• 5 years ago
There are many good songs in Norway that deserve a wider audience, but don't get one because of the language barrier. This video is a little step to give people a chance to appreciate them.
Hilde L. Halvorsens song "Jesus Hvem er Som Du?" ("Jesus Who is like you") was written in 2011 and translated last summer. Translating songs properly is a complicated process as the original has to be done justice to, at the same time as the result needs to be singable and avoid ending up a rag-bag of clichés. The song-writer has to be happy with the result as well, as they have the copyright to the song and therefore the right of veto on the way you translate it.
After a ping-pong of discussion we came to an agreed solution, and after that came an even longer period trying to put the video together, because some of the visual effects were very demanding indeed, and my ideas were/are way ahead of my command of the techniqus.At the same time I also had to learn how to use Adobe Premier from scratch.
Towards the end is a kind of riddle. The clue to it is in George Herberts poem "The Elixir" from 1633:
" A man that looks on glasse,
On it may stay his eye;
Or if he pleaseth, through it passe,
And then the heav'n espie"
The Norwegian text and music with notes can be found at:
http://www.kristentfellesskap.no/ressurser/lovsang-tekster-lydfiler (half way down the page) There are a number of other pearls on the same page, many in English.
The English words are:
Jesus, who is like you? --You're our King of Love.
Giving mercy and grace and abundant life.
You alone have invited us
To ask of you
And we receive
Jesus, who is like you? -- You're our Lord above.
No one else over-flows with unfailing love
You're the reason and starting place
Of all we hope
All we believe

The credits at the end only cite the Flikr users whose pictures I used. All have Creative Commons share alike (and mostly non-commercial) licenses, and this is the same for the video as a whole.
I will later on compile a list of the correct names of the pictures themselves an put them out on Google Docs

All glory to you!
All praises to you!
All the songs are for you!
You are worthy, ever worthy

Risen glorious in majesty
Lord and Savior eternally
You are Jesus
The one we love
You're Messiah
The only one
Who can save us
You gave your life
You're the Shepherd
Who died to save your flock
For your soul longed so for us.


