Fury - S1E8: Joey's Father
30min | Family, Western | TV Series (1955–1960)
A stranger shows up at the ranch, claiming to be Joey's real father and threatening to separate the boy from Jim and Fury. Jim knows the man isn't who he claims to be and has to stop him.
Stars: Peter Graves, William Fawcett, Bobby Diamond
30min | Family, Western | TV Series (1955–1960)
A stranger shows up at the ranch, claiming to be Joey's real father and threatening to separate the boy from Jim and Fury. Jim knows the man isn't who he claims to be and has to stop him.
Stars: Peter Graves, William Fawcett, Bobby Diamond
Short filmTranscript
00:00This is the range country, where the pounding hooves of untamed horses still thunder over
00:08mountains, meadows and canyons.
00:11Every herd has its own leader, but there is only one fury, fury, king of the wild stallions.
00:18And here in the wild west of today, hard riding men still battle the open range for a living.
00:23Men like Jim Newton, owner of the Broken Wheel Ranch, and Pete, his top hand who says he
00:28cut his teeth on a branding iron.
00:32Why all this fury is, that's the one human voice he's learned to love and obey, the voice
00:45of the boy who once saved his life, Jim Newton's boy, Joey.
01:06Here's a mutual trust and affection that everyone can understand, especially a woman like Helen
01:12Watkins, Joey's school teacher and unfailing champion.
01:17Now kneel down and let me get on you.
01:25And there they are together, a great wild horse and the only person on earth who can
01:30ride him, Joey and Fury.
01:37So long Charlie, see you later.
01:39Oh, are you Joey Clark Jr.?
01:43No sir, that used to be my name, but it's Joey Newton now.
01:47What's that junior mean?
01:49Well that means you were named after your father, didn't anyone ever tell you?
01:52No sir, I don't think so, I never knew my father.
01:56I know, that was a great misfortune for both of you.
02:09Good afternoon.
02:10How do you do?
02:11Joey, do you know this gentleman?
02:12I was just introducing myself to the boy, I'm Joseph Clark Sr.
02:15Joseph Clark Sr., not Joey's father?
02:17Yes ma'am.
02:18But you can't be!
02:19Ma, he said you was dead!
02:21A train wreck or something!
02:23I'm afraid the stories of my death were greatly exaggerated.
02:26I'm Helen Watkins, Joey's teacher and a friend of his legal guardian Jim Newton, have you
02:30seen him?
02:31Not as yet, I was just catching the bus out to the ranch when I saw your school letting
02:35out and, well I just couldn't resist saying hello to the son I haven't seen in so many
02:40Hey Clark, suppose we get into my station wagon and we'll go out to the ranch.
02:43Well that would be nice, the sooner I present myself to Mr. Newton the better.
02:46Come along son.
02:57So after visiting the orphanage and learning where Joey was, I went to the county courthouse
03:02and obtained this order from Judge Norris, restoring custody of Lloyd to me.
03:11It seems to be pretty final.
03:13By way of identification, here's my army discharge, Joey's birth certificate and my marriage
03:20Look them over at your legion.
03:22Thank you, I will.
03:23And I want you to know that I appreciate all you've done for the boy.
03:26It's a fine thing you did, taking him into your home.
03:29We've come to think pretty highly of Joey here.
03:31And Joey, I know it's hard for you to understand how I could have stayed away so long.
03:36Now that I've seen you, I can't understand it either.
03:42I've missed some beautiful years.
03:45I bet you don't remember this.
03:52You remember who Ann was, don't you?
03:54My mother.
03:57That's right, your dear mother.
04:00A lot you cared what happened to Mom, or me either.
04:03Son, I know that I've got a lot to account for, but that's all water under the bridge.
04:08And you and I are going to start out new, all right?
04:11But Jim, do I have to go away with him?
04:14He never cared about me before.
04:16And now, just when I'm happy and everything.
04:21Joey, think what it'll mean to have your own father to see you through the years ahead
04:26until you're a grown man, ready to take your place in the world.
04:29I was hoping that would be you.
04:31So have I.
04:32But the law is very strict about things like that.
04:34It demands a long waiting period to see how you and I can get along together.
04:38But we were getting along all right, weren't we?
04:41Sure we were, Joey.
04:42But now you have to remember that this is your real father.
04:46And his rights come first.
04:47We can't interfere with them.
04:49Joey, maybe you'll feel different when you find out how wonderful it is to have a father.
04:54I was thinking the same thing, Miss Watkins.
04:56If there was just some way to overcome the boy's natural resentment towards me
05:00before we leave here.
05:01Well, look.
05:02Why don't you stay here with us at the ranch for a few days
05:05until you and Joey get better acquainted?
05:07No, no.
05:08I think we Clarks have imposed on you enough as it is.
05:12What do you think, Miss Watkins?
05:14I think it'd be very helpful to him and to you if you did stay
05:17so you could get to know each other better.
05:19All right.
05:20We'll stay a few days.
05:21And Joey, I want you to know that I can't let you go.
05:25And I want you to know that I understand your feelings
05:28and I'd like for you to try to understand mine.
05:31Yes, sir.
05:33That's the spirit, Joey.
05:44Sorry you got so dirty, Fury.
05:46But I had to spend some time with my father since he got here.
05:49You know, at first I was all set on hating him like anything.
05:53Didn't seem like I needed anybody else.
05:55Friends like you and Jim and Pete and Miss Helen.
05:58But it's kind of good to know you got a father after all.
06:01Nice to hear you say that, son.
06:03Oh, hello.
06:05Well, I always know where to look for you.
06:07Can't say as I blame you either because he's a fine-looking animal.
06:10Don't get too close.
06:11He's still wild mean to everybody except me.
06:14Well, your talent with horses must be inherited.
06:16You know, I used to have a way with them myself.
06:19Behave yourself, Fury.
06:21I told you, he's my dad.
06:25You do have control of him, don't you?
06:27I bet you're going to miss him badly when you go away with me.
06:29Yes, sir.
06:31Terribly bad.
06:32Kind of taken to this ranch life, haven't you?
06:34And to Mr. Newton, too.
06:36Sure have.
06:38You know, son, it seems a shame to have to take you away from all this.
06:42I can't give you anything like it.
06:45At least I'd have a father.
06:47That means more than anything else.
06:49You've given me a lot to live up to.
06:51But I'll do my best.
06:58You've got no reason to feel that way about him.
07:00He's trying to be a good father to me.
07:03I don't know what got into you.
07:19You're an hour late. Where have you been?
07:21Waiting for a chance to walk up here unobserved.
07:23But we can't foul it up with a false move now because we're too near the payoff.
07:27Then you're in solid as a boy's old man.
07:29Put her there, pal.
07:30Guest of honor. Sitting pretty.
07:32Even got the boy calling me daddy.
07:35It's going to be a soft touch, Mac.
07:37But when?
07:38I'm getting fed up of eating out of tin cans,
07:40and those mosquitoes are getting fat off of me.
07:42Now, relax. Relax.
07:43I've told you a hundred times, you can't force a deal like this.
07:46You've got to play the sucker along until he's ripe and ready to drop if he's on the court.
07:51If he ever checks on those court orders you forged...
07:53That court order would even fool the judge, whose name I signed to him.
07:56When do we get some action?
07:58Sooner than you think.
08:02This came in this morning's mail.
08:05That phony real estate letter you told me about.
08:08And if that doesn't get to Newton's heart, nothing will.
08:11Well, when do you spring it on him?
08:13This afternoon.
08:15Right after lunch, we'll all be sitting on the front porch.
08:18Then Mr. Newton will notice my very sad expression.
08:31Buck up, Joey.
08:33Buck up, Joey.
08:35It isn't as if you were never going to see any of us again.
08:37The school year will be over before you know it.
08:39And then if your father will let you,
08:41you can come and spend your whole vacation here next summer.
08:43That's very generous.
08:45Thank you, Mr. Newton, Joey.
08:47Thanks, Jim.
08:49But that's a long time.
08:51Maybe Fury will forget me.
08:53No. Horses have memories like elephants.
08:55Now, why don't you ride on over to Charlie and Ted's and say goodbye, huh?
08:58I guess I will.
09:00Reckon I'll tie into them dishes.
09:06You don't seem to be particularly happy about it yourself, Clark.
09:09I was until I received this letter in the morning mail.
09:12Bad news?
09:14It's from the real estate company that's handling that deal
09:16on the cottage I was telling you about.
09:18They want $1,000 by Monday,
09:20or else I'll lose a deposit I put up on it.
09:23$1,000, huh?
09:25Well, when did you expect to pay it?
09:27Well, I was hoping for a 30-day extension.
09:30But I guess it's a hollow room for Joey
09:33and a boarding house of mine
09:35until I can find a better place or work up to something better.
09:38A boarding house is no place for Joey.
09:41Well, I know that, but what else can I do?
09:44Now, come on inside.
09:46Maybe we can work out something.
09:48I guess this is gonna be our last ride for a long time.
10:19Well, the way this figures out, Clark,
10:21even if I make the down payment for you,
10:23there's no assurance that you can carry through on the deal.
10:25You'll be too heavily in debt.
10:27I guess I was over-optimistic.
10:30It's been one of the troubles all through my life.
10:33You know, I'd do almost anything
10:35for Joey's future happiness.
10:38You know, I'd do almost anything
10:40for Joey's future happiness.
10:42You know, I'd do almost anything
10:44for Joey's future happiness.
10:46Joey's future happiness?
10:48Well, I wouldn't be doing him or you a favor
10:51if I helped you to get in over your head.
10:53Well, I appreciate your frankness, Mr. Newton.
10:56It looks as if I'll be returning with Joey
10:59to rather dismal surroundings.
11:01Well, there's no need to do that.
11:03Why don't you let him stay here
11:05until you're better prepared to take care of him?
11:07It's very nice of you,
11:09but I've been looking forward to being with my boy
11:11for quite some time.
11:13Now that I've learned to know him,
11:15I just don't feel that I could give him up.
11:17You think that's entirely fair to Joey?
11:19Maybe you're right.
11:21Maybe I ought to get out of his life.
11:23Disappear again.
11:25Give him up permanently?
11:27Well, that's not what I had in mind,
11:29but now that you mention it,
11:31it might not be such a bad idea.
11:33Have you any suggestions
11:35that might make such a sacrifice more...
11:37more bearable?
11:39I was wondering when we were gonna get around to this.
11:41The truth is that you came here fully prepared
11:43to give up your paternal rights for a price,
11:45and all this real estate hocus-pocus
11:47was just a buildup to arouse my sympathy.
11:51You're a very smart young man,
11:53Mr. Newton.
11:55I think we understand one another.
11:57I'm sure we do.
11:59Now, what do you have in mind?
12:01Well, I'm not an avaricious man.
12:03Say, uh...
12:09Not a high price at all for the sale of your own son.
12:11Oh, I wouldn't put it that way.
12:13I think Judge Blake might.
12:15Judge Blake?
12:17Now, wait a minute, Newton.
12:19There's no need to call the law in on this.
12:21Can't we make some sort of a gentleman's agreement
12:23if $10,000 is too steep?
12:25$10,000 is too steep.
12:27I don't have that kind of money
12:29lying around in cash.
12:31Well, can't we make some sort of a compromise?
12:33I know how much you think of Joey
12:35and what a nice home this would be for my son.
12:37I'm willing to make any kind of a reasonable concession.
12:39Well, there's no immediate rush.
12:41Why don't you let me think it over?
12:45Take all the time you want.
12:47I'll, uh...
12:49I'll be within calling distance.
13:07Get me Judge Blake at the county courthouse.
13:13Hello, Judge? Jim Newton speaking.
13:15Oh, Joey's fine, Judge.
13:17We have a visitor.
13:19He claims he's Joseph Clark Sr.,
13:21Joey's father.
13:23That's right, Judge.
13:25And in addition to Clark's personal papers,
13:27there's this court order supposedly signed by Judge Norris.
13:29How long will it take you to check?
13:31All right, I'll hold on.
13:37Come on.
14:09Well, if you'll notify the sheriff,
14:11I'll take care of it from this end.
14:13Thanks, Judge.
14:15Pete, Clark is not Joey's father at all.
14:17This court order's a phony, and so are the rest of the papers.
14:19Why, that no good.
14:21Say, he's out in the corral right now, saddling a horse.
14:23Maybe he's trying to make a getaway.
14:25He must have heard me talking on the telephone.
14:27Come on.
14:37Let's go.
14:45He's got a head start.
14:47It'll be a cold trail.
14:49Maybe not too cold.
14:51That horse he picked's got a brand-new shoe on his left ball foot.
15:09There's the trail.
15:11He's heading toward the hills. Come on.
15:37Hey, Fury, that's my dad.
15:39What's he doing way out here?
16:07They've lost the track.
16:09This ground's too hard.
16:11Yeah, well, we gotta keep trying.
16:13Let's spiral out.
16:37Come on.
16:39Come on.
17:05Hey, Mac!
17:09Man, am I glad to see you.
17:11Let's have a look at that ten grand.
17:13I came up empty. The deal's off.
17:15Newton's on my trail now.
17:17We gotta get our stuff and get out of here.
17:19So you're goofed up on the job, huh?
17:21Nobody could have worked it any smoother, but that Newton's no sucker.
17:23Now, let's go.
17:25Where'd you leave the car?
17:27The camp where I rented the horses.
17:39Joey, what are you doing here?
17:41I was cutting across country from Ted's place
17:43when I saw you heading this way.
17:45Well, what's the idea of following me?
17:47Nothing, Dad.
17:49I just thought maybe you'd like to ride back with me.
17:51I'm not going back. I'm going into the city.
17:53But, Dad, without me?
17:55Now, look, son.
17:57Oh, break it off.
17:59I'm not going back.
18:01I'm going into the city.
18:03But, Dad, without me?
18:05Now, look, son.
18:07Oh, break it off.
18:09I'm sick and tired of this daddy and sonny stuff.
18:11What's he mean, Dad?
18:13Well, he means that I'm not really your father.
18:15Not my father?
18:17Then you made up all that stuff,
18:19all those lies.
18:21What for?
18:23Kind of a business deal I had with your friend Newton,
18:25but it didn't work out.
18:27And if you're smart, you won't make us any trouble.
18:29Okay, I'll make any trouble.
18:31I'm just going back home.
18:33You're staying right here until we're ready to leave.
18:35Look, Mac, we're in enough trouble already.
18:37We can't let this kid ride out and bring Newton and the law on us.
18:39He's staying here until we're packed up.
18:41Hand me that rope.
18:49Look out, Mac! That horse is a killer!
18:51A killer, huh?
18:53I'll fix him.
19:05Never mind about me. Run! He's going to shoot you!
19:09He can't shoot you!
19:15That does it.
19:17If Newton sees that horse, we're sunk.
19:19Let's leave the camp stuff where it is and let's ride.
19:21What are we going to do with him?
19:23We'll take him along with us as far as the car and leave him there.
19:25He won't do any shooting if he's with us.
19:27Keep your mouth shut or we'll have to gag you.
19:57Let's go.
20:27Let's go.
20:57Don't let the kid get away!
21:09Help, Fury! Help!
21:23Good boy, Fury. That one's tiny.
21:27Let's go.
21:41Look out, Fury!
21:47Hold it! It's Newton!
21:57It's Newton!
22:27Let's go!
22:45Good boy, Fury!
22:47That'll teach him!
22:51What do you think of that?
22:57Gee, Jim, he wasn't my father at all.
22:59All they wanted was money.
23:01That's right, Joey.
23:03Well, the two of them are going where they won't need any money for a long time.
23:05Gosh, Pete, you handled him like he was a year-old calf.
23:07Yeah, Joey,
23:09but I'm getting to my too old
23:11to be bulldogging anything bigger than a T-bone steak.
23:27Think of the father I almost had.
23:29Being an orphan isn't so bad.
23:31What do you mean, orphan?
23:33Seems to me I make a pretty good stern parent, don't I?
23:35You always have Pete or me to run to
23:37if Jim gets too stern.
23:39Yeah, and Fury to fuss over you
23:41when you're off the three of us.
23:43Gosh, that's right.
23:45I have got a man's side of the family.
23:51Isn't that right, Fury?
23:53I have got a man's side of the family.
23:55Isn't that right, Fury?
23:57I have got a man's side of the family.
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