• 5 years ago
Riders of the Timberline (1941)
Passed | 59min | Action, Adventure, Western | 17 September 1941 (USA)

Some Easterners intend to seize a tract of valuable timber land. Hoppy must try to stop them before they blow up a major dam.

Director: Lesley Selander
Writers: J. Benton Cheney (original story), J. Benton Cheney (screenplay)
Stars: William Boyd, Andy Clyde, Brad King
02:15Generally get what I go after you've done a good job Petrie
02:18But I'll feel easier when I know his logging crew has quit one of my boys is taking care of that
02:22He started a jinx scare at the camp. Are you sure it's going to work?
02:25It's a saint in that case. I'm going back to the city
02:28Let me know immediately if anything goes wrong or word leaks out that I bought the Ajax mills
02:55Take him to the bunkhouse quick and send for the doctor
03:00Hurry up take him along
03:03Now what happened me and Joe was skidding this log when the lift chain broke and I jumped clear and Joe tried to trap the
03:10Log with his cant hook. He was knocked cold by the handle. There sure must be a jinx on this camp
03:15Jinx jinx, how many times I tell you shut up about these jinx. I'll get back to work
03:25I don't know what you boys are gonna do, but I'm quitting
03:28There's been too many accidents happening around here and I ain't gonna let the jinx get me
03:32I'm leaving here while I'm still in one piece and that goes for me, too. Well, what are we waiting for?
03:37All right, let's get a time
03:51The bank of Winston Junior
03:55Said he wouldn't let me have any more money. I'm not scared. No
03:59Looks like I'm sunk down
04:01If I don't get more money pretty quick, I won't be able to finish my contract with Ajax mills on time
04:06What about that rancher friend of yours buck Peters won't he help hmm
04:11Buck's having trouble at his own. I guess he hadn't answered my letter yet
04:14What are you going to do? I don't know. I guess I'll have to corporate my performance bonds
04:19That means losing everything you got I suppose so
04:23Hope I can sell it enough to take care of Elaine
04:28Jim I've got a couple of thousand put away or any day. Thank you
04:34Can't take your money Donna why not
04:38Because a couple thousand isn't enough and I don't want you to lose your nest egg Jim Carrigan
04:44You're talking like a quitter. Where's your gumption man?
04:48Remember, no one can lick you but yourself
04:51You've got to keep on fighting and my money will help and you're here from buck Peters I
04:56Guess I haven't been built. Sorry for myself Donna. I kept your offer. Thanks
05:02Where you going back camp? Why wait a minute? I'll go with you
05:27Think maybe you'll break your neck someday my little friend. Yeah
06:06Thought you stopped working
06:08We're quitting we want our time you want your time, huh?
06:11But I can't stop you for quit but you have agreed with mr.
06:14Carrigan to wait for pay until job is finished. You'll get your money then. Yeah, that's what you think
06:19We're not risking our next year any longer. Come on, man. Sure. Go on. Oh, I know you'll get out
06:25I think you're a real man with hair on your chest, but you you are just little scared baby
07:23Give you all five minutes to leave crap
07:31What a dog my pants if I ain't glad to see you two hostage California, how are you?
07:38Starting to think but wasn't gonna let you go. Oh, you never knew fuck to let a friend down. Merci, monsieur
07:43Thank you. I think maybe you'll save my life. That's all right. I hope I taste
07:47I want you to meet an old part of my and hop along Cassidy
07:50How are you?
07:52Matisse the greatest woods boss in the whole country. That's so that's the friend of mine Johnny Nelson. I'm glad to know you
07:57Hey, California, you were pretty brave picking on a big fella like that barehanded
08:03Shucks it weren't nothing why just after I left the bar 20 a tangle with a second old burglar who came at me with a knife
08:09Yeah. Yes, sir. Well, I kicked the big sticker out of his hands and then we wouldn't have it with our bare fists
08:15No, yeah, I polished him off with a sock to the chin
08:19Jody's liver roost with a laugh and then I singed these whiskers with the right just like this
08:24Well, sir
08:27You must be careful my little friend you hurt yourself, yeah, they might hit me when I wasn't looking
08:33Looks like you're cooked walking off on you, too
08:38A darn good riddance. He never wasn't a good know-how
08:41No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I have a strong stomach but not that strong
08:50Good shape, huh? Hey, where are we fine carry again? Well, he just went to town hoppy, but he ought to be back soon
09:11I'm keep your chin up Jim. You'll get another crew somewhere
09:19And ever since Kerrigan contracted to deliver 20 million feet to the Ajax mills, he said a run a bad luck
09:27You mean if he if he don't meet his contract on a specified date that he loses all his timber holdings. Yeah. Yeah, that's it hopping
09:36Here comes now
09:38Here comes now
09:52You're a sight for sore eyes and Betsy both you
09:55Donna a couple of Buck Peters boys hop along Cassidy. Yeah, Johnny Nelson
10:00Donna Ryan a real friend. I hope buck sent you over some good news for me. He sucked me this
10:10$15,000 I
10:13Knew he wouldn't fail me now. You can finish that job on time. Yeah, I don't know about that. What do you mean Jim?
10:21Just saw most men leaving camp. I don't know where I'll get a new crew
10:25Well, there's other loggers you can get in this country. Ain't they plenty of them Johnny?
10:29Words going around this campus jinx. They're all afraid to work for me. We'll iron it out somehow Jim
10:34What's more don't worry about the new cook from now on I'll take charge of the grub department Donna I just touch that
10:41Oh you did, huh? I know more about eating
10:46Hey, Jim, you know idea who's behind this trouble you know, but I sure like to lay my hands on
10:54What about the Ajax out there?
10:56Well, it's logical to suspect them hoppy. I've dealt with him for years and they're as honest as the day is long
11:02Guess that lets them out. Yeah
11:05You know the more I see of this business the more I wish I hadn't promised buck
11:08We'd come back to that round up. You can't leave here now
11:11I'm gonna wear a buck and ask him to let you stay here to see me through this thing
11:17We'd like nothing better touch with him right away
11:20Or Jim. Yeah
11:24Why don't you wire some of your friends up north to get a crew together and send them down here
11:28I've already done that hubby. All the loggers up there have heard of the axes. We've been having
11:32I'll try him again. Tell him this punch. You're really in he'll probably find some way to help you. All right
11:39I'll try it
11:44Telegram feet. Yep. Just another one came in a few minutes ago
11:51Well open her up don't be afraid of it
11:58Impossible to find men willing to work in your camp or in the reports of many accidents. Sorry, Willis
12:07What I don't know I keep your chin up Jim maybe all your friends haven't answered yet
12:58We're up and ready to help out anyone
13:07We never quit the job until it's done
13:11We're the fighting party
13:14pink and blue
13:15We're on the side of the right the right degree
13:19When game for wolves are on the ground, I hope you start today
13:54Hey, listen fellas, wait a minute. There's a bunch of loggers outside headed for Kerrigan's camp
14:00Are you gonna stand for this with Kerrigan refusing to pay you off?
14:06What are you doing back here?
14:08I'm trying to get a crew together and send them down here. I've already done that hubby. Tell him this punch. You're really in he'll probably find some way to help you. All right
14:13We're up and ready to help you. All right
14:15We're the fighting party
14:17pink and blue
14:19We're on the side of the right the right degree
14:21What are you doing back here and who are these men dad meet the fighting 40? All right, you can't get you meet your new boss
14:33Boy what a girl
14:44Yeah, looks like trouble
14:47Lane go straight. No dad. I'm staying here. All right boys get your hands free
14:51You're coming our first job
16:16Mean let yourself get kicked around like that
16:18Yeah, do you hurt worry about me I can go a little bit yet
16:37All right, yeah sure. Well looks like this part of jobs over. Yeah. Hey Johnny come here
16:48What are we gonna do with those new lockers Kerrigan stands a chance of meeting his contract still plenty of ways to cripple his camp
16:54How did you know I was in trouble?
16:56My dad wrote me at school and explained what was happening how and where'd you pick up these men?
17:00They're Tom Olsen's men dad
17:01I stopped off on my way down here and explained what you were up against and he turned the whole fighting 40 over to me
17:07That's certainly using your head girl. Now I can start some real logging
17:42How's that for you tonight
17:45Yes job pretty good what you think of us big scare trees fall the wrong way
17:51Yeah, I guess I did figure that in a little wrong yeah a little
17:55Yeah, maybe you better go back to camp take a rest and tomorrow. You're not stiff like bored down. Maybe that's a good idea
18:00Come on, Lane. Let's go see what hop he's doing
18:38Several Eastern Timberwolves tried to buy those stands, but I can't bring myself to accept their offers. Why not Jim?
18:43I don't want to see those beautiful hillsides turn to ugly barren wastes. I can't blame you for that
18:50That's what'll happen if they get ahold of those tracks. You see hoppy. I made it a practice to plant a tree for everyone
18:55I cut down. Why do you do that? Mr. Kerrigan? Those trees hold the moisture in the ground
18:59They're a watershed. Sure. You cut them down along comes a cloudburst. You flood the whole valley
19:04Someday, there'll be a law passed requiring people to plant a tree for everyone. They cut down and there should be
19:17Don't mean the board. I mean that explosion. I'm telling you the
19:21Explosion. Yes, the flume she blow up anyone hurt. No, monsieur, but someone will be if I get my hands on the new girl
19:27Oh, what do these how bad's the damage bad bad, monsieur? It will take too long for to fix
19:33Well, we've still got the horses we skid the lock to the lower rollways that's gonna take too long
19:38No, Johnny, but there's nothing else we can do in that case. We'd better give the horses a little extra attention. Yeah
19:43Come on, Johnny
20:05Wait till they get close
20:08Wait till they get close
20:38Wait till they get close
20:53Poisoned oats
20:58Johnny saddle my horse you bet. Come on boys. I can make camp
21:09Hi, honey, I'm sorry this darn board. It's all right. It could happen to anybody
21:31I'm taking a shortcut to town. I'll meet you at the liver's table. All right
22:08Think anybody followed you here? Ah, we made a clean getaway
22:10And I got Nick while we were running for cover you think anybody followed you here? Ah, we made a clean getaway
22:14Well, I think we better lay low for a while. I'll be back. I'll be back
22:18I'll be back. I'll be back. I'll be back
22:40I guess there's a good chance he's here for a while. It's getting too risky. We're getting paid to take risks, aren't we besides?
22:54Besides it isn't every day we can sit back and watch that
22:59What's the matter I thought I heard someone outside here
23:04Yes, not
23:10I. Want to what happens up to whatever it is you can be sure he's doing a good job
23:18of it hey here he come now. Jim you know Peter and his men are the ones we're after
23:26a tree yeah I think we should never get sick of all with
23:29a minute and even them alone for
23:31a while even though why do you leave him alone only small fry we grab them now and
23:36they refuse to talk we'll lose
23:37a chance to smoke out the man that's behind them and he'll probably hire some other
23:41men to do his dirty work for him you're right happy it'd be easier to watch Peter
23:45and his man how do you plan to smoke out the head coyote by making them think that
23:48you're going to meet your contract if I'm not mistaken he'll show his hand when he
23:52does will set
23:53a trap and catch him in the rest of red handed sounds good but how are you going to
23:57a scare into him with the flume gone and the lock and load up. Jim why not offer
24:04the fight and forty a bonus to speed up the log and I don't know if I'm just getting
24:08a lot of slow work you know. I know what it is. Wait
24:13a minute. We're not going to skid the log. Why don't we try and make
24:20an hour building up an overhead carriage high line rig high line yeah get him to
24:27the air on
24:27a cable through the air on. We were still happy. I'm sitting back and taking
24:35lessons from now on you're running this show happy.
24:57I'm going to be.
24:59I'm going to be.
25:01I'm going to be.
25:21I'm going to be.
25:23I'm going to be.
25:36I'm going to be.
25:46I'm going to be.
25:52I'm going to.
25:57I'm going to be.
26:08I'm going to be.
26:10I'm going to.
26:11Yeah, and if it doesn't, I wish I'd gone back to help with that round-up.
26:29Better be careful there, California.
26:31I know, my donkey. That's my engine.
26:41Oh, yeah.
26:59Ha, ha! That is fun!
27:02Stand clear there, boys. Ready?
27:06Ready to go!
27:32My God! This works pretty good, Mr. Offit.
27:35So far.
27:36Hey, we'll take this log next.
27:38Well, Dad, looks like your troubles will soon be over.
27:41I hope so, Lane. There's no telling what may happen yet.
27:44Well, I wouldn't worry about any more trouble, Pop,
27:46but not Petri's sleighs being washed too close.
27:49Who are they?
27:50They work for somebody that's after your father's scouts.
27:52Still think the head man will show up?
27:54I certainly hope so. The sooner the better.
27:59Where is he?
28:00He's in his office, Mr. Yates.
28:10Oh, hi, Mr. Yates. How are you?
28:13Well, what have you been up to?
28:15Oh, nothing much, Pop.
28:17I've been looking for you.
28:19I've been looking for you.
28:21I've been looking for you.
28:23I've been looking for you.
28:25I've been looking for you.
28:27Well, what have you got to say for yourself?
28:29If you mean about Kerrigan,
28:30there's nothing I can add to what I've already written you.
28:32Oh, there isn't, eh?
28:33I'm disappointed in you, Petri. You've let me down.
28:35I'm sorry, Mr. Yates.
28:36Sorry, bah.
28:37I'm paying you to get results, not for making excuses.
28:40Now, listen.
28:41I can't afford to let Kerrigan complete that contract,
28:44so you get busy at once,
28:45and I'll add another thousand to the bonus I've already promised you.
28:48It'll be suicide to try and do anything now.
28:50They've already killed three of my men.
28:51Well, I'll make it 5,000 more.
28:54Yates, sending my men out now just to be shot at
28:56isn't going to help you or me.
28:59I've got a better idea.
29:01Well, what is it?
29:04Me and the boys will lay low
29:05until Kerrigan thinks it's safe to pull in his guards.
29:07Then we'll strike. Hard.
29:09How does that sound to you?
29:10All right.
29:11But don't wait too long.
29:13Leave that to me.
29:22Hit fire!
29:27You got the makings of a real lumberjack, Johnny.
29:30Think so?
29:32Oh, I'm not sure I want to be a logger.
29:34Riding a range is a whole lot easier on the back.
29:39Hey, what's this?
29:44What's the excitement?
29:45Eastern dude just arrived in town.
29:46They start chaining up V3.
29:49Maybe that's the guy we're after, Hoppy.
29:52Did you find out who he was?
29:53I heard a bartender call him Day 38 or something.
29:56He must mean Yates.
29:57That's one of the timberwolves after my hillside holdings.
30:00He's still after him, Jim.
30:02That's the man we want.
30:03Now that we've got him smoked out,
30:04we can set our trap.
30:05Thanks, Larry.
30:15Hello, Bazis.
30:17What are you doing here?
30:20Hello, Bazis.
30:22What's the matter?
30:24Oh, nothing.
30:27That means you've been playing poker again, huh?
30:29Oui, poker.
30:31Mr. Kerrigan,
30:32that Hoppy has cleaned up most everybody in the camp.
30:35I tell you something,
30:36I think he's cheat.
30:38You do?
30:39Oui, oui, you come with me, I show you.
30:40All right, we'll see if he does.
30:41How much time for that?
30:42In my camp, no matter if he is a friend.
30:46I'll see that.
30:50I'll call it.
31:17You see that?
31:18You mean this?
31:20He has deal from bottom of the deck.
31:23Come on.
31:32I'm grateful to you and Nelson for what you've done,
31:34but I won't stand for crooked gambling.
31:36Get out of my camp.
31:38Are you out of your head, Jim?
31:40We're not card sharps and you know it.
31:42And why are you dealing off the bottom part?
31:43We have watched you through the window.
31:45You can't lie.
31:46Wait a minute.
31:57Don't any of you get any ideas?
32:03Wait a minute.
32:04Let him go.
32:06Trouble enough in this camp.
32:13Let's go.
32:43Baptiste, what's happened?
32:44Why have Hoppy and Johnny left camp?
32:46Monsieur Carrigan will keep them out.
32:48They are cheat who are play cards.
32:50I don't believe that.
32:51That can't be true.
32:53You're doggone tootin' it, can't be.
32:54It is true, mademoiselle.
32:55Monsieur Carrigan and I have seen them.
32:57Where is father?
32:58I don't know.
32:59I think he go to his cabin.
33:04Stay here, Baptiste.
33:06Hoppy and Johnny are friends of mine.
33:08I ain't gonna let you or anyone else say they're card slickers.
33:11You big overgrown ox, I'll make you eat them words.
33:16My little friend, you want to fight with me?
33:21You do to start with.
33:41Let me go!
33:56What a grand act you boys put on.
33:58You was pretty convincing yourself.
34:00Now that we got the trap set, Hoppy, when we gonna bait it?
34:02Tomorrow morning.
34:03That'll give Jim time to spread the word around that we're a couple of crooked tin-horn gamblers.
34:07Take care of that.
34:08When will I know when to spring the trap?
34:09You'll know in plenty of time.
34:11And Jim, not a word of this to anybody.
34:13Not even California or Elaine.
34:21Now good luck, boys.
34:39You mean Kerrigan stopped you, men?
34:41That's right.
34:42If the boss hadn't stopped us, we'd give those crooks something to think about.
34:45A couple of sarsaparillas.
34:47And you'd better get out of town before you're run out, you tin-horns.
34:51Hold it!
34:55Now, is anybody else interested in whether we stay in town or not?
35:09Yes, ma'am.
35:13Say, aren't those the tin-horns Kerrigan ran out of his camp?
35:16Yeah, they've been fighting us.
35:17But after what happened yesterday, I think we can make good use of them.
35:20But how do you know that camp run-out wasn't just a plant?
35:22It's a real thing, all right.
35:23The loggers would have killed him if it hadn't been for Kerrigan.
35:27Well, sounds like a good idea.
35:29Well, let's go.
35:30Let's go.
35:31Let's go.
35:32Let's go.
35:33Let's go.
35:34Let's go.
35:35Let's go.
35:36Let's go.
35:37Well, sound them out, and then I'll decide what to do.
35:39All right.
36:01Is it true, Johnny?
36:04About what?
36:05About you and Hoppy being card shops?
36:08You don't believe that, do you?
36:09No, I don't.
36:10Why, no crooks that have helped Ed like you and Hoppy have.
36:14That's right.
36:15There must be another reason for you two leaving camp.
36:17Get it over with, Johnny.
36:22Well, as a matter of fact, there is no other reason.
36:24And as for helping your father, we figured we'd make a clean-up when his contract was over and he paid off the man.
36:28Why, you low-down son!
36:32I thought you cared for me, Johnny.
36:35Oh, is that also part of your crooked scheming?
36:46They'll do all right.
36:47Bring them to my office.
36:54Say, fellas, Ed Petrie'd like to see you.
37:00All right.
37:05Come on.
37:19Have a chair.
37:24How would you boys like to square things with Kerrigan and make some money besides?
37:28It's on your mind.
37:30The dam above his roadways.
37:32If it went out, there wouldn't be enough water left in the river to float a toothpick over the shallows.
37:37No, thanks.
37:38There's a dozen men around that dam watching it all the time.
37:42But we know a better way to stop Kerrigan.
37:44Yeah? How?
37:46We're not talking till we see the color of some real money.
37:49Say, 5,000?
37:54Oh, man, you must be out of your head.
37:57Just forget it, mister.
37:59Come on, Johnny.
38:00Oh, wait a minute.
38:02I think maybe we can get together.
38:03Sit down.
38:05I'll be back in a minute.
38:12Wanna play a hand?
38:19Might as well sit in.
38:21Dingblast it, nobody can tell me they're crooked.
38:23They're too doggone straight to be crooked.
38:26Get up!
38:50Well, mister, what's your plan?
38:51If it's all right, you get the 5,000.
38:53But I have to know first what it is.
38:55Well, it's very simple.
38:57We fire the logs at the roadways.
38:59With a little help, we can start a blaze that'll take months to put out.
39:03Yeah, and what's more, we know when and where to strike.
39:07All right.
39:08It's a deal.
39:10It's a deal?
39:15Now, here's what we're gonna have to have.
39:20Come on.
39:48Here they come.
39:50Look out, fellas! Here come the loggers!
40:20Come on!
40:37You put in these logs because you want revenge!
40:39Wait a minute, wait a minute.
40:41Everything's all right.
40:42Take me over to where Jimmy is, will you?
40:44Yeah, please!
40:51Oh, monsieur.
40:53Monsieur Kerrigan.
40:54Oh, he's hurt very bad, monsieur.
40:57You better send him to camp right away.
40:58Yeah, and get a doctor for him.
41:01Take it easy, boys.
41:04Poor old Jim.
41:05He would get it.
41:07Hey, where's Slade?
41:08Never mind Slade.
41:09Listen, monsieur.
41:10If anything has happened to monsieur Kerrigan,
41:12I think maybe something has happened to you.
41:14Well, Baptiste, I feel just as badly about Jim as you do.
41:17But we framed this whole thing to trap Petrie in it.
41:21He's paid to do this?
41:22No, he didn't pay us to do anything.
41:23But, Harry, you tell me the truth, monsieur.
41:25I am telling the truth.
41:26Listen, if you do not tell me the truth...
41:27What happened to Jim?
41:28No, monsieur Johnny.
41:29Is Petrie paid to burn the railways?
41:31No, of course not.
41:32Now, would you please go to Jim?
41:34He'll explain the whole thing to you.
41:36All right, we go.
41:37And if what you say is the truth,
41:38by God, we go to town and clean out Petrie and his look-a-loo.
41:42Come on.
41:47Let's go.
42:18Don't you worry, Mademoiselle.
42:20The doctor will be here soon and fix monsieur just like new.
42:43What did he say?
42:44Monsieur Kerrigan, he can say nothing.
42:46Baptiste, you've got to believe what I told you.
42:47Take him and lock him up in the tool shed.
42:49Make the train ready for steam-up.
42:50Go on, quick.
42:51Get along.
42:52Get along.
42:58And the rest of you, come with me.
42:59By God, we go for town.
43:06Slate's loose.
43:07We've got to get out of here.
43:17Well, what are we going to do now?
43:22Hey, there's a place we might get out.
43:46You should be here by now.
43:50They jumped us, Petrie.
43:51They grabbed everyone but me.
43:52And now they're coming after you.
43:53I'm getting out of here.
43:54Wait a minute.
43:55Before you clear out, take care of the dam,
43:56and I'll give you $5,000 extra.
43:58Get my head shot off for those guards?
43:59No, thanks.
44:00The guards have left the dam.
44:01I saw them.
44:02They must be on their way here with the others.
44:03Are you sure?
44:05It's a deal, Yates.
44:06I'm going to get out of here.
44:07I'm going to get out of here.
44:08I'm going to get out of here.
44:09I'm going to get out of here.
44:10I'm going to get out of here.
44:11I'm going to get out of here.
44:13Put it back in the backpack.
44:14I'm right behind you.
44:15All right.
44:16Put it back in the backpack.
44:17Here's some gas.
44:19Here's some gas.
44:20All right.
44:21You sure troubled them the other day, didn't you?
44:23All right.
44:24All right.
44:25Well, that's it.
44:26Let's go another time.
44:27I'll take another guys out.
44:28All right, then.
44:29We'll be back there in a little but.
44:33It's a deal, Yates.
44:34Get more dynamite and rifles and some more boys.
44:35Get more dynamite and rifles and some more boys.
44:37There we are.
44:46That's good, Johnny.
44:53Wait a minute.
45:01Drop them guns.
45:08Nice work, California.
45:09Turn around.
45:10Face the wall.
45:11Get your hands up.
45:13Shoot them if they make a move.
45:18I'll drill them full of holes, Hoppy.
45:25Good work.
45:30Hoppy, get away.
45:37Hoppy and Johnny, get away.
45:47Get away.
45:54Get away.
46:02They got away, Dad, but they won't get far.
46:21The boys are after them now.
46:22Tell Batiste to leave them alone.
46:23They're not crooks.
46:24Hoppy's planned to trap Yates.
46:27I'll go, Dad.
46:30Hurry then, will you?
46:31I'll go.
46:32I'll go.
46:33I'll go.
46:34I'll go.
46:35I'll go.
46:36I'll go.
46:37I'll go.
46:38I'll go.
46:39I'll go.
46:40I'll go.
46:41I'll go.
46:42I'll go.
46:43I'll go.
46:44I'll go.
46:45I'll go.
46:46I'll go.
46:47I'll go.
46:48I'll go.
46:49I'll go.
46:50I'll go.
46:51I'll go.
46:52I'll go.
46:53I'll go.
46:54I'll go.
46:55I'll go.
46:56I'll go.
46:57I'll go.
46:58I'll go.
46:59I'll go.
47:00I'll go.
47:01I'll go.
47:02I'll go.
47:03I'll go.
47:04I'll go.
47:05I'll go.
47:06I'll go.
47:07I'll go.
47:08I'll go.
47:09I'll go.
47:10I'll go.
47:11I'll go.
47:12I'll go.
47:13I'll go.
47:14I'll go.
47:15I'll go.
47:16I'll go.
47:17I'll go.
47:18I'll go.
47:19I'll go.
47:20I'll go.
47:21I'll go.
47:22I'll go.
47:23I'll go.
47:24I'll go.
47:25I'll go.
47:26I'll go.
47:27I'll go.
47:28I'll go.
47:29I'll go.
47:30I'll go.
47:31I'll go.
47:32I'll go.
47:33I'll go.
47:34I'll go.
47:35I'll go.
47:36I'll go.
47:37I'll go.
47:38I'll go.
47:39I'll go.
47:40I'll go.
47:41I'll go.
47:42I'll go.
47:43I'll go.
47:44I'll go.
47:45I'll go.
47:46I'll go.
47:47I'll go.
47:48I'll go.
47:49I'll go.
47:50I'll go.
47:51I'll go.
47:52I'll go.
47:53I'll go.
47:54I'll go.
47:55I'll go.
47:56I'll go.
47:57I'll go.
47:58I'll go.
47:59I'll go.
48:00I'll go.
48:01I'll go.
48:02I'll go.
48:03I'll go.
48:04I'll go.
48:05I'll go.
48:06I'll go.
48:07I'll go.
48:08I'll go.
48:09I'll go.
48:10I'll go.
48:11I'll go.
48:12I'll go.
48:13I'll go.
48:14I'll go.
48:15I'll go.
48:16I'll go.
48:17I'll go.
48:18I'll go.
48:19I'll go.
48:20I'll go.
48:21I'll go.
48:22I'll go.
48:23I'll go.
48:24I'll go.
48:25I'll go.
48:26I'll go.
48:39Where's Peeperee?
48:40I don't know.
48:49I. Had it.
49:01Where you go on. You to get away Slade said never mind that we're slated to be
49:06great they're on their way to the dam and I don't think.
49:13I got you going to get away wait a minute it was on its way to the dam and I don't
49:17a fool me you can't I.
49:26It's all right that we made
49:27a terrible mistake that told me I can't tell you how sorry I am for me you didn't
49:32I tell you the word. That you are coming to talk with your feet. Yeah there's
49:38only one chance we can stop it let's go.
49:48I will get the log ready tell
49:50a point you put the tool shed with the other. Come on.
50:07Johnny won't you tell me now you're going to do the right to how long that's too
50:11dangerous the only chance we have to get to the dam I had
50:14a fee for it. My
50:25friend I got to be here to make the cable quick.
50:35We've got
50:36an extra pair of gloves.
50:44All right.
50:50What are you doing out here I want to have you do this I'd rather see the dam go
50:54out I thought you told me I was running things around here. Forget about it don't
51:30Good luck with it I think.
52:01I thought.
52:14Don't have.
52:31All right.
52:41Won't move on.
54:32You know I have.
54:36I have.
55:06Have I.
55:08Made up my mind that I had.
55:12Not going to.
56:06© BF-WATCH TV 2021
