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  • 8 years ago
Confucius' version is better: "Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you."
I dated an "instagram model" who was perhaps the most egotistical, self centered, selfish person ever. She was gorgeous tho..
Wow, the movie must be absolutely horrible then because that book is shit.
I said the same thing in another subreddit and for some reason everyone hated it.
I think a good fraction of Trump supporters would be happy if he made certain people disappear, yes.
Ok this was Pretty Good I admit.
"Nothing" happens for the first 40min but I was shitting my pants the entire time.
You got compensation in the form of infrastructure, and military aid
Fuck your expectations, I want pockets.
I'd just like tonadd that there is no better feeling than waking up and checking your watch and seeing that's only 1am.
It is for someone. No denegeration is islam.
Since when did David Wallace get a security job?
So awful I won't even comment on it here. It still haunts me to this day and I haven't been back to the dark web ever since.
1. verb - the act of making something lighter
2. noun - a chemical agent used in the act of lightening (see def. 1)
Hi Dan! Has any book inspired any of your songs? (Besides In Cold Blood) also any book recommendation?
I wish I could shake it, but despite even different types of rehab programs I still suffer from bulimia.
All that she wants
Thing is we learn we shouldn't do it because there are consequences for it, people tell us its wrong growing up. That doesn't happen for most women when it comes to these things.
Well Im twice as old as a 13yo meaning I've fucked your mother twice as many times.
Yup. They passed open carry in texas but there is no situation i could ever think of that would result in me doing it arounfld public. I am happy it is allowed though to prevent charges because of an accidental exposure of the weapon though.
Brought to you by ShillMart™
This is how I experienced it. I felt like my experience watching it that way mirrored the main character's arc.

Running auditions put the main character in the plot's driver's seat, which is kind of where I felt I was. The romantic comedy plot elements felt so familiar to me that I felt like I could explain how the whole thing would play out after only about 30 minutes -- how he'd meet a girl at the audition and they'd hit it off at first, but then she'd find out about the "audition" ruse and get mad, and eventually they'd make up and fall in love.

I only realized what I was really in for when the main character realized what he was in for. It was maybe the craziest experience a film has given me ever.
Thanks for good news, but where did you find that from?

Hey Joker, can you give me essentially a massive weakspot on the front of my face? I would really love a broken glass bottle delicately suspend me over life and certain death.
