• 5 years ago
The Wackiest Wagon Train in the West (1976)
G | 1h 26min | Western, Comedy | August 1976 (USA)

Four episodes of Dusty's Trail edited together into a movie. The episodes, in the order shown, are: "Tomahawk Territory", "Horse of Another Color", "There is Nothing Like a Dame", and "The Not So Magnificent Seven".

Directors: Jack Arnold, Earl Bellamy
Writers: Sherwood Schwartz, Elroy Schwartz
Stars: Bob Denver, Forrest Tucker, Ivor Francis
00:00:00Let's follow the path off Dusty's Trail, oh, Dusty's Trail, Dusty's Trail
00:00:07A stage and a wagon a-headin' west, part of a wagon train lost from the rest
00:00:16Dusty's the reason for their plight, thanks to Dusty, nothin's right
00:00:23Only the wagon master's hand keeps them a-rollin' to the promised land
00:00:31Oh, the goin' gets mighty rough, but they don't seem to mind
00:00:37It's California, eh, that's the place they must find
00:00:43Deserts and rocks are in their way, but they won't stop, come what may
00:00:50Mountains and hills that they must scale, but they know they'll make it
00:00:55Cause they just can't fail on Dusty's Trail
00:01:20Whoa, please, whoa, whoa, please, whoa, whoa, please, whoa
00:01:28We'll be gettin' a start as soon as Dusty gets the team hitched up to the stage
00:01:31Thought he had them hitched
00:01:32Yeah, so did he
00:01:34Oh, Andy
00:01:34Yeah, Mr. Callahan
00:01:35You be sure and keep that wagon close to the stage on the trail today
00:01:38We have to run into some hackamaws
00:01:42Yeah, Indians
00:01:43The hackamaws are the most hostile and fierce of all the Indians
00:01:48Doesn't that make you nervous?
00:01:50Not Lulu
00:01:51Well, I'll match my war paint against their war paint
00:01:59Well, now that's how it should have been done the first time, Dusty
00:02:02Yes, sir
00:02:04Well, now, if you people get in, we'll get started
00:02:06I thought I made it perfectly clear that you ought to handle the stagecoach and Dusty can do the scouting
00:02:11Oh, boy
00:02:12I'm the wagon master, so I will make the decisions
00:02:16May I remind you they have just discovered gold in the California territory?
00:02:20I must get there as quickly as possible to open a western branch of my bank
00:02:23How many banks you own doesn't mean a thing to me
00:02:26I also own the company which owns this wagon train
00:02:31Now, that means something to me
00:02:33Well, if that's the way you want it, Dusty, you are going to ride scout
00:02:37Oh, wow
00:02:39I always wanted to ride scout
00:02:44Wait a minute, Dusty
00:02:46Fix the stirrup for you
00:02:51I'll show him
00:03:02Oh, thanks, Dusty
00:03:03For what, Mr. Callahan?
00:03:05For not wearing spurs
00:03:07Oh, yeah
00:03:10Let's go
00:04:35It's all right
00:04:36It's okay, I won't hurt you
00:04:41Oh, my gosh
00:04:49Oh, you kid
00:05:02Oh, yeah!
00:05:03Oh, boy!
00:05:10What happened, Dusty?
00:05:11Well, I got there just in time
00:05:12He was being mauled by a bear
00:05:16What's happened now?
00:05:18He's just a boy
00:05:19Yeah, a Hakamo Indian
00:05:21Well, I couldn't leave him there, he might have died
00:05:23His tribe would have found him buzzard brain
00:05:25Now they'll find us
00:05:26Yeah, the Hakamos are noted for their tracking ability
00:05:28They are
00:05:30Lulu and I better take care of his wounds
00:05:32Yeah, handy
00:05:33Good idea
00:05:35Then we can drop him off where Dusty found him
00:05:37Should I water your horse, Mr. Callahan?
00:05:39Oh, boy, that was a smart thing to do
00:05:41Don't you know that those Hakamos might be looking for him right now?
00:05:44Yeah, well, at least you covered your trail, huh?
00:06:05Lucky puta
00:06:24Lucky thing we had these spare wheels
00:06:26We can leave some foley tracks, throw the Hakamos off our trail
00:06:29Are you sure the Hakamos are trailing us?
00:06:31Positive, but we can't tell the passengers, they might panic
00:06:34I wish they would, I'd like a little company
00:06:36Hey, just quiet down while you put the wheel on the axle
00:06:39Besides, I mean, how do you know they're going to follow this trail instead of the other trail?
00:06:43There won't be any other trail
00:06:45We're going to wipe them out with some brush
00:06:48That's a bright idea, wonder why I didn't think of it
00:06:51Because it was a bright idea
00:06:58What happened to your end?
00:07:02I'll show you
00:07:08That's what happened to my end
00:07:13Now come on, let's get the wheels on that axle before those Hakamos catch up with us
00:07:20Hey Dusty, you tighten up that bolt and I'll go clear the brush out of the way
00:07:34Mr. Callaghan?
00:07:39Mr. Callaghan?
00:07:42Mr. Callaghan?
00:07:43Mr. Callaghan?
00:07:44Mr. Callaghan?
00:07:45Can't you see I'm busy?
00:08:02They should be able to follow that trail, huh, Mr. Callahan?
00:08:13Yes, Dusty.
00:08:15Well, they certainly should.
00:08:33These wounds don't look too serious.
00:08:35No, but he's starting to get a fever.
00:08:39What are you looking at?
00:08:41The design on this headband.
00:08:43Very unusual.
00:08:45I wonder if it means anything.
00:08:48Andy might know.
00:08:49Before we left, he studied about all the Indians.
00:08:51The rivers, the mountains.
00:08:53Everything we'd encounter on the trip.
00:08:56He really came prepared.
00:08:59I should have known.
00:09:00Any man who wears suspenders and a belt is always prepared.
00:09:06Never mind.
00:09:12Bringing that Indian boy back here.
00:09:14When are you going to do something right, Dusty?
00:09:16Mr. Callahan!
00:09:21Come on, boy.
00:09:28What's delaying us now?
00:09:30I gotta talk to Andy.
00:09:32What's the problem?
00:09:33It's about the Indian boy.
00:09:35If we get in any more trouble over him, I'm going to use you for target practice.
00:09:38You didn't get a chance to look at his headband before.
00:09:41Now, unless I'm wrong.
00:09:43Chief's son?
00:09:45Oh, that's great. Just great.
00:09:47You've done it this time.
00:09:48Every brave in that tribe will be after us.
00:09:50On the contrary.
00:09:51A chief's son could be a valuable asset in a trade.
00:09:55For safe passage through the Hakama territory.
00:09:58Safe passage?
00:09:59Yeah, you're right.
00:10:01By delivering the chief's son to us, Dusty's all but guaranteed our safety.
00:10:04You know, if anything, he's a hero.
00:10:25How is he?
00:10:45Still burning with fever.
00:10:47I'll make another wet compress.
00:10:49Might let him sleep a little better.
00:10:51Yeah, we gotta keep him in good shape.
00:10:54Poor thing, he's still unconscious.
00:10:56Yeah, speaking of unconscious.
00:10:58Gotta wake Dusty up, it's his turn to take over the guard duty.
00:11:01Anything I can get for you?
00:11:04I'll just sit with the boy a while.
00:11:19Oh, it's you, Mr. Callahan.
00:11:26Well, who did you expect, Daniel Boone?
00:11:28Come on now, wake up, Dusty.
00:11:29It's time for you to take over guard duty.
00:11:31We'll buy that big rock.
00:11:49This is the last watch before dawn.
00:11:51Yes, sir, Mr...
00:11:55Wake up.
00:11:56I'm awake.
00:11:57Stay that way.
00:11:58Wake me at dawn so we can get an early start.
00:12:07What are your orders?
00:12:08Wake you at start so you can get early dawn.
00:12:13Well, sonata.
00:13:14Betsy's gone, too.
00:13:15She's not in the wagon.
00:13:16Yeah, I know.
00:13:17Look at those tracks.
00:13:19Looks like a couple Indians came in here and took the boy and Betsy.
00:13:21Hey, where's Dusty?
00:13:22Maybe they took him, too.
00:13:23No, no such luck.
00:13:24Dusty, wake up, wake up.
00:13:25Sorry, Mr. Callahan.
00:13:26I must have dozed off for a few minutes.
00:13:27Yeah, well, you dozed off for a few minutes.
00:13:29Two braves came in here and captured the Indian boy and Betsy.
00:13:31Two Indian boys captured an Indian, Betsy?
00:13:33No, no.
00:13:34Two Betsys captured the...
00:13:35Oh, Dusty.
00:13:36Come on.
00:13:37We better pick up the trail.
00:13:38Wait for me.
00:13:39Mr. Brookhaven.
00:13:40Mr. Brookhaven.
00:13:41Hey, Gad, right in the middle of my obbligato.
00:13:46I'm afraid we've got some bad news.
00:13:53The Hackemaus have Betsy tied to a post.
00:13:55Yeah, and those braves keep walking past her and poking her with a stick.
00:13:58That means that one of them's going to take her as his wife.
00:14:00Those scoundrels.
00:14:01I say we should get on our horses and ride as far away as we can.
00:14:08Mr. Brookhaven, you should be ashamed.
00:14:10Suggesting we ride off without attempting a rescue.
00:14:12Yeah, well, one of us could slip in there and get her out.
00:14:14I'll be back as soon as I can.
00:14:16One moment, Wagon Master.
00:14:17What will happen to us if anything happens to you?
00:14:20I'd be in charge.
00:14:21That's a foreboding thought.
00:14:24Yeah, your point is well taken.
00:14:25It'll have to be somebody else.
00:14:27I'll go.
00:14:29He volunteered.
00:14:30Why didn't you?
00:14:31He beat me to it.
00:14:32Now, volunteer.
00:14:33That's an order.
00:14:34I volunteered.
00:14:35I must insist I be allowed to go.
00:14:37In preparing for this trip, I studied several Indian languages, including the Hakama dialect.
00:14:42I believe that gives me a distinct advantage.
00:14:44We'll be ready to move as soon as you get back here with Betsy.
00:14:47I should be back with her within an hour, unless I run into a problem.
00:14:51You ran into a problem.
00:15:04Listen up.
00:15:07I got a great plan on how somebody can walk right out of that Hakama camp without even being noticed.
00:15:12Yeah, well, anyway, somebody wearing these clothes, a little skin dye, and some braids, feathers,
00:15:17they could walk right in there and cut Betsy and Andy loose.
00:15:20That's a great plan.
00:15:21It can't fail.
00:15:22Yeah, the only trouble is, somebody wearing these clothes has got to be kind of small,
00:15:25slight, built about like...
00:15:26It'll never work.
00:15:30Looks too red.
00:15:31Better put in some more blueberries, tone you down a bit.
00:15:36I taste delicious.
00:15:37Oh, be serious, will you?
00:15:39Two people's lives depend on you.
00:15:40Three, including me.
00:15:43Oh, now, listen, little pal.
00:15:45You don't think for a minute I'd let you go over there if there wasn't a good chance you'd come back,
00:15:48all right, do you?
00:15:50I guess not.
00:15:51Yeah, yeah.
00:15:52All right, now you dab that on yourself, and I'll go see Lulu and see how the braids are coming.
00:16:09Hey, that looks great.
00:16:10Where'd you get the hair?
00:16:18That looks like a hackamore braid, all right.
00:16:20You just don't tell Dusty where I got it.
00:16:22Well, it seems the two of them go very well together.
00:16:28All right, Dusty.
00:16:29Now, I'd better teach you a few words of hackamore in case you've got to speak to somebody.
00:16:32Good idea.
00:16:33How do you say I surrender?
00:16:34Oh, now, stop that.
00:16:37Now, listen, I'll say you get in a camp, and you cut Andy and Betsy free, see?
00:16:42Now, if a slave says to you, chuka, moringa, hush, hush, then you say to him, kora, noomba, see?
00:16:48He has said to you, where are you taking the prisoners?
00:16:50And you say to him, to the chief.
00:16:52You got that?
00:16:53Yeah, yeah.
00:16:54If he says to me, chunga, kamo, hush and hush.
00:16:56No, no, no.
00:16:57You just said that you'd catch any worms.
00:17:00Did I say that?
00:17:01Listen up, will you?
00:17:02Now, pay attention.
00:17:03We haven't got much time.
00:17:04Repeat after me.
00:17:14Hey, that's great.
00:17:15Hey, that's great.
00:17:16No, no, just use the Indian words.
00:17:17Chuka, moringa, hush, hush.
00:17:18Oh, that's fine.
00:17:19Then, you say to him.
00:17:24Put the wagons in a circle.
00:17:25Put the wagons in a circle.
00:17:26We've only got two wagons.
00:17:28You get everybody hidden, and I'll keep them busy.
00:17:35Behind the rock.
00:17:36Behind the rock.
00:17:37Behind the rock.
00:17:38Behind the rock.
00:17:42We can use the local buzzer.
00:17:46Bell or what?
00:17:50It's a tumba!
00:17:54A tumba, a tumba!
00:17:59Tell me it's a tuba!
00:18:03It's a tumba!
00:18:11Dusty, you! What did you tackle me for?
00:18:15I'm sorry, I guess I just got carried away.
00:18:18All right, all right.
00:18:20Take it easy.
00:18:21You're here for the holidays.
00:18:23Oh, for Rambo.
00:18:25All right, all right, all right.
00:18:27For Gigi Casino.
00:18:31For Gigi Casino.
00:18:41Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:18:50Unhand her, you villain.
00:18:53And be careful with that hand.
00:18:55How long does this go on before they select a wife?
00:18:58I don't know, but I sure hope they believe in long engagement.
00:19:02I haven't been able to spot Dusty.
00:19:04Are you sure he's here?
00:19:05Yeah, he's a hero.
00:19:06All them braves keep slapping him on the back for capturing me.
00:19:09We may have saved our lives.
00:19:11Well, the odds are you would have been caught.
00:19:13By capturing you himself, Dusty's proved he's a hackamore.
00:19:15Now he's free to help us.
00:19:31I don't know what to do.
00:19:32I can't attack them all.
00:19:34Cut me loose, cut me loose.
00:19:35What for?
00:19:38He just chose Betsy to be his wife.
00:19:41Oh, somebody help me, please help me.
00:19:47Dusty's challenged him to a fight with spears.
00:19:50I did?
00:20:15That must be the chief.
00:20:18And the little boy Dusty saved.
00:21:18Oh, my God!
00:21:26Oh, my God!
00:21:55He just stole him a dust, he saved his life, and we made him well.
00:22:01He's gonna cut us loose.
00:22:11It's all right, it's all right, darling. Everything's all right, we won.
00:22:18It's all right, it's all right.
00:22:38Okay, little doggie.
00:22:41Now, just hold still, because I'm gonna rope and tie you.
00:22:49Come here.
00:23:12Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
00:23:18Whoa, please, whoa, whoa, please, whoa, whoa, please, whoa, whoa, whoa!
00:23:33Mr. Callahan, look what I caught.
00:23:35Looks more like he caught you.
00:23:37She's really a beauty, isn't she? A genuine Appalachian.
00:23:40It's not an Appalachian, it's Appaloosa, and it's not a she, it's a he.
00:23:44I don't care if it's a boy Appaloosa or a girl Appalachian, it's a beauty.
00:23:47He sure is.
00:23:48Can I keep him?
00:23:49He looks like a wild horse.
00:23:52And no shoes.
00:23:57Don't see any sign of a brand.
00:24:00Looks like you found yourself a horse, Dusty.
00:24:02Really? It's my own horse, and I can keep him? My own horse.
00:24:07Don't fight, I'll see if I can get you out of this.
00:24:10You get in some of the wildest...
00:24:13Don't let go.
00:24:14Let go of this one.
00:24:16Let go!
00:24:28Looks like your Appaloosa cut off here, Uriah, with them other tracks.
00:24:32I told you it was a horse thief, Marshal.
00:24:34Keep your rope handy, Roy.
00:24:36Soon as we catch up with him, we're gonna hang that barber to the nearest tree.
00:24:46Well, it's not exactly the governor's mansion.
00:24:49Oh, no, but it'll sure be nice to sleep inside for one night.
00:24:54That corral's in pretty good shape.
00:24:56I'd be happier with that information if I were a horse.
00:24:59This place looks like it's a rest home for termites.
00:25:02Oh, Carter, why is everything out west so... western?
00:25:16Hey, look, everybody, I caught myself a wild horse.
00:25:21Shasta, he's beautiful.
00:25:23He'll all be. He's a beauty.
00:25:25I'm gonna call him Freckles, then the county's got all those freckles.
00:25:29No, those are called blotches.
00:25:31I'm still gonna call him Freckles. I don't like the name blotch.
00:25:34He is an elegant-looking beast, isn't he?
00:25:36Yeah, he is.
00:25:37Well, I'm gonna call him Freckles, then the county's got all those freckles.
00:25:40Yeah, he is.
00:25:41Well, I'm gonna call him Freckles, then the county's got all those freckles.
00:25:44He is an elegant-looking beast, isn't he?
00:25:46Yeah, it'd cost you a pretty piece of change to buy one like that.
00:25:49Please, I never invest in anything that eats.
00:25:53I'm not gonna sell him. I'm gonna keep him forever.
00:25:57Well, it may take you that long to break him. He looks a little ornery to me.
00:26:00I can be just as ornery as he is. I just need a little practice.
00:26:03Well, I'm afraid we haven't got time, Dusty.
00:26:05We're gonna pull out of here at sunup tomorrow.
00:26:07Good. The accommodations here are simply dreadful.
00:26:11Miss Callahan, guess what? I found a telegraph in there.
00:26:14Oh, boy, a telegraph. I mean, a real telegraph.
00:26:17What's a telegraph?
00:26:18It's a new invention by Samuel Morse.
00:26:21You see that wire? You can send messages over it.
00:26:25You gotta be joshing me.
00:26:26You can't send messages over a skinny little wire like that.
00:26:29The words don't even fit.
00:26:30Yes, you can. You send it by clicking a series of dots and dashes.
00:26:37That invention is gonna make millions.
00:26:40What's the matter with him?
00:26:42Nothing. He always cries when he hears of someone else making millions.
00:26:48Anyway, I figure if I can repair the break in the wire,
00:26:50I can make contact all the way back to St. Louis.
00:26:52Oh, good. We can find out where we are and where to go.
00:26:56How long do you think it'll take you to fix that contraption?
00:26:58A couple of days, maybe three.
00:27:00Oh, great. Then I can break freckles while we're waiting.
00:27:03Yeah. And then you'd have your very own horse, Dusty.
00:27:07Yeah, my very own horse.
00:27:09Me and freckles, together forever.
00:27:12Looks like your horse thinks you're on a wagon train, Uriah.
00:27:15Yeah, yeah. Come on, let's move, Marshal.
00:27:17I don't want him crossing any borders before we hang him.
00:27:32Wow, that makes 17 times he's hit the ground, according to my count.
00:27:36I counted 18.
00:27:37You're both wrong. It's 20. You forgot the time he bounced twice.
00:27:40Come on, Dusty. Get up on him again, boy.
00:27:43Come on, Dusty.
00:27:51Come on.
00:27:55You can do it. You can do it.
00:28:07Hey, Dusty, why don't you quit for a while?
00:28:10I think he's tired.
00:28:12You think he's tired, huh?
00:28:14Yeah. He's not throwing me as far as he was before.
00:28:16All right, Dusty. I'm gonna show you something about breaking a horse.
00:28:19The first thing you got to do is show him who's boss.
00:28:22He knows that. He knows that.
00:28:25Come on. Come on.
00:28:30To Jones, Bean, Bean and Stringfellow. Stop.
00:28:35Buy one million shares of Erie Barge. Stop.
00:28:39Mr. Brookhaven, even if I repair this telegraph key,
00:28:42I must use it for more important messages than that.
00:28:45More important than money?
00:28:48If you're not joking, young man, you're sick.
00:29:05You got him.
00:29:13You got him.
00:29:23Oh, feels just like I slipped and fell in the bathtub.
00:29:26Look, it is a bathtub.
00:29:29Well, I'll be...
00:29:31I wonder why anyone would leave it here.
00:29:33Well, too heavy to carry on a stagecoach.
00:29:35Yeah, they're probably busting an axle getting it this far.
00:29:38Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
00:29:41A hot bath.
00:29:43A hot bath.
00:29:45How about that, Dusty? A nice hot bath.
00:29:48Not big enough for all of us.
00:29:50No, no. Separately, little pal. Separately.
00:29:52Girls, go heat up some water.
00:29:54Right away.
00:29:55Here. Come on. Come on.
00:29:57Right him. Right him. Knees tight.
00:30:04There you go.
00:30:06Yeah, at least there's a relay station up ahead.
00:30:08Uh-huh, and so does our horse, these tracks.
00:30:11Get that rope ready, Roy.
00:30:25Hey, Roy.
00:30:28Hurry with the hot water. My glistens are getting bigger than the soap bubbles.
00:30:41Now, don't be frightened, Freckles.
00:30:44I'm not going to hurt you.
00:30:46Question is, are you going to do the same?
00:30:58Easy, boy. Easy. Easy. Easy.
00:31:01This is your friend.
00:31:03Easy. This is your friend.
00:31:56You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
00:31:59You like him like a wild animal.
00:32:01Just wanted to be your friend.
00:32:03Some friend you turned out to be.
00:32:05Okay. I'm not going to put up any more horse than around even your horse.
00:32:08Do you understand?
00:32:30You did it, Dusty.
00:32:32You gentled him.
00:32:34Yeah, you showed him who's boss.
00:32:36Dusty, you're a man after my own heart.
00:32:38I can't believe it.
00:32:40My own horse.
00:32:42My really own horse for the rest of my life.
00:32:45Of course, that won't be for very long.
00:32:49Welcome to the hanging, folks.
00:32:53Some strong trees over by that relay station, Marshal.
00:32:56Why don't we hang them over there?
00:32:58Just a minute. Dusty did not steal that horse.
00:33:00He's right. He's innocent.
00:33:02You'll have to prove otherwise.
00:33:03Well, that's easy.
00:33:05This horse is Circulo's stock.
00:33:07He's only got one mark on him, and it's mine.
00:33:10And there it is. Circulo.
00:33:12Well, I've looked at a lot of brands, but I never saw that circle before.
00:33:15Well, that horse has always been covered with spots.
00:33:18First time I saw him, I thought he had measles.
00:33:20He's a low-down horse thief, and we're going to hang him.
00:33:23Now, hold on. They're extenuating circumstances.
00:33:26Constable, you must not allow this to happen.
00:33:29Or the United States government will not receive another penny of my tax money.
00:33:33Thought you were supposed to be a lawman.
00:33:35What kind of justice do they have in this territory?
00:33:38Okay, okay. We'll give them a fair try.
00:33:41Now, that's better. And then we'll hang him.
00:33:44Order to court.
00:33:50How long have you known the defendant?
00:33:52Since we left the East.
00:33:53In your personal opinion, would he ever steal anything?
00:33:56Oh, no, never.
00:33:57See? I'm innocent.
00:33:58Sit down.
00:34:00We ain't even got to the part about you stealing horses yet.
00:34:03Do you believe that Dusty would go around stealing horses?
00:34:07Your Honor, Dusty wouldn't steal honey from a beehive.
00:34:11There's two things I wouldn't steal. Horses and honey.
00:34:14Sit down.
00:34:16Marshal, what's she saying got to do with him stealing my Appaloosa?
00:34:19She's a character witness.
00:34:21What we need here is a miracle witness.
00:34:24Order to court.
00:34:27Your Honor, may I approach the bench?
00:34:36That's what I call a good approach to the bench.
00:34:43Say what you have to say, ma'am.
00:34:45Well, Your Honor, I'd do just about anything to save Dusty's life.
00:34:51Marshal, if we're going to get on with hanging this fella,
00:34:55don't you go getting swayed by no painted lady.
00:34:59She ain't no painted lady. She's my friend.
00:35:02And if you want to be swayed by my friend, the painted lady, just go right ahead.
00:35:06You can step down now, miss.
00:35:11Your Honor, I think it is time that I had a talk with you
00:35:16in the privacy of your chambers.
00:35:18I ain't got no chambers. Speak your mind.
00:35:21Well, it's terribly personal. It concerns our...
00:35:25Are you offering me a bribe?
00:35:27A bribe? How dare you, sir?
00:35:29Well, if you are, you're wasting your money.
00:35:31I was merely willing to offer a very great deal of money
00:35:34to have you release this young man on bail permanently.
00:35:38Carter would never dream of bribing anyone.
00:35:41It still sounded like a bribe to me.
00:35:44Let me approach it in a different way.
00:35:47I am willing to pay a large amount of money to this young man here
00:35:51for the misappropriated horse, providing it spares Dusty's life.
00:35:55Thanks a lot, Mr. Brookhaven.
00:35:57The horse ain't for sale, mister.
00:35:59No matter how much money you got.
00:36:01Nonsense! Every man has his price.
00:36:04Women too!
00:36:05Your Honor.
00:36:06Order in the court!
00:36:07Sit down, mister. You've had your piece.
00:36:09Has anybody else got anything to say before I pass judgment?
00:36:12I do.
00:36:14That man is guilty.
00:36:16That man is guilty.
00:36:19Oh, I mean he is guilty of making a simple mistake.
00:36:22If Dusty here had thought for a minute that horse belonged to somebody else,
00:36:25he'd have never claimed it for his own.
00:36:27Well, you and I both know we all make stupid mistakes from time to time.
00:36:32I sure do.
00:36:33Just like he's doing now.
00:36:36I should have been the one to find that brand, but I didn't.
00:36:39So it's my fault.
00:36:42And I'm asking you to hang me instead.
00:36:45You don't have to take my blame.
00:36:47Marshal, we found the accused sitting on my horse, not him.
00:36:50And that's a hard fact.
00:36:52Under the circumstances, I ain't got but one choice.
00:36:55And that's to find you, the defendant, guilty.
00:36:58Oh, no.
00:37:00Silence! Order in the court!
00:37:03I'm afraid we're gonna have to hang you, son.
00:37:05What are you afraid about? I know when it's gonna be hung.
00:37:08We'll hang him at setup.
00:37:11It only gives me about 12 hours to fix that telegraph.
00:37:13What good's that gonna do us now?
00:37:15There's a territorial court of appeals in Johnson City.
00:37:18If I can get the judge there to declare a mistrial, the marshal will have to free Dusty.
00:37:22Come on, let's shackle him up. Take him over there.
00:37:25Court's adjourned!
00:37:29Now, you can sleep in this tonight.
00:37:31Well, considering the hanging and everything, I don't like the shape of my bed.
00:37:35Well, this way nobody'll have to keep guard, and everybody'll get a good night's rest.
00:37:39Now, get in there.
00:37:41There's no way he's gonna run away, chained to this fancy horse barrel.
00:37:51Andy, you go see if you can get that telegraph fixed.
00:37:53I got an idea that might give us the time we need.
00:38:11Hey, Dusty boy.
00:38:19I got the key.
00:38:41You unlock the other. You unlock that one.
00:38:43I gotta get my guns.
00:39:09You okay, Dusty?
00:39:11Yeah, I guess so. That handcuff was really tight.
00:39:13Shh, shh, shh.
00:39:14That handcuff really hurts when you got it on you.
00:39:16You'll wake up DeMarshall.
00:39:17You don't believe me? I'll show you.
00:39:18Look, it's like that. See? It hurts, huh?
00:39:25I think DeMarshall's waking up.
00:39:26Oh, no.
00:39:27If he catches me out with my handcuff, I'm gonna be killed before I get home.
00:39:31Oh, no.
00:39:32If he catches me out with my handcuff, I'm gonna be killed before I get home.
00:39:41No, it's all right.
00:39:42Go back to sleep again, Petey.
00:39:45Okay, take these off.
00:39:48I did give you the keys, didn't I?
00:39:51Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:39:52Yeah, good.
00:39:54But, uh...
00:39:55But what?
00:39:57I threw them away over there.
00:39:59I threw them...
00:40:02If we get out of this, I may hand you myself.
00:40:17No, no.
00:40:19Shh, shh, shh.
00:40:21No, no.
00:40:22Wait, wait.
00:40:40Do you folks know the penalty for aiding and abetting the escape of a horse thief?
00:40:44We didn't aid and abet anyone.
00:40:46Well, I would've if I could've.
00:40:48We would've if we could've, and we should've.
00:40:51That wagon master sprung him loose.
00:40:53Looks like when we catch up to him, we'll have a double necktie party.
00:41:06Will you warn me when you're gonna stop?
00:41:08I'm sorry.
00:41:12Was that fast enough?
00:41:16Hey, Dusty, do you know where we are?
00:41:18Yeah, I sure do. Up the creek.
00:41:19No, no, this is the place you found that Appaloosa.
00:41:21Oh, no, let's get out of here. I don't wanna find another one. I'll get hung twice.
00:41:24No, no, if we can find another set of hoof prints, it might lead us to the real horse thief.
00:41:29We'll split up, but we can cover more ground that way.
00:41:35We have got to find something to get these things off of us.
00:41:37Not a chance. These handcuffs are as solid as a rock.
00:41:41Well, keep looking then.
00:41:46Can't see anything.
00:41:47Neither can I.
00:41:49Well, I guess we're still gonna be stuck together for the rest of our lives.
00:41:51I guess so.
00:41:54Hey, how'd you do that?
00:41:57How did I? How did I?
00:41:59Never mind, never mind.
00:42:01When we're old and sitting in rocking chairs, we'll figure it out.
00:42:04But we will never live to get old if we don't find that horse thief.
00:42:07I'll tell you what.
00:42:09You take that trail.
00:42:10I'll go down that way.
00:42:12If either one of us spot anything, we meet back here.
00:42:14All right?
00:42:16Don't take them off, young fellow.
00:42:18Some folks like to die with their boots on.
00:42:20Not me.
00:42:22Please reconsider what you're doing.
00:42:25Hey, hold it hanging. Hold it hanging.
00:42:27Here, here's your horse thief right here.
00:42:30It's Crazy Blue.
00:42:32Crazy Blue?
00:42:33That's the wild stallion that's been chasing horses off all over the territory.
00:42:36I thought he was dead.
00:42:38He's been around these parts for years.
00:42:40I don't know.
00:42:42Well, I thought he was dead.
00:42:44He's been around these parts for years.
00:42:46Yeah, well, he's driven some of your prized stock into a box canyon about four miles from here.
00:42:50He could have driven off that Appaloosa of yours, too.
00:42:52Oh, yeah?
00:42:54I suppose he could have.
00:42:56Well, now, I reckon we almost made a dumb mistake.
00:42:59You are free to go, Sonny.
00:43:00I know, I know.
00:43:05Mr. Callaghan.
00:43:07I don't know how to say thank you except thank you.
00:43:09Oh, that's all right, little pal.
00:43:10I wish you'd have done anything in the world to save my neck, wouldn't you?
00:43:12I'd save your whole body.
00:43:36Hold it.
00:43:38What's on your mind?
00:43:40The man we passed yesterday, he said there's a wagon train over here with some real pretty girls.
00:43:46We'd like to get friendly with them.
00:43:48Well, you can see there's no women at all on this wagon train here.
00:43:51No, no.
00:43:52We know you got girls here.
00:43:54We want to meet them.
00:43:56Or else.
00:43:57Or else what?
00:43:58Or else this.
00:44:04Yeah, now that you've explained it.
00:44:06Get their guns, McGurk.
00:44:07Right, Jake.
00:44:10All right.
00:44:11I'll just take these.
00:44:14Now, we'll get some Brandon to do, but we'll be back before sundown.
00:44:18Now, how many head of cattle you got, McGurk?
00:44:20Well, that depends on how many we can steal.
00:44:22I'll just take this shotgun here, too.
00:44:24Oh, there's another one hidden under the seat, Jake.
00:44:27Now, you just be worrying about sundown.
00:44:29Make sure those women are friendly.
00:44:35Now, he shattered it.
00:44:36He shattered it?
00:44:37Yeah, without even aiming.
00:44:38See you before sundown.
00:44:39Bam, bam, bam, bam!
00:44:43Now, stop that.
00:44:44Betsy and Lou went in real trouble.
00:44:47Got to be some way out of this.
00:44:49I got a way.
00:44:50Let's run.
00:44:52Now, Dusty may be right, Mr. Callahan.
00:44:53We've got that spare wheel in the wagon, and they said they won't be back before sundown.
00:44:57Now, you're right.
00:44:58All right, let's get her on and get rolling.
00:45:00You go round up the others and get them back here as fast as you can.
00:45:03Right, as soon as I tell them about Jake and McGurk, they'll come running.
00:45:07Now, listen.
00:45:08You go get them and get them back here, but don't say a word.
00:45:11You'll only scare them.
00:45:12Yeah, and what they don't know won't hurt them, understand?
00:45:15Right now, I'm scared to death.
00:45:16And don't worry, Mr. Callahan.
00:45:17I won't say a word to them.
00:45:25Betsy, Lou, we've got to get back to camp.
00:45:28What's the hurry?
00:45:29I can't tell you.
00:45:30Why can't you tell us?
00:45:31I can't tell you why I can't tell you, because that would be telling.
00:45:33But we've got to get started real quick before it's too late.
00:45:35Too late for what?
00:45:36It's too late for us.
00:45:38Look, don't ask me anything more.
00:45:39I can't tell you about McGurk and Jake and the danger and the cattle thieves.
00:45:42Well, who are McGurk and Jake?
00:45:44What danger?
00:45:45And what cattle thieves?
00:45:46Topsy, you're not making sense.
00:45:48I know.
00:45:49I'll see you back at camp.
00:45:54Ready for the pheasant hunt, my dear?
00:45:56Ready when you are, Carter.
00:45:58Then tally-ho!
00:46:05Here, pheasant, pheasant, pheasant.
00:46:14One more time, dear.
00:46:16I think you interest him.
00:46:22Mr. and Mrs. Brookhaven, come on, hurry.
00:46:26Mr. Callahan wants everybody back at the wagons and packed up right away.
00:46:28What could be more important than pheasant under glass?
00:46:31Us, underground.
00:46:33What are you talking about?
00:46:35I can't tell you because if I tell you what I'm not supposed to tell you, you'll only get scared.
00:46:40Scared of what?
00:46:41I can't tell you about the danger.
00:46:42What danger?
00:46:43Well, there's Jake and McGurk and the women and bam, bam, bam, bam!
00:46:46I'll see you back at camp.
00:46:47In hurry!
00:46:54Let's hope that axle holds up before we get to the next town.
00:46:56Yeah, I hope so.
00:46:57Let's get this wagon loaded.
00:46:58I want to get out of here pronto.
00:46:59I did it, Mr. Callahan.
00:47:00They're all coming.
00:47:01And you didn't tell anybody why?
00:47:03Not a hint.
00:47:04I promised, didn't I?
00:47:05Mr. Callahan!
00:47:06Mr. Callahan, why are we leaving?
00:47:08And who are Jake and McGurk?
00:47:10And what's this about cattle thieves in danger?
00:47:12And what is bam, bam, bam, bam?
00:47:14Not even a hint, huh?
00:47:16Well, maybe a little teeny one.
00:47:18I demand to know what is going on.
00:47:20All right, hold it, hold it, everybody.
00:47:22There's two cattle thieves named Jake and McGurk.
00:47:24They came riding in here demanding our women.
00:47:26We tried to put them off, but they got our guns.
00:47:28They're going to be back by sundown looking for these women,
00:47:30and I want this wagon train packed and rolling before then.
00:47:34I'll be packed in one second.
00:47:35Oh, me too.
00:47:36What about the pheasants?
00:47:38Blast the pheasants.
00:47:39They can pack for themselves.
00:47:40Dusty, get the horses.
00:47:41Right away, sir.
00:47:42All right, let's get this thing going here.
00:47:46Come on, you guys.
00:47:47We've got to get out of here.
00:47:48There's a lot of danger.
00:47:49We've got to get back to the wagon.
00:47:50We've got to take you guys down there.
00:47:51Jake and McGurk's coming back before sundown.
00:47:53Come on.
00:47:55Get ready.
00:47:56We've got to get going.
00:47:58Oh, no.
00:47:59Wait for me.
00:48:00No, you guys.
00:48:01Come on, you guys.
00:48:02Wait, come on.
00:48:03Hey, wait for me.
00:48:05You're on your own, Mr. Callahan.
00:48:06So are we.
00:48:07Now, Dusty will be right here with the horses.
00:48:10Hey, Dusty, where are the horses?
00:48:11That's a good question.
00:48:12The only problem is there's four answers.
00:48:13Four answers?
00:48:14Yeah, north, south, east, and west.
00:48:17Take us all day to round those horses up.
00:48:19Looks like we're stuck here.
00:48:20What do you mean we're stuck here?
00:48:22With those men due before sundown?
00:48:24Mr. Callahan, you are paid to defend us.
00:48:27You must simply protect our women.
00:48:30Poor Betsy and Lulu.
00:48:32What about me, Carter?
00:48:34I'm a woman, too.
00:48:35Of course, you are my pet.
00:48:37But Betsy and Lulu are single, whereas you are married to me,
00:48:41your valiant knight, your protector.
00:48:45Oh, beautifully put, Carter.
00:48:48I thought so, too, dear.
00:48:49What are we going to do?
00:48:51Well, if he runs, our only chance is to get him out of surprise.
00:48:54We got to take him unawares and overpower him.
00:48:56But how?
00:48:57Well, they're coming here for girls.
00:48:59Eh, we'll give them girls.
00:49:01Nice, friendly girls.
00:49:04Okay, turn around.
00:49:05I want to see the back.
00:49:06Well, you, too, Dusty.
00:49:11I went to my first dance in this dress, Dusty.
00:49:14Yeah, I bet you look better than I do.
00:49:15I feel silly.
00:49:16What kind of scout wears girls' clothes?
00:49:18A girl scout.
00:49:19And paint your lips.
00:49:25There, you're beautiful.
00:49:27Oh, really?
00:49:31Oh, your bloomers are slipping.
00:49:33I'll do it.
00:49:34I don't say to keep these things up without suspenders anyway.
00:49:36Hey, listen, I want your girls to stay in that wagon out of sight.
00:49:38You got that?
00:49:40You ready, Dolly?
00:49:42Ready, Kitty.
00:49:43Good luck.
00:49:44We know you're risking your lives for us.
00:49:46And our reputations.
00:49:49All right, come on, Dolly.
00:49:50Let's don't keep our dates waiting.
00:49:56Dusty, watch your dress.
00:49:57I can't help it.
00:49:58I'm always nervous on the first date.
00:49:59Eh, relax.
00:50:00All you got to do is be sweet.
00:50:02Get your guns away from them.
00:50:04And just, you know, sit there and smile pretty.
00:50:08Like this?
00:50:11Lucky thing for us.
00:50:12They haven't seen a woman in a long time.
00:50:14You lucky?
00:50:20Well, what do we have here?
00:50:22Looks like we got us a couple of real cuties.
00:50:29Hey, baby, you can call me McGurk.
00:50:31No, I'm Dolly.
00:50:32Oh, your beard tickles.
00:50:34I'm Kitty.
00:50:35Who are you, big boy?
00:50:37And I'm here to get friendly.
00:50:40Say, you're a big girl, aren't you?
00:50:43Well, there's that much more to get friendly with.
00:50:48I think you're mighty pretty, Dolly.
00:50:49Now come here.
00:50:50Oh, not so tight.
00:50:53Don't be so shy, Dolly.
00:50:54Remember, we're here to get friendly.
00:50:58Yes, I do.
00:50:59But how's a girl supposed to breathe?
00:51:01Let's show them how, huh, Kitty?
00:51:04You're wearing a gun.
00:51:06I always wear a gun.
00:51:08But they frighten me so.
00:51:10Couldn't you just make an exception for me?
00:51:15Well, considering it's for you, I...
00:51:24Come here.
00:51:25All right, come on, Dolly.
00:51:26Look how good they're getting along.
00:51:27Come on.
00:51:28Well, look, let's talk for a second.
00:51:29What do you think of the weather?
00:51:31All right, that's just fine.
00:51:32No, I haven't read any good books lately.
00:51:34Now, will you quit stalling?
00:51:35I'm getting mad.
00:51:38Now, don't do that.
00:51:39She's just shy.
00:51:41I'll talk to her.
00:51:42Don't be too long now, Kitty.
00:51:44I'm waiting.
00:51:47What's the matter?
00:51:48Are you crazy or something?
00:51:49You're supposed to be friendly.
00:51:50He's not my type.
00:51:51You don't have to marry him.
00:51:52You just got to get him away from his gun.
00:51:54Now, get back in there.
00:51:55Be friendly.
00:51:56OK, but I wish he'd shave.
00:51:57Don't you?
00:52:00Well, it's all straightened out now.
00:52:03That's good.
00:52:04Now, come on, Dolphy.
00:52:06Oh, your gun is poking a hole in my corset.
00:52:10That's all.
00:52:11It's bothering you.
00:52:13Come here.
00:52:14Why don't we get over here?
00:52:15Why don't you just...
00:52:17Over there.
00:52:18Right there.
00:52:20Over here.
00:52:21Come here.
00:52:25This is more like it.
00:52:26Yeah, well, let's just move over a little bit, huh?
00:52:30Now, wait, sweetheart.
00:52:31I just want to stroke your hair.
00:52:34Now, Dusty.
00:52:42Right there.
00:52:43Get him up.
00:52:44Get him up.
00:52:45Get him up.
00:52:46Get him up.
00:52:49All right, you two.
00:52:51Nobody does this to us.
00:52:53Now, you're going to get it.
00:52:55You know, there for a while, I really started to like you.
00:53:04No, don't shoot.
00:53:06Here we are.
00:53:07Girls, it's real ones.
00:53:11Get him to the horses.
00:53:12Let's get out of here.
00:53:14You two just stay right where you are.
00:53:16Come on.
00:53:24What happened?
00:53:25Yeah, everything was going great,
00:53:27but those cutthroats, they outsmarted us
00:53:29and they've kidnapped Lulu and Betsy.
00:53:31Mr. Callahan, you promised us
00:53:32you were going to overpower them.
00:53:34We tried, Mr. Buckhamer.
00:53:35Yeah, we would have succeeded except for one thing.
00:53:37What was that?
00:53:39Lulu and Betsy kidnapped by those ruffians.
00:53:42Absolutely barbaric.
00:53:44You know, Mr. Callahan,
00:53:45the way Jake and McGirt keep coming back here,
00:53:47I figure they must be camped somewhere nearby.
00:53:50Good thinking, Andy.
00:53:51Good thinking.
00:53:52Let's see if we can pick up their trail,
00:53:53track them down.
00:53:54Wipe off your mouth.
00:54:25Now sit down and relax.
00:54:29Please leave us alone.
00:54:31You'll never get away with this.
00:54:33Who's going to stop us?
00:54:35Friends in the dresses?
00:54:36You know, you're prettier than them other guys.
00:54:41I'm going to like you.
00:54:44Mom, please don't touch me.
00:54:46I'm a schoolteacher.
00:54:55Well, I'd like to get some learning.
00:55:01We're glad you ladies happened to pay us a visit.
00:55:04I'm sure you are.
00:55:05This place is a mess.
00:55:07There's dust all over everything.
00:55:09So what?
00:55:11Well, we would never get friendly in a dirty place like this.
00:55:14Now would we, Betsy?
00:55:16Oh, no.
00:55:18There's dust all over the table.
00:55:23Wait a minute.
00:55:24We asked you here to get friendly, not to clean.
00:55:27First things first.
00:55:29Here, now you dust the table.
00:55:31You sweep.
00:55:32Well, I ain't going to sweep.
00:55:34Do you want us to get friendly or don't you?
00:55:38Well, uh...
00:55:45That's more like it.
00:55:46Now you get all the corners, okay?
00:55:47Betsy, come over here.
00:55:48This window's filthy.
00:56:00How long do you think we can stall them?
00:56:02Till our friends come and save us.
00:56:04I just keep dusting until they get here.
00:56:06Oh, yeah.
00:56:08Keep a sharp lookout for any sign of a trail.
00:56:11Look for broken branches, anything, huh?
00:56:14I haven't seen anything like that.
00:56:15This is a petticoat like this.
00:56:19Hey, that's a woman's petticoat.
00:56:20Yeah, look.
00:56:21There's another one.
00:56:23Hey, Lulu.
00:56:24Yeah, she'd think of that.
00:56:26She must have torn these strips off to leave us a trail.
00:56:28All we got to do is follow them and lead us right to them.
00:56:31We better hope it's a short trail or a long petticoat.
00:56:33When we find them, we better have a plan.
00:56:35You're right, Andy.
00:56:36Yeah, without any guns, we got...
00:56:38Ah, wait a minute.
00:56:40Oh, maybe, just maybe, yeah.
00:56:43Yeah, you and I will follow the trail.
00:56:44Dusty, you go get the Brookhavens.
00:56:46Hey, wait.
00:56:48Now, get the bugle.
00:56:49Pots, pans, dishes, anything.
00:56:50It'll make a lot of noise.
00:56:51Oh, and those firecrackers.
00:56:53We're saving them for the 4th of July.
00:56:55Coils of rope and all the sacks of flour that you can carry.
00:56:57All right, and hurry and catch up with us on the trail.
00:56:59What's all that stuff for?
00:57:01I'm going to call out the cavalry.
00:57:02The cavalry?
00:57:03Our cavalry.
00:57:04What cavalry?
00:57:05Our cavalry.
00:57:06Oh, that cavalry.
00:57:08Our cavalry?
00:57:09I'll explain it to you later.
00:57:10Come on.
00:57:15That's enough cleaning!
00:57:19Let's get to know each other a little better.
00:57:24Well, you certainly got to admit, the place looks a lot nicer.
00:57:28Yeah, all spick and span.
00:57:29All ready to get acquainted.
00:57:31Come on over and sit down.
00:57:32Ah, just a moment.
00:57:34Ah, the place looks nice and clean.
00:57:36But you fellas don't.
00:57:38You mean now we have to wash?
00:57:40You mean just to get acquainted?
00:57:43Of course.
00:57:44After all, you are entertaining ladies.
00:57:48Here we are.
00:57:56You first.
00:57:58I don't believe this.
00:58:04Ah, don't forget your ears.
00:58:13Now, here's the soap.
00:58:16That does it.
00:58:18Now, of course, darling, we'll have to get tough.
00:58:20What do you mean?
00:58:21He means we want to get chummy.
00:58:23That's what he means.
00:58:24Oh, you don't have to shout.
00:58:26I mean, all you have to do is say so.
00:58:28We were too busy cleaning.
00:58:30Now, you two sit down over here and start getting friendly.
00:58:39That's the place.
00:58:40I see their horses.
00:58:43All right, bring those supplies up.
00:58:45When do we rush them?
00:58:46We can't.
00:58:47They got Lulu and Betsy down there.
00:58:48It's too dangerous.
00:58:49We got to scare them out.
00:58:51Mr. Callahan, where is your cavalry?
00:58:53We dragged these supplies for miles.
00:58:55And how many will there be for dinner?
00:58:57That is our cavalry.
00:58:59I beg your pardon?
00:59:00Follow me.
00:59:12I know a lovely spelling game.
00:59:14We prefer kissing games.
00:59:16Oh, I know a great kissing game.
00:59:19The two of you sit down.
00:59:22And then close your eyes.
00:59:25And one of us will kiss you, and you try and guess who it is.
00:59:28Won't that be fun?
00:59:29Well, let's start.
00:59:32Now, close your eyes.
00:59:36Now, close your eyes.
00:59:46Now, no peeking.
00:59:49I'm waiting.
01:00:05Guess again.
01:00:11Wrong again.
01:00:17Now, you two get back in there.
01:00:19Sit down.
01:00:34Wait here.
01:01:04Now, listen.
01:01:05We've got to move fast.
01:01:06Everybody remembers what they're supposed to do when I give the signal.
01:01:09Aye, aye, Captain.
01:01:10I sure hope this plan works.
01:01:11It's a splendid plan.
01:01:12I'm in the reserves, you know.
01:01:14Come, my dear.
01:01:18Come on.
01:01:39Ain't no use in screaming.
01:01:40There ain't nobody around for miles.
01:01:42Our friends are going to save us.
01:01:43They'll get you for this.
01:01:45Those two guys in the skirts.
01:01:49Hey, there ain't no use in struggling here.
01:01:52Hup, hup, hup, hup.
01:01:58Hey, you want to put that right on here.
01:02:01You got the firecrackers ready?
01:02:02All ready.
01:02:03All right, Dusty.
01:02:04Come on, give us something.
01:02:24There ain't no fort around here.
01:02:26Cavalry, Lulu.
01:02:27I always loved men in uniform.
01:02:33Where'd they come from?
01:02:38Get me out there, Jake.
01:02:39I don't know.
01:02:40I can't see a thing.
01:02:41They must be hiding.
01:02:42Come on out.
01:02:43We got you surrounded.
01:02:44You're about to come in and get it.
01:03:03Come on and we'll blast out.
01:03:05Jake, let's give up.
01:03:08You better.
01:03:09It's the whole army.
01:03:11Shut up.
01:03:12We'll fight it out.
01:03:14Untie him, McGurk.
01:03:17Blast us and you'll blast the girls.
01:03:34Get him.
01:03:35Get him.
01:03:36All right, McGurk.
01:03:37We're going out that front door.
01:03:38Just keep that girl in front of you.
01:03:41Well, go on.
01:03:43You go.
01:03:44Get out that door.
01:03:46You always go first, so you go first.
01:03:48Not this time.
01:03:49It's your turn.
01:03:50I do it all the time.
01:03:51You go first.
01:03:52You're always first, so you go first now.
01:04:01You saved us!
01:04:15Come here!
01:04:17Come here.
01:04:22You saved us!
01:04:30Hey, hold it!
01:04:31It's me, the green cow, Dusty!
01:04:33Don't hurt yourself.
01:04:35Dusty, Lulu, you all right?
01:04:39Fellas, we've really got to stop meeting this way, huh?
01:04:42You all right, Dusty boy?
01:04:43Oh, sure, Mr. Galliano. I'm just fine.
01:04:46Well, we don't have to worry about Jake and McGurk anymore.
01:04:53Sheriff tells me they're going to be locked up for a long time.
01:04:56That's great.
01:04:58You know something, Mr. Callahan?
01:05:00You really look tall and straight in that saddle today.
01:05:03Yeah, and something else too.
01:05:04Looks like you lost a lot of weight, especially around your middle.
01:05:11Forgot to take my corset off, Dolly.
01:05:14Hey, wagons!
01:06:05Saddle burn wells.
01:06:07Pop, 114.
01:06:09Wonder how old Mom is.
01:06:15Well, I wonder where everybody is.
01:06:34Where is everyone?
01:06:36I don't know.
01:06:37I don't know.
01:06:38It looks to me like we found ourselves a ghost town.
01:06:46I think one of them is trying to tell us something.
01:06:52A ghost town.
01:06:55I don't like it.
01:06:57Got a feeling somebody's behind me, breathing hot and heavy down my neck.
01:07:00There is, Callahan.
01:07:04I told you to stay close, not that close.
01:07:06Hey, Mr. Callahan, you know, this place is in pretty good shape for a ghost town.
01:07:09I don't think we're as alone here as we think.
01:07:12You feel that too, huh?
01:07:15Feel what?
01:07:16Well, I got...
01:07:17Well, like somebody's watching us.
01:07:21Listen, I'll tell you what.
01:07:22You and Mr. Brookhaven scout the north side of the street.
01:07:25Dusty and I will take the south side.
01:07:26You ladies, you stay right here by this wagon.
01:07:28Look, if something scares you while we're awake, you just fire a shot.
01:07:31We'll come running.
01:07:34What are you shooting at?
01:07:35I'm just testing.
01:07:37Look, wait till I tell you, huh?
01:07:40Come on.
01:08:01Hey, this town hasn't been deserted very long.
01:08:03Look at the blacksmith's forge.
01:08:04The coals are still hot.
01:08:06I don't see any horses.
01:08:09Oh, perhaps they all went off on a fox hunt.
01:08:12I don't know.
01:08:13There's something mysterious going on.
01:08:15Maybe the barbershop will tell us something.
01:08:18Do you want to come with me?
01:08:20Do you want to stay here?
01:08:22Where would you like to be?
01:08:23Back in Boston.
01:08:34I know someone's staring at us.
01:08:36I can just feel it.
01:08:38So can I.
01:08:39But then I kind of like being stared at.
01:08:42It does seem odd.
01:08:45Yet there's no one in town to do the staring.
01:08:48There's some clothes up there on the clothesline.
01:08:50Everybody must have left in a hurry.
01:08:53They must have cleared out faster than the gold nugget saloon the night two-ton Tilly tried to do the belly dance.
01:09:04I don't want to scare the women, but I smell some trouble up ahead.
01:09:07Now, you stay close and cover my back, all right?
01:09:09Okay, okay.
01:09:17I said cover my back, not get glued to it.
01:09:21Now, come on.
01:09:22I want to check out that saloon up there.
01:09:25Hey, you see that?
01:09:27Maybe it's only the wind.
01:09:29Maybe somebody in there waiting for us.
01:09:31It's the wind.
01:09:32I'm sure it's the wind.
01:09:33I've never been so sure of anything my whole life that it's the wind.
01:09:36Because I don't want to go in there and find out it's not the wind.
01:09:38Let's go.
01:09:39I'll go check out the saloon.
01:09:40I just remembered, I'm a minor.
01:09:41I'm not allowed.
01:09:42All right, little pal.
01:09:43You stay out here.
01:09:44I'll check the saloon.
01:09:45You're not going to leave me out here in the street alone?
01:09:47Oh, no.
01:09:48I'll go in and check.
01:09:49What's the matter?
01:09:50What did you see?
01:09:51The dance hall hostess.
01:09:53Dance hall hostess?
01:09:54Let's go talk to her.
01:09:55Me, she's the ugliest woman I've ever seen in my whole life.
01:09:56She's got a big nose and her hair's going out of her head like horns.
01:09:57And her eyes are all glassy and beady and red and her skin is all kind of...
01:10:02That's not a dance hall hostess look again.
01:10:08It's a moose head.
01:10:11I'm not going to go in there.
01:10:12I'm not going to go in there.
01:10:13I'm not going in there.
01:10:14I'm not going in there.
01:10:15I'm not going in there.
01:10:16I'm not going in there.
01:10:17I'm not going in there.
01:10:18I'm not going in there.
01:10:19I'm not going in there.
01:10:20I'm not going in there.
01:10:21I'm not going in there.
01:10:22I'm not going in there.
01:10:23I'm not going in there.
01:10:24I'm not going in there.
01:10:25I'm not going in there.
01:10:26I'm not going in there.
01:10:27I'm not going in there.
01:10:28I'm not going in there.
01:10:29I'm not going in there.
01:10:30I'm not going in there.
01:10:31I'm not going in there.
01:10:32I'm not going in there.
01:10:33I'm not going in there.
01:10:34I'm not going in there.
01:10:35I'm not going in there.
01:10:36I'm not going in there.
01:10:37I'm not going in there.
01:10:38I'm not going in there.
01:10:39I'm not going in there.
01:10:40I'm not going in there.
01:10:41I'm not going in there.
01:10:42I'm not going in there.
01:10:43I'm not going in there.
01:10:44I'm not going in there.
01:10:45I'm not going in there.
01:10:46I'm not going in there.
01:10:47I'm not going in there.
01:10:48I'm not going in there.
01:10:49I'm not going in there.
01:10:50I'm not going in there.
01:10:51I'm not going in there.
01:10:52I'm not going in there.
01:10:53I'm not going in there.
01:10:54I'm not going in there.
01:10:55I'm not going in there.
01:10:56I'm not going in there.
01:10:57I'm not going in there.
01:10:58I'm not going in there.
01:10:59I'm not going in there.
01:11:00I'm not going in there.
01:11:01I'm not going in there.
01:11:02I'm not going in there.
01:11:03I'm not going in there.
01:11:04I'm not going in there.
01:11:05I'm not going in there.
01:11:06I wish we had a ladder or something.
01:11:07Maybe there's something behind the bar.
01:11:09Oh, look.
01:11:10Hey, I found a candle.
01:11:11Hey, good little pal.
01:11:12Here, let me light it for you.
01:11:13Well, now we can see what's what.
01:11:14I can see the saloon and the tables and the gunpowder.
01:11:15What gunpowder?
01:11:17This whole bar is stacked with gunpowder.
01:11:18Why would a saloon be full of gunpowder?
01:11:19I don't know.
01:11:20Hold that can.
01:11:21Hold that can.
01:11:22Hold that can.
01:11:23Hold that can.
01:11:24Hold that can.
01:11:25Hold that can.
01:11:26Hold that can.
01:11:27Hold that can.
01:11:28Hold that can.
01:11:29Hold that can.
01:11:30Hold that can.
01:11:31Hold that can.
01:11:32Hold that can.
01:11:33Hold that can.
01:11:34Hold that can.
01:11:36I've got a candle down here so I can say...
01:11:39That's not a candle.
01:11:40Sure it is.
01:11:41You just said it was.
01:11:42Why would you lie?
01:11:43No, no.
01:11:44That's not a...
01:11:45That is a stick of gunpowder.
01:11:46That's why you wouldn't lie.
01:11:47It goes with a stick of gunpowder.
01:11:48What am I going to do with this?
01:11:49Throw it out the window.
01:11:52If I throw it out the window, I'll break the window.
01:11:54Please, for Pete's sake, throw it out the window, Dusty.
01:11:55Oh, my.
01:11:56Dusty, get down.
01:11:58All right.
01:11:59You can get up now, little pal.
01:12:00I said...
01:12:01I said you can get up now, Dusty.
01:12:02What's the matter?
01:12:03Didn't you hear me?
01:12:04Didn't you hear me?
01:12:07You know how they say when you're going to die, your whole life passes right in front
01:12:08of you?
01:12:10Mine was only half done.
01:12:11You know, it's really interesting.
01:12:28That sounds like a trouble signal.
01:12:29Let's go.
01:12:39Mary, where is everybody here, all right?
01:12:41So far.
01:12:42But I wouldn't count on our future.
01:12:43They found the reason the town people deserted.
01:12:46It's right here in this newspaper.
01:12:47I'll take one.
01:12:49Keep the change.
01:12:52Scholar brother's outlaws.
01:12:53I never heard of them.
01:12:54And Dad Hithert.
01:12:55It says here they're armed bank robbers and murderers.
01:12:58Perhaps they had an unpleasant childhood.
01:13:01Daphne sees good in everyone.
01:13:03Well, the scholars threatened to come back to town and kill everyone.
01:13:06They didn't give them all their money and their valuables.
01:13:08Yeah, it's plain as a nose on your face just in case of blackmail.
01:13:11So, the whole lily-livered town took a powder.
01:13:13I think the townspeople were wise to run.
01:13:16Especially the wealthy ones.
01:13:18And I happen to be a member of that club.
01:13:20Come along, Daphne.
01:13:21Now, wait a minute. Everybody just simmer down.
01:13:24By the way, I see that they've already come and gone.
01:13:26They saw the town was empty and they just took off.
01:13:28Are you sure?
01:13:29I'm positive.
01:13:32Well, it's not absolute.
01:13:41The soldiers are coming! The soldiers are coming!
01:13:45The horses are running away!
01:13:46Now, now, Dusty's chasing them.
01:13:48No, no, Dusty's not chasing them. He's passing them.
01:13:51All right, you girls in the wagon.
01:13:53Come on, you miss.
01:14:05I thought you'd be halfway to California by now.
01:14:07I suddenly realized it was my job to help you protect everybody.
01:14:10Especially me.
01:14:11Mr. Clarahan, the Scalders obviously believe that we are citizens of this town.
01:14:17Now, I think we should let them know that we're perfect strangers.
01:14:20I think they'd let us go.
01:14:22Yeah, with their records, I don't think they'd buy that.
01:14:24Nevertheless, I would like to inform them who we are.
01:14:27Oh, please, be my guest.
01:14:31I say out there!
01:14:33We are perfect strangers!
01:14:37We are perfect strangers!
01:14:44Well, I guess they figure nobody can be perfect, huh?
01:14:48Hey, wait! Come here!
01:14:49Didn't you see what just happened to Mr. Brookhaven?
01:14:51Well, yes, sir, but the Scalders aren't animals.
01:14:53I'm sure they'd recognize the white flag of truce.
01:14:55What makes you think so?
01:14:56Well, it happens to be the code of the West.
01:14:58Yeah, the code of the West.
01:15:00Oh, definitely.
01:15:11Maybe the code of the East.
01:15:19Those Scalders haven't fired at us for quite a while.
01:15:22Maybe they're out of bullets.
01:15:25Somehow, I don't think so.
01:15:27Hey, Mr. Callaghan, one of the Scalders is riding right for us.
01:15:38We got a visitor, but that ain't one of the Scalders.
01:15:41Come on.
01:15:45A scarecrow.
01:15:47Hey, baby, hold on. Hold on there now a minute.
01:15:49A dead scarecrow. Look at that knife.
01:15:52Yeah, it's holding a message.
01:15:54Ooh, I hate the sight of blood, even if it's straw.
01:15:56We have the town surrounded.
01:15:58Fork over all your gold and stuff by sunup or we'll burn you out.
01:16:01They're bluffing, of course.
01:16:03And if you think we're bluffing, you're a bigger dummy than the one on the jackass.
01:16:11Well, we still got a problem, but at least we're safer in here than we are out on that street.
01:16:15Where do we go from here, Mr. Callaghan?
01:16:17We don't go anyplace. Too dangerous out there.
01:16:19Impossible. How can three men surround a town?
01:16:22Because they got a lot of guns.
01:16:24Besides, they got the only road out of here blocked.
01:16:27I do not believe those ruffians realize they are jeopardizing the lives of women.
01:16:33Mrs. Brookhaven, the Skona brothers do not care about women, men, children, pets, or anything else.
01:16:40Lulu? Betsy? I think it's time we stepped in.
01:16:44Atta girl, Mrs. V. I'm with you.
01:16:49Me too, Mrs. Brookhaven.
01:16:51Daphne, dear.
01:16:53Not now, Carter.
01:16:55Good heavens, just like a mother.
01:16:58Mrs. Brookhaven, as your wagon master, I cannot permit...
01:17:01Stand aside, Mr. Callaghan.
01:17:03Take my hand, girl.
01:17:05I think it's time we showed these men what women can do.
01:17:08Mrs. V., you've got more sin in your little craw than a Gila monster with a long neck.
01:17:13Wait a minute. Have you all lost your minds?
01:17:16I mean, those Skona brothers don't show no mercy.
01:17:19They would never dare shoot a woman.
01:17:21Only a bounder or a cad would entertain such a notion.
01:17:25Well, I cannot...
01:17:28Hey! Stop!
01:17:37There were two bounders and a cad out there.
01:17:41I guess you'd better change.
01:17:45Daphne, cover up your pantaloons.
01:17:47If anyone should see you like that, we'll be drawn right out of the country club.
01:17:51You know, it's no use.
01:17:53They've got us covered so tight, it'd take an army to penetrate their position.
01:17:57Army? Handy.
01:17:59That's the answer.
01:18:00Yeah, army. That's the answer.
01:18:01But what is the question?
01:18:02Fort Hotchkiss. It's just over the hill there.
01:18:05If one of us could get up over those rocks, we could get some help.
01:18:08We can draw straws to see who goes.
01:18:09No, no. I'm the wagon master. I should be the one to do this.
01:18:12I still think we should draw straws.
01:18:15Oh, yeah, Andy. Straws. That's the answer.
01:18:18Yeah, straws. That's the answer. But I still don't know the question.
01:18:20No, I'll explain.
01:18:25You look great, Mr. Callaghan.
01:18:26Thank you, Dusty.
01:18:27By the time the Scullner brothers figure out you're not a scarecrow, you'll be on your way to Fort Hotchkiss.
01:18:31They'll never give me a second look.
01:18:33Neither will a crow.
01:18:38Only trouble is, this stuff makes you want to sneeze.
01:18:40Whatever you do, don't sneeze.
01:18:42No, if you sneeze, you're a dead man.
01:18:44All right. Wish me luck.
01:18:46Luck, luck.
01:18:47Good thinking.
01:18:58Our wagon master is a very brave man.
01:19:01Oh, I'd say he's braver than that. I'd say he's a very, very brave man.
01:19:04To show my appreciation, in case Mr. Callaghan is killed in this attempt to save our lives, I intend to raise his salary.
01:19:15Whee! Ain't we gonna have us some fun?
01:19:18Them town folks is pinned down as cold as a dead carp in February.
01:19:22We're gonna get all their gold and burn them all down, too.
01:19:26Here we is.
01:19:30Something's headed this way.
01:19:31Hey, save your bullets, Luke. It's only that old jackass we sent up.
01:19:35Them folks is so scared, they can't even hang on to a straw man on a swayback mule.
01:19:41What's the matter, little lady?
01:19:43Let's move on. Put one foot in front of the other there.
01:19:47Now, that scarecrow looks a little different.
01:19:50If you ask me, it looks like his nose has grown to mine.
01:19:53Well, let's just see which one of us can shoot it flat again.
01:19:57Come on, let's...
01:19:59Come on, let's...
01:20:01Come on, let's...
01:20:03Come on, let's...
01:20:05Come on, let's...
01:20:07Come on, let's...
01:20:12Hey, that ain't no scarecrow. That's a real dummy. Let him have it, boys.
01:20:22Blarney and good old Freckles.
01:20:24They came back and the rest of the horses followed them.
01:20:29Yeah, that ought to do it.
01:20:30That's a great idea, Mr. Callahan.
01:20:32Yeah, I've used that trick before. All that stuff on the wheels keep nice and quiet.
01:20:36We'll be able to sneak out of town real easy.
01:20:41Something wrong?
01:20:42Yeah, it sure feels funny looking at my bustle on a different caboose.
01:20:47Yeah, now we got those wagon wheels all silenced,
01:20:50so all of you can get out of here without any trouble.
01:20:52All of us?
01:20:53Oh, Mr. Callahan, aren't you going with us?
01:20:55No, no, no. I got a plan. I'm gonna stay here and keep those Skullner boys busy.
01:20:59Oh, no, you're not. I'm not letting you get away with that.
01:21:02I'm your wagon master. I made up my mind.
01:21:05I can't let you do it. I can't let you face them alone.
01:21:07I highly agree with Dusty. Perhaps the lad should stay with you.
01:21:10No, no, Dusty has got to scout the trail, take care of the animals.
01:21:13You know that big tall mountain over there, north-northwest? You head right toward that.
01:21:17North by northwest.
01:21:18North-north, yeah.
01:21:19You're quite a guy, Cal.
01:21:21When I open up a little saloon, I'm gonna name a drink after you.
01:21:24You just make sure it's a tall one and don't put in too much water.
01:21:29I've learned a lot from you, Callahan.
01:21:31You're a real wagon master.
01:21:32All right, all right.
01:21:33Mr. Callahan, I know we'll see you soon.
01:21:35Yeah, of course you will. Get to run along, baby.
01:21:37Mr. Callahan, all of Mr. Brookhaven's money couldn't pay you for what you're about to do.
01:21:42Oh, what you said.
01:21:44But you know, Mr. Callahan, he's quite right.
01:21:47Thank you, sir.
01:21:48Mr. Brookhaven, Mr. Brookhaven.
01:21:50Is there anything I can do to help you before I leave?
01:21:53Yeah, why don't we see if all the weapons are loaded, huh?
01:21:58Yes, sir, yes, sir, yes, sir.
01:22:00Winchester, 44.
01:22:01Yep, check.
01:22:03Single barrel.
01:22:06Double barrel.
01:22:10Listen, I'll get a bandage behind the bar for you.
01:22:12All right.
01:22:24Well, it's all up to you now, Andy.
01:22:26I'm sorry, but, you know, there's nothing I...
01:22:28Well, you've done all you can.
01:22:30How did the accident happen?
01:22:32Well, uh...
01:22:34Oh, it's all my dumb fault.
01:22:35No, we got this one caught in the breach of that shotgun there.
01:22:38That wasn't a dumb thing.
01:22:39The real dumb thing was he had his hand on the bar like this, you know,
01:22:42and I went in to get a bandage, I took the center top like that and went...
01:22:49Well, I'll tell you one thing.
01:22:50That just about settles our hash.
01:22:53We've got to have faith, Mr. Callahan.
01:22:55There's got to be a way to stop the Skalner brothers.
01:22:59Maybe if Bat Masterson rode into town, he's...
01:23:01Yeah, Bat Masterson could do it.
01:23:03He was a little guy like me.
01:23:04When those bad guys saw him with that cane, they ran for their lives.
01:23:10I'm way ahead of you, Cal.
01:23:11I'm going to go get my makeup kit.
01:23:14Folks, meet Bat Masterson.
01:23:17Yeah, spitting image.
01:23:20There you go.
01:23:21One of Mr. Brookhaven's very best.
01:23:27Are you sure I look enough like Bat Masterson to fool the Skalner brothers?
01:23:30Yeah, well, if you just look a little tougher, you know.
01:23:34Like you mean business.
01:23:37Yeah, now, now you get it.
01:23:39Come on.
01:23:40Ah, that's it, that's it.
01:23:41That's perfect, Dusty. Take a look.
01:23:46It's set up, Mr. Callahan.
01:23:48Skalners will be heading this way any minute.
01:23:50All right, now you just go out there and face them.
01:23:52And if I got this figured right, there won't even be any gunplay.
01:23:55We'll have you covered from here as best we can.
01:24:00I guess this is it.
01:24:06Poor Dusty.
01:24:08We may never see him again.
01:24:10Yes, you will, honey.
01:24:12That's a closet.
01:24:17Here come the Skalners!
01:24:56Bat Masterson.
01:24:58What's Bat Masterson doing here?
01:25:01Let's go see.
01:25:12The Skalners have dismounted. They're coming after us.
01:25:14We better get ready to protect them.
01:25:22Let's go.
01:25:34That ain't Bat Masterson, he ain't twirled his cane yet.
01:26:21Well, that's Bat Masterson, all right.
01:26:23Hey, we give up, Bat!
01:26:24Hey, Andy! You hogtie them critters good and tight!
01:26:27Say, Dusty, that was a pretty good thing you done there with that cane!
01:26:31How'd you do that?
01:26:32Easy, Mr. Callahan. All I did was just take it like this, and I threw it in the air,
01:26:35and then I waited for it to come down.
01:26:44Good night, Mr. Callahan.
