Trump: 'Fake News Media Is Doing Everything Possible To Stir Up...Anger'

  • 5 years ago
President Trump again slammed the media on Saturday.

President Trump on Saturday again slammed the media on Twitter.
"The Fake News Media is doing everything possible to stir up and anger the pols and as many people as possible seldom mentioning the fact that the Mueller Report had as its principle conclusion the fact that there was NO COLLUSION WITH RUSSIA," Trump tweeted. "The Russia Hoax is dead!"
He has repeatedly criticized the press over negative coverage of his presidency.
On Friday, he called the Washington Post and the New York Times, "the enemy of the people."
"The Fake News Media is going Crazy! They are suffering a major 'breakdown,' have ZERO credibility or respect, & must be thinking about going legit," Trump tweeted last month. "I have learned to live with Fake News, which has never been more corrupt than it is right now. Someday, I will tell you the secret!"
And in another tweet in March, he wrote: "The Mainstream Media is under fire and being scorned all over the World as being corrupt and FAKE. For two years they pushed the Russian Collusion Delusion when they always knew there was No Collusion. They truly are the Enemy of the People and the Real Opposition Party!"
Trump's Saturday tweet came days after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on the Russia probe.
A piece in the Washington Post notes: "If special counsel Robert S. Mueller III's investigation makes one thing clear, it's that many of the news reports that President Trump branded as 'fake news' were, in fact, very real news indeed."
