Approved | 57min | Western, Drama, Action | 30 January 1942 (USA)
A gang of rustlers blackmails young Joe Collins into helping them, Sandy poses undercover as a janitor in the leader's saloon, and Buck impersonates a well-known crooked fence.
Director: Howard Bretherton
Writer: Adele Buffington
Stars: Buck Jones, Tim McCoy, Raymond Hatton
A gang of rustlers blackmails young Joe Collins into helping them, Sandy poses undercover as a janitor in the leader's saloon, and Buck impersonates a well-known crooked fence.
Director: Howard Bretherton
Writer: Adele Buffington
Stars: Buck Jones, Tim McCoy, Raymond Hatton
Short filmTranscript
00:16♪ Come on up, riders, ride, beware ♪
00:20♪ Come on up, riders, ride, take care ♪
00:24♪ They're the finest bunch of fighters in the land ♪
00:27♪ Chasing every rustler and gorilla band ♪
00:30♪ The Rough Riders watch the trail ♪
00:34♪ The Rough Riders never fail ♪
00:38♪ Taking law and order everywhere they go ♪
00:41♪ Without a fear of any foe ♪
00:45♪ And it's always great to know they're on your side ♪
00:48♪ When those old Rough Riders ride ♪
00:52♪ When the Rough Riders ride ♪
01:12I think it's best for Cita that we eat now before we reach the Badlands.
01:16Si, Tia Maria. In case we get held up, we won't have to fight on empty stomachs.
01:20I beg your pardon. Your reference to the Badlands.
01:24You mean we're apt to run into trouble on this land?
01:27Si, senor. There have been many holdups, rustling and smuggling at the border.
01:31And murder, too. You see, senor, the old foreman, Al Arancho, was killed by mistake
01:36by a United States Marshal in a gun battle with these desperados.
01:39But they killed his Marshal Gordon, too, before he realized what he had done.
01:44Well, that's too bad.
01:46I've known many Marshals. I imagine this Marshal Gordon was quite a fine fellow.
01:50Si, senor. He was. He was a good friend of my father's.
01:54You are new to this border country, senor.
01:56Oh, yes. Yes, I'm new to this country.
01:59I beg your pardon. My name is Robbins, John Robbins.
02:03I have some business in Border City. I've traveled a long ways from Washington.
02:07Washington? We have but come from Washington, too, senor.
02:10We attended your president's birthday party.
02:13We came from Washington, too, senor.
02:15We attended your president's ball to pay the respects of my father,
02:18Colonel Jose Garcia, who was too ill to attend.
02:21You live on this side of the border?
02:23Oh, no, senor. Al Arancho de Garcia is in Encendidos, just across the border in Mexico.
02:43Hola, senor, yo.
02:44How are you?
02:45You are going across the border to meet senoritas Rosita and Maria, eh?
02:49Yep. They're due on the next stage.
02:51And how's senor Garcia today? Better, I hope, senor?
02:54No, he's really not so well. But you know him, captain.
02:58You'd never let Rosita know how sick he really is.
03:00So, what does he do?
03:02Makes me help him out of bed and into the patio so he'll be sitting up when she comes.
03:06Ah, si, senor. It was a great shock to him when your father was killed.
03:11You are doing a fine job running the ranch in his place.
03:14But still, we must work together to bring these outlaws who have caused so much trouble to justice.
03:20You are keeping a sharp lookout at the ranch, you see?
03:23Oh, sure, you betcha.
03:25Well, I better shove off.
03:27Senorita Maria will chew my ears off if I'm not there when the stage pulls in.
03:31And Rosita, you are going to marry her soon, eh, amigo?
03:35Well, I don't know about that.
03:37Anyway, it'll be swell to have her back.
03:40Well, see you later, Cap.
04:03Morning, Sheriff.
04:04Hello, Scully.
04:06I just packed up one of these in your saloon.
04:09Too doggone bad we couldn't have recognized at least one of those coyotes.
04:12Then we'd have his picture on it.
04:14Yeah. Does that include my thousand?
04:17The citizen surely appreciates such a large donation.
04:20Hiya, Sheriff.
04:21Hello, Joe.
04:22How's the colonel?
04:23He's not so good.
04:24Oh, that's too bad.
04:26I'm going to cross the street and pack up one of these in Sam's shophouse.
04:29Put one up in my store, too.
04:31Might as well plaster the town with them. Maybe we'll get some action.
04:33I'll do that.
04:36Come on, I'll buy you a drink.
04:37Oh, thanks. I've got to be on hand when that stage pulls in.
04:40Come on, it won't be on time.
04:42Why won't it?
04:43Oh, with a new driver and guard and with women aboard,
04:46I just imagine it'll take a little easy.
04:48Wait a minute, Scully.
04:50You and Slade aren't forgetting that the Garcias are not to be molested in this deal.
04:54Of course not.
04:56I was just thinking what a pompous old gal Senorita Murray is.
05:00She probably gave him orders not to bounce her man T out of whack with a fast ride.
05:04Outlaws or no outlaws. Come on.
05:08Rosita, your tooth!
05:23They'll be killed up there if they don't stop.
05:25They'll be killed if they do, Senor.
05:27Faster, amigos. We will show these banditos.
05:30They'll be killed if they do, Senor.
05:32Faster, amigos. We will show these banditos.
06:00The driver!
06:30Look out, Senor. We're nearing Water City.
06:44Right smart of you, stranger, to offer no resistance.
06:47Maybe I have a lot of respect for fellows like you.
06:50You are a coward for stopping, Senor.
06:53Now, Senorita, I'm going to get you out of here.
06:56You are a coward for stopping, Senor.
06:59Now, Senorita, you can hand out the Garcia jewels.
07:02Jewels? I do not know what you're talking about.
07:04We have no jewels.
07:05No? Drag him out and search him.
07:08Get out of here! Don't you dare touch me!
07:11She has quite a temper.
07:13You'll save yourself a lot of trouble if you just reach in on the seat beside her.
07:17Go in and get them.
07:20You miserable dog! Give me back my jewels!
07:23Rosita, they will kill you!
07:26All right, stranger. Now you can drive the women to Border City.
07:30What a coward you are, Senor, for helping them.
07:33I'm awfully sorry about the jewels, lady, but it's the only thing I can do to save our lives.
07:37Why, you...
07:38You better get in.
07:56Fine time of day to be mopping up.
07:58That should have been done this morning.
08:06Why, you sloppy slump!
08:08Why don't you look what you're doing?
08:11Why, you sloppy slump!
08:13Why don't you look what you're doing?
08:22You better give me a bath, will you?
08:24Now, suppose you start, don't you?
08:26I'll get down and wash that crummy face of yours.
08:27I wouldn't do that if I were you.
08:34What are you butting in for, stranger?
08:36What are you getting all this money for?
08:38What are you getting all this money for, stranger?
08:40What are you getting all riled up about for?
08:42That it was just an accident?
08:44Accident nothing.
08:45You ought to know how to handle a mopper now.
08:47Well, some people are born to handle mops.
08:50Some aren't.
08:52And you seem to know so much about it.
08:55Just pick up that mop and show him how.
09:08Now, pick that up and start mopping.
09:13Well, I swear.
09:15I've been a swamper for 30 years.
09:17But I always did declare a fellow was never too old to learn.
09:26What's this all about?
09:27Who are you?
09:28Name is McCall.
09:29I'm a cattle buyer from Kansas.
09:32This fellow doesn't seem to think your swamper knows his business.
09:35So he's just showing him how to do the job.
09:37So you're a cattle buyer, huh?
09:39That's right.
09:40My name's Scully.
09:41If you're looking for some good cattle deals, maybe I can help you out.
09:45What's livestock selling for around your part of the country?
09:48Oh, around $10, $12 a head.
09:50Supposedly have a drink and talk it over.
09:52No, thanks.
09:53I'm more interested in the square meal right now.
09:56Where's a good place to eat around here?
09:58There's an old Sam's Chop House across the street.
10:02I'll go over and put on the nose bag.
10:04And when I come back, I'll talk to you about that livestock.
10:07And in the meantime, you keep mopping.
10:19You, turn it out, Max.
10:22Come on, have a drink and cool off.
10:24And you get busy mopping.
10:26Sure, boss.
10:35Here comes a stage with a strange driver on.
10:38Must have been held up again.
10:57Don't hold it.
10:58There's happened again.
11:00Look here, stranger.
11:01They've been a stagecoach through here for two weeks.
11:04Not since Marshal Gordon was killed.
11:11It was terrible.
11:12They held us up.
11:13They killed the driver and the guard.
11:15And this stranger brought us in.
11:17And you, senor, gave them my jewels.
11:19Not the Garcia jewels.
11:21You'd have done the same thing, Sheriff.
11:22Their lives were in danger.
11:24Can't let our women get hurt.
11:26I'll talk to you later about this.
11:28I'll be around.
11:30Why don't you arrest that man?
11:32He can't leave town.
11:33I'll get my boys and see if I can't pick up the trail
11:35of the rest of those bandits.
11:36Maria, look at that.
11:37Where's Joe?
11:46You're all right.
11:47They didn't hurt you.
11:49But aren't you glad to see me?
11:51Sure I am, honey.
11:53But Maria, you're all right?
11:56Maria, you're all right?
11:57Si, but I never had a worse experience.
11:59I told Jose we should have never taken Rosita's jewels.
12:02As you warned us, Joe.
12:04Your father's waiting for you, honey.
12:06How is father, Joe?
12:07Well, I think he'll feel a lot better when he sees you.
12:09Come on.
12:10The carriage is down the street.
12:13What are you gawking at?
12:15Oh, me?
12:16Oh, I'm just trying to place that ombre that's
12:18driving that stage.
12:20Sure looks familiar.
12:22No, I can't spot him.
12:25But I will.
12:27I got a memory like an elephant.
12:29I never forget a face.
12:31No, sirree.
12:34Well, it ain't healthy to have too good a memory around here.
12:37Go on.
12:38Get back to your work.
12:39Yes, sir.
12:40Yes, sirree.
12:46Seems like it's getting to be a habit for strangers
12:48to drive our stage in.
12:50Seems to happen quite often.
12:52My name's Robbins.
12:53John Robbins.
12:54Oh, how do you do?
12:55John Robbins.
12:56Oh, yes.
12:57A fellow left a horse here for you.
12:59It's been here for a couple of days.
13:01Well, I could use one.
13:02Have you got a place here I can change clothes?
13:05There's a room in the back.
13:21Kind of a big reward, isn't it?
13:24Ed Scully swelled it with $1,000.
13:29That's him over there now, talking to the Garcias.
13:32Well, we better be going.
13:44Just go right through that door there.
13:49My flapjacks.
13:50Oh, yes, your nose flapjacks.
13:51I get kind of excited when there's so much humor going on.
13:53My flapjacks.
13:54Oh, yeah.
13:55Coming up right away, sir.
13:56Coming up right away.
13:57I'll get them for you.
13:58Let's get them.
13:59Let's get them.
14:29Ain't you the fellow that brought in the stagecoach?
14:50That's right.
14:51Yeah, I'd like to have a cup of coffee and some flapjacks.
14:54They look mighty good.
14:55I'll bring them right up.
14:56They're coming right up.
14:57They're coming right up.
14:58Coming right up, sir.
15:04Someone found out here in the Garcia jewels.
15:07Somebody from the Garcia ranch must have tipped them off.
15:09They're the most valuable jewels in all Mexico.
15:12Somebody from the Garcia ranch, huh?
15:15And the girl also told me that Ted Gordon
15:17was killed on that ranch.
15:20It's going to be a pleasure evening up that score for Ted.
15:25Killer's working in a saloon across the street.
15:29I know it.
15:30I was over there a little while ago.
15:31Hasn't he got a job?
15:34Scully, the owner seemed pretty interested when I told him
15:36I was a cattle buyer.
16:02Joe, what's wrong?
16:04Something is troubling you.
16:06You're not yourself.
16:07Yeah, I guess it's those jewels, honey.
16:09Look, Rosita, I don't think we should tell your father
16:11they were stolen.
16:12They mean so much to him because they were your mother's
16:14and his mother's before her.
16:16That has me worried, too.
16:17I'm afraid he could not stand the shock of losing them.
16:20But how can we get them back, Joe?
16:22I don't know, but don't even mention them,
16:24not just yet, anyhow.
16:27Is that you?
16:28Si, padre mio.
16:30I'll try to keep it from him.
16:37Padre mio!
16:38Rosita, my child.
16:40It is so good to be home again.
16:44You must be much better to venture outside like this.
16:47Nevertheless, Rosita, do not tire him with too much chatter.
16:51I'll see you later, Jose.
16:52If I don't get out of this dusty clothes, I shall suffocate.
16:56You are still very ill, father.
16:58I should have never left you.
17:00And have the president of the big United States
17:02not meet the most beautiful senorita of all Mexico?
17:05But it was you I should have thought about.
17:07No, no.
17:08I shall soon be well again.
17:10Tell me, my child.
17:12What sort of impression did you make with your mother's jewels?
17:16In all Washington, there were not any so beautiful.
17:19I was very proud, padre mio.
17:21But you did not bring them in with you, or has Maria?
17:24They're in the trunk.
17:25I thought they would be safer there.
17:28Bring them to me later, and we'll lock them away again.
17:40Chico, take that trunk up to Rosita's room.
17:43If anyone asks for me, I've gone out to the back ranch
17:45to see how the boys are coming with that new fence.
17:50That was Joe Collins.
17:51You see, he was raised on the place here.
17:53And he kind of looks after the place for the colonel.
17:56His father, he was foreman here until the bandits got him.
18:01You could deal with him.
18:02Fine, thanks.
18:05Well, I'm going along.
18:07May see you again, stranger.
18:10See, it is very nice in the American city.
18:12But there is no place like our rancho.
18:14Oh, I can hardly wait to get out of all this finery
18:17and on my caballo again.
18:18And you will see how many fine new cattle we have.
18:23And the market?
18:24Joe says it will be very good.
18:26There will be plenty for all the buyers who come to the rancho.
18:30Oh, that's wonderful.
18:31Si, si, si, si.
18:33Si, si, si, si.
18:34Si, si, si, si.
19:05Hiya, Joe.
19:06Got this corral over in the gulf ready?
19:07We got to split that Garcia herd again.
19:09Make room for another Russell batch coming across tonight.
19:11It's ready.
19:12Slide back in the cave.
19:14Well, is he?
19:17Well, is he?
19:47Take a look at these things, fellas.
19:49Don't let them blind you.
19:50Are they real?
19:52They're real enough to bring more money than we've ever seen.
19:55Now, you two get going and tell Scully
19:57I'll bring them across myself at midnight.
20:00Joe Collins isn't going to like this, Slade.
20:03He's in this deal up to his neck.
20:05He'll like anything Scully or I say.
20:07Yeah, I guess he will.
20:09Wait a minute.
20:10While you're across the line, tell Scully
20:13to double-check that stranger that was so quick
20:15to help us grab this stuff.
20:17Yeah, I don't get it.
20:19Neither do I.
20:20And I want to know more about that hombre, savvy.
20:23Yeah, we get you.
20:24Come on, guys.
20:26Hey, we'd better back off.
20:28Way back off?
20:29Thanks, Poupoid.
20:30Don't mention it.
20:32See you tonight.
20:34Neil, Neil.
20:37The certainly will call you.
20:39Yeah, why don't you walk if you want.
20:41I don't want to kill a humbrese every night in my hole.
20:46Could I?
20:47Get one quite, please?
20:49Oh, uh, it was me you vista.
20:52Well, how had it gone?
20:54I don't. Want to let me know.
21:24I want
21:43those girls late I want them right now what what are you talking about the deal I
21:47made with you and Scully was to use this ranch for Russell cattle now I doubt that's
21:51right it wasn't to rob the Garcia's and molest them in any way. Take
21:59it easy kid cool off you've got nothing to worry about you didn't steal these
22:05jewels no I didn't have anything to do with your killing Marshall Gordon I don't
22:09believe my father did either that's not what Marshall Gordon would have shouted to
22:13the world if I hadn't bumped him off the marshal killed your old man because it was
22:18working with us and I know that's
22:20a story you gave me to keep me on the spot protect my father's reputation but whether
22:24he was in with you or not I'm stepping out of this deal right now I'll hand over
22:28those jewels and you and your gang get off of the brain.
22:41This is going to get you anywhere as late you can't use this branch for
22:44a cover up without me that's right so you're going on just as you were with
22:51nothing to do but keep the colonel and his daughter from knowing what's going on
22:54around here that is unless you'd rather see them dead and
23:01if that's the way you want it I can handle that too not get out of here.
23:06And another thing now that that girl back you keep her off of the rain I don't want
23:12her bumping into us he's liable to get hurt.
23:21You think it's smart to turn him loose like that yeah. I don't want any searching
23:27parties around looking for. I'm going to take him out of this deal.
23:37I'm going to do it my own way. Tonight.
24:02I'm sorry Mr.
24:04I didn't see you coming honest you didn't miss your young brother that's running
24:08this joint is in on the hold up and across the border at the Garcia Rancho.
24:14Gordon was murdered he's looking for the killer.
24:34Is the sheriff didn't have a look at me I guess not.
24:40And it's part of you know look at that hat. What's the matter with the orders of
24:46a seven. And you know I just said listen you're right you have
24:51a head of that tall again I'll shove it right down your throat and I told you I
24:55can't. Sorry as much as folks are ever did run into.
25:14There is now.
25:20a sort of playing well I'm on the plane. You heard me. Yes sir.
25:27He wasn't packing that gun when he was on the stage.
25:31Was he, Gus?
25:39There he is, Sheriff.
25:40I knowed I'd remember who he is.
25:47Howdy, Sheriff.
25:49Any luck catching those stagecoach bandits?
25:51No, but I got a pretty good eye on his wife.
25:55Your name John Robbins?
25:57That's right.
25:59The same John Robbins that spent five years in Folsom Prison,
26:02up in San Francisco?
26:08Somebody must have been telling your fortune, Sheriff.
26:11He ain't denying it.
26:12I saw him when I was on the Barbary coach,
26:15when they got him for selling hijacked goods.
26:17You rat.
26:17Get back to your swamping.
26:19Yes, Sheriff.
26:20Guess what this is all about.
26:22Oh, nothing.
26:23Sheriff here's got my number, but he's on the wrong street.
26:26You're right, Robbins.
26:27I ain't got anything on you yet.
26:30But I don't like the way he handled that holdup.
26:33He could at least let the bandits find the jewels
26:35without handing them to them.
26:37But that kind of stuff sure ties in with his reputation.
26:39But you can't hang a man on his reputation, Sheriff.
26:43That's what I say.
26:44Come on, Sheriff, and have a drink.
26:46I'm going to buy him for the house.
26:48I'll see you later.
26:53Come on, you ratty hands.
26:55Drink's on me.
27:04If you're a smart scholar, you'll throw him out of there.
27:06Well, he's spending his money.
27:08He'll be better than that, Sheriff.
27:09Personally, I think you've got a bum steer.
27:12But since I've got $1,000 working in the other direction,
27:15I'll have the boys keep an eye on him.
27:16Now you're talking sense.
27:24Don't you get it?
27:25That guy ain't down here for his health.
27:30Oh, here's how.
27:31Here's how.
27:38I might as well comb you out of my hair right now.
27:41Now listen, mister.
27:42I didn't mean nothing.
27:43I didn't mean nothing.
27:44I was just thinking about the money.
27:45I didn't mean anything.
27:47I was just thinking about the money.
27:48I'm not going to make you pay for that.
27:50I'm not going to make you pay for that.
27:52I was just thinking about that $2,000 reward.
27:56Is that it?
27:57No, I was just thinking about the good of the community.
28:01Good of the community?
28:04Don't tax your brain.
28:07Have a drink.
28:10You ain't sore?
28:11Sore about what?
28:13You did me a favor.
28:15Saved me the trouble of dishing out my calling card.
28:18Have a drink.
28:21Give me a, give me a, whiskey.
28:28Tell him I want to talk to him out back.
28:48You got something to say to me?
28:51Maybe I'd better begin by apologizing
28:53for that dumb swamper of mine.
28:56Or maybe we both should thank him.
29:00That's more like it.
29:01What's on your mind?
29:02Have a drink?
29:03Never touch it.
29:05Guess it's smarter at that for a man in your business.
29:08I found it that way.
29:20So the sheriff seems to think you were in on that holdup.
29:24I was in sort of a way.
29:26When you figure I followed that girl,
29:28no jewels clean across the country.
29:30What I can't understand, Robbins,
29:32is why you didn't pick him off yourself.
29:35Didn't have to.
29:36They did it for me and lugged him across the border.
29:40But you had for him up north.
29:42You have?
29:44And the gang that's got him now will be a cinch
29:47to make a deal with.
29:48Well, I found out they're wrestling cattle
29:50and sell them for $10 a head across the border
29:52and take them all at risk.
29:54It's a joke.
29:55I could get them $25 a head for them 10 miles from here.
29:59They're going to mess up their own record like that.
30:01What do you suppose they're going to do
30:02with a flock of valuable jewels?
30:04Wait a minute, Robbins.
30:06Sit down.
30:07I want to talk to you.
30:12I'll talk to you.
30:14It makes me very proud of you.
30:17It makes me very proud, Senor McCall,
30:19when cattle buyers from the big United States
30:21come to buy our breeding stock.
30:23Well, of course, when we want the best,
30:25we generally know where to come.
30:27I'm ready, Senor.
30:28We will ride out and find Joe.
30:31Chico, take father in.
30:33He's been out much too long.
30:35May I help you, Senor?
30:37Chico and I will marriage.
30:39Gracias, Senor, for your business.
30:41We will be very happy to see you again sometime.
30:43Well, I wish you a speedy recovery.
30:45Gracias, Senor.
30:46Well, if you're ready, hasta la vista.
30:49Hasta la vista, Senor.
31:04Joe, we were just coming out to the ranch to find you.
31:07Senor McCall, I'll form in, Senor Collins.
31:09How do you do?
31:11Joe, Senor McCall has come from the United States
31:14for breeding stock.
31:15He would like to pick out.
31:16I'm sorry, but I'm afraid we haven't anything
31:18that would interest you.
31:19But Joe, father said the rancher was well-stocked,
31:21better than ever before.
31:23Well, that's right, to a certain extent.
31:26I was only thinking of the quality we have on hand.
31:29Well, why don't you let me be the judge of that?
31:32Well, to tell you the truth, I don't
31:34feel up to taking to the range again this afternoon.
31:36I had a little accident.
31:38Joe, that's a bad cut.
31:40Why didn't you say so?
31:42Oh, it's nothing serious.
31:43I was out helping the boys on the East Range
31:45with the new fence, and the wire slipped.
31:48Well, that is a pretty bad cut.
31:50You better get that taken care of right away.
31:52Yes, of course.
31:54Oh, I'm sorry about the cattle, McCall.
31:56Could you come back, say, in a day or two?
31:59Well, I suppose I could, but I hadn't planned staying over.
32:02But of course, you'll be our guest, Senor.
32:04We're always happy to have visitors at the rancho.
32:13There's only one man guarding the Potterhurst.
32:15So get going.
32:17It'll be a cinch.
32:21The man Robbins I was telling you about is in the bar.
32:23He'll pick you up at the edge of town.
32:25It's all right with me.
32:28Tim will meet us in Yucca Pass on the Mexican side at sunup.
32:35Well, I'm glad there ain't no hard feelings, fella.
32:38Oh, forget it.
32:39Take this and buy yourself a clean shirt.
32:42Go on, beat it.
32:43Yes, sir.
32:48All right, they're outside.
32:50Well, I guess I'll find myself a place to pat down.
32:54We don't want any trouble with you, Robbins,
32:56so you better watch your step.
32:57Why don't you let the sheriff take care of that?
32:59Wait a minute, Roy.
33:02Come on.
33:03Come on.
33:04Come on.
33:05Move it.
33:07Oh, hey.
33:09Can I get a little help here?
33:12Join with me.
33:13And one of you better follow him.
33:15We'll take care of him.
33:16All right, kid.
33:17All right.
33:18Come on, out you go.
33:19About time I got the old man.
33:21Now, later.
33:25Is that all there is?
33:26Yes, sir.
33:27Now come on, boys.
33:28I guess I've just got a lot on my mind these days.
33:58See, I know you have much on your mind.
34:00Things you do not confide in me.
34:02Things that are taking you away from me.
34:04Ah, don't be a little goose.
34:06Nothing has changed.
34:07And what did you tell your father about the jewels?
34:09I told him I myself locked them up to save him the trouble.
34:12But Joe, I can't fool him forever.
34:15I don't know about getting them back though, honey.
34:18Well, we mustn't be too optimistic.
34:20Well, we'll keep on trying, but...
34:22Well, one thing, they'll have a hard time getting rid of them now that they've got them.
34:26See, that's exactly what Senior McCall was saying this afternoon.
34:29When I promised him I would take him out on the range alone.
34:32But you can't go out there.
34:34Well, that is, I mean...
34:36Well, why is he in such a hurry? Why can't he wait?
34:39Joe, you're on edge.
34:41You're getting as crabby as an old woman.
34:44You're tired.
34:45That hand isn't helping any.
34:48You'd better go to bed. See?
34:51I'm sorry, I'm such a crab.
34:54If you went along looking on the Colonel, I'll...
34:57I forgot to put up my horse.
34:59I'll see you and McCall the first thing in the morning.
35:03Good night.
35:09Good night, Joe.
35:24Good night, Joe.
35:57Keep Rosita away from the range.
36:00They'll kill her if she sees Russell Cattle mixed...
36:03mixed with ours.
36:05Tonight, they'll...
36:07Who'll kill her?
36:09Steve Slade.
36:11He... He killed Rosita.
36:14He killed Rosita.
36:16He killed Rosita.
36:18He killed Rosita.
36:20He killed Rosita.
36:22He... He killed Marshal Gordon.
36:25He's got the Ricarcia jewels.
36:28Joe! Chico!
36:46We have to go!
36:53Joe! Chico!
36:55He's been shot!
36:57Go get the doctor! Hurry, Chico!
37:00O'Neal, why should Senor McCall do this?
37:04Don't die, Joe O'Neal! Don't die!
37:10Hey, that's not a bad-looking herd.
37:12Oh, it'll be a sight.
37:18Lead the way and I'll tag along.
37:21Tex, you and Gus circle left.
37:23We'll circle right.
37:25Take them right across the dry wash...
37:27till you hit the Garcia spread on the other side of the line.
37:51Sheriff, they're wrestling apart a herd.
37:58Round up the boys.
38:00Go after them!
38:08Go after them!
38:10Go after them!
38:12Go after them!
38:17Round up the boys.
38:18Come on, Ed.
39:10I'll get him.
39:11You boys trail the others.
39:43I know we get together sooner or later yeah I kind of thought we would.
40:13What happened here I know you're one of that gang. The rest of them got away but
40:31we'll make him talk inside. That's bad ain't it yeah.
40:38We're going to the back of the room.
41:08I. Mean doing here now that you said you'd be here at midnight I just wiped out your
41:21car and turning yellow threatening to squeal some stranger clip means I was getting away
41:27losing that sore head of yours again now you're in a fine mess it's nothing but a scratch.
41:32Where is it you. Are going to hide out. You and me are going out from the fortune
41:45in that stuff and we'll have to split it two ways you're crazy the only man who can get
41:50rid of the jewels for us just being locked up with the sheriff who you're talking about
41:54John Robbins John Robbins you mean the Barbara coast middleman right now I've made a deal
42:02with him to have all of our stuff especially those jewels. Dynamite for fellows like you
42:07and me to mess with. How did you come to get in touch with him. So be it said he was a
42:15stranger brought in that stage trail the Garcia woman from Washington that's why I played
42:19ball with you fellows like it was you suck. I know John Robbins and that wasn't him. I've
42:31been watching you. You get across the border and keep your eyes on that stuff. I'll handle
42:39this only Robin. I'll meet you there. I'll get in there don't make
42:50a ruckus I'll let you have it. I'm stupid around outside the door he would be you and
43:01that phony partner of yours that you're pretty smart. I'm going to finish my time. You're
43:10messing with the United States law and when Slade goes gunning for Buck Roberts he's walking
43:16in that plenty of trouble. That's what I said that's up to Slade come on with time on his
43:22horse or do you think you're.
43:39Don't. Hear you forget it let's get out of here.
43:46So that's
43:57a plan sure you better mess this place up and make it look real I get your mark I'll
44:04let low for your signal I'll slip across the border and tip off the rally captain before
44:08I get back to Scotty have a look.
45:08We're going to find
45:28a cap. Captain. Is that the thing down there at the fence see about.
45:58You. Know you said to me that that is my goal shots in your job see there was no one
46:09else there and this McCall wrote off like the wind when he saw me. What does in your
46:13job say to me that he's still unconscious. And the doctor said he's not too badly hurt
46:20Captain you must get this McCall but please stay away from the ranch my father must not
46:25be disturbed. She's going to be going to return to the rancher leave this McCall to
46:30me I'm going to run. Back.
46:47I can't look what you want what are you doing over there I've been scarring this whole
46:51town for you and so is Steve Slade with both barrels he's slayed is he in that mob he's
46:57Scully's partner and they're wise to every trick we pull and he's gunning for you. The
47:03marshals my friend did you say you want to see the captain. To let to close the border.
47:11There must be having trouble on this side of the line the girl thinks he shot Joe Collins
47:15you get going and follow Scully I'll take care of Slade. I don't have to.
47:25All right.
47:32Look. Like I told you he asked for it I'll give it to him.
47:45I'm going to go get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to
48:15get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going
48:45to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going
49:15to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going
49:22to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going
49:29to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going
49:36to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going
49:45to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going
49:52to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going
49:59to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going
50:06to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going
50:13to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going
50:20to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going
50:27to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going
50:34to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going
50:41to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going
51:12to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going
51:31to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going
51:41to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going
52:11to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going
52:41to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going
53:11to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going
53:41to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going to get him I'm going
54:11Put your hands in the air.
54:18I'll get him, Sandy.
54:20Good work, Tim.
54:41If any of you fellas don't watch your step, you're going to keep that ball cap company.
54:47Well, come on, get going.
54:58Did you get them all, Tim?
54:59All that's left.
55:00Let's get busy and turn these hombres over to Captain Martini.
55:08Thanks, Captain.
55:09I am too very proud of you, my boy.
55:11Thank you, Colonel.
55:13But the real credit belongs to...
55:17So long.
55:25Well, here's where we split again.
55:27All headed for separate trails.
55:30Well, fuck your roundups all over now.
55:32What's the matter with you fellas coming up to Wyoming and sitting a spell with me at the ranch?
55:36Well, I can't, Colonel Tim.
55:38Because I got to put a new roof on my hotel.
55:41So I'm heading back for Texas.
55:43I guess you're riding back to Wyoming alone, Jim.
55:46I'm stuck down here in Arizona.
55:49So long, rough rider.
55:51So long, pals.
55:53Good luck, rough riders.
55:56Here we go.
55:57The rough rider's ride, beware.
56:01The rough rider's ride, take care.
56:05There's a line of hunter-fighters in the land.
56:08Chasing every rustler and gorilla man.
56:11The rough rider's watch, beware.
56:15The rough rider's never fair.
56:19Making law and order everywhere they go.
56:22There's always fear of any foe.
56:26And it's always great to know they're on your side.
56:29When those old rough riders ride.
56:33When the rough riders ride.