Karma You Had Job

  • 8 years ago
I created a Facebook group (like a small town version of Shit London) and our local paper lifst pictures off it quite regularly. Fucking annoying when I bother to go out of my way to gather photos of bizarre things and they're like 'Slow news day, we'll have that'.
If you ever had a job in your life maybe you would know the difference.
I can't believe they keep getting away with this shit
Amazing Spiderman 2 is a commercial for Sony products. And also for Asm 3.
Same. My chest dropped at work and I had to take a walk.
This is the squaredcircle equivalent
Its probably a show calf, with the way the hair is fluffed out. Beautiful Animal. It will be a grand champions somewhere-some day.
Nature Trail to Hell?
You are a Twin Peaks huge fan, as we can understand by your single "Laura Palmer", how are you getting ready for Twin Peaks season three coming?
Also, what book do you advise me to read at the moment?
There's precedent in opinions written by Chief Justice Wrenquist.
We have a decade old S series in the family as well, but thankfully it is less windows than my car is and I rarely have to drive it (spare car for my younger bother, basically). I'm looking forward to buying a new car, but my beater can still last this winter. Also I need a proper job lol
I spent too many years with my ex-wife; I once saw Joe M. standing next to Jason Segal and I said, thank gosh nobody ehard me, "That is one big 'd-word.'"
combine it all into 1 roth at vanguard and look at ETFs which don't have minimums.
Like this dude?
Looks like he died telling a bad joke
ITT:People who get scared very easily.
It depends on the situation honestly. I would break up before I'd cheat again, because I feel like it's the right thing to do. But if I feel the need to cheat, and it takes a lot, it means things aren't going to work out really.
I really like the idea of the Phantom Time hypothesis, I don't believe it at all but it's a neat read.

Roxy vs Ramona
Temporarily double park?
they definitly are. shoultd we skull and bones em
Dave's not here man.
The fuck are you talking about?
Movie 43

It was the worst group of shorts thrown into a movie format I have ever experienced. Honestly the only movie where I left PISSED that I actually paid money for a ticket.
Part of the crew.

Part of the tree.

Forever and always.
