Hills of Old Wyoming (1937)
Passed | 78 min | Western | 16 April 1937 (USA)
An evil deputy is using Indian half-breeds to rustle cattle. This causes trouble between the cattlemen and Indians. Hoppy, Windy and Lucky see that justice is served. Songs abound.
Director: Nate Watt
Writers: Clarence E. Mulford (story), Maurice Geraghty (dialogue & screenplay)
Stars: William Boyd, George 'Gabby' Hayes, Morris Ankrum
Passed | 78 min | Western | 16 April 1937 (USA)
An evil deputy is using Indian half-breeds to rustle cattle. This causes trouble between the cattlemen and Indians. Hoppy, Windy and Lucky see that justice is served. Songs abound.
Director: Nate Watt
Writers: Clarence E. Mulford (story), Maurice Geraghty (dialogue & screenplay)
Stars: William Boyd, George 'Gabby' Hayes, Morris Ankrum
Short filmTranscript
00:00:00["Let Me Live on the Range"]
00:00:21Let me live on the range
00:00:29Where a man has room to grow in
00:00:37And feel all his love in the glowing
00:00:45In the hills of old Wyoming
00:00:54In the hills of old Wyoming
00:01:16["Let Me Live on the Range"]
00:01:27Ho! Hey! Hey! Hey!
00:01:34Boy, things are shaping up, Wendy.
00:01:36We'll have the herd all holed up for winter by sundown tomorrow.
00:01:39Yeah. All except three, four hundred headed are a-missing by the time we finish this roundup.
00:01:45Are you trying to say our cattle's being rustled?
00:01:47I ain't trying to say nothing.
00:01:49One of these leak summers, the cattle don't get run off by themselves.
00:01:53Hoppy ought to know our tally sheet's short.
00:01:56I'm writing down to tell him.
00:01:57Wait a minute, Wendy.
00:01:58Wait nothing!
00:01:59As part owner of the bar three, I got a right to have my say.
00:02:02You've had it.
00:02:03Come on, let's get this herd in before we get snowed.
00:02:15["Let Me Live on the Range"]
00:02:34The ranchers, they're already moving to the next valley.
00:02:36Why didn't you keep your eyes open?
00:02:38You let them get in here a day ahead of time.
00:02:40We gotta get these cattle out of here before they spot us.
00:02:43Get the bars down.
00:03:06Head them up the canyon.
00:03:10Hey, that's funny.
00:03:13What's funny?
00:03:14That. That's funny.
00:03:16That ain't none of our outfit, and this is our range.
00:03:18I'm gonna look into this. Come on.
00:03:28Now let the cattle go.
00:03:29Head for the ranch.
00:03:44["Let Me Live on the Range"]
00:03:50Well, I... What the...
00:03:53What's aching you anyhow, Wendy?
00:03:55That's our brand. Them's our cattle.
00:04:00They're rustlers.
00:04:02Why, the yawn reap.
00:04:03I'll shoot the pants off and the whole kit and caboodle of them.
00:04:13["Let Me Live on the Range"]
00:04:44["Let Me Live on the Range"]
00:04:56We better clear out of here quick.
00:05:05Hey, what's going on here, Wendy?
00:05:07Who's doing all the shooting?
00:05:10Good thing we hit this north range a day early.
00:05:12You're darn center.
00:05:14We've never seen hiding a hair of that bunch again.
00:05:16I knowed all along we were short of cattle.
00:05:19Hey, Steve, drive these cattle back to the main herd and slap the brand on their yearlings.
00:05:24Hey, where you going?
00:05:26I'm going after those rustlers and give them a taste of something they ain't had before.
00:05:30Hey, wait a minute.
00:05:34You'll never find them without me.
00:05:36Oh, I say, Chief Sitting Bull learned me all he ever knowed about tracking.
00:05:40I'll show you.
00:05:41Come on.
00:06:04They're fighting over there.
00:06:05Come on.
00:06:11Don't tell them which way they went.
00:06:29I got them.
00:06:34Ain't no rustler alive if they made some mistake.
00:06:37Them cartridges don't prove nothing.
00:06:42Except that we were shot at.
00:06:49Ah, you young smart aleck.
00:07:10There you are, Wendy.
00:07:40There you are.
00:07:42Fresh tracks.
00:07:44Come on.
00:08:08Get moving.
00:08:09And don't come around the agency unless I send for you.
00:08:11A white man may follow.
00:08:12Well, it was your job to keep watch of the Bar 3 outfit.
00:08:15They come too quick.
00:08:16Lone Eagle no ready.
00:08:17You better save your excuses.
00:08:21Get on back to the trading post and mix with the other Indians.
00:08:23I'll see you're not bothered.
00:08:27Here they come now.
00:08:28Hurry it up.
00:08:42Come on.
00:08:55Hey, Wendy.
00:08:56One rider went that way.
00:08:59More shipwrecked.
00:09:00Chief Sentinel tell you how to figure that out too?
00:09:02Oh, shit your head.
00:09:04Young smart aleck.
00:09:06You should have checked up on that half-breed.
00:09:09Well, how was I to know?
00:09:10And besides, any time you mess with Bar 3 cattle, you're looking for trouble.
00:09:14That's Hopalong Cassidy's outfit.
00:09:17Who's he?
00:09:18Ain't you never heard of him?
00:09:20Why, he's the hardest riding puncher that ever hit the bank.
00:09:22And he can shoot like blazes.
00:09:24He's never met up with me.
00:09:26Hey, I never noticed that before.
00:09:29That sign.
00:09:30We're on reservation territory.
00:09:33You figure we could be following an engine?
00:09:35That wouldn't surprise me none.
00:09:37Those marksmen direct the trading post.
00:09:39Come on.
00:09:46They're heading toward the trading post.
00:09:48Get some of the boys and bring them over.
00:09:49Hurry up.
00:10:10All right, big tree.
00:10:11It's a deal.
00:10:13Is that all?
00:10:24No need to ask who's coming.
00:10:26Never saw you get interested in how he's doing.
00:10:30Well, I've got to go.
00:10:31I've got to go.
00:10:32I've got to go.
00:10:33I've got to go.
00:10:34I've got to go.
00:10:35I've got to go.
00:10:36I've got to go.
00:10:37I've got to go.
00:10:38Never get interested in how you look for anybody except Lucky.
00:10:42Wendy's coming too.
00:10:44That old flannel mouth.
00:11:02Get inside, you fellas.
00:11:04Come on, get inside.
00:11:08Come on.
00:11:16Line up over there.
00:11:18All of you.
00:11:22Nobody's leaving here until I've done a little inquiring.
00:11:25Hello, Lucky.
00:11:26Say, what's this supposed to be, a holdup?
00:11:30I've come here on business.
00:11:32Rustler's been thinning out our herd.
00:11:34And that trail leads direct to here.
00:11:36One of these Indians got a lot of explaining to do.
00:11:41Hey, son.
00:11:42You'll never go near my two fur.
00:11:45You make mistake.
00:11:46My people Nazi.
00:11:49I ain't asking your opinion.
00:11:51Better take it easy, son.
00:11:53Remember, they can't all be guilty.
00:11:56I can handle this.
00:11:58Well, it's out of your hands.
00:12:00When you get in trouble, don't expect any help from me.
00:12:07Which one of you was last to arrive here?
00:12:09Wait a minute, Lucky.
00:12:15I think Big Tree came here last.
00:12:18Where else have you been this morning?
00:12:20My feelings.
00:12:21But Lucky, he's Big Tree, their chief.
00:12:27Well, then maybe you can help me find the man I'm after.
00:12:29Line up.
00:12:30Where were you this morning?
00:12:31Come on, speak up.
00:12:33You're on our range, weren't you?
00:12:36Nice room in Winchester, ma.
00:12:38What do you take for it?
00:12:40More than you'll ever have.
00:13:00What was that?
00:13:05Do you mean to stand there and insinuate that I got mice in my store?
00:13:09Why, you...
00:13:11You mealy-mouthed old cow-wrestler!
00:13:17What have you got to say for yourself?
00:13:19I stay on reservation.
00:13:22I'll give you $15 and a pearl handle tonight.
00:13:28Let's see it.
00:13:34Let's see it.
00:13:46Why, you old swindler!
00:13:48You put that rifle down and go and tend to your business.
00:14:00I know a way to make you Indians talk.
00:14:02Get out to your horses.
00:14:15What's going on here?
00:14:18You keep out of this.
00:14:20These thieving Indians have been rusting our cattle.
00:14:22Me and my men are responsible for the Indians.
00:14:24If they get into trouble, we'll see that they're punished.
00:14:29In the meantime, get off the reservation.
00:14:31I'm not leaving here until I've had this out with the Indians.
00:14:44You stay here. This ain't your fight.
00:14:46Why, you low-down barhogs!
00:14:49Take your hands off that boy!
00:15:06All right, get the cuffs on him!
00:15:19All right.
00:15:20Get these on the other fellow.
00:15:23All right.
00:15:30Get up.
00:15:34You men are under arrest for inciting trouble with the Indians.
00:15:37Take them to headquarters.
00:15:38Get out of here!
00:15:42You can't hold us. You've got nothing on us.
00:15:47You'll be lucky to get out of jail in less than six months.
00:15:50You wouldn't get away with this if Papa Long Cassidy was here.
00:15:55I thought you said you could take care of things, you hot-headed young fuzz-tail.
00:15:59You ain't a hoppy head about this.
00:16:01Get in.
00:16:03Oh, Ma.
00:16:06Now, look here, honey.
00:16:08Don't you fret. This thing's gonna blow over in no time.
00:16:12Oh, but Ma, the agent's bound to believe his deputies.
00:16:15And once in the agency jail, like he won't have a chance.
00:16:20Oh, honey.
00:16:45Well, I'll be darned.
00:16:51What seems to be the trouble?
00:16:53Get off the trail.
00:16:56Not till I find out why you've got them two boys.
00:16:59What's that got to do with you?
00:17:01They happen to be partners of mine.
00:17:04They're under arrest. Now, clear out.
00:17:08What's the charges?
00:17:09Somebody's been rustling our cattle.
00:17:12The trail leads right to the trading post.
00:17:14Somebody's been rustling our cattle.
00:17:17The trail leads right to the trading post.
00:17:20Now, we're gonna start trouble with the Indians.
00:17:23They don't arrest men for what they were gonna do.
00:17:26Leastwise, not where I come from.
00:17:30Well, I'm not concerned with where you come from.
00:17:33We're in charge of this reservation, and these men are under arrest.
00:17:39All right, boys. Get started.
00:17:45Leave it alone.
00:17:48Me and the boys are sticking together till you got a real case against them.
00:17:52In the meantime, I'll trouble you to drop their guns and unlock them cuffs.
00:18:15All right, get on your way.
00:18:24Careful, let's hop along Cassidy.
00:18:29You don't know what you got yourself into, mister.
00:18:32You won't get the drop on me again.
00:18:45I'm sure glad you turned up, Hoppy.
00:18:47You're darned stupid, especially when them deputies had us covered.
00:18:51Hey, can I leave you alone for a minute without you getting all lathered up and getting into trouble?
00:18:56We gotta show these Indians we mean business.
00:18:58Heard we'll be worth grazing rice in the Mojave Desert.
00:19:01Lucky I've known these Indians for a long time,
00:19:04and I've never seen one of them on the wrong side of the fence yet.
00:19:08The Indians ain't had an uprising since they signed the treaty.
00:19:11It'd be just too bad if they dug up Tommy Hawk now.
00:19:14Take a lot of convincing to show me that they were on the rustle.
00:19:18And when I've seen this new chief deputy, I stand a little watchin'.
00:19:22All right, get on your horses. Let's get back to camp.
00:19:41Hello, Andrews.
00:19:55Well, how'd you make out?
00:19:59Well, I got the cattle all herded up in the mountains.
00:20:02I say, we got over 3,000 head, all hand-picked from the different outfits.
00:20:07Yeah, all except that last bunch from the Bar 3.
00:20:10And that was your fault, Peterson.
00:20:12How could I know they'd come in a day early?
00:20:14It was your business to know, you and that half-breed.
00:20:16I told you we shouldn't mess around with that Cassidy outfit.
00:20:18I'm not worried about Cassidy or any of the other ranchers.
00:20:21They'll suspect the Indians, and we'll make them go on suspectin'.
00:20:26And without any more complaints from you, Peterson.
00:20:29Listen here, Andrews, you're not in the army now,
00:20:31and I'm not being bossed around like a buck private.
00:20:34You can deal me out of this from now on.
00:20:36It's too risky.
00:20:38My boss is in charge here, and he's liable to get wise to us.
00:20:41I'm getting out.
00:20:52And you'll all stick with me until we get the cattle over into Canada.
00:20:57I'll take care of Thompson.
00:21:00Uh, what's going on out there?
00:21:02Ah, just some of the boys having a little argument.
00:21:05Say, I got something to tell you that's really important.
00:21:08I caught some of the punchers manhandling Indians down at the trading post.
00:21:12Were they drunk?
00:21:14They weren't drunk.
00:21:16They knew what they were doing, all right.
00:21:18Well, what was the trouble, then?
00:21:20Well, it seems somebody's been rustling their cattle,
00:21:23and they're blaming the Indians.
00:21:25Well, it seems somebody's been rustling their cattle,
00:21:27and they're blaming the Indians for it.
00:21:29That's ridiculous, Andrews.
00:21:31I've been in charge of this reservation for ten years now.
00:21:34I never have had a bit of trouble.
00:21:36Well, you're gonna have some now, unless you'll watch those punchers.
00:21:39They're looking for trouble.
00:21:43Say, uh, why don't you write out an order keeping them off the reservation?
00:21:47You think it's really as serious as all that?
00:21:50I think it might be very serious.
00:21:52Unless you keep them away from the Indians.
00:21:54Well, at least until this blows over.
00:21:58Well, maybe you're right at that, Andrews.
00:22:03Why didn't you put those ranchers under arrest?
00:22:05Well, I did, but some puncher called Hopalong Cassidy sneaked up and got the drop on us.
00:22:10Hopalong Cassidy?
00:22:12Oh, there must be some mistake.
00:22:14You bring Cassidy in here for questioning.
00:22:16Well, I'll have to go off our territory.
00:22:19You just get Cassidy. I'll take the responsibility.
00:22:25I'll get him.
00:22:27Tack that up on the bulletin board at the trading post.
00:22:36Well, now what can I do for you?
00:22:38All right, tack it up.
00:22:55Does this mean that the punchers can't use this store?
00:22:58We can't have any more trouble with the Indians.
00:23:01And I'll have to ask you to report to me if any punchers trespass on the reservation.
00:23:07Why, the punchers have been trading at this store for over 30 years.
00:23:10They got a right to come here.
00:23:12That's up to us.
00:23:13And we're looking out for the Indians.
00:23:15But we need the ranchers' business to make a living.
00:23:18Why, the Indians don't bring in enough to meet expenses.
00:23:22It's Thompson's orders.
00:23:24If you don't like it, well, you can give up your permit to run the store.
00:23:29Anyway, you don't need to worry.
00:23:34Me and the boys from the agency will see that you get a play.
00:23:39We've had all the help we want from you.
00:23:53I didn't notice how to keep the punchers out of our way.
00:23:56Now we can get Cassidy.
00:23:58Yeah, Thompson ordered me to bring him in.
00:24:01Don't worry, we're not going to show our hand.
00:24:05Hey! Hey!
00:24:18What'd you do?
00:24:19What'd you do with me?
00:24:21You're through, lone eagle.
00:24:24The bar three ranchers escaped and you've put us in a jam.
00:24:28Take him away.
00:24:30Let me go.
00:24:33Let me go. Let me go.
00:24:36Give me a chance.
00:24:38I'd do anything for you.
00:24:41I helped you many times.
00:24:44You might be able to square yourself at that.
00:24:48I'll give you one more chance.
00:24:50If you can earmark the foreman of the bar three...
00:24:54You trust, lone eagle?
00:24:56Name's Hopalong Cassidy.
00:24:58He'll likely drift into the trading post before long.
00:25:03You don't know what to expect if you slip up.
00:25:06Come on, boys.
00:25:21I knowed Indian was slow at trading.
00:25:24That lone eagle's the worst one yet.
00:25:26He's been hanging around here since yesterday.
00:25:33Why, honey.
00:25:35Worryin' ain't gonna help none.
00:25:37Lucky'll be around pretty soon.
00:25:40I don't want him to come around here now, Ma.
00:25:43He'd only get arrested again.
00:25:47Well, speak of the devil.
00:25:50It's him, sure enough.
00:25:59Hello, Lucky.
00:26:00Howdy, folks.
00:26:02Sorry about the way I acted the last time I was here, but...
00:26:05Well, a man don't stand on manners when his cattle's being stole.
00:26:08We understand.
00:26:09I never knowed Lucky to stand on manners yet.
00:26:12Hello, Hoppy.
00:26:13Hello. Hello, Ma.
00:26:14Glad to see ya.
00:26:16How did you manage to get away from the deputies?
00:26:18Hoppy turned the trick.
00:26:21That's why Thompson was so anxious to get that notice posted.
00:26:24What notice?
00:26:25Up there on the board.
00:26:31Jump on Juniper.
00:26:34What do you think of it, Hoppy?
00:26:36Well, I seem kind of put out, considering it was our cattle that was stole.
00:26:41Did you read it careful?
00:26:43All of it?
00:26:48You know, I've been expecting something like that.
00:26:56Dang loose.
00:26:59Dang newfangled writing.
00:27:16You better not stay.
00:27:17The deputies might find you here.
00:27:19I'd like to see them try to arrest me.
00:27:22Well, they done a pretty fair job of it once, I recall.
00:27:27Lucky, hurry up and get them groceries ready.
00:27:41You sure you ain't reconsidered my offer for the gun?
00:27:44Say, I wouldn't take $15 for the sights on that rifle.
00:27:49Why, it cost me over $40.
00:27:51I know, Ma, but you've had it in the store for a long time.
00:27:55Yeah? Well, it's gonna stay there until I get me a good bona fide offer.
00:28:09I know.
00:28:14I'll be back soon.
00:28:16Oh, please don't come back.
00:28:21That's the way you feel.
00:28:22Oh, you know it isn't that.
00:28:24I don't want you to get into trouble.
00:28:27I'm just itching to get my hands on those deputies again.
00:28:36Say, ain't you forgot something?
00:28:54A clean slip of my mind.
00:29:01Hey, did you notice that half-breed that was straining on that debit to get going when we come in?
00:29:05Why, no.
00:29:08Why, a rattlesnake would curl up on his shoulder and he wouldn't even know it with Alice around.
00:29:15Well, look who's talking.
00:29:17Hey, Hoppy, I caught him washing his face twice this week.
00:29:20On account of Ma Hutchins.
00:29:22Oh, don't you believe him, Hoppy.
00:29:24A man can't even do a little trading without getting himself talked about.
00:29:28Ma Hutchins, that.
00:29:31Hey, Hoppy.
00:29:33You want me to trail that half-breed down and find out what he's doing?
00:29:36Oh, no need for that yet.
00:29:38Get on your horses and let's go.
00:29:53Hey, Smiler.
00:29:55Keep that stew boiling.
00:29:59If it kept boiling any longer, dry up and blow away.
00:30:05If you're going to explode, go ahead and get over with it.
00:30:11Give me a mess of that there.
00:30:13I shouldn't feed them or don't work for it.
00:30:18Well, you got to have supplies, ain't you?
00:30:28Howdy, Saunders.
00:30:29Howdy, Cassidy.
00:30:30You're just in time for a little grub.
00:30:32Oh, thanks. I just ate.
00:30:34Say, have you seen any of my brand?
00:30:37Yeah, we got a few of your strays around here, but I figured I'd turn them over to you after we got further down.
00:30:42Thanks, I'll do the same with yours.
00:30:45Say, how's your herd checking up?
00:30:48That's what I rode in to see you about, Cassidy.
00:30:51I'm going to be short around 200 head.
00:30:53200 head?
00:30:55I think we're going to be left a little short ourselves.
00:31:01Any idea what's going on around here?
00:31:03I can't figure it out.
00:31:05There ain't a doubtful man in these parts.
00:31:08Sure thing them cows didn't fly away.
00:31:11Less than they've sprouted wings.
00:31:15Well, if you run into any trouble, Cassidy, just send word.
00:31:18I've got these four outfits more than ready to help square accounts.
00:31:21Thanks, Saunders. We'll remember that.
00:31:23We'll keep our eyes peeled.
00:31:25Well, so long, fellas.
00:31:26So long.
00:31:27So long, Saunders.
00:31:31Beginning to see my way about the Indians?
00:31:34Well, somebody's been doing some heavy figuring. The Indians might be part of it.
00:31:38Oh, say, Hoppy, look.
00:31:41I found them on the ridge after the rustlers took a shot at me.
00:31:46Government 45s.
00:31:48Say, that's worth knowing.
00:31:50There ain't a ranch in this part of the country that carries anything but a Winchester or a Sharps rifle.
00:31:55See? I told you they was important.
00:31:57Oh, you've got to be a real tracker to sense them things.
00:32:02If you think you're such a darn good tracker,
00:32:10find your way over to them dirty dishes.
00:32:18I missed two meals last week.
00:32:20That puts me a day back on my terms.
00:32:23Well, you eat so much, you should be begging to help out.
00:32:38Hey, Hoppy, two of our cattle have been shot up near Spring Creek.
00:32:42Why, they're cow-killing polecats.
00:32:45Ah, you boys had better stay here and crowd the work.
00:32:48Come on, Lucky, we'll look into this.
00:32:50Get on your horse, Steve.
00:32:52Come on.
00:33:10Oh, there you are, Hoppy. It's our brand.
00:33:13You better go back and tell the boys to go on with the herd and we'll catch up with them at Bull Canyon.
00:33:20Hey, looks like they're shot from close range, judging by this wound.
00:33:25When will I catch the rats that done this?
00:33:28We better take a look around, see if we can pick up their trail.
00:33:30It won't take me long to pick it up.
00:33:42Hey, Lucky, come here.
00:33:46He's headed down this way.
00:33:51Find anything, Hoppy?
00:33:52Looks like he's doubled back and headed down toward the river.
00:33:55The marks trail off in this hard ground, Hoppy.
00:33:57I'll search the canyon here and meet you fellas up on the ridge.
00:34:01I'm shooting on sight if I find him.
00:34:30That's Hoppy!
00:34:53Come on!
00:35:17Come on!
00:35:25Who put you up to taking a shot at me?
00:35:30What's happened to you anyhow, Lone Eagle?
00:35:40Looks like he near got you.
00:35:42I was kind of looking for him.
00:35:44That trail from them dead stairs looked a little too well marked to suit me.
00:35:48I wouldn't have spurred him.
00:35:50I knew you wouldn't.
00:35:52That's why I sent you on, I wanted to get him alive.
00:35:55Dead half-breed won't do us any good.
00:35:58I know you's up to something, Hoppy.
00:36:01We got proof now the Indian's done the rustling.
00:36:04Let's get him out of here, see if we can get him to talk.
00:36:06Come on.
00:36:31We're heading down the hill now, three of them with the Indian.
00:36:33All right, boys, get off your horses and get ready.
00:36:49Put him up!
00:36:52Take it easy, Lucky.
00:36:59Take over their guns.
00:37:10You're under arrest for trespassing on the Indian reservation.
00:37:14I see you bring along your own evidence, too.
00:37:17It's going to be kind of hard on you when Thompson learns you tried to kill this Indian.
00:37:22I shot him in self-defense.
00:37:24Well, you'll have a tough time convincing Thompson of that.
00:37:28Now, if you try anything, you're going to get a dose of lead poisoning.
00:37:58After him, you fellows, he's getting away!
00:38:12Stay where you are.
00:38:18Drop your gun.
00:38:23Hurry it up.
00:38:31When do you and Lucky pick up them guns and tie them on my saddle?
00:38:51Tie them on the back there, son.
00:38:55All right, Hoppy, we got them all.
00:39:00All right, keep them covered.
00:39:20As soon as I leave here, you take Lonnie and go back to the camp.
00:39:27All right, now it's your turn to get started.
00:39:36Come on.
00:39:47Wendy, them Indians are watching us.
00:39:52Well, ain't no harm been done.
00:39:54Roneagle got shot trying to ambush Cassidy.
00:39:57We had a right to take him prisoner.
00:39:59He ain't got nothing to worry about.
00:40:18All right, all right, all right, all right.
00:41:00Starting trouble on government territory, Cassidy, is pretty serious business.
00:41:05That might be good for you to remember.
00:41:07Get in the office.
00:41:14Come on.
00:41:20Get over there.
00:41:33What's the idea of all this, Cassidy?
00:41:34He and his men ambushed us.
00:41:36I had a notice posted for all ranchers to stay off of this reservation.
00:41:40Yeah, I know that.
00:41:42Well, it's about time we had a showdown.
00:41:44Every rancher in these parts is missing cattle.
00:41:47We're going to track these wrestlers down and we're not going to be interfered with by anybody.
00:41:55I'm sorry, Cassidy, but you've gone too far.
00:41:57You're under arrest.
00:42:01I wouldn't do that.
00:42:21Get your gun.
00:42:35Come on, get out of there.
00:42:48Don't let him get away.
00:42:49Catch those horses.
00:42:50Go after him, somebody.
00:42:54Wait a minute.
00:42:55Never mind, boys.
00:42:56You can't get him now.
00:42:58Come to the office, Andrews.
00:42:59I want to talk to you.
00:43:06Andrews, I think you're right about these ranchers.
00:43:11We'll have to deal strongly with them from now on.
00:43:13I caught them trying to kill one of the half-braves.
00:43:17My orders are to arrest any rancher coming within our jurisdiction.
00:43:20Use force if necessary.
00:43:31The old man's fallen right in with us.
00:43:33What about Lone Eagle?
00:43:34He'll talk.
00:43:35Well, they'll never make him talk.
00:43:39But if anything should happen to him while they have him, why, the ranchers will have plenty of trouble on their hands with the Indians.
00:43:47Oh, yeah.
00:43:48And while they're fighting each other, we'll run the cattle into Canada.
00:43:51That's right.
00:43:59Ma, are you going to let them get away with this robbery?
00:44:02Well, what am I going to do about it?
00:44:26What's them Indians up to?
00:44:28They came in here and took every gun and rifle we had.
00:44:30They're sure on the war path.
00:44:34Well, what's happened?
00:44:35What's the matter?
00:44:38I'll explain later.
00:44:44Gee, Ma, do you think Blackie's mixed up in this?
00:44:47Oh, how should I know?
00:44:49That's the trouble with being a woman.
00:44:51You never find out nothing till it's all over.
00:44:54Oh, land sakes.
00:45:06What's going on here?
00:45:07Wendy's been telling us about this half-breed, and we're going to string him up.
00:45:10You're playing right into the rustler's hands if you do that.
00:45:13That's our way of doing things, Cassidy.
00:45:15Well, he certainly didn't rustle 3,000 head all by himself.
00:45:18Well, he's one of the gang, isn't he?
00:45:20I'm admitting Lone Eagle's guilt.
00:45:22He took a pot shot at me.
00:45:23I had a chance to kill him, but he's worth more to us alive.
00:45:26I got reason to believe he's working with Andrew and some of his deputies.
00:45:29How do you figure?
00:45:30In the first place, they're too anxious to keep us off of that reservation.
00:45:33In the second place, they did some long-range shooting at our outfit.
00:45:36One of the boys picked these up.
00:45:39Government .45s.
00:45:41Yeah, a rather uncommon brand for these parts.
00:45:44Found them myself.
00:45:46That settles it. Come on, fellas.
00:45:47Wait a minute.
00:45:48You got to have a little more proof before you ride.
00:45:51And we'll get it as soon as Lone Eagle decides to talk.
00:45:53Well, make him talk.
00:45:55You'll never get him to talk for a white man.
00:45:57But the Indians have got ways of getting the truth out of their own kind.
00:46:00I'm taking him to the nearest Indian reservation the first thing in the morning, Saunders.
00:46:04Come on, let's tie him up.
00:46:11Come and get it!
00:46:21Let me live on the range
00:46:26Where a man has room to roam in
00:46:34And live on his love in the moment
00:46:42Let me live on the range
00:46:50Where a man has room to roam in
00:46:58And live on his love in the moment
00:47:06In the hills of old Wyoming
00:47:15In the hills of old Wyoming
00:47:45In the hills of old Wyoming
00:47:55In the hills of old Wyoming
00:48:05In the hills of old Wyoming
00:48:35I've had all the sleep I can use, Hoppy.
00:48:43You better turn in for a spell and get a little rest.
00:48:46All right.
00:48:53Better let me do the guarding, Wendy.
00:48:55You'll doze off and let him get away.
00:48:57Why, you young tadpoles, skedaddle back to your bed there.
00:49:01This is a job for a man.
00:49:06Doze off.
00:49:08Why, when I was head scout for Custer,
00:49:11I stood guard for five days and five nights, hand-running without closing an eye.
00:49:17Imagine a young squirt like that talking to one of Custer's chief scouts.
00:49:24Why, you young...
00:49:31I'm going to bed.
00:49:53A wall of low down ornery shit.
00:49:56Somebody crept up behind me in the dark.
00:49:59I don't think I was sleeping.
00:50:01They snuck up behind me when I wasn't looking.
00:50:03Don't wake up everybody in the camp.
00:50:04They'll start shooting and kill every Indian in sight.
00:50:06Yeah, and I'd be with them.
00:50:08Indians didn't rescue Lone Eagle.
00:50:09They had to to rip the camp wide open.
00:50:11Well, I'll pick up the trail and find them.
00:50:13I'll get even.
00:50:14Oh, not a chance.
00:50:15It won't hurt to have a try.
00:50:16Get your things and come on.
00:50:17Come on.
00:50:22Now, Wendy, you take the hills to the right.
00:50:25Lucky, search the woods to the left and I'll cover the ground ahead.
00:50:29Well, if he's in my territory, he's just as good as found.
00:50:34And remember, if anything happens, signal with one shot.
00:50:54How long in the field?
00:50:55How long in the field?
00:50:57How long we go?
00:50:58How long we go?
00:50:59How long?
00:51:00How long we go?
00:51:01How long we go?
00:51:02How long we go?
00:51:03How long we go?
00:51:04How long we go?
00:51:05How long we go?
00:51:06How long we go?
00:51:07How long we go?
00:51:08How long we go?
00:51:09How long we go?
00:51:10How long we go?
00:51:11How long we go?
00:51:12How long we go?
00:51:13How long we go?
00:51:14How long we go?
00:51:15How long we go?
00:51:16How long we go?
00:51:17How long we go?
00:51:18How long we go?
00:51:19How long we go?
00:51:20How long we go?
00:51:21How long we go?
00:51:22How long we go?
00:51:24How long we go?
00:51:26How long we go?
00:51:37Why you jug-headed hay burner!
00:51:39We're following our own tracks.
00:51:41You've been leading me around in circles.
00:51:43After all, I learned you about trailing...
00:51:46Bag of bones...
00:51:49After all, I...
00:51:51Oh, you didn't follow me!
00:51:52After gettin' me lost like this.
00:52:01Well, I hope you're satisfied.
00:52:04Walkin' around in circles.
00:52:07I suppose by now we're on eagles ten miles away from here.
00:52:13And we're lost.
00:52:16Well, I suppose I might just as well signal for help and get it over with.
00:52:22Let's go.
00:52:43Wendy, that sure was a good job of trackin'.
00:52:53Sittin' bull sure learned you how to trail him, Wendy.
00:53:01We better get him back to camp, Lucky.
00:53:07Those Indians will be ridin' this way soon.
00:53:10If they find that lone eagle's dead, they're not gonna stop to ask questions.
00:53:23Didn't take you long to find him, Wendy.
00:53:26Well, tell ya, High Pockets, with a real tracker on a job, somethin's bound to happen.
00:53:31Eh, Hoppy?
00:53:33Come on, let's take him in.
00:53:34Yeah, let's take him in here.
00:53:53I still don't see how you found him so easy.
00:53:56Easy? What makes you think it's easy?
00:53:59He doubled back through the river twice.
00:54:02You know, it's pretty hard to follow a trail through the water.
00:54:22Wait a minute.
00:54:46Look over on that hill.
00:54:48Looks like a scout for a war party.
00:54:50If they're lookin' for trouble, we'll sure give it to them.
00:54:56I'm goin' on alone from here.
00:54:58Oh, no. If there's gonna be any trouble, we're gonna be in on it, too.
00:55:02You're forgettin' the Indians saw you take lone eagle off the reservation, ain't ya?
00:55:06Now get goin'.
00:55:18It's like we're here.
00:55:19Yeah, we're here.
00:55:20You're the same.
00:55:21Fuck off with all that, Wendy. I'm gonna go and drive that vehicle.
00:55:47Oh, shit!
00:56:41Sit up, Wendy.
00:56:47Sit up, Wendy.
00:56:55Sit up, Wendy.
00:56:56Sit up, Wendy.
00:57:31I don't know if they know any of them.
00:57:48Let it come off.
00:57:51Lone eagle killed by white man's bullet.
00:58:06Your brother, lone eagle, was murdered.
00:58:14Your brother, lone eagle, was murdered, but not by a rancher.
00:58:20Lone eagle, half white, not half bad.
00:58:25Lone eagle ride with cattle thieves.
00:58:28Cattle thieves kill lone eagle.
00:58:29We have many ways to hunt men who kill lone eagle.
00:58:35Give us proof.
00:58:41Let me see bullet again.
00:58:53You keep this bullet.
00:58:55Let me go.
00:58:56I bring back bullet to match this one.
00:59:00Then I tell who kill lone eagle.
00:59:03If I fail, I come back.
00:59:06You do with me what you like.
00:59:16How are you?
00:59:39I need my friends to help me.
00:59:45We keep friends.
00:59:51We keep friends.
00:59:53Take scout.
01:00:14We keep friends.
01:00:44We keep friends.
01:01:14We keep friends.
01:01:45Hey, Andrew.
01:01:46Dinner's ready.
01:01:47Aren't you going to eat?
01:01:48No, I haven't got time, and I got to get down to the trading post.
01:01:51What do you want us to do after dinner?
01:02:14I don't know.
01:02:44I'll be back in about half an hour.
01:03:14How far?
01:03:15Five more.
01:03:21You better get out on patrol.
01:03:23Benson, you and...
01:03:25You and Jack and I will go with him.
01:03:45What's the matter with you, Andrews?
01:03:48Somebody stole my rifle.
01:03:51Maybe one of the deputies borrowed it.
01:03:55Nobody borrowed it.
01:03:57It was on my saddle when I rode in here a minute ago.
01:04:01I think there's trouble brewing.
01:04:06You know where the herd is?
01:04:08Well, I want you to ride out and get the men.
01:04:11You know where the herd is?
01:04:13Well, I want you to ride out and get the men.
01:04:14All of them.
01:04:16Hide your horses down at the foot of the hill.
01:04:19Hurry up.
01:04:31Wendy, wake up.
01:04:32Cassidy's back.
01:04:51White man, chief deputy, Andrews.
01:04:52White man, chief deputy, Andrews.
01:04:53White man, chief deputy, Andrews.
01:04:59This gun kill Lone Eagle, maybe?
01:05:00This gun kill Lone Eagle, maybe?
01:05:02We'll see.
01:05:03We'll see.
01:05:04We'll see.
01:05:05Get big skin.
01:05:06Get big skin.
01:05:07Thank you, sir.
01:05:08Thank you, sir.
01:05:09Get big skin.
01:05:10Thank you, sir.
01:05:14Full skin.
01:05:16Put on ground.
01:05:39Give me the other bullet.
01:06:10There, see?
01:06:14Both bullets same.
01:06:16Both bullets shot from this gun.
01:06:18This gun, Andrews.
01:06:20Both bullets got same mark.
01:06:32Me and my friends go free.
01:06:36Me and my friends go get Andrews.
01:06:48Well, we made it.
01:06:49Where's your horses?
01:06:50Over yonder.
01:06:51Get on them and get back to camp and get Sondra and some of the boys and meet me at the reservation headquarter.
01:06:55Hurry it up!
01:07:07What do you do?
01:07:08We go get Andrews, too.
01:07:38Come on.
01:07:50Sondra, Steve, all you fellas.
01:07:53Come here.
01:07:54Get on your horses.
01:07:55We're going after the rest of them.
01:07:58Hurry up!
01:07:59Come on, everybody.
01:08:00Hurry up!
01:08:08Hurry up!
01:08:39Hide the horses down at the foot of the hill.
01:08:41Come on, fellas.
01:08:51Well, now that you boys are all here, there's something I want to tell you.
01:08:55I want you to get it.
01:08:57And get it straight.
01:08:59We're taking over the agency.
01:09:02What about the other deputies?
01:09:04They'll stay on patrol like I told them to.
01:09:06I'm expecting Cassidy and some of the punchers to show up here.
01:09:09We'll deal with them and then we'll move on with the cattle.
01:09:13What's going on here?
01:09:14Who are these men?
01:09:16Well, I heard that Cassidy and some of the ranchers were going to start trouble with the Indians and I...
01:09:25Well, I thought we might need some extra men.
01:09:29You should have consulted me, Andrews.
01:09:31I'm in charge here.
01:09:32I'd like to speak to you in my office, Andrews.
01:09:48Hey, Andrews!
01:09:49A big bunch of riders coming up the trail.
01:09:55It's Cassidy and the Indians.
01:09:56Get your guns and get moving.
01:09:59It's Cassidy and the Indians.
01:10:00Get your guns and get out of here.
01:10:14You wait here.
01:10:17Head for Dark Canyon.
01:10:18Head for Dark Canyon.
01:10:31What happened?
01:10:49What's happening here?
01:10:50Take care of Thompson. I'm going after Andrews.
01:11:18Go, go, go!
01:11:48Go, go, go!
01:12:18Go, go, go!
01:12:48Go, go, go!
01:13:18Go, go, go!
01:13:49Go, go, go!
01:14:02Go on.
01:14:07Get it over with!
01:14:09They're going back alive.
01:14:11A little matter of murder and cattle thieving to clear up.
01:14:19I'll see you tomorrow, Clarence.
01:14:35I don't think Big Tree will need these anymore, ma.
01:14:41Well, it's all right, Big Tree.
01:14:44I was kind of put out by the way you acted but...
01:14:47robes over there by the counter.
01:15:16I found them mice, Wendy.
01:15:24He thought you fooled me.
01:15:25No, I did not.
01:15:26You did, too.
01:15:28Well, I guess there's nothing to keep you from coming around here more often now, Lucky.
01:15:36I'm gonna hang around here all the time.
01:15:39Well, guess I'd better be going.
01:15:42You bring peace to my village, our hearts are glad.
01:15:48Ah, that's fine.
01:15:50We thank you for helping get our cattle back.
01:15:54Yeah, man.
01:15:56You wanna go riding tomorrow?
01:15:58Oh, I'd love to go riding tomorrow.
01:16:00All right.
01:16:01Well, goodbye.
01:16:12Look, Ma, where did this come from?
01:16:22I think I know.
01:16:25Oh, what's keeping Hoppy?
01:16:26We can't wait around here all day.
01:16:42You old mossback!
01:16:44I ought to have Thompson arrest you for rustling!
01:16:51Oh, go on, keep it.
01:16:54You've worn all the varnish off of it anyway.
01:17:03Thanks, Ma.
01:17:05Go on, get out of here!
01:17:12Gee, Ma, I never knew you'd get the short end of a trade before.
01:17:16I didn't.
01:17:18Hoppy paid me for it.
01:17:20Forty dollars!
01:17:24Hey, Hoppy, look!
01:17:26Only fifteen dollars.
01:17:28Ain't she a beauty?
01:17:30Well, I finally put one over on that old sage hen.
01:17:33That's sure some trading, Wendy.
01:17:35Oh, there ain't no place in business for a woman.
01:17:39When it comes to trading and tracking, you're hard to beat.
01:17:42You're darned tootin'!