon
18:01Begins to rise
18:06Then I see your face
18:10In almost every place
18:15You are always there
18:18Before my eyes
18:23When the shadows fall
18:28Across the Rockies
18:32You boys are kind of early, aren't you?
18:34The wedding isn't till tomorrow.
18:36Bill, something important's come up.
18:38Something you won't like,
18:39but give me time.
18:40I'll get to the point.
18:41What are you trying to say, Mr. Majors?
18:43Bill, the government is planning
18:45a big drive to end the war.
18:47And they're in desperate need
18:48of gold supplies.
18:50As you know, we have
18:51a large amount stored here.
18:53You've got to get it through.
18:55Is that orders, Mr. Majors?
18:56Orders, Bill.
18:59Calamity caught me red-handed.
19:01Louise, I guess you know everybody here
19:03except Mr. Tower.
19:05How do you do, Mr. Tower?
19:07I've got to get down to the corral.
19:10Well, I'll come along with you.
19:11Excuse me, gentlemen.
19:15Calamity says I'm walking
19:16right into trouble
19:17in my wedding dress.
19:18Honey, I'm going away.
19:20I'm riding east.
19:21I've got to leave right now
19:22to get things ready.
19:23But our wedding.
19:24We'll have to wait.
19:27Were you just going away
19:28without even telling me?
19:30Of course not.
19:31Louise, you must understand
19:33the importance of this.
19:34Is it more important to you
19:35than our marriage?
19:36It'll only be postponed
19:37for a little while,
19:38just till I can get this
19:39shipment of gold through.
19:40To the enemy.
19:42Yes, Bill, the enemy.
19:43I can't help being a Southerner.
19:45You're taking gold through
19:47so the North can pay the Army
19:48to kill my people.
19:49Yes, if you want to put it that way.
19:51But this is Army business.
19:53And I've just got my orders
19:55from headquarters.
19:56Orders, orders.
19:57Well, here's an order for you.
19:59Don't come back.
20:00There's not going to be any wedding.
20:14May I see you a minute?
20:17Oh, Bill, I'm awfully sorry.
20:19Will you forgive me?
20:20I start in forgiving you
20:21the minute you start
20:22in getting mad.
20:23You know, the last time
20:24we quarreled and I let you go,
20:25you were almost killed.
20:26We've made up this time,
20:27so if I get half killed again,
20:29it'll be my own darn fault.
20:30Oh, Bill, I'm so worried.
20:32All that gold.
20:33Surely the Oberlin raiders
20:34can't help but know
20:35you're moving it.
20:36We've been doing considerable
20:37thinking along those lines.
20:38And you've decided
20:39to do something?
20:41Take the gold through.
20:42But couldn't you have thought
20:43of some kind of a plan
20:44to safeguard yourselves?
20:46There's no better plan
20:47than a bullet.
20:48It's sort of safe either way.
20:49Then you do expect
20:50an attack from the raiders
20:51and you're just going
20:52to take a chance
20:53on fighting your way out.
20:54Oh, Bill, you can't win.
20:56Then there'll be two losers.
20:58What do you mean?
21:01We're not taking the gold through.
21:03But those boxes
21:04and all your guards.
21:05Some folks might
21:06call them decoys.
21:08Well, then it's more
21:09of a fool's errand than ever.
21:10The raiders will think
21:11you've got it
21:12and you'll all be dead
21:13before they find out
21:14you haven't.
21:15Oh, Bill.
21:16Everything's ready.
21:17I'll be right there.
21:18Suppose you quit worrying
21:19and ask Calamity
21:20to lend you a rabbit's foot,
21:29Well, what are you going to do?
21:31Morale has his orders.
21:32You know, I'm kind of
21:33disappointed in Hickock.
21:34I thought he was smart.
21:36I still think he is.
21:37A little too smart
21:38to go off half-cocked
21:39with a full ship
21:40and that coach.
21:41What are you getting at?
21:42I'm not sure,
21:43but I've got what
21:44you boys call a hunch.
21:46I think I'll play it.
21:58Leaving us, Mr. Whittaker?
22:00Going out to California
22:01to get some more coyotes
22:02for them relay stations.
22:03Those overland raiders
22:04certainly keep you busy, huh?
22:05Yes, sirree.
22:07Someday California
22:08will run out of horses
22:09and parties.
22:10Overland raiders
22:11will run out of raids
22:12and I'll just naturally
22:13run out of jobs.
22:19Why, you seem upset,
22:20Miss Spason.
22:21Anything I can do?
22:22Thank you, no.
22:23It's just that I'm
22:24so terribly afraid.
22:25No need to be.
22:26Bill Hickock will come
22:27through with flying colors.
22:28Not if the overland
22:29raiders raid them.
22:30No danger of that.
22:31Not at all.
22:37You think they'll get
22:38the gold?
22:39Why, yes, of course.
22:40Unless they, uh...
22:42Well, there is a chance
22:43of southern sympathizers.
22:44Why, Mr. Towers,
22:45southerners are not raiders.
22:46Well, in times of war,
22:47men are forced
22:48to do many things.
22:49And the South needs that gold.
22:51Enough to raid them?
22:52Desperately enough
22:53to kill them.
22:54Oh, but that mustn't happen.
22:55They're not carrying the gold.
22:56Are you sure?
22:57Yes, of course.
22:58Bill told me himself
22:59he wouldn't lie to me.
23:01Miss Spason,
23:02you've confided
23:03in the right person.
23:04You think you'll be
23:05able to do something?
23:06More than you imagine,
23:07much more.
23:14Say, Haynes,
23:15have you seen Gabby Whitaker?
23:16Oh, yeah.
23:17Which way was he heading?
23:18Heading east
23:19on the Willow Creek Trail.
23:20They told me
23:21he was heading for California.
23:23Well, he sure wasn't.
23:25What do you see interest
23:26in Gabby for?
23:27Gabby's got that gold
23:28and that broken-down
23:29outfit of his.
23:30Get a hold of Morrell
23:31and tell him to head
23:32him off quickly.
23:37Come on.
24:08The stage ain't carrying
24:09that gold.
24:10It's just a trick.
24:11Then where is it?
24:12That old horse trader
24:13Gabby Whitaker's
24:14taking it through
24:15in his wagon
24:16on the Willow Creek Trail.
24:17Let's get that wagon.
24:21Rolling, rolling, rolling
24:23on up and down the prairie
24:25while the moon is shining
24:27on up and down the prairie.
24:29It don't matter
24:30where we go
24:31long as we are married.
24:33Rolling, rolling, rolling
24:34on up and down the prairie.
24:36There's but one way
24:38to be passing time away.
24:40With a yippee-aye
24:41and a yippee-o
24:42and a double yippee-ay-o
24:44if you want to see
24:45the sights extraordinary.
24:47Take your gal
24:48and take a ride
24:49up and down the prairie.
24:51I don't like
24:52the womenfolk.
24:53Somehow they upset me.
24:55They just take a look at me
24:57and they can't forget me.
24:59Every time I meet a man
25:01and my love has got him,
25:03I go home and hear the news.
25:05Someone came and shot him.
25:07There's but one way
25:08to be passing time away.
25:10With a yippee-aye
25:11and a yippee-o
25:12and a double yippee-ay-o
25:14Tell me, Gabby,
25:15one more thing.
25:16How'd you get so hairy?
25:18Rolling, rolling, rolling
25:19on up and down the prairie.
25:25They opened a raider.
26:26See if the bull's
26:27in that wagon.
26:41Get that wagon out of here.
26:42We'll transfer the gold
26:43to the horses later.
26:56Well, of all the dirty,
27:00sons of Satan.
27:01Well, what you yelling for?
27:02We're still alive, ain't we?
27:08Come on.
27:09Let's grab that critter.
27:14Stand where you are.
27:15How can he stand
27:16when he's sitting?
27:17Well, then, get on your feet
27:18and stand where you are.
27:19What are we going to do
27:20with him?
27:21Shoot him?
27:22He's worth a heap more alive.
27:23We take him into town
27:24and make him talk.
27:25Get his gun, Calamity.
27:26He ain't got none.
27:27Well, then, give him one
27:28and take it away.
27:29I mean, get him on his horse.
27:31Come on.
27:36I got a feeling
27:37something's going wrong.
27:38If they were going to hold us up,
27:39they'd done it long before now.
27:40Maybe the raiders don't know
27:41we've taken the shipment through.
27:43That's just it.
27:44We're not taking it through.
27:45I sent it over another road
27:46with Gabby.
27:47Maybe they found out about it.
27:48That's just what
27:49we're going to find out.
27:50Hold the stagecoach here.
27:51The rest of you men
27:52follow me.
28:01Come on.
28:17It's one of Gabby's Indians, Hank.
28:19We've got to ride fast.
28:31They're scattered
28:32in all directions from here.
28:33No use trying to follow them.
28:35We'll head back to Hay City.
28:51It's Red.
28:52You stay here.
28:53I'm going to see
28:54that he doesn't talk.
28:57What happened?
28:58Calamity and me
28:59accumulated ourselves
29:00one of them overland raiders.
29:02The rest of them got away
29:03and took the gold with them.
29:04I'm afraid Bill's scheme
29:05kicked back on him.
29:06Perhaps it didn't kick back.
29:08What are you driving at?
29:09Doesn't it seem rather strange
29:10to send that much gold
29:11guarded only by an old man,
29:12a girl, and some Indians?
29:15if you're accusing Bill Hickok
29:16of anything crooked,
29:17why don't you do it to his face?
29:19He's coming now.
29:25Well, Hickok,
29:26they got the gold.
29:27Who besides Waddell,
29:28you, and myself
29:29know about the plan.
29:31Well, if you'll give me
29:32about 30 minutes,
29:33I may be able to answer that.
29:34All right, go ahead.
29:35We'll be waiting.
29:39How about questioning this man?
29:40We may get the truth from him.
29:42Let's go in your office, majors.
29:44Come on up there.
29:49You go on after Bill
29:50and keep your eyes
29:51on that end of the line.
29:52I'm going to stick around here.
29:57What's your name?
29:59Fred Burke.
30:00Things look pretty bad
30:01for you, Burke.
30:02The best thing you can do
30:03is to tell the truth.
30:07If I haven't got anything
30:08to be afraid of,
30:09go ahead, speak up.
30:10Who's behind this robbery?
30:11Maybe you made
30:12a pretty good guess outside.
30:13What do you mean by that?
30:15You couldn't possibly mean
30:16Bill Hickok.
30:18Hickok's a pretty slick umbry,
30:19but I guess he isn't slick enough.
30:21He might have been slicker
30:22than you think when he asked
30:23for a half hour
30:24to straighten things out.
30:25That would give him
30:26a pretty good start.
30:27Say, maybe you're right.
30:28Arrest Hickok.
30:30If he stopped anywhere,
30:31it'll be to see his girl.
30:33Lock him up.
30:44All right, Bill,
30:45I guess it was my fault.
30:48Who did you tell?
30:51Well, he said
30:52he could help you.
30:54Well, I think he has.
30:58Don't cry, honey.
30:59I understand.
31:01I just couldn't let you go.
31:03It seemed like
31:04such a foolish chance to take.
31:14Where's Bill?
31:16Him and Louise
31:17are squaring off again.
31:18Maybe I ought to
31:19marry him myself
31:20just to keep him friendly.
31:21They're coming to get him
31:22for the gold robbery.
31:23Get his horse out of sight.
31:28I got your frame, Bill.
31:29Red's accusing you
31:30of being responsible
31:31for the gold robbery
31:32and they're coming here
31:33to arrest you.
31:34You better get going
31:35while the going's good.
31:36Why should I run?
31:37I've just found out
31:38that Tower's behind all this.
31:39Maybe he is,
31:40but you can prove it better
31:41without a rope around your neck.
31:49His horse ain't
31:50anywhere around.
31:51I'll go around back
31:52and take a look.
33:27He'll run into
33:28a dead end up there.
33:29Yeah, he'll have to
33:30quit his horse
33:31if he's gonna get out.
33:33Take your rifles
33:34and gather up.
34:59Where's his horse?
35:14All right, Hickok.
35:15Come on,
35:16we've got you surrounded.
35:28They came from down that way.
36:28I'd have known
36:29that Nicholas Tower
36:30was a skunk.
36:31Why, Calamity?
36:32He tipped his hat
36:33to me once.
36:34Well, a gentleman's
36:35supposed to tip
36:36his hat to a lady.
36:37That's when I should
36:38have catched on.
36:39I ain't no lady.
36:40Oh, quit bragging
36:41about yourself, Calamity.
36:42You know, Bill,
36:43that Tower almost
36:44broke his neck
36:45trying to pin
36:46the blame on you.
36:47You reckon he's tied in
36:48with them Overland Raiders?
36:49All the trails
36:50lead his way.
36:51The Overland Raiders
36:52are no penny any outfit.
36:53They've got money
36:54behind them
36:55and brains.
36:56They've got strings
36:57all over the territory.
36:58I didn't tell you
36:59about it, Bill,
37:00but that fella Red,
37:01you know,
37:02the one we brung in?
37:03He was found
37:04dead in his cell.
37:05Somebody shot him.
37:06Trouble is,
37:07we can't get a hold
37:08of the right string.
37:09When we do,
37:10we'll find Tower
37:11on the other end of it.
37:15what are you up to, Bill?
37:16I've got an idea
37:17I want to go
37:18through Tower's office.
37:19Are you plum loco?
37:20You'll be riding
37:21smack dab
37:22into your own
37:23necktie party.
37:24Well, don't stand there
37:25gaping at me,
37:27you young squirt.
37:28We ain't gonna let him
37:29go alone, are we?
37:30Oh, stop bellering at me,
37:31you old mossback,
37:32and climb out of your cage
37:33if you got the strength.
37:56He's up to his elbows
38:14in a poker game
38:15right in his office.
38:16Well, I've got to
38:17break it up some way.
38:18You leave that
38:19to Uncle Gabby and me.
38:20Hey, wait a minute.
38:21I got right to know
38:22what I'm getting into.
38:23This won't be nothing
38:24new to you,
38:25you old horse thief.
38:27Ladies and gentlemen
38:32and my friends,
38:33as most of you know,
38:35me and Calamity
38:36had our outfit broke up
38:37with the Overland Raiders.
38:39Now, we ain't asking
38:40you to grub stake us,
38:41but Calamity here
38:42is gonna put on
38:43a little show.
38:44And if any of you
38:45Christian-hearted folks
38:46like it,
38:47well, we ain't
38:48turning down no donation.
38:49This here'll be the first
38:51high-class entertainment
38:52scene in these parts
38:54since them actor folks
38:55put on Shakespeare's
38:58It give me great pleasure
39:00to introduce
39:01that prairie nightingale,
39:03Calamity Jane Canary.
39:13I'll tell you a story
39:14of fortune and glory
39:16that came to
39:17a Mexican vendor.
39:19The sea and hillbilly
39:20made wonderful chili.
39:22Each bean was
39:23delicious and tender.
39:25His crops were all
39:26bumpers of Mexican jumpers.
39:28The beans were
39:29as sprightly as elves.
39:31A guy could do this, sir,
39:33just open his kisser.
39:35The beans would
39:36jump in by themselves.
39:41He'd shout
39:42and he'd sell out,
39:43by golly.
39:44All over the nation,
39:45they cheered
39:46the creation of
39:47Calamity Somali.
39:48This should be good.
39:49You bet.
39:53His fortune was
39:54growing, but ill winds
39:55were blowing,
39:56and right with the breeze
39:57came a lady.
39:59This beautiful dolly
40:00was monikered Molly,
40:02and Molly's intentions
40:03were shady.
40:05She schemed
40:06and misled him,
40:07and then when she wed him,
40:08she took every cent
40:09in his jeans.
40:11She knew how to hook him,
40:13and oh, how she shook him.
40:15She left him
40:16with nothing but beans.
40:18Oh, Somali!
40:22The dough that he made
40:23went to Molly.
40:25Poor Charlie.
40:27Poor Charlie.
40:28He's paying
40:29the price for his folly.
40:31He thinks love is silly,
40:33back-selling chili,
40:34and putting his heart
40:35into Molly's.
40:47How about you, Jen?
40:48You going to chip in,
40:50All right, come into my office,
40:51I'll give you some chips
40:52and cash them at the bar.
40:53Well, I don't know
40:54about that now, I...
40:55Go ahead, I'll...
41:10All right, Hickok,
41:11get him up.
41:22It's Bill Hickok.
41:24Let's get Louise.
41:30They got Bill.
41:31He's down at the
41:32marshal's office.
41:33Oh, Gabby,
41:34what'll they do with him?
41:35They won't treat him
41:36like company.
41:37Is he hurt?
41:38Only his feelings.
41:39Getting caught
41:40by the local marshal
41:41ain't the kind of
41:42catching Bill's used to.
41:43They must have snuck up
41:44like a coyote.
41:45They never got
41:46the drop on him.
41:47Bill didn't come into town.
41:48Well, we got a hunch
41:49Tower knows a heap
41:50about that gold robbery.
41:51Bill was going through his office
41:52looking for evidence.
41:55Of course,
41:56I should have known he...
41:58Come on.
42:02Bill, they can't
42:03hold you, can they?
42:04Well, I don't know.
42:05The marshal's awful
42:06set in his ways.
42:07Bill is innocent,
42:08do you hear?
42:09Yes, I hear you, miss,
42:10but I ain't paying much
42:11attention to what you're saying.
42:12Well, perhaps you will.
42:13All of you.
42:14Particularly you,
42:15Mr. Tower.
42:16Listening to a charming lady
42:17is always interesting.
42:18Yes, especially
42:19when she's fool enough
42:20to give you important information.
42:22That's what I did, gentlemen.
42:24The day Bill took the stage out,
42:25I told Tower
42:26they weren't carrying the gold.
42:27Why did you tell him?
42:28Because he hinted
42:29that Bill was to be held up
42:30by Southern sympathizers
42:31and then he might
42:32be able to prevent it.
42:33Them want no Southern gentleman
42:34that took that gold from me.
42:36Tower couldn't have known
42:37you had it.
42:38Well, he was snooping
42:39around my outfit.
42:40Like his knot, he smelled it.
42:41I'm afraid you're trying
42:42to make me entirely too clever.
42:44It takes a smart man
42:45to guide the Overland Raiders.
42:47Are you insinuating
42:48that I had something
42:49to do with them?
42:50I believe you're their leader.
42:51That's what I call
42:52a darn plain insinuating.
42:54Your charge is serious enough,
42:55but you haven't
42:56much foundation for it.
42:58What do you say, Tower?
42:59There we go.
43:01That dude will fancy
43:02talk all of us into jail.
43:04No, I intend
43:05to be very blunt, gentlemen.
43:06She's lying.
43:07And the reason is obvious.
43:08She's engaged to Haycock
43:09and would trump up
43:10any kind of a story
43:11to save him.
43:12Their both Southern sympathizers
43:13have been working together
43:14ever since they came here.
43:15Don't let him talk
43:16his way out of this.
43:17I understand
43:18Miss Mason has strong
43:19connections in the South.
43:21Her father's an officer
43:22in the Confederate Army.
43:24Yes, but if you didn't have
43:25agents all over the country,
43:26you wouldn't know it.
43:27What do you think, Marshal?
43:28Well, I certainly can't
43:29take Miss Mason's
43:30unsupported word,
43:31especially when I know
43:32she helped Haycock escape.
43:33Thank you, Marshal.
43:34And if there are
43:35any further questions,
43:36you'll find me
43:37at my place of business.
43:39Pardon me.
43:42You ain't gonna let him
43:43go like that, are you?
43:44You're gonna kick yourself
43:45all over the county
43:46for this, Marshal.
43:47Now you listen to me.
43:48You've all done your best
43:49to help Haycock,
43:50and I don't want to have
43:51any more trouble with you.
43:52From now on,
43:53you better be careful
43:54what you do and what you say.
43:55That's all.
43:56That's enough.
44:08The war's over.
44:09Police are in.
44:10The war's over.
44:11Police surrendered.
44:13Here, read about it.
44:14What'd you say?
44:15I said the war's over.
44:16Police surrendered.
44:17Well, police surrendered.
44:19Well, the war's over.
44:20The war's over.
44:22This is gonna make
44:23a big difference.
44:24To your government, perhaps,
44:25but not mine.
44:26We'll move that gold
44:27as quickly as we can
44:28and get out of here ourselves.
44:29To California?
44:30The north and the south,
44:31both exhausted.
44:32We must strike.
44:33The armies will be demobilized
44:34with all possible haste.
44:35They're half-starved.
44:36And when men are hungry,
44:37gold is a tempting commodity.
44:39Do you really intend
44:40to recruit an army
44:41and take over California?
44:42My friend,
44:43you don't expect me
44:44to take it over single-handed.
44:45No, of course not.
44:46I'm with you, Tower,
44:47but what about
44:48this here Mr. Lincoln?
44:49I'm wondering
44:50what he might do.
44:51This here Mr. Lincoln
44:52might do many things
44:53if he had the time.
45:05Well, I'm glad to hear
45:06you sold your place to profit.
45:08I'd hate to see you go, Tower.
45:10Well, now that the war is over,
45:11I think there are
45:12better opportunities
45:13in California.
45:14Good-bye, gentlemen.
45:15Good-bye and good luck.
45:21Morning, Bill.
45:22Hello, Calamity.
45:25Where's Tower going?
45:27He's pulling out for California.
45:36I bet he's got that gold with him.
45:38I wish I could prove it.
45:40Say, here's the latest.
45:41Came in on the morning stage.
45:52Death to all tyrants.
45:54John Wilkes Booth.
45:56Say, Gabby,
45:57John Wilkes Booth's signature
45:58was on a letter I saw
45:59in Tower's office.
46:00He closed it by saying
46:01death to all tyrants.
46:02Do you realize
46:03what that means?
46:04Tower's tied in
46:05with a nationwide plot
46:06to wreck the Union.
46:07The whole Union, eh?
46:08You don't say.
46:09Well, I've got
46:10to get out of here.
46:11Yeah, but how?
46:14I got an idea.
46:15Get ready for whatever happens.
46:17Calamity, you go get them horses.
46:28Tie that around the bars.
46:32All right, Steve.
46:33Get going.
46:58What's that?
46:59What's that?
47:17Well, look,
47:18the wheels are off.
47:19There's the wheels off.
47:28There's the wheels off.
47:58How are we going to stop
47:59all them fellas?
48:00Can't we surround them?
48:02It looks like Morel
48:03and his whole gang.
48:04Well, if it is,
48:05the smartest thing we can do
48:06is learn to love them.
48:08Chances are
48:09the marshal's trailing us.
48:10We'll go back.
48:11You can't do that.
48:12You'll be sticking your neck
48:13in the noose again.
48:14Well, he's got to listen
48:15to me this time.
48:17Well, let's go.
48:18Let's go.
48:19Let's go.
48:20Let's go.
48:21Let's go.
48:22Let's go.
48:23Let's go.
48:24Let's go.
48:25Let's go.
48:26Let's go.
48:27Let's go.
48:52Tower and all the Oberlin raiders
48:53are making a getaway
48:54with that stolen gold.
48:55Is this another one
48:56of those pirates?
48:57If Truce can help me,
48:58we just seen them
48:59with our own eyes.
49:00All right, Hickok.
49:01I'll give you another chance,
49:02but you better be right
49:03this time.
49:04This way.
49:21Something's happened.
49:22There's a posse following us.
49:23They don't look peaceful.
49:24We better run for it.
49:26Let's go.
49:30They've seen us.
49:49Every man for himself.
49:50Spread out.
49:57Surround the ridge
49:58before they get away.
49:59I'll try to stop the wagon.
50:27All right, Tower.
50:28Come on.
50:57What a cover you've made there.
50:58Nothing much I can say
50:59to you, Hickok,
51:00but I don't forget very easy.
51:02Well, that's all right with me.
51:03I'm pretty forgetful
51:04myself, Marshal,
51:05but if you ever need me
51:06to do a good turn,
51:08don't forget to jog my memory.
51:10How about paying for that
51:11stagecoach you wrecked?
51:12I said jog it, not jolt it.
51:14Get it.
51:18We're gonna have
51:19a cowboy wedding
51:21when the sages
51:22all are blue
51:25To the mountains
51:26we'll be heading
51:28for our sunny honeymoon
51:31We're gonna drink
51:32in all the sunshine
51:34along the banks
51:35of some cool stream
51:37Just to laugh and play
51:39the live long day
51:41Build a cabin
51:42of our dreams
51:44We wanna hear
51:45guitars a-ringing
51:47when they play
51:48our wedding tune
51:50Down the aisle
51:51you'll find us swinging
51:54in the early part of June
51:57Within a year
51:59we have no fear
52:01a lullaby will prune
52:04We're gonna have
52:05a cowboy wedding
52:07when the sages
52:08all are blue
52:09Mages and Waddell are coming.
52:11If you're ever gonna get married,
52:12you better not let them
52:13catch you again.
52:23Have you seen Bill Hickok?
52:24No, and what's more,
52:25you ain't gonna see him neither.
52:27They've absconded, eloped,
52:29departed, and left
52:30for parts unknown.
52:31Well, uh, that's too bad.
52:33We got a wedding present for him.
52:36The reward money
52:37for cleaning out
52:38the Overland Raiders.
52:39Why, I, uh...
52:41Hey, Bill!
52:44Bill, hurry!
52:45Oh, Bill!
52:53THE END