P19EN: Fundamentals of Management - M192 : Communicating effectively with your team

  • il y a 7 ans
More informations on: https://actiononline.fr/parcours/fondamentaux-du-management

Learning goals:
- Know how to create teams and make them work together
- Communicate effectively as a manager, avoiding potential difficulties and traps (misunderstandings, barriers etc.)

A word from the author:
Good managerial communication is the key to success for good management. Without it, we cannot achieve the objectives of either our team or the company as a whole.
The goal of managerial communication is to mobilise employees in order to achieve the company’s financial and social objectives.

- Working in a team
- Managerial communication
- Facilitating meetings
- Conclusion and Quiz

More informations on: https://actiononline.fr/parcours/fondamentaux-du-management
