• 5 years ago
30min | Family, Western, TV Series | Episode aired 10 March 1956

A young couple's baby daughter wanders away from their camper. Jim and Pete join the sheriff's search party. Joey, Frankie, and Fury also try to locate the little girl before the brewing bad storm blows in.

Director: Ray Nazarro

Writer: Melvin Levy

Stars: Peter Graves, Bobby Diamond, William Fawcett

00:00This is the range country where the pounding hooves of untamed horses still thunder over
00:08mountains, meadows, and canyons.
00:11Every herd has its own leader, but there is only one fury, fury, king of the wild stallions.
00:18And here in the wild west of today, hard riding men still battle the open range for a living.
00:23Men like Jim Newton, owner of the Broken Wheel Ranch, and Pete, his top hand who says he
00:28cut his teeth on a branding iron.
00:32Wild as fury is, that's the one human voice he's learned to love and obey.
00:45The voice of the boy who once saved his life, Jim Newton's boy, Joey.
01:06Here's a mutual trust and affection that everyone can understand, especially a woman like Helen
01:12Watkins, Joey's school teacher and unfailing champion.
01:25And there they are together, a great wild horse and the only person on earth who can
01:30ride him, Joey and Fury.
01:48Is anything wrong, David?
02:01Oh, hello, dear.
02:02How's the baby?
02:03She's asleep in the trailer.
02:04Why did we stop?
02:06Oh, just checking to find the nearest town to the trailer camp.
02:08Look, capital city, 52 miles.
02:10We can make it.
02:11Uh, dear, just once on this trip, uh, couldn't we stop over somewhere before it gets dark?
02:16Just once?
02:17How are we going to make any time?
02:18Well, this is a vacation, not an endurance contest.
02:22Hey, Twin Forks, 25 miles.
02:25Can we at least drive there tonight?
02:27You're always making a deal.
02:29All right, Twin Forks, and not a foot further.
02:31Hey, what's your hurry?
02:32I'd better look in on the baby.
02:34Oh, she's all right.
02:35Besides, we haven't seen each other all day.
02:37Come on, hop in.
02:38All right.
02:39Let me lock up.
02:42So when was the baby discovered missing?
03:08About 10 minutes ago.
03:10The child's parents just called in from Twin Forks.
03:12They think she might have gotten out of the trailer in this vicinity, and I'm asking every
03:15rancher in the county to help in the search.
03:17Pete and I will meet you right away.
03:19Hi, Jim.
03:20Where are you going?
03:21We're getting together a search party.
03:24There's a baby lost somewhere out near Dry Canyon.
03:39A baby?
03:40Gosh, we just passed by there on our way home from school.
03:43Can we go with you, Jim?
03:44No, not this time, boys.
03:46You boys better get washed up and have your supper.
03:49There's some cold meatloaf in the icebox.
03:50We'll see you later.
03:51Be sure you stay inside till we get back.
03:54Hey, Wes.
03:58It's like I told you.
04:03Kids can never go looking for adventure.
04:07The capital of New Jersey is Trenton.
04:13What is the biggest city?
04:14Hey, Joey.
04:16What's the biggest city in New Jersey?
04:19You'd better know it by tomorrow, because Miss Helen is going to ask you.
04:22Who cares?
04:23That little baby alone out in that canyon?
04:26I'd be scared to be alone out there, and I'm grown up.
04:37Don't bother unsaddling him.
04:38We'll be going right out again.
04:39It's Jim and Pete.
04:40They're back.
04:41Did you find the baby yet?
04:46I'm afraid not, Joey.
04:47You kids have school tomorrow.
04:48It's time you were in bed.
04:49Now, look.
04:50Pete and I are going out again right away, and we'll probably be out all night.
04:55So when you get up in the morning, just get your breakfast and go on to school, huh?
04:58Okay, Jim.
04:59I'll have Pete leave your lunchboxes on the kitchen table.
05:01Good night, Mr. Newton.
05:03Good night, boys.
05:07Joey, we'll find the baby.
05:20Kids okay?
05:21Yeah, I just sent them to bed.
05:22I fed the horses.
05:23You reckon we got time to get something to eat before we go out looking again?
05:26No, I'm afraid not, Pete.
05:28Every minute that baby's alone out there, she's in more danger.
05:30What are we waiting for?
05:33You asleep?
05:47No, I'm not.
05:56I've been thinking about that poor little baby alone out there.
05:59Yeah, with all those wild animals prowling around.
06:03I feel like looking for the little thing.
06:05Me, too.
06:07Right this very minute.
06:08But Jim'll get awful mad at us.
06:09Yeah, I guess so.
06:10How about getting up at daylight and looking for her before we go to school?
06:15Yeah, good.
06:16And as long as we're getting up so early, how about going to sleep now?
06:39I'm not sure.
06:40Oh, Mr. Stanhope, if you could only give us some idea of where you stopped.
06:44It all looks so different at night.
06:47Well, we'll just have to keep combing the area and hope we're guessing right.
06:52All right, Freddie, move on out.
07:02My baby out there in the dark.
07:05They're doing all they can, honey.
07:07They're doing all they can.
07:14Attention all you men on the searching party.
07:16We still have no information on where the trailer stopped.
07:19So spread out at intervals of 500 yards and cover both sides of the highway.
07:23All right, men, get started.
07:28Why don't you two get some rest?
07:30I'll get word to you as soon as we have some news.
07:38Steve and I will keep looking.
07:46Hey, look.
07:49What do you reckon they're up to?
07:51I don't know, but I got a pretty good idea.
07:55Gosh, now maybe we can't go looking for them.
07:58Hi, Jim.
07:59Good morning, Mr. Newton.
08:00Hi, Pete.
08:03Hey, Jim.
08:04Good morning, Mr. Newton.
08:05Hi, Pete.
08:07Hey, Jim.
08:08Good morning, Mr. Newton.
08:09Hi, Pete.
08:11Hey, Jim.
08:12Good morning, Mr. Newton.
08:13Hi, Pete.
08:15All right, boys, where do you think you're going?
08:18We're going to school.
08:20At five o'clock in the morning?
08:22We thought we might go looking for that lost baby on our way to school.
08:25You didn't find her yet, did you?
08:27No, we haven't, Joey.
08:28Can me and Frankie go looking for her?
08:30Can we, Jim?
08:32All right, but be sure you get to school on time.
08:34We will.
08:35And there's a storm coming up, so don't wander too far.
08:38Yes, sir.
08:39Come on, Fury.
08:40So long.
08:42So long.
08:45I don't like the looks of this weather, Pete.
08:47Yeah, wind's coming in from the northeast.
08:49That ain't exactly good news.
08:51No, that child better be found and soon.
08:53We better get some grub in our gizzards.
08:55The coffee will do.
08:56You go in and make it, and I'll get some fresh horses.
09:12See anything?
09:15We better get to school.
09:16You mean give up now?
09:18But we'll be late.
09:19And you know what Jim said.
09:21We won't be late if we just look a little longer.
09:23What do you think, Fury?
09:32This is the spot.
09:33Are you sure?
09:34Why, you can see the tire marks of the trailer.
09:42All right, men, now we've got something to work on.
09:44We know the baby's a crawler and couldn't have gone too far.
09:47We'll start the search from here.
09:49Half of you on one side and half on the other.
09:51Spread out about a half a mile apart.
09:53And if you come across anything, fire two shots in the air.
09:57And, uh, work as fast as you can, men.
10:00Sheriff, find my baby, please.
10:02They'll find her, dear.
10:04Mr. Stanhope, why don't you take your wife over to my ranch?
10:06You can wait for us there.
10:07But I want to help in the search.
10:09We know every inch of this country, Mr. Stanhope.
10:11If your baby's out here, we'll find her.
10:13I think it'd be better if you stayed with your wife.
10:15All right, if you say so.
10:18My ranch is the Broken Wheel.
10:19It's down the road about four miles.
10:21You'll see the sign on the right.
10:23The door's always open, so just go on in and make yourselves at home.
10:27We'll do everything we can, Mr. Stanhope.
10:32She has a lot of courage.
10:34Yes, she has, Jim.
10:36And she's gonna need it.
10:37I don't like the looks of this weather.
10:39I don't like it at all.
10:43The End
11:01What's the matter, Fury?
11:03I see something.
11:05Maybe it's a rattler.
11:16Golly, it's a baby!
11:20My God, we found you!
11:26What do we do?
11:28Tell everybody, right away!
11:30Boy, will the baby's folks be happy.
11:32We gotta get her back to the ranch, quick!
11:34Oh, my name's Joey.
11:36This is my friend Frankie.
11:37Glad to know you.
11:38Hold her tight.
11:40Let's walk back to the ranch, Fury.
11:42Walk gently.
11:43We don't want her jiggling the baby.
12:10We'll never make it to the ranch, Fury!
12:12How do we know?
12:14Look, Frankie!
12:16It's you and my chap!
12:18Why don't we keep the baby there out of the storm while the other rides for help?
12:20Good idea! Let's hurry!
12:48You go on first. I'll hand the baby in.
12:52Give me the baby.
12:56Baby, baby.
12:58You don't want to cry.
13:00There, there.
13:02Look, we left the kerosene lamps here the last time we were up here.
13:04Still got some kerosene in it.
13:06Got any matches?
13:08They're in my saddlebag. I'll get them.
13:10Don't cry now.
13:15Bring the lunchbox while you're at it.
13:17Bet the baby's hungry.
13:19You sit here, Fury.
13:21I'll be right back, and then we'll go for help.
13:27You're gonna be all right.
13:29Don't cry, baby.
13:32There, now, baby.
13:34There, now.
13:42There, there.
13:44She sure is unhappy.
14:02You hold the baby.
14:04My arms are getting tired.
14:10What's the matter?
14:12Give me your neckerchief.
14:14What for?
14:16Don't ask questions. Give it to me.
14:18Take off your sweater.
14:20Quick. Come on.
14:22Put it on the box.
14:24Come on.
14:26Put it on the box.
14:36Here, hold these.
14:42Glad I saw Miss Allison do this to her baby.
14:44Daddy, help!
14:52That should do the trick.
14:54Give me the pins. No, no, one at a time.
14:58Give me the other one.
15:02There, that should do it.
15:04Pretty neat job.
15:08I'd better run for help.
15:10Okay, but hurry.
15:14Come on.
15:22It's a landslide!
15:29My baby's dead.
15:31I know my baby's dead.
15:33Honey, don't. Don't.
15:37I know my baby's dead.
15:39They'll find her, honey. They'll find her.
15:47They're still looking.
16:19Go get Jim!
16:23Go get Jim and bring him here!
16:43Jim, I was just checking.
16:45Did you give Joey home from school today?
16:47No, he and Frankie have gone.
16:49They left early so they could look for the missing baby
16:51before they went to school.
16:53Well, they didn't get here.
16:55Maybe they're at Frankie's house, waiting out the storm.
16:57No, I just called Frankie's mother.
16:59Frankie's mother?
17:01Yes, Frankie's mother.
17:03Frankie's mother?
17:05Yes, Frankie's mother.
17:07Frankie's mother?
17:09Frankie's mother.
17:13Well, thanks for calling, Ellen.
17:21Joey and Frankie didn't show up at school.
17:39How do you know chocolate's good for babies?
17:41You remember what our 4-H leader told us.
17:43A bar of chocolate's the same as a pound of beefsteak.
17:45I think the baby would rather have beefsteak.
17:51How about giving it a sandwich?
17:55You take the sandwich.
17:57I got it!
18:01Babies love milk.
18:03I got it!
18:05I got it!
18:08I got it!
18:14Babies take milk from baby bottles
18:16with nipples on the end of them.
18:24I got it!
18:26You got a pin?
18:28On my sweater.
18:38This will sterilize it.
18:40What are you going to do?
18:42I'm going to use a balloon as a baby bottle.
18:44Good idea!
18:46I wonder if Fury got back to the ranch yet.
18:48Long ago.
18:50You know how fast Fury runs.
18:52Jim will be here any minute now.
19:00Gosh, Jim should have been here by now.
19:02He'll be here.
19:04He'll be here.
19:06He'll be here.
19:08Maybe Fury didn't even go after him.
19:10Maybe Fury didn't even hear you holler.
19:14I told you, this I'm going to be scared of.
19:16Jim will be here.
19:18He's got to be.
19:35You see anything yet?
19:37No, nothing.
19:39I'm afraid there's not much more chance.
19:41Well, we got to keep looking.
19:43Let's go.
20:34Sounds like Fury.
20:38It is.
20:48What happened, Fury?
20:49Where's Joey?
20:50Here, look.
20:51It must belong to the Stanhope child.
20:54He's hurt bad, Jim.
20:55He must have got here on hard alone.
20:57Maybe he can lead us to the baby.
20:59Fury's in terrible pain.
21:00Another step might cripple him for life.
21:02It's your decision, Jim.
21:08Come on, Fury, lead the way.
21:18Keep going, Fury.
21:46I can't breathe very good.
21:49Neither can I.
21:51I'm getting sleepy.
21:53Don't go to sleep, Frankie.
21:55Stay awake.
21:59Look at the lamp.
22:00It's going out.
22:20They're trapped inside.
22:25Joey, can you hear me?
22:31Jim, we're in here!
22:33Don't worry, Joey.
22:34We'll get you out.
22:36Hurry, Jim!
22:41You're going to be all right, baby.
22:51How's the baby?
22:52He seems to be fine.
23:00You all right, boys?
23:03I knew Fury'd get you.
23:17He'll be all right, Joey.
23:18He's just got a bad gash on his leg.
23:21Joey, you've got a horse you can be proud of.
23:30No words can do justice in describing the unfailing courage and heart shown by this wonderful horse, Fury,
23:36in leading the rescuers to the entrapped children.
23:39Because of their bravery in finding and caring for the Stanhope baby until help arrived,
23:45all this accomplished in the face of overwhelming difficulties,
23:49Joseph Newton and Frankie Watts have been awarded the Conway Award for Distinguished Bravery.
23:56And here's another award, this check for distinguished service for your 4-H club.
24:00Gee, thanks!
24:02Well, boys, how's it feel to be heroes?
24:07And this is for Fury.
24:10Ha, ha, ha!
24:12Ha, ha, ha!
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