Blues my naughty Sweetie Gives to Me - Carlings 1984

  • 16 years ago
Blues My Naughty Sweetie Gives to Me – Hans Carling 1984

Hans Carling’s New Cooling’s Jazzmen do a superb interpretation of “ Naughty”.
In the previous clips I have emphasized on the the presentation of Hans’ youngsters, but here I like to specially express my good feeling about Hans and his sidemen. Frans Sjostrom in most cases played the bass sax, but here we hear him shine on the soprano sax, A worldclass musician. So is trombonist Dymitr Markiewicz, originally from Poland, but at that time living in Sweden. Hans himself is one of the finest jazz trumpetplayers I can think of. Young Max Carling on clarinet fits in like an experienced pro. The solid rhythm group is so together. Darn good stride playing by pianist Bob Stalin. On banjo Rolf Karve, on bass Dick Heikenskjold and with Bobbi Sakowicz, also originally from Poland, on drums.Why haven’t we, in North America, heard more of this fabulous band.