• 5 years ago
30min | Family, Western, TV Series | Episode aired 10 March 1956

The Broken Wheel's mortgage holder wants to own Fury and convinces Joey to enter him into a winner-take-all horse race where Fury himself is the prize. An Irish hobo happens along and helps train Joey and Fury for their big race.

Director: Ray Nazarro

Writer: Melvin Levy

Stars: Peter Graves, Bobby Diamond, William Fawcett
00:00This is the range country, where the pounding hooves of untamed horses still thunder over
00:08mountains, meadows and canyons.
00:11Every herd has its own leader, but there is only one fury, fury, king of the wild stallions.
00:18And here in the wild west of today, hard riding men still battle the open range for a living.
00:23Men like Jim Newton, owner of the Broken Wheel Ranch, and Pete, his top hand who says he
00:28cut his teeth on a branding iron.
00:32Why all this fury is, that's the one human voice he's learned to love and obey.
00:45The voice of the boy who once saved his life, Jim Newton's boy, Joey.
00:56Here's a mutual trust and affection that everyone can understand, especially a woman like Helen
01:12Watkins, Joey's school teacher and unfailing champion.
01:16Now kneel down and let me get on you.
01:25And there they are together, a great wild horse and the only person on earth who can
01:30ride him, Joey and Fury.
01:45So that's the horse that's got you talking in your sleep.
01:47That's the colt.
01:48What do you think of him?
01:49Oh, he's fast, all right.
01:51And he's got the looks and stride of a thoroughbred.
01:53Well, he isn't.
01:54He's just a mixed breed range horse, but he can run like that all day.
01:57Now, wait a minute, Mr. Kingsley.
01:58You're not thinking of racing him.
02:00Billy, that colt can win a million dollars for me before he's a year older.
02:03But he's not even registered.
02:05Ah, yes, he is.
02:07That's black magic.
02:08Black magic?
02:09That colt of yours?
02:10But he died.
02:11That's right.
02:12And I never reported his death, so his papers are as good as gold.
02:16I've got to hand it to you, boys.
02:17You think of everything.
02:18What can I do?
02:19Oh, you've got a lot of work to do with that horse.
02:21He's never run on a track.
02:23And you've got to train him to race like a thoroughbred.
02:25That'll be duck soup.
02:27You just buy the horse.
02:28Oh, it isn't that easy.
02:29He's not for sale at any price.
02:30But I have an ace in the hole.
02:32And it's time to turn it face up.
02:34You go back to the ranch.
02:35I'll see you later.
02:39Hello, Jim.
02:40Glad to see you.
02:41Mr. Kingsley?
02:42Hope I can say the same.
02:43Well, how about it?
02:44Do I get an extension on the note?
02:46Well, I'd like to oblige you, Jim.
02:47But, you see, I'm in large in my holdings.
02:49And, well, I need this place of yours.
02:51Well, look, I'm over a barrel.
02:52I can dig up the interest on the money, but...
02:54I'm sorry, Jim.
02:55But you know the terms of the mortgage.
02:57It's my option to foreclose any time you fall behind.
03:00I'm exercising.
03:02Oh, day after tomorrow.
03:04Unless you can come up with a whole 25,000 with interest.
03:07You know I can't raise that kind of money in 48 hours.
03:10Well, of course, Jim.
03:11That's what I'm counting on.
03:13I'm a businessman.
03:14All right, Mr. Businessman.
03:15You've said your piece.
03:16Now, I wish you'd leave the ranch while it's still mine.
03:19Okay, Jim.
03:20Come on, boy.
03:33Of course, you know the stock goes with the ranch.
03:35So take good care of things for the next two days.
03:38Especially that black stallion your boy Joey just rode in.
03:42Don't let anything happen to him.
03:44Look, if you're still thinking about Fury, forget it.
03:46The horse belongs to Joey.
03:47And when we leave here, he's going with us.
03:49Well, the boy's a miner.
03:50How can he own a horse?
03:51By legal deed.
03:52Recorded and filed in the county courthouse.
03:55Well, that sort of changes things, Jim.
03:59And I can see that it does.
04:02Well, I'll see you later.
04:04Come on, boy.
04:10Hi, Jim.
04:11See what a ride I just had.
04:13Seems Fury runs faster and faster every day.
04:16Looks like you have to move fast around here to keep up with things.
04:20Come on, let's have lunch.
04:23I don't want that ranch.
04:25I only bought up the mortgage because I thought the horse went with it.
04:28Looks like the only way to get it.
04:30Well, at least you won't be out of anything, will you?
04:32I wouldn't care about that either.
04:33I could win 10 times 25 grand on Fury's first big race.
04:36Yeah, it's too bad, boys.
04:41Well, I guess I better pack up and start looking for a riding contract.
04:44Hey, wait a minute.
04:47Wait a minute.
04:49That gives me an idea.
04:51Maybe I could talk Jim Newton into a horse race.
04:54Fury against Daredevil for the mortgage of the horse.
04:57No, but boss, that black horse could beat old Daredevil at any distance.
05:00Could he beat the Gorman stable steak horse, Arcus?
05:04There ain't three horses in the country that could beat him at a mile.
05:08Say, he and Daredevil have the same sire.
05:12They're ringers for each other.
05:14You're telling me.
05:30And a pleasant afternoon to you, my lad.
05:32Michael McClory is the name.
05:34My name's Joey. Can I do something for you?
05:37Well, now, it says down by the gate
05:39that no honest man willing to do a bit of work
05:41is ever denied a bite to eat or a nice lodging at the Broken Wheel Ranch.
05:45It says that at the gate?
05:47That's funny. I never saw it.
05:49Who could have written that?
05:51Well, no, it's not exactly written.
05:54It's carved in the fence post
05:56in the mystic symbols of the professional wayfarer,
05:59better known, perhaps, as a hobo.
06:01Is the owner about, lad?
06:03Oh, he's up at the house. I'll go and get him for you.
06:05Well, fine. Fine. Thank you, my boy.
06:15Well, now.
06:17Oh, it's a beauty you are, to be sure.
06:20And what's your name, my friend?
06:22Now, come closer.
06:28Oh, I haven't seen the likes of you in many a year.
06:36Oh, now, surely now,
06:38a great-hearted gentleman like you goes afriend an easy one.
06:42Come along, laddie buck.
06:44You've nothing to fear from me.
06:48No, no.
06:50Never turn your back on a friend.
06:53Friends are rare enough in this water.
06:58Now, that's more like it.
07:02You know, I'll be moving on soon,
07:04and I'd like most highly to make you a better acquaintance.
07:15Ah, thank you, my friend.
07:17This is a great pleasure,
07:19a memory to treasure wherever I go.
07:24But, God, he's dangerous.
07:26Oh, I've no doubt he could be,
07:28but, oh, not to Michael McClory.
07:31You ain't never let anyone make up to him like that.
07:33We understand each other.
07:35Don't we, Fury?
07:38Oh, Mike, you certainly have a way with horses.
07:40Oh, well, I ought to have been...
07:42Oh, you're the owner, huh?
07:44That's right. What can I do for you?
07:45Well, now, if there's a nodjob or two lying around the place,
07:49I'd like to have it.
07:50Well, I'm not hiring anyone just now,
07:52but if you'd like to stay for dinner and spend the night with us,
07:55you're certainly welcome.
07:56Well, I'm a man that likes to pay me on way,
07:58and, oh, if there's a blacksmith place around here,
08:02I see one little job I can do.
08:04Your friend Fury is badly in need of shoe him.
08:07Golly, that'll be swell.
08:09We wanted to shoe him,
08:10but he won't let anyone but Joey touch him.
08:12Oh, no, between us,
08:13I think we can convince him it's for his own good.
08:15Sure, I bet we can.
08:17All right.
08:18Joey, take Mike over to the forge.
08:20And, Mike, if you can shoe Fury,
08:21you've got yourself a job.
08:23A blessing for your kindness, sir.
08:27Holy smoke.
08:29It's better than I thought.
08:31Which one is Daredevil?
08:33That's Daredevil.
08:34That's Arcus.
08:36Their own mothers couldn't tell them apart.
08:39And now we can set up that match race.
08:42We'll have to be careful in their training.
08:44Well, fortunately, Arcus doesn't need much training.
08:46We'll exercise Daredevil up to the last day or two,
08:49then we'll sharpen up Arcus.
08:51Boys, you're terrific.
08:54Jim, I don't want your ranch.
08:57I'm going to make you a sporting proposition.
09:00Chance to win that mortgage back paid in full.
09:03Win it back?
09:05A horse race.
09:06Fury against my old thoroughbred, Daredevil.
09:09Winner take all.
09:11The mortgage or the Fury.
09:14These are pretty big odds.
09:16$25,000 against Fury.
09:20But I can't do it.
09:21The horse is not mine to gamble with.
09:23You're an obstinate man, Jim.
09:25Well, I'll make you a proposition that you can turn down.
09:28We won't race for the mortgage.
09:30I'll turn that over to your old thoroughbred, Daredevil.
09:33Winner take all.
09:35The mortgage or the Fury.
09:43It's a win or lose.
09:45But if I win the race, I get Fury.
09:48And if I refuse, you take over the ranch.
09:50All the same, I can't risk losing Joey's horse.
09:53There's more than just a boyish affection for a pet
09:56in Joey's love for Fury.
09:58It'd break the kid's heart if he lost that horse.
10:00And I can't take a chance on that,
10:01even if it means losing the ranch.
10:03But I can, can't I?
10:08Joey, were you listening?
10:10It was about me and my horse, wasn't it?
10:12That's right, Jim.
10:13By your own standards,
10:14it was his business we were talking about.
10:17Joey, you don't realize what it means.
10:19I know what losing the ranch would mean to you.
10:21And me too.
10:22But you might lose Fury.
10:24I know.
10:26But if Fury can save the ranch, he's gonna do it.
10:28And he'll wonder when I tell him about it.
10:31Well, I can't argue with the two of you.
10:33Don't worry, Jim.
10:34Fury's the fastest horse in the world.
10:36We'll win it for you.
10:37And you accept the challenge, young man?
10:39I'll say I do.
10:40Well, Jim, when shall it be?
10:43Well, how about two weeks from Saturday?
10:46It's a race.
10:47We'll make it twice around that half-mile track
10:49over Charlie Stevens' place.
10:50Fair enough.
10:51We'll be ready.
10:52So long.
11:05Okay, Joey.
11:06Run Fury around it.
11:07Here's where you'll learn to be a real racehorse, Fury.
11:31How'd we do, Jim?
11:33Well, you're a little wide on the turns.
11:35Yeah, if you were at the racetrack,
11:37you'd be in the grandstand.
11:38Gosh, was it that bad?
11:40Well, we'll do better next time.
11:41Try him again, Joey.
11:45We've got to kid ourselves, ain't we?
11:47What we don't know about racehorse training
11:49is most all there is.
11:50We'll learn, Pete.
11:51So will Fury.
11:52You hope.
11:54We did better, didn't we, Jim?
11:56Sure, Joey.
11:57Much better.
11:58But that's enough for now.
11:59We'll begin pouring it on in the morning.
12:08Hello, Mike.
12:09Were you watching us?
12:10I was, indeed.
12:11Is it a racehorse you're trying to make a Fury, Mr. Jim?
12:14Something like that.
12:15It's a racehorse.
12:16It's a racehorse.
12:17It's a racehorse.
12:18It's a racehorse.
12:19It's a racehorse.
12:20It's a racehorse.
12:21It's a racehorse.
12:22Something like that, Mike.
12:23We have a match race coming up.
12:25Indeed, now.
12:26Well, if it's running tight turns at full speed you're after,
12:29you're going about it all wrong.
12:32I'm afraid you're right.
12:33Horse racing just isn't our business.
12:35Oh, he could see that.
12:36And what you don't know, you can't teach.
12:38But Fury's got to learn, Mike.
12:40Or I'll lose to Mr. Kingsley.
12:42Well, now we can't let anything like that happen.
12:45Can you help us?
12:46Well, now, my friends, I'll confess.
12:49If it's to be a horse race,
12:51you best leave the training of the boy and the horse to me.
12:54For most of me wasted years have been spent around the racetracks of the world.
12:58And if there's anyone who can insure you a victory,
13:01it's Michael McClary.
13:03Gee, that's great, Mike.
13:04We can't lose now.
13:05Oh, and how easy does it, lad?
13:07You and Fury have some hard work to do right up to race day.
13:11And there's racing gear to be bought for Fury's back
13:13and aluminum plates for his feet and, uh,
13:16oh, uh, those stakes you set out.
13:18You better set out some more, closer together.
13:21All right, I'll go to town for the gear.
13:23And don't forget the monkey suit and cap for Jockey Joy.
13:26It's all idea.
13:27Green with pink polka dots, huh?
13:29We're dotty enough without that.
13:34What did he say?
13:37I feel like a monkey.
13:38That's how you should feel.
13:40A monkey in a stick, they call it.
13:42High in the irons and your knees tucked up to his withers.
13:45Fury's going to think I'm crazy.
13:47Oh, no he won't.
13:48You'll feel light as a feather on him
13:50and he'll run faster than the wind.
13:52Oh, but not yet, lad.
13:54No, take him easy at an easy lope around the stakes
13:57till he knows what you want him to do.
13:59Speed will come later.
14:01Okay, Fury, now you're going to school.
14:03Now remember, lean to the left
14:05and give him the right knee hard and strong.
14:46That did it, Joey.
14:47You hugged those stakes as though you were tied to them.
14:49How does he speed the fastest ship?
14:51Ride the turns like that come Saturday
14:53and no horse is going to steal the rail from you.
14:56I'm inclined to agree.
14:58Congratulations, Jim.
14:59Looks like Daredevil's got to run the race of his life.
15:02You wanted a horse race, you're going to get one.
15:04Well, I must admit, I never expected to see anything like this
15:07in so short a time.
15:09How'd you do it, Jim?
15:10Oh, he didn't do it.
15:11The credit belongs to Michael McClory.
15:16Michael McClory?
15:20That face is familiar.
15:22Oh, no doubt, sir.
15:24It has the map of Ireland on it.
15:26Wasn't it Ireland?
15:28We met somewhere.
15:30Maybe he met Mike at the racetracks.
15:32He knows all about training racehorses.
15:34Ah, that must have been where it was.
15:36Come on, Joey, we got to cool out Fury.
15:41What a character, Jim.
15:43Where'd he come from?
15:45Oh, he just wandered in.
15:48I don't remember ever meeting a Mike McClory at the tracks.
15:53But I know that face.
15:56I thought I knew all the trainers.
15:59Only an expert could have done what Mike McClory has accomplished with Fury.
16:05Mike McClory.
16:07Say, that was Mike Bannon's middle name.
16:10Michael McClory Bannon.
16:13Of course.
16:14Our old friend the blacksmith at the Brookside track.
16:16I thought we had him safely in jail on that horse-stealing job.
16:19Well, he jumped bail, and he's been on the lam ever since.
16:22Then the horse-stealing charge is still on the books.
16:24That's for sure.
16:26Well, well.
16:28After I have a little talk with Mr. Bannon,
16:30I don't think we'll have to worry how good Fury is.
16:35Well, I've done all I can for you, Fury lad, and for the boy, too.
16:39Just run the race like I taught you,
16:41and we'll take a better horse than any Jack Kingsley of our own division.
16:45I'm inclined to disagree with that, Mike Bannon.
16:48The name's McClory.
16:50Michael McClory Bannon.
16:53A fugitive from the law.
16:55I'm an innocent man.
16:57Yeah, I was at the track the day they found you drunk in your blacksmith shop,
17:00and the steak horse you were shoeing stolen.
17:02I had nothing to do with it.
17:04It was a frame-up.
17:05I think the sheriff might be glad to hear your story.
17:12What is it you want from me?
17:15The certainty of winning tomorrow's race.
17:19Give him one of these tonight, and the other an hour before the race.
17:22What is it?
17:23Oh, just something to slow him down a bit.
17:26If you want to stay out of jail, don't double-cross me,
17:29because if Fury wins that race, I'm going to turn you over to the sheriff.
17:34I know, Fury lad.
17:36You like them fine, but one of them would have you nodding your stall all night,
17:40and the other would send you out to the car.
17:43Why don't you stay out of jail?
17:45I would've loved to, but I can't.
17:48Well, you can't.
17:49You're not.
17:51I'm getting married.
17:52You're getting married.
17:54You're getting married.
17:55I've heard that good news from you.
17:58You're getting married?
18:00Oh, well, I can't wait.
18:02and the other would send you out on the track like a worn-out greyhorse.
18:06No, if I ever did what Kingsley once said,
18:09never looking on this man or horse in the eye again.
18:32Sure, I'm giving you a carrot instead and I'm going to see the game through
18:54and maybe you'll give me a thought once in a while when I'm rotting behind bars.
19:01And don't worry about me.
19:12Oh boy, you're up against all the tricks of the trade.
19:15This table by Kingsley's no doubt slick as they come.
19:19If he's still in the lead when you hit that home stretch for the second time around,
19:23you're done for.
19:25Okay, when he swings out on the last turn, I'm going to get by on the inside.
19:29Yeah, there's only one way to make sure of it, lad.
19:33The whip.
19:36Hit Fury!
19:37Just once, Dewey, just once around that last turn.
19:41It'll help Fury around the bend and into the lead for the wire.
19:47Okay, I'll try, but Fury will never forgive me.
19:50Ah, sure he will, lad.
19:52Why, I'll explain it to him, missus.
20:00Up you go.
20:04Good luck, son.
20:20Bannon didn't do anything to that horse.
20:22He's wearing a go.
20:24He double-crossed me.
20:26You'll have to run your own race.
20:28I'll stay in front and stay there no matter what happens.
20:46Here's the mortgage, Sheriff.
20:47Newton gets that no matter who wins the race.
20:49All right.
20:50Here's the bill of sale for Fury.
20:51Kingsley gets it if his horse wins.
20:54Well, everything seems to be in order, so I'll get the race started.
21:00All right, boys.
21:01I'll give you a count of three, then drop my arm.
21:03Get ready.
21:24It's hard with Billy Drew aboard.
21:55The whip, lad.
21:56You'll have to use the whip.
21:57Don't forget the whip.
22:02Hit him, lad.
22:03Hit him.
22:05I can't do it, Fury.
22:09Let's go, Fury.
22:10Come on, Fury.
22:15Go, Fury.
22:19Come on, Fury.
22:20Have a fight.
22:22Come on, Fury.
22:23Have a fight.
22:31Fury, you did it.
22:32You did it.
22:34We won!
22:37We won, little boy!
22:42Sheriff, you remember that horse stealing case at the Brookside track about a year ago?
22:46Well, it seems to me I do.
22:48He's supposed to ship the famous racehorse Dynamo out of the country.
22:51That's right.
22:52Well, here's the man who engineered it, Michael McClory Bannon, the track blacksmith.
22:56He won it for grand larceny and jumping bail.
22:59Well, if that's so, Bannon, I'll have to hold you.
23:01Now, wait a minute.
23:02What's all this about, Mike?
23:04I can tell you.
23:05These two spalpings arranged the stealing of a famous steak horse and framed me for it.
23:10And that I can prove.
23:11I believe you, Mike, and I'll help you prove it.
23:13And that's not all, gentlemen.
23:15This horse that Joey just beat isn't daredevil at all.
23:18He's a ringer, a well-known steak horse named Arcos.
23:23Well, Mr. Kingsley, this is going to take a lot of explaining.
23:26There you are, Jim.
23:27One fair and square.
23:32Sheriff, if it wasn't for Mike, I'd have lost Fury.
23:34You're not going to arrest him, are you?
23:36No arrest, Joey.
23:37All I want from Mike is a sworn statement.
23:41Excuse me, I've got to talk to Fury.
23:45He won, Fury.
23:47You did it all.
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