• 6 years ago
ALTERNOSFERA performs the song "DIN PĂCATE" for BalconyTV.
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Alternosfera is an alternative rock band from Chișinău, the Capital of the Republic of Moldova.

Their story starts back in 1998 when two highschool friends decide to form a band. They manage to intrigue from their first album „511”, released in 2005, with a unique sound for the Moldovian market, that propelles them on radio and television, in both Romania and the Republic of Moldova. The history of post-Soviet rock in the Republic of Moldova is a concise one. Since 1991, only a few bands managed to occupy solid positions on the show-business arena of the Republic of Moldova and abroad.

On the balcony we’ve had Marcel Bostan (vox & keys), Serj Aladin (guitar & keys), Eugen Berdea (drums), Serj Krasnov (bass) and Marin Nicoară (guitar & keys).

Both the lineup and musical direction have changed over time, as the band reached maturity and developed their own approach to alternative rock, with the keyboards "carrying" the entire tune. Their lyrics are most often about love, but also have social and political connotations.

Marcel Bostan's voice is rich in modulation, having a well-developed and thoroughly practised lyric line and also the ability to go very "high". Their specific melodiousness is also partly due to most songs having the classic piano "lead".

„Din Păcate” is the first single out of their 6th studio material, called „Haosoleum”, released last year. The song was supposed to be totally different but it changed one day before the recording.



Stay tuned for more of Balcony Tv Bucharest on:

Călina Curticăpean - Producer & Host
Alex Purje - Producer & Director
Răzvan Leucea - Videographer
Lazăr Enescu - Photographer
Recording, Mix & Master - Alternosfera
Dan Damian - Sound Technician
Domițian Baicu - Sound Technician
Maria Predica & Radu Ciocan - Trainee

Sound Equipment - Green Sound Team (https://facebook.com/GreenSoundTeam)

This episode was shot on top of "Media One" Building (http://www.mediaone.ro, http://www.facebook.com/mediaonesrl), with the help of the Creative Director Mihai Arghiropol.
Special Thanks to Asociația Aequilibrium (http://www.aeq.ro) and Euro Print (http://europrintonline.ro)

Very Special Thanks to Kiki Georgescu who helped us make this episode come true!

Tune in again to BalconyTV //

