How To Temper Chocolate | Good Housekeeping UK

  • 5 years ago
The cheat’s way to making glossy tempered chocolate for moulded chocolates without the fuss.

1. Tempered chocolate has a glossy shine when set. You only need to temper chocolate if it’s not been tempered already. Previously tempered dark chocolate will stay in temper as long as it’s not heated above 32°C. Milk chocolate will stay tempered as long as it’s not heated above 30°C and white chocolate will stay tempered as long as it’s not heated above 29°C.

2. Large chocolate bars bought from supermarket are almost always tempered. Look for chocolate that is shiny and snaps cleanly when broken. If chocolate looks dull or has white blotches, it’s not tempered.

3. Rather than tempering chocolate from scratch, it’s much easier to melt already tempered chocolate very gently, so it stays in temper.

4. Put finely chopped chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water and immediately turn off heat. Make sure that bowl doesn’t touch water, otherwise chocolate may overheat and won’t be shiny when it cools.

5. Allow chocolate to slowly melt, taking chocolate off heat every so often and stirring until just melted.

6. Once chocolate has melted, remove from heat and use immediately. Once set, chocolate will be smooth and shiny.

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