Jurlaughic Goldblum

  • 8 years ago
You've confirmed what I knew deep down... My friend has become a hipster. Florida made him into a hipster.
I didn't notice this until I met my ex-gf and you don't know how right you are. At the end of the day we choose to walk on our own path.
All I see is places where shrooms grow
I thought "penis" was pronounced "pen - ess."
I wouldn't know what it's like for you peasants, I was born rich. Rich. Rich as nazis!
That I regularly consider killing myself. My dad once told me that people who say they want to kill themselves are just looking for attention, and I never want to be seen that way.

That I regret getting married, but I love seeing my kids every day and (on a more selfish note) I would rather be with my wife than struggle to survive due to having to pay child support.

That I still struggle with porn addiction. I've confessed to my wife twice and she simply shunned me to the couch for a week and thinks it's not an addiction, so I have no help in stopping, and I can't say she should help me because I'm the one who is betraying her. My friends are mostly Christian (as am I) and would likely shun me as a sinner, or they're having the same issue and can't help.
No I don't, er, what if they dont? What if random beatings by random strangers is what gets people off?

The point is what you want and what others want are going to likely be different. So you condone forcing your unwanted will upon others.
And here i thought all PEOPLE was susceptible to domestic abuse.
My favorite response when someone asks for money,

"No habla ingles"
Hey Dan, firstly I a few questions really boutique film and of course wild world. Starting off:

I felt as though this album was wrote in a much more personal scale, was that intended and do you feel that way about it?

Also I am a film student that has recently started my a level in film. Do you have any recommendations of films I could possibly critic for any of my studies through the year?
What are you listening to lately? Amazing job on Wild World, it's a fantastic album!
over priced most of the time **
The Wizard, it was basically an ad for Super Mario Bros 3 and the Power Glove :D
Don't worry, the Chiefs suck so bad that eventually the NFL will want to have a nice underdog story. Kind of like how Cleveland won something after 60 years. Cheer up!
If the Presidency was flipped, Congress just showed that they would still vote for it. If Romney was in office right now, this same thing would have happened but Harry Reid would be the one saying that.

This isn't an issue to have a high horse on.
"Every life isn't beautiful, some lives are a drain on society."
Calm down there Sally.

Bodily autonomy is infringed by numerous laws, and the list I sent you presents a wide array of laws but they do all, absolutely, infringe on your bodily autonomy in some way. They wither ban you from doing a certain thing, or force you to do a certain thing. You seem to have a very shallow idea of what constitutes bodily autonomy, and a very wide definition of what a Facist actually is.

Given the two of us I am the more likely to be arguing in good faith, as I, unlike you, have not repeatedly, and ineptly, attempted to insult the person I'm talking to.
That we're playing a video game that actually doesn't matter. So what happens during the game should not affect your mood or anything in real life.
How old will you be in 4 years if you don't quit your career and pursue baseball?
Well that's the creepiest way I've ever heard him described. Too close to the bone, maybe.
A tree in my neighborhood did the opposite of this, the roots that were close to the surface grew into other big trees around it, its huge.
I want to see Aegon the Conqueror as a series but there might not be a significant amount of content for a full series. Haven't read Dunk & Egg yet but from what I've heard, it seems too light hearted for a GOT spin off.
See you Saturday then?
