Five Nights At Freddy's Freddy's Lament Teaser Skylegend Animation

  • 8 years ago
You cannot recycle puns. That is against the law.
Well sure, but if you're only parallel parking once a month, it's not really a big deal.
"What are you complaining about? You put a kid on, you got a kid back. Look, this one's even an upgrade."
Married and my wife takes care of it. It's easier that way.
U2 - The Joshua Tree.
Listened to it all senior year of high school. Still brings back wonderful memories.
But lots of us say Nish
Missouri has the meth.
I visited England for the first time a couple years ago and saw some family. Stayed with the cousins in London proper, but took a trip to visit my uncle out in the countryside suburb. IT blew me away that even though there was so much open space and beautiful rolling green hills, where my uncle lived all the homes were still right on top of each other, pretty much sharing a wall. That sense of claustrophobia is something I took away with me on that trip lol. This image is a perfect example of that: lots of beautiful space yet everyone is crowding together.

Just so it's clear, I'm not for the destruction of this beautiful land in favor of development, just saying y'all don't need to be THAT CLOSE to each other do you? lol
Killer Clowns from Outer Space is a must watch.
Starving games was actually acceptably cringey
What a role model. /s
Zebra mussels... They will clear out your lakes and rivers, but cause your fish to die and they have sharp shells if you step on them. They are invasive and have no predators. They are actually a huge problem. But the real reason the Missouri River is brown is because it is a moving river. Silt and mud churn up. Just because a lake or river is clear doesn't mean it is healthy.
The issue though was the AI... Ellie was ALWAYS in plain view of the AI, right next to you, but they always acted as if they didn't see her.
Jupiter Ascending. I'll never get those 2 hours of my life back. Or those 10 dollars.
I think is the first proper 'viral video' (from YouTube) that I distinctly remember watching on the site... sometime before I began posting videos in the summer of 2006.
To this day russia has a nuke aimed at every city in the US that has a population of more than 10k people.
because it brainwashed you too?
But the oil spill killed all of the oysters :(
Lord Fuzzbottom looks comfortable.
I mean, it was a bad song.....
That's what it comes down to. He does something bad "what an idiot, he's a joke". He does something good and it's "well obviously, that's what he should have been doing ".
The one of black widow getting rage pounded by hulk cock.
At a job interview, unless you're being hired as a yoga instructor.
The coats keep getting shorter.