The Message Part 29: William Branham and the Manifest Sons of God

  • 5 years ago
This episode examines the birth of Latter Rain, including the history of the Sharon Orphanage and Schools and the similarities between the Sharon Orphanage and the orphanage Roy E. Davis and William D. Upshaw attempted to create. It also examines the unusual manner in which the Sharon Orphanage promoted William Branham and ties between Sharon Orphanage leaders and white supremacy.

Names discussed in this video:
• Herrick Holt
• George Hawtin
• Percy G. Hunt
• George Warnock
• Roy E. Davis
• William D. Upshaw
• Franklin Hall
• Little David Walker
• Jack Walker
• Clem Davies
• Ern Baxter
• Alfred H. Pohl
• Roy Borders

Topics discussed in this video:
• Summary of parts 1-28 as it relates to misinformation and deception, ties to criminals, ties to white supremacy, and objectives by leaders in white supremacy movements
• History of the Sharon Orphanage and Schools in North Battleford, Saskatchewan
• Initial plans by Herrick Holt to erect an orphanage with a quarter of a million dollars
• Increase of orphanage costs to half a million dollars ($7.2 million in today's money)
• Plans for the Sharon Orphanage "undenominational" school
• Orphanage cottage homes, massive land plots, buildings, airplanes, and busses
• Similarities in timeline and plans between the Sharon Orphanage and the orphanage Roy E. Davis and William D. Upshaw were creating
• Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada meetings at the Elim Tabernacle
• Bethel Bible School founded by George Hawtin
• Hawtin's forced resignation from the Bethel Bible Institute
• Hawtin joining forces with Herrick Holt at the Sharon Orphanage and School
• William Branham's tour through Canada, from the Bethel Bible Institute to meetings hosted by Ern Baxter in Vancouver, BC.
• Percy G. Hunt joining Hawtin, along with several others at the Bethel Bible Institute
• The Sharon Orphanage's promotion of William Branham's alleged "healings" in contrast with the actual news media reports
• Alfred H. Pohl, of the Bethel Bible Institute, admitting that Branham's "healings" failed
• George Hawtin's ties to white supremacy, and a quote from his publication, "God created the superior race of whites who are meant to rule. Blacks were created 'in God's kingdom' to serve whites"
• Reporter curiosity at the surge in funding for the Sharon Orphanage
• Funds from the United States flowing to the Sharon Orphanage
• The Sharon Star, a newsletter started by the Sharon Orphanage to promote the Doctrine of William Branham and Franklin Hall
• William Branham touring with "Little" David Walker
• Franklin Hall's ties to Jack Walker, "Little" David Walker's father
• Franklin Hall touring with "Little" David Walker
• George Warnock, Ern Baxter's personal secretary, joining revivals at the Sharon Orphanage
• George Warnock Joining the Sharon Orphanage leadership
• Birth of "The New Order of Latter Rain"
• William Branham's "Manifest Sons Of God" doctrine
