P21EN: The company’s funds flow statement - Teaser

  • il y a 7 ans
More informations on: https://actiononline.fr/parcours/tableau-de-financement-de-lentreprise

Learning goals:
- Understand the characteristics and purpose of the funds flow statement
- Understand the concepts of WCR and NWC
- Recognise the different types of cash flows
- Understand the methods for calculating cash flows
- Know how to prepare a funds flow statement under French GAAP (PCG)
- Know how to prepare a cash flow statement in accordance with IAS 7

A word from the author:
Analysing a company’s balance sheet and income statement will not provide us with sufficient information to assess the company’s performance. We need the funds flow statement for this.
To really understand this concept, let’s make a comparison with the world of sport, football to be precise. Imagine that I’m a sports commentator and that I need to give a summary of a match that has just finished.
I give the final score of the match. This is the balance sheet.
I’m not happy with this information. So I indicate the various goals and when they were scored. This is the income statement.
I’m a bit happier with this information, but not completely. What’s missing? Now I want to understand the strategy behind each goal. This is the funds flow statement.

- Funds flow statement
Duration: 2 hours

More informations on: https://actiononline.fr/parcours/tableau-de-financement-de-lentreprise
