Law of the Pampas (1939)
Passed | 1h 12min | Adventure, Western | 3 November 1939 (USA)
Hoppy and Lucky are headed to South America to deliver a herd of cattle. Bad guy Ralph Merritt gets in their way. For a while.
Director: Nate Watt
Writers: Harrison Jacobs (screenplay), Clarence E. Mulford (based on characters created by)
Stars: William Boyd, Russell Hayden, Sidney Toler
Passed | 1h 12min | Adventure, Western | 3 November 1939 (USA)
Hoppy and Lucky are headed to South America to deliver a herd of cattle. Bad guy Ralph Merritt gets in their way. For a while.
Director: Nate Watt
Writers: Harrison Jacobs (screenplay), Clarence E. Mulford (based on characters created by)
Stars: William Boyd, Russell Hayden, Sidney Toler
Short filmTranscript
00:00:30© BF-WATCH TV 2021
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00:04:01You'll see it right after intermission.
00:04:03How about joining me in a little drink while we're waiting?
00:04:06Con mucho gusto, señor. Gracias.
00:04:08Come in, men.
00:04:10Oh, there you are, Javi. Come here.
00:04:13Son, let's have lemonade all around, please.
00:04:16Javi, I want you to meet Señor Jose Valdez,
00:04:21a cattleman from South America.
00:04:23Cassidy here is my foreman.
00:04:25It is a pleasure to meet you, Señor Cassidy.
00:04:27Un gusto es mio, señor.
00:04:29Muy bien. You speak Spanish, eh?
00:04:32Well, I'm not so sure about that,
00:04:34but my Mexican friends are kind enough to try to understand me.
00:04:38And easily enough.
00:04:40This is my son-in-law, Ralph Merritt.
00:04:42He's also American, like yourself.
00:04:45How do you do, sir?
00:04:46How do you do, Mr. Cassidy?
00:04:50Glad to know you.
00:04:53And this is my grandson, Ernesto.
00:04:56Hello, Señor Cassidy.
00:04:59That goes both ways, son.
00:05:01Oh, are you what they call a policeman, Señor Cassidy?
00:05:09Well, not exactly.
00:05:10Just when the marshal needs a little extra help.
00:05:15And I, señor, am Don Fernando Mario Lopez G. Ramirez,
00:05:19and I would like to go home.
00:05:24He is my foreman.
00:05:25Si, I am overlooker.
00:05:27You mean overseer.
00:05:28Overseer, overlooker, same thing, señor.
00:05:32I had to bring him along.
00:05:33He was worried for fear I would not buy the right kind of herd stock.
00:05:37Si, about cows, man got to be very careful, wouldn't it?
00:05:41You don't need to worry.
00:05:43You come to the right place for good breeding stock.
00:05:48You do not know Fernando.
00:05:50His chief occupation and pleasure is worry.
00:05:53That's why we call him el melancolico.
00:05:56Oh, the worrier, huh?
00:06:04You know, it seems so funny to be shipping beef down to South America
00:06:07when you're raising such fine stock down there yourself.
00:06:10Some of the best.
00:06:11But we always try to improve our stock if we can.
00:06:14Oh, I guess that's what we're all trying to do, huh?
00:06:17Segura, señor.
00:06:24It's about time for the rest of the show.
00:06:26If you'll excuse me now.
00:06:36Ernesto, come here, quick!
00:06:41Go back, Ernesto, go back!
00:06:45Come on, run, hurry!
00:07:07Hurry up, Lucky, tie him up!
00:07:18Got him?
00:07:19All right, Hoppy.
00:07:28You all right, fella?
00:07:30Ah, you're a brave little man.
00:07:32If that had been me, I'd have been scared to death.
00:07:35Come on.
00:07:51No, no, no, I couldn't do that.
00:07:54Taking me too long to build the strain up.
00:07:57I'll tell you what I will do, though.
00:08:00I'll let you have half the herd.
00:08:02All right.
00:08:03We will call it, as you say, a deal.
00:08:05But you must deliver them to my estancia, my ranch.
00:08:09All right, we'll do that.
00:08:11Looks like you bought yourself some fine cattle, señor.
00:08:14Yes, and it looks like you're going on a long trip, Hoppy.
00:08:17How'd you like to go to South America?
00:08:23Oh, I always have wanted to see that part of the world.
00:08:27Of course, I'd hate to go way down there alone.
00:08:29Oh, I'll go, Hoppy, I'll be glad to go.
00:08:33If you do come, señor Cassidy, my home is yours as long as you wish it.
00:08:37Papa Valdez, I would suggest that you look around a bit before you buy these cattle.
00:08:42Your son-in-law is right.
00:08:44Why don't you take a look?
00:08:45If you say they are the best herd, my friend, it is sufficient for me.
00:08:50What do you think, Fernando?
00:08:53I am worried if we look some more, maybe this cow won't be here when we get back.
00:08:58That's such as it.
00:08:59To save Fernando worry, we will consider the deal closed.
00:09:02All right.
00:09:04See you at the house, Hoppy.
00:09:05Bye, Jack.
00:09:13You're not dreaming about those moonlight nights down in South America, are you?
00:09:20I was just wondering why Merritt was so anxious to have señor Valdez look at somebody else's cattle.
00:09:26Sometime I'll be able to ride as well as you at the end of my own ranchos.
00:09:31Stay tall, Silencio.
00:09:33When he likes someone, señor, he talk, talk, talk like little parrots.
00:09:37Oh, let him talk, I like to hear him.
00:09:40So you're going to have a ranch all your own, huh?
00:09:42Ah, si.
00:09:43Someday he'll own all señor's ranchos.
00:09:46Oh, that's good.
00:09:48But I am worried.
00:09:51Now it is something different.
00:09:53This time I am superstitious.
00:09:57You're what?
00:09:58Superstitious, you know, when black cat run cross road or ladder, hit you in back of head.
00:10:04You mean superstitious.
00:10:06Si, superstitious.
00:10:08Well, anyway, what about?
00:10:12Tito, go find Abuelo.
00:10:17They say, señor, things always happen in three times.
00:10:21Good as well as bad.
00:10:23Two have already happened.
00:10:25Yeah, good or bad?
00:10:27Oh, bad, very bad for family of señor Valdez.
00:10:30Within one year, he lose both son and daughter, Carlos and Rosita, by accident.
00:10:36And yesterday saying, but for you, it would have been Ernesto.
00:10:42How the accidents happen?
00:10:44Well, his son, Carlos, Ernesto's father.
00:10:48Wait a minute.
00:10:50I thought, I thought Merit was Ernesto's father.
00:10:54No, señor.
00:10:56Señor Merit, he have no children.
00:10:59Tito is son of Carlos.
00:11:01Poor Carlos.
00:11:03He was killed accidentally while cleaning gun.
00:11:07They're bad things to get careless with.
00:11:09Carlos never careless.
00:11:10He was expert with pistola.
00:11:12How about his daughter?
00:11:13What's her name?
00:11:15She was señor Merit's wife.
00:11:17She was finest horsewoman in South America.
00:11:20Yet, she go out riding one day by herself.
00:11:23Next morning, we find body at foot of cliff.
00:11:26So, you see.
00:11:29Now that most of the prize herd's gone, Buck, I guess we'll have to start it all over again.
00:11:34Well, we might as well be doing that as anything else, Lucky.
00:11:51Well, let's get started, boy.
00:11:53Senor, I wonder what Fernando's found to worry about this time.
00:12:03What is it now, Fernando?
00:12:05I was told, Senor Hoppe, about Carlos and Rosita, Senor.
00:12:11I was very sorry to hear of your misfortune, Senor.
00:12:15My son and my daughter.
00:12:19At times, it is very hard to understand the will of God.
00:12:24Those things are hard to figure out.
00:12:32Sometimes I think, uh...
00:12:34Mr. Cassidy, if you don't mind, we'd rather not discuss the subject further.
00:12:38Fernando, in future, you please hold your tongue.
00:12:45I'm sorry, Senor.
00:12:48Rafael, no.
00:12:58What's that armbrace, O'Head, up about?
00:13:00You know, Lucky, I like that man, Valdez, but there's something about Merritt that bothers
00:13:07That's funny.
00:13:08I've had the same feeling about him.
00:13:09You have?
00:13:10Un momentito, Senor Cassidy.
00:13:13I hope you will forgive my son-in-law.
00:13:16He has not been himself since his wife died.
00:13:18Oh, I know how you both must feel, Senor.
00:13:21We've been through some very sad times together, and he's very dear to me.
00:13:26And when I'm gone, he'll be the only one left to care for little Ernesto.
00:13:33What about the boy's mother?
00:13:36She died when he was born.
00:13:38I understand, Senor.
00:13:43Senor Valdez.
00:13:53We're starting on the trail with your cattle tomorrow.
00:13:55Then you have decided to be my guest.
00:13:57Oh, I'm so happy.
00:13:58Hasta luego.
00:13:59Gee, Jaffe, I was afraid you weren't going to make that trip.
00:14:02What made you decide?
00:14:05Well, we've never been to South America, and we might find it very interesting
00:14:12down there.
00:14:13That chuck wagging brooks from the cattle shoot, press along to the big far out.
00:14:19He should be landed on the snoop, press along to the big far out.
00:14:26Get along, cowboy, get along, get along to the big far out.
00:14:32Get along with the great big noise, get along to the big far out.
00:14:39The chuck we get ain't fittin' to eat, press along to the big far out.
00:14:45There's rocks in the beans and sand in the meat, press along to the big far out.
00:14:52Get along, cowboy, get along, get along to the big far out.
00:14:59Get along with the great big noise, get along to the big far out.
00:15:39Look at the heights of those mountains, Hottie.
00:16:07They remind me of the Rockies back home.
00:16:09Those little things?
00:16:10They are only foothills of Andes.
00:16:14Well, what's on the other side of those mountains, Ferdie?
00:16:16More mountains.
00:16:17And I have told you the names is Fernando.
00:16:21Well, what's on the other side of the more mountains?
00:16:24On the other side is Chile.
00:16:26I know it's chilly up there.
00:16:27It's even chilly here at night.
00:16:29El Querido Citrio.
00:16:31No, no, I do not mean that kind of chili.
00:16:34I mean chili.
00:16:36Chili country, republica chili.
00:16:39Chili cold, chili hot, chili country, chili pepper, chili everything.
00:16:44Hoppy, he is dumb.
00:16:46Are you just finding that out?
00:16:48No, I have known it for a long time.
00:16:52I guess that'll hold you for a while, huh?
00:16:57Let's go.
00:17:00Let's go.
00:17:03Let's go.
00:17:06Comrades, we will be there soon.
00:17:15We will be at the hacienda.
00:17:20We will be at the hacienda.
00:17:25I know that we will accompany you to the end of the journey.
00:17:36Only we will walk.
00:17:41We will fly to another land.
00:17:46Although it has been a little long.
00:17:51But it has been fun.
00:17:56We have laughed so much.
00:18:02Without any bitter moment.
00:18:08Let's go.
00:18:11Let's go.
00:18:19We will be there soon.
00:18:24By the time of dawn.
00:18:30Let's go.
00:18:35Let's go.
00:18:40Let's go.
00:18:43Let's go.
00:18:54Suffering. Catfish, what was that?
00:18:57Run, run, catfish.
00:19:00Run, run, catfish.
00:19:05Run, catfish.
00:19:08Ah, my beautiful doll.
00:19:13Dolores, my love.
00:19:17Mr. Happy, Mr. Lucky.
00:19:21Senors, my wife Dolores.
00:19:25She can't wait to see me.
00:19:27Fernando, very lucky man.
00:19:29Come, my little one.
00:19:31Come, my little pigeon.
00:19:34Careful, careful.
00:19:39Yes, sir.
00:19:45Yes, ma'am.
00:19:47Excuse me, sir.
00:19:49Fernando, Fernando.
00:19:55My love, my love.
00:19:58Oh, Mr. Valdez, he know you come?
00:20:01No, Mr. Valdez.
00:20:04But I didn't think of him.
00:20:06All of you, my Fernando.
00:20:09Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
00:20:11Senor Valdez, he will worry about you.
00:20:13You must go back, go back.
00:20:15It is better, I am lonely.
00:20:17Please, help me put her back on mule.
00:20:20No, no, no, no.
00:20:22It's all right.
00:20:23I'll ride ahead and tell Senor Valdez where you are.
00:20:26Gracias, senor, gracias.
00:20:28Muy simpatico.
00:20:29Lucky, will you get my horse?
00:20:31Which road do I take?
00:20:33This way, senor.
00:20:34Follow us, right?
00:20:36It's very easy.
00:20:38Ah, very simple.
00:21:03I thought I told you never to come here.
00:21:26Oh, but I miss you so.
00:21:28Why you do not come to the cafe since you got back?
00:21:30I was coming tomorrow.
00:21:32We have not time for this.
00:21:33Now, you better go before someone sees you.
00:21:40Did you bring someone here with you?
00:21:42Oh, no.
00:21:46Come out of there, I'll shoot.
00:21:48That won't be necessary, Mr. Merritt.
00:21:53Oh, it's you.
00:21:54Well, I didn't expect to see you for two or three days.
00:21:57We made pretty good time.
00:21:59Did you bring the cattle in tonight?
00:22:00Ah, I just wrote ahead to tell Senor Valdez that...
00:22:04Buenas noches, senor.
00:22:08Senor Cassidy.
00:22:12Senor Cassidy, I did not expect to see you so soon.
00:22:15Welcome to our house.
00:22:17Thank you, senor.
00:22:18I wrote ahead to tell you that Dolores is out at southbounder camp with Fernando.
00:22:22So that's where she went.
00:22:23She could not wait to see him.
00:22:25Now, perhaps you go to bed, eh, Ernesto?
00:22:29Chiquita, hello, hello.
00:22:39I'm glad to see you, muchacha.
00:22:41Gracias, senor.
00:22:42Come, Chiquita.
00:22:43I have things to show you from America.
00:22:45Feathers that Indians wear.
00:22:48If you have left the cafe, Chiquita, you're welcome.
00:22:51You're too soft, Papa Valdez, taking in everyone that comes along.
00:22:54I found this girl sneaking about the place.
00:22:56She says she came to see her aunt.
00:22:58Yes, I come here looking for Dolores.
00:23:01I thought perhaps you had come home to stay.
00:23:06Me come back here?
00:23:08Oh, no.
00:23:09I like my life.
00:23:10Then get along back to it.
00:23:11And don't let me find you hanging around here again.
00:23:16I don't want you to go, Chiquita.
00:23:22But I must go, niño.
00:23:25Come, let me see you smile.
00:23:29For that I give you un beso y un abrazo.
00:23:37Adios, Ernesto.
00:23:46Adios, senors.
00:23:49She's a tough one, that mujer.
00:23:53Come, let us go inside.
00:23:56I think I'll see that she does get off the place.
00:24:05Ah, senor Cassidy, buenos dias.
00:24:09Buenos dias.
00:24:10You rise early.
00:24:11The finest time of the day.
00:24:13Your room was comfortable, I hope.
00:24:15Oh, it's fine.
00:24:17Just looking at your guns here, that's a fine collection.
00:24:19Yes, they were my son's.
00:24:20It took him years to collect them.
00:24:22It must have.
00:24:23Say, that's an old one.
00:24:25What kind of a gun is it?
00:24:26It's the kind the conquistadores first used
00:24:28when they came to South America many, many years ago.
00:24:31Must have been.
00:24:34Say, that's a wicked looking thing.
00:24:38Spanish, isn't it?
00:24:40Si, senor.
00:24:42That was my son's favorite gun.
00:24:44He used it frequently before.
00:24:47Before it killed him.
00:24:52That don't look like the kind of a gun that would go off accidentally.
00:24:55Perhaps not, but nevertheless it did.
00:24:59This, this is the bullet.
00:25:05This is the one that killed your son?
00:25:08This is the one that killed your son?
00:25:17Are you sure?
00:25:19I was there when the doctor removed it.
00:25:22Then that gun didn't kill your son.
00:25:26What are you saying?
00:25:27You couldn't get this slug through that barrel if you tried.
00:25:30That was fired through a much bigger gun.
00:25:33But I, I don't understand.
00:25:35I, I saw the doctor...
00:25:40Senor Cassidy,
00:25:42you don't think that my son was...
00:25:46I've thought so ever since I had the talk with Fernando before we left home.
00:25:53Que horror.
00:25:56Please, please get Ralph. I, I must tell him.
00:25:59Oh, I wouldn't, I wouldn't do that, senor.
00:26:02I don't think I'd say anything to anyone just yet.
00:26:05Not even Merritt. It might upset him.
00:26:09Si, si, you are right.
00:26:12You just take it easy and I'll talk to you about this when you feel better.
00:26:15Gracias, amigo.
00:26:27El hora de la siesta. Vamos, chiquito, vamos.
00:26:30Dio Laura said you don't want a siesta.
00:26:33Ah, siesta now, Ernesto.
00:26:36If you say so, senor Happy.
00:26:43Vamos, Ernestito, vamos.
00:26:45Senor Cassidy, more baseball later, senor?
00:26:48Yeah, more baseball later.
00:26:51Uno, dos, tres, cuatro.
00:26:54You have won him completely, my friend.
00:26:56Now that goes both ways.
00:26:58Oh, did you find that lame cattle in the herd?
00:27:00No, they're all in great shape. We'll start branding the new stock tomorrow.
00:27:03Lucky of me to be glad to help you.
00:27:05Well, thanks. We have plenty of gauchos for the work.
00:27:08By the way, Cassidy, when you're ready to start back to the States,
00:27:11just tell Fernando. He'll be glad to arrange all the supplies for you.
00:27:15Amigo, you're not planning to go so soon.
00:27:18Why, I hadn't even thought of it.
00:27:20As a matter of fact, I might stay down here a couple of three weeks,
00:27:22kind of look the country over.
00:27:24Might even stay here.
00:27:25Ah, it would make me very happy, senor Cassidy, to have you as a neighbor.
00:27:29Thank you, senor.
00:27:35Ay, Squino, why you nut-roller.
00:27:54Now you make me lose all tobacco.
00:28:08I'm sorry, Ferdie. Here, try one of my cigarettes.
00:28:16Tricks, tricks, talk, talk.
00:28:20Come on, Ferdie, I'll show you some real tricks.
00:28:23some real tricks senor Valdez I I know this isn't a very pleasant subject and I
00:28:31hate to keep bringing it up but that matter we were discussing see what is it
00:28:42you wish to know I mean go well I wanted to find out if I was just wondering if
00:28:55there are any strangers around the day that the accident happened to your son
00:28:58we do not know we were all in Buena Vista for the fiesta and my son remained
00:29:04at home to arrange for a hunting trip with Ralph no thank you then mr. Merritt
00:29:11was in the house too no he was in this city he had gone the day before on
00:29:16business yes she treats me just like Ernesto and just when I was so
00:29:25comfortable too bad hasta luego amigo
00:29:41this is place where accident happened to senor Valdez daughter poor Rosita cannot
00:29:55understand the road is so wide say was she riding a skittish horse skittish
00:30:03yeah you know scary no that horse you could shoot pistol by his ear he would
00:30:09laugh at you
00:30:12maybe something scared him they jumped off no horse not go over cleave horse
00:30:18come home by himself I suppose Merritt was away when this happened to say city
00:30:30on business see how you know that oh I just guessed it
00:30:39I'm a little bit scared of horses
00:30:43is that Merritt's horse?
00:31:05who is this girl Chiquita
00:31:09she is niece to my wife Dolores
00:31:13I don't seem to like her very well
00:31:15don't you
00:31:17she have good home with senor Valdez
00:31:19but she go away to sing in cheap cafe
00:31:21Las Boliadores
00:31:23she is silly fool
00:31:37I'm a little bit scared of horses
00:31:39she is is silly fool
00:31:41where is she
00:31:43she is
00:31:45she is
00:31:47she is
00:31:49she is
00:31:51she is
00:31:53she is
00:31:55she is
00:31:57she is
00:31:59she is
00:32:01she is
00:32:03she is
00:32:05Sure you can carry it, stranger? You got to ride your horse home, you know.
00:32:09I'm not in trouble yet.
00:32:12Come on, boys, I'm buying drinks for the house.
00:32:14What are you going to have?
00:32:15Promise me!
00:32:29Say, um, silly-looking ornament. What do you carry that for?
00:32:33Silly ornament, you say, señor?
00:32:36I can drop man or beast at 150 feet with these boleadoras.
00:32:40Ah, well, what's the use to drop him if you got nothing to finish him off with?
00:32:44With this, I will finish him.
00:32:48Gee, I'd sure feel funny carrying one of them things around.
00:32:51Don't anybody around here carry a gun?
00:32:55If we don't care about the noise, we use a gun.
00:32:58But if we want it quiet and confidential-like, we use a boleadoras or a knife.
00:33:04Hey, Slim.
00:33:17Well, it's about time you dropped in to see us.
00:33:19Sit down.
00:33:21I may have a job for you.
00:33:23Another accident, huh?
00:33:25Yeah, one might be necessary.
00:33:26That American you were talking to keeps hanging around here.
00:33:29Is that Cassidy? The man Chiquita told us about?
00:33:32Well, it wasn't his mother.
00:33:35Well, he seemed friendly enough.
00:33:37Yeah, a little too friendly, if you ask me.
00:33:39But he isn't fooling anybody.
00:33:40He doesn't like me any more than I like him.
00:33:43I just caught him hanging around the cliff.
00:33:46What do you think he's looking for?
00:33:48Wildflowers, perhaps.
00:33:50He suggested that I go on a hunting trip.
00:33:53I wonder why.
00:33:55You think he suspects you?
00:33:56I don't know, but I'm going to find out.
00:33:58Now, you clear out of here.
00:34:11Hello, Chiquita.
00:34:14I want you to do something for me.
00:34:16Do it yourself.
00:34:19Oh, still angry about last night.
00:34:22I do not like the way you spoke about me in front of Señor Valdez and the Americano.
00:34:26But I said what I did because the old man mustn't know that I am, well, interested in you.
00:34:32At least, not yet.
00:34:33Why not?
00:34:34If I am to be your wife and the lady of the estancia someday, why should he not know you care for me?
00:34:39Because he thinks I'm still grieving for his daughter, don't you see?
00:34:44She was a fine woman.
00:34:46Of course she was.
00:34:48Of course she was.
00:34:51Can I help it if I loved you instead of her?
00:34:57She was very kind to me.
00:35:00I met her two days before that terrible accident.
00:35:04And she called and waved hello, just as I was as grand lady as her.
00:35:11And you will be, too, if you do as I say.
00:35:18What do you want?
00:35:21This American, Miss Cassidy, I don't know how long he stood there watching us last night.
00:35:28Find out what he knows, how much he saw.
00:35:31He saw much.
00:35:33Those steely eyes.
00:35:35I cannot look into them.
00:35:37I never saw a man yet you couldn't outstare, Chiquita.
00:35:40Yes, I know, but this one.
00:35:43One could not flirt with him, I think, nor confuse him.
00:35:49But he's a man.
00:36:05Bertie, where the glachos Brandon is kept?
00:36:08It is only five miles more.
00:36:10Only five miles more.
00:36:13And the name is Fernando.
00:36:19Ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:36:22I'll show you.
00:36:24Come with me.
00:36:26Try and hail her off down the creek.
00:36:55Are you all right, miss?
00:37:33Brutal animal, bestia!
00:37:35Talk him into her care!
00:38:01What happened?
00:38:02What are you doing in there?
00:38:03That, that man Cassidy, the big brute.
00:38:06He should be amazed of himself.
00:38:10Who he thinks he is, anyhow?
00:38:13Say, I don't remember seeing you around the ranch before.
00:38:17And who you are?
00:38:18Well, get out of there and I'll tell you.
00:38:23I'm Lucky, Hoppy's pal.
00:38:24Hoppy? What is him?
00:38:26Hoppy, Hopalong Cassidy.
00:38:30You come here with him?
00:38:32Yeah, we brought some cattle down from the United States.
00:38:39I'm Chiquita.
00:38:41I dance the café Las Poledores.
00:38:43Oh, you do?
00:38:45Would you like to see me dance?
00:38:50Oh, sure.
00:38:52All right.
00:38:53Then I take you.
00:43:08It's sounding better.
00:43:09I'm forgetting rid of that kid while we got the chance.
00:43:10How about a dance, Shekeeta?
00:43:15Go away!
00:43:17I'm busy!
00:43:21Look, if you want a drink, I'll buy you one.
00:43:34Played right into our hands let them fight watch your chance and get them we'll take care of that
00:43:54Then you're lucky if it's too bad for you to do that, oh is it well if anybody else here wants a taste of this
00:44:00Just let him start something
00:44:04Take it easy lucky
00:44:12What's the trouble I was just getting ready to do a little housecleaning
00:44:16You don't belong in here. Come on with me
00:44:19Then the rest you fellas want to start something. Come on outside. I'll take you on one at a time. We're all together
00:44:24You talk too much
00:44:42Come from we don't like people that throw knives at men's backs
00:44:49That'll remind you not to do it again
00:44:51Aha, maybe that teach you not to fool with hop along Cassidy. Hey get the lights
00:45:00From the States ain't you? Yeah, well, maybe you ought to learn a few things. We don't allow outsiders to come in here starting trouble. I
00:45:08Wasn't aiming to start no trouble
00:45:11Hey, you ain't Spanish. Are you well, what of it?
00:45:16The Spanish people I have met are all real people you said enough now get out of here for us
00:46:13Satisfied for the time being worried. No, let's go home
00:46:27Call me Ferdie the names is Fernando
00:46:31Who taught you to throw your fist Ferdie? I mean Fernando no one
00:46:35I watch what you did and what saying you're lucky did and what you did I did too
00:46:43Yeah, you did everything we did except duck look at that I yeah
00:46:48Well, it looks like you forgot to duck too
00:46:56Now the Rio Grande River runs all along the border
00:47:00Texas here clear down in here the Gulf of Mexico. Hello, Mer
00:47:05Right in here is what we call the panhandle
00:47:09Up in here is that no, that's New Mexico a little geography lesson now Cassidy. Oh, yeah, kind of
00:47:18Hey Merritt, I think we better call off that hunting trip. It's too bad. I see the shells
00:47:23We got over in New Orleans turned out defective
00:47:27Well, I wouldn't let that worry me. We've got lots of guns and shells in the house. You're welcome to use any of them
00:47:32Well, that's fine. Thanks. Well, I don't think I'd be much good with anybody else's gun with my own
00:47:38See I use a 4440
00:47:41You don't have to know anybody has any shells that size. Do you?
00:47:44No, I'll be glad to look around for you though if you like
00:47:51That was quite a party you stays at las bullion or his cafe. Oh, yeah, I'm sorry that had to happen
00:47:59Hey, yeah, that's a pretty tough gang down there. Who is this fella? They call slim
00:48:06Slim oh
00:48:08Yes, no, I don't know him. I've heard of him though. They got you say he's a killer
00:48:13He certainly looks it too
00:48:16Hey, where you going?
00:48:20What's the idea of all the heavy artillery lucky well after what happened last night, I'm not taking any chances
00:48:25Just let him start something now if you think he's gonna be in a danger. Why don't you check your cartridges?
00:48:29They might prove defective too. What do you mean? Well, I was just telling mr. Merritt about the shell
00:48:34We got in New Orleans, you know about him not being any good
00:48:37That's funny
00:48:39Well mine seemed to be all right, oh, but you you see lucky smarter than I am he bought his in Arizona
00:48:44That's what I should have done. No, I didn't hoppy. I bought my New Orleans same time. You bought yours. Remember? Oh, yeah
00:48:49Sure, I remember son. I think your grandfather wants to see you
00:48:52You better come on help me fix my saddle. You'll excuse it, won't you?
00:49:08You think you'll ever grow up
00:49:11Now, what have I done? Every time you open your mouth you stick both feet in it
00:49:15Hoppy you're not mad at me because your shells are bad. Are you?
00:49:18No, I'm not coming
00:49:26My shells are all right
00:49:27It's just that you've got to be more careful what you say, especially in front of Merritt
00:49:31I can't hoppy if you tell me what it's all about
00:49:33If you just learn to use your head once in a while, you'd realize that Valdez's son wasn't shot accidentally
00:49:38Well, you mean Marity? No, he didn't do it
00:49:41But I think he had it done. Oh, it doesn't surprise me any but what makes you think so?
00:49:46Don't you realize that he'll own this whole place if he just gets rid of certain people. Oh
00:49:51I get it good
00:49:53But if he didn't do it who did it somebody with a 4440 that's the gen I'm looking for
00:50:00It's like looking for a needle in a haystack
00:50:03Maybe I got an idea that guns gonna be used on me before long
00:50:07Come on we better get out and get to work on that saddle before he checks up on us
00:50:17You're not looking for a picture of murder, are you? No
00:50:20Thought I might find one in here that fellow they call slim and the other one they call curly
00:50:25Even money there's both run out of the States for something
00:50:31You go and fix a saddle up I'll see you later
00:50:44Know Cassidy
00:50:55Are you mad at me I
00:50:58Haven't anything to be mad at you about oh, I am so glad you know at first I think you stood up
00:51:07Yes, but when I say you fight that night in the cafe, I said to myself
00:51:12Chiquita you're going to like that man. So I did so I do so good. I want everybody to like me
00:51:19But I want to more than like you
00:51:23It's none of my business but didn't Mary tell you to stay away from here, oh, that's nothing
00:51:30Maybe if I were the lady of the stance here you like me better. Yes
00:51:35But you are not the lady of the Estancia, but I'm going to be you wait and see
00:51:42This is fancy. Why not? Oh
00:51:46I don't know. I
00:51:48Just don't think merits gonna marry you who says he marries me
00:51:53Well, I got that general impression from what I saw on the terrace the night I got here Oh
00:52:00Senor Cassidy, I like you, but I do not like people who are hiding in bushes
00:52:27Yeah, I'm glad to see what are you doing here? Oh, I just come to see senor Cassidy
00:52:32But I'm mad with him mad at Hoppy. Yes. He was ashamed to speak with me. Why?
00:52:39Just because I'm a girl from the cafe
00:52:42Hoppy's not that kind of fella. It's probably because he's got a lot of important things on his mind. Oh
00:52:49Then maybe I should not be mad with him
00:52:51What are these important things? Maybe I can help
00:52:55If it is helping you too
00:53:02Say maybe you could at that look you keep your eyes open around the cafe
00:53:06See if you see anyone with a gun like this, you let me know
00:53:10Will that be helping senor Hoppy and you? Oh, yes plenty
00:53:15Is this American gun no, it's a Colt 4440 and be sure you don't let anyone know what you're doing
00:53:22No, don't worry
00:53:24I won't
00:53:35What's the idea of coming over here and starting a row with Cassidy
00:53:38I only try to get the information you want. Well, you certainly went about it in a bright way
00:53:42Yes, I think so, but I got him
00:53:45Did he see us the other night? See I was afraid of that. What else did you find out?
00:53:50He is looking for men with the American made gun American make gun what kind of gun
00:54:05I'll be with you in a few minutes
00:54:09What kind of a gun do you carry 4440 coach that the gun you used on Young Valley's yeah, why you fool
00:54:14Why do you think I gave you his own gun? What's the difference? I got rid of him for you
00:54:18That's not the point if I'm not mistaken Cassidy's picked up a clue. That's gonna put a rope around your neck
00:54:22Yeah, I better get rid of this gun. You better get rid of Cassidy. We'll get rid of them
00:54:26We'll take two men right out there tonight. And while we're there, we'll take care of this power here
00:54:29You'll do nothing of the kind I want that to happen while I'm away
00:54:32So I'm going to the city in the morning as usual. Mr
00:54:35Merritt will be away when accidents happen
00:54:37You protect your own hide well enough when it comes to taking chances Merritt you get well paid for your work
00:54:41Yeah, what we have promises, you know very well
00:54:43I can't take care of you till I get control of the Estancia. Come on. I've talked this over. Yeah
00:54:47There's a fortune and a strong box of senior Valdez
00:54:50Say it'd be simple for bandits to ride down from the hills while you're with the city
00:54:54Yeah, and payment to us would be taken care of
00:54:59Would be too bad if something happened to Valdez and Ernesto during the rain
00:55:04We can take care of Cassidy before the raid Chiquita. Come here. I want to talk to her alone
00:55:14Chiquita get some paper. I want you to write a note to Cassidy. Tell him to meet you tomorrow
00:55:19How you know, he will come I have a bait. I think he'll rise to that 4440. He's after you found it
00:55:26He lost it here during the fight. I
00:55:29Don't want to see him again. What's the matter? You afraid of him? No
00:55:33But I don't like the things he says what things?
00:55:39Well for one thing he say that you will not marry me oh
00:55:46So he's been thinking about that too
00:55:52Well, will you
00:55:59What Oh marry you, of course, of course
00:56:03It's about our marriage. I'm gonna talk to Papa Valdez
00:56:06But that's why I want to get rid of Cassidy for a while don't you understand now now will you write the note
00:56:23What's the matter Carida
00:56:26If I will find that you have lied to me
00:56:59Am sorry Cassidy, but I'm afraid we'll have to postpone our little hunting trip for a while
00:57:02I have important business in the city. I'm leaving early in the morning
00:57:06All the hunting trip can wait till you get back to say you seem to have quite a way with the ladies
00:57:12Hey, I understand you made a great impression on the little girl that dances in Las Bolleadoras cafe on who?
00:57:22You mean that bad little Chiquita?
00:57:25Now the last time I saw her she was mad in a wet head. Well, don't let that fool you better watch your step
00:57:32When women down here fall for someone they usually get their man
00:57:37Thanks for the warning
00:57:39Chief whiz hop he gets all the breaks. No, I couldn't you key to fall for me instead of for him. Ah
00:57:45You crazy man
00:57:47Take a look at senor Cassidy then take good. Look at yourself
00:57:52Well, what's the matter with me? And I romantic you ha you young Americanos you all alike
00:57:59You're Cassidy a moza from town just brought a message for you. Oh, that's it
00:59:59All right, you men wait inside we are ready for you. I'm leaving for the city as soon as we finish with Cassidy
01:00:15Are you going to go to Senor Valdez now? Yes, of course
01:00:21That's just riding part of the way to talk business
01:00:23Tell him you found the gun after the fight I make friends with him if you can be sure and be there by 1130
01:00:30I will be there
01:00:45Still don't see why you have to let Cassidy go
01:00:47Still don't see why you have to let Cassidy see my gun to make it look natural avoid suspicion. I don't like the idea
01:00:53Why not? It'll be the last thing he ever sees. What about Chiquita? I think she knows too much. Yeah do with her as you like
01:01:00Say what time is it now? It's about 1120. What's the matter with you? You're getting nervous. No, but I'll be glad and I plugged him
01:01:07Hey who gets first shot?
01:01:10There'll be no shooting gentlemen. So just take it easy
01:01:13There'll be no shooting gentlemen, so just take it easy
01:01:18Why you shut your hands up
01:01:21You had this all figured out didn't you American?
01:01:24But it's not gonna work this time
01:01:30Alright, come on throw a gun down senior Cassidy or I'll kill you
01:01:37Good work Chiquita
01:01:40Now you've done exactly what they wanted you to do. Why not?
01:01:43They are my friends if they are then you help kill senor Valdez a son and daughter
01:01:48What are you talking about? You're crazy. Give me a ralph. Not as crazy as that drop that gun to give a chicken
01:01:59What is this? Oh, why are you here? I thought you went to senior about this to talk about our marriage
01:02:05His plan doesn't include marriage Chiquita. You see what's gonna happen to me
01:02:10Now all that remains is for him to get rid of senior Valdez and Ernesto
01:02:14He has everything he's ever wanted the Estancia the money and the power that goes with it
01:02:20Does that make sense to you?
01:02:23You mean
01:02:27I see
01:02:29See now I understand everything I go to the Estancia
01:02:39I go to the Gaucho
01:02:59Let's go
01:03:12How many you men have guns we have two rifles and two pistols in the wagon senior Cassidy's the ones can use them come with me
01:03:18The Estancia is gonna be raided
01:04:12Know Chiquita, but what happened?
01:04:17How many men
01:04:20I know cave in mountains. We can hide them. Good you get the wagon ready. The Lord you get senior Valdez and Ernesto
01:04:43Know you drive. I'll handle the guns see
01:04:46If we can make bridge, maybe we'd be all right
01:04:49Great. Did you say bridge see very healy there?
01:05:29Hey chief look
01:06:39Say no lucky the breach
01:09:32Anybody heard now just a few scratches hobby. Oh, that's good
01:09:36Well, it looks like everything's gonna be all right, but I am worried saying you're you're worried say
01:09:42Now I got nothing more to worry about