• 10 years ago
Rustlers' Valley (1937)
Approved | 61 min | Action, Adventure, Western | 23 July 1937 (USA)

Hoppy clears Lucky on a charge of bank robbery and foils the plot of a crooked lawyer to rustle a herd of pedigree cattle and take over the valley.

Director: Nate Watt

Writers: Clarence E. Mulford (characters), Harry O. Hoyt (screenplay)

Stars: William Boyd, George 'Gabby' Hayes, Russell Hayden
00:00["Pomp and Circumstance"]
00:30["Pomp and Circumstance"]
01:00["Pomp and Circumstance"]
02:03Pete, you close in from the left.
02:04Jake, Greg, you close in from the right.
02:33There he is!
02:59That's the end of Lucky Jenkins.
03:11He must have been pretty desperate to try it.
03:13Well, he couldn't afford to get caught.
03:15Twenty thousand dollars on him.
03:16Chances are he'll wash ashore further down.
03:19It'll take two men to go down the gorge and watch for him.
03:22They have to drag the river.
03:51Hi, Wendy!
04:03How are you?
04:05Gee, Hoppy, I'm glad to see you.
04:07Did you hear about Lucky?
04:08What do you mean?
04:09Bank was robbed last night and a watchman was killed.
04:11They're accusing Lucky.
04:13Sheriff and his posse are out after him right now.
04:15Well, why should they accuse him?
04:17Oh, that fellow Taggart claims he see him come out of the bank right after the explosion.
04:21Well, did Lucky run away?
04:23Yeah, and he left his knife right in the bank.
04:25You know, the one I give him with niches on it.
04:28Oh, well, anybody could have planted that there.
04:30You think so, Hoppy?
04:31Yeah, but that running away makes it look kind of bad.
04:34Yeah, you know, they claim it was over twenty thousand dollars took.
04:37Wendy, there hasn't been over five thousand dollars in that bank since Crawford started it.
04:41Oh, yes, there was.
04:42The payroll for the Blanchard mine was there.
04:44Lucky was in the bank when it came in.
04:46Well, what if he was?
04:48I told him to meet me here today.
04:50He just went in there to deposit his wages.
04:53That boy ain't no more to blame than I am.
04:55You're darn right he ain't.
04:57I think you and me are going to have to get a good lawyer to prove it.
05:00You bet your life we will.
05:02But don't get that to Al Howard.
05:04I wouldn't trust him any further than you can throw a bull by the horns.
05:08Now, don't you worry.
05:10I said a good lawyer.
05:15Good luck.
05:34Good morning, Howard.
05:37Well, here's that letter we've been waiting for.
05:40Heard from Washington, eh?
05:41Congressman says the irrigation bill will pass in a few days.
05:47I see he asked if we...
05:49if we got the Glen Randall ranch.
05:52That's what we've got to get, Howard.
05:54It's the key to the watershed.
05:57I suppose a banker just has to worry about something.
06:00No, but...
06:01We're going to clean up a fortune when we sell these ranches.
06:05I'm going to marry the Randall ranch.
06:08Celebration down there tonight to announce Agnes' engagement to me.
06:11Well, that's good news.
06:15There's always some way to make a deal.
06:17Look at the Norris ranch.
06:19I told you I'd get that for a song, and I did.
06:22Which reminds me.
06:24You haven't paid your share of that deal yet.
06:27Worrying again, are you?
06:29But the robbery left me short of cash.
06:32And Blanchett will be in here any minute.
06:34And ask for his payroll money.
06:35Well, he'll just have to wait.
06:37I had to send away and sell some securities.
06:39I'll bring you the cash in the morning.
06:41All right.
06:50You say you was out in front of the street right after the explosion, huh?
06:54Did you see anybody run out of the bank?
07:09Find any trace of Lucky?
07:11Well, I hate to tell you, Hoppy.
07:13I'm afraid he must have drowned.
07:17Well, we followed him out to Black Canyon.
07:19Jumped his horse off the cliff out there.
07:21Never came to the service after he hit the water.
07:32All right, just fine.
07:34Saves the count of the price of a trial and a new rope.
08:34Good evening, Miss Agnes.
08:35Why, you look pretty this evening.
08:37Thank you, Sheriff.
08:38Good evening, Mr. Randall.
08:39Mr. Howard.
08:42You sure are having a nice party tonight, Miss Agnes.
08:44And don't forget you have a dance with me.
08:46Oh, I won't forget.
08:47No, thanks.
08:49Mr. Randall, I'm afraid Agnes is going to leave a trail of broken hearts
08:52when I take her away from the ranch.
08:54Well, Agnes was raised here and...
08:56well, we're all gonna miss her.
08:58Well, this is an announcement party, not a funeral.
09:05Get your binders for us, Madrelle.
09:08Come on, let's dance.
09:10Later, Agnes. I see your foreman over there.
09:13I want a word with him.
09:18Well, you'll have to teach him some social graces.
09:23Most cowhands have better manners.
09:27Well, this must be a very happy evening for you.
09:31Why not?
09:32Why not?
09:33The prettiest as well as the richest girl in the county?
09:38And used to having her own way.
09:53Good evening, Miss Agnes.
09:54Good evening, Wendy.
09:55Hey, that red pretty dress you got on.
09:58You like it?
10:00You look awfully nice yourself.
10:01Pretty slick, isn't it?
10:04Smell that.
10:06Oh, froggy water.
10:13On your sides.
10:16Cross over.
10:27Ladies, right hand across.
10:29Circle hands.
10:32Wendy, oh, you look so lonesome.
10:36Well, I'll tell you, Miss Hanson, I sprained my ankle today and I'm afraid I can't make it.
10:40Oh, come on.
10:41No, no, I ain't well.
10:43Oh, now, please, just one dance. Come on.
10:49Good evening, Mr. Randall.
10:51Hello there.
10:52Good evening, Miss Agnes.
10:54Good evening.
10:55Well, where's the lucky man?
10:58Oh, he's around.
11:00Say, I came out to see Wendy.
11:05Oh, Wendy, come on, it won't hurt you.
11:08Well, I think he's going to be pretty glad to see you.
11:11Mrs. Hanson's very determined.
11:14Excuse me.
11:17And after the dance is over, I'll take you over to the bunkhouse and give you a nice hot mustard foot bath.
11:23Yeah, I don't want no mustard foot.
11:30What's the matter?
11:31Come here, I want to talk to you.
11:41What'd you find out, Poppy?
11:44Well, I thought I'd better be the one to tell you.
11:57He's dead?
12:00He leaped into the river from the top of Black Canyon.
12:07Did he... Did he find anybody?
12:13Must have hit a rock.
12:20It took a lot of nerve to try.
12:25Boy, I didn't know what fear was.
12:32Practically bring him up, Poppy.
12:43Just like a son to me.
13:11Lucky! We thought you was killed!
13:13Dad, weren't you...
13:14Lucky, shh!
13:15Sit down.
13:16What happened? How'd you get here?
13:18Didn't I tell you you'd make it?
13:19Why, you deceiving young brunk.
13:21Playing jokes on us, huh?
13:23I don't want to have no more to do with you.
13:25Treating us this way.
13:27But Wendy, Lucky's alive. That's all that matters.
13:29But I'm not safe, Poppy.
13:31That's why I've come, to ask you to hide me.
13:33Well, you're joking, I will.
13:36I'd like to see somebody find you.
13:39Come on, tell us about what happened in town.
13:41I was going up the street and I saw a light in the bank.
13:43So I thought I'd have a look.
13:45There was an explosion.
13:46A couple of men ran out.
13:47Then more followed.
13:49One of them pointed at me and says,
13:50There he is. There's the man who did it.
13:53Well, I guess I lost my head when they started shooting.
13:57Jumped on my horse and rode out of town.
13:59I couldn't have come back, Poppy. That'd have lynched me.
14:02But they found your knife in the bank.
14:05I don't know how it got there.
14:06I lost it the last time I was in town.
14:12Poppy, you don't think...
14:13Oh, certainly not, Lucky. Neither does Wendy.
14:15I'd like to see the glutes if you had anything to do with it.
14:19But we've got to hide him out till we find out who done this.
14:23I'll take him out to East Linehouse.
14:25Good. And you stay there.
14:26I'll go back into town and see if I can get this thing straightened out.
14:29You and Lucky better get out of here while the folks is inside.
14:31All right.
14:32Are you going down to the ground? Wait for Wendy.
14:34Come on, Lucky.
14:40May I have...
14:42Miss Owens, may I have this dance with you?
14:49I'll see if I can get a dance with Miss Agnes.
14:51That'll give you a chance to talk to Randall.
14:55May I have...
15:00May I have this dance, darling?
15:15May I have this dance, Miss Agnes?
15:17Why not?
15:19May I... May I have...
15:24Would you like this dance, Evelyn?
15:26I'd be delighted.
15:28I'll be darned.
15:30I'll be darned.
15:52She sure is pretty.
15:55If she was my girl, I'd want to be dancing with her myself.
16:16Well, Wendy seems to be doing all right.
16:24It's news to me that Cassidy was invited to my engagement party.
16:28What do you mean, Howard?
16:30Cassidy's no friend of ours.
16:32He's no friend of mine.
16:35I'm afraid you're getting jealous, Cal.
16:41Good evening, Mr. Snodgrass.
16:44Isn't the music divine?
16:54How about a little punch, Cal?
17:07Just wonderful.
17:08There, now, sit right down there and rest.
17:10And put your lips, it's right up there.
17:12Rest them, there you are.
17:14Oh, you darling.
17:15See, I know.
17:16I'll get you some ice cream and cake.
17:18That's it.
17:27Oh, that was fine.
17:28Thank you very much.
17:29May I get you a drink or a sandwich?
17:32I'd rather dance than eat.
17:34I'm afraid we're out of luck.
17:35Looks like the band would rather eat than play.
17:39Oh, Cal, do you know Mr.
17:43Don't feel safe without your guns, even at a party, eh?
17:47Well, I'll tell you.
17:48I thought it was going to be a costume party, so I come dressed as a bad man.
17:53Well, bad men, whether they're bandits or bank robbers, are not wanted here.
17:59Why, Cal!
18:01Oh, excuse me, Mr. Howard.
18:05Come with me.
18:08I'm awfully sorry, Mr. Cassidy.
18:10Oh, that's all right.
18:40Good morning, Mr. Cassidy.
18:42Good morning, Miss Agnes.
18:43I thought you went home last night.
18:45Oh, no.
18:46Your party was so nice, and it got kind of late, so I decided to bunk down with the boys.
18:52Mr. Cassidy.
18:59I hope you'll excuse Mr. Howard's actions of last night.
19:03Oh, now, don't you worry none about that.
19:05I'd clean forgot about it.
19:07Oh, thanks.
19:10Going to town?
19:12Are you?
19:15So am I.
19:17Would you like company?
19:19Would you?
19:20Come on.
19:26Come on, here we go.
19:39Well, that was fun, wasn't it?
19:40Certainly was.
19:41You know, your horse doesn't tire easily.
19:43No, he's a pretty sturdy old boy.
19:45He looks as if he came from good stock.
19:47I don't know much about his past.
19:50You wouldn't consider selling him, would you?
19:52Oh, no.
19:53Would you like to ride him sometime?
19:55Oh, I'd love to.
19:56I hope we can make it soon.
19:58Father and I would enjoy having you called anytime.
20:07I want to thank you again for the good time I had at your party last night.
20:10I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.
20:12And wasn't Wendy funny?
20:14Hey, we're just about out of town.
20:16Where are you going?
20:18Where are you going?
20:51Good morning, Cal.
20:52How do you feel after our great date?
20:53You listen to me.
20:54No girl I'm going to marry can be seen with Hubbalong Cassidy.
20:57But I just rode into town with him.
20:59And I just said I didn't want you seen with him.
21:03Cal, let's not argue here.
21:05It's embarrassing.
21:06I don't care if it is.
21:07But I told you there was absolutely...
21:09You're not telling me anything.
21:10I'm telling you I don't want you seen with Cassidy.
21:12I mean just that.
21:15We've had too many of these silly arguments.
21:38Marrying into the Randall Ranch isn't going to be as easy as you thought.
21:44How about that?
21:46Yeah, it's just a spat.
21:48I'll see you tonight.
21:49She'll get over it.
21:51That young lady appears to have a mind of her own.
21:54If you mean she's likely to be hard to manage, I'll take care of that.
21:58I got another plan.
22:01One way or the other, it's up to you to deliver the Randall Ranch.
22:05That's exactly what I propose to do.
22:07Don't you hold a note of Glenn Randall's that'll be due in a few days?
22:12But it has nothing to do with the ranch.
22:16Barely a mortgage on some cattle.
22:17I don't want that note renewed.
22:22Randall's been doing business with me for years.
22:24I can't very well turn him down.
22:26You want his ranch, don't you?
22:29Randall is counting on an extension of that note.
22:31You've got to turn him down.
22:33You've got a lot of money invested in this project.
22:36Tell him you're short of cash.
22:38On account of the robbery.
22:43The man I sent over to the county seat just came back.
22:46This is my share of the Norris property.
22:49But I'm not going to send good money after bad.
22:52All right.
22:53I'll tell Randall I can't renew the note.
22:57Now you're talking.
23:01I should make you give me a receipt.
23:03And I should have had you show me our marriage certificate.
23:06Don't you worry about that.
23:15Hello, Mr. Cassidy.
23:16Hi, Mr. Crawford.
23:19Can I have a couple of minutes of your time?
23:20Sure. Come in and sit down.
23:29What's on your mind?
23:30What's on your mind?
23:32Well, it's about this bank hold-up.
23:36Did anyone outside the bank know that Blanchard payroll was a mistake?
23:40I don't think so.
23:42You see, it was only recently the Blanchard mine was thoroughly financed and operating in a large way.
23:48In fact, it's only the second payroll we've handled.
23:51Is there anybody here in town connected with that mine in any way?
23:55Yes, I believe Howard has a little stock.
23:59Yes, he took the stock for incorporating the company and acting as Blanchard's attorney.
24:04Then he probably knew the money was in the safe.
24:10Have you had any large deposits here lately?
24:12That is, I mean, you don't generally carry large amounts of cash here, do you?
24:18Why do you ask?
24:19Well, it's on account of Lucky.
24:21I'm just doing a little checking up.
24:23Well, if you find out anything, let me know.
24:25All right.
24:26Thank you, Mr. Crawford.
24:53Hey, Sheriff.
24:55You got any news?
24:56No, I haven't.
24:57We just got back from Black Canyon.
24:59Dragged the river clean down to the dam, never got any trace of Lucky at all.
25:03Are you sure you're after the right man?
25:05Well, Taggart said he saw him coming out of the bank right after the explosion.
25:08He even took a shot at him.
25:10He did?
25:13Ain't Taggart the fellow you arrested a few years ago for cattle rustling up near Los Altos?
25:18Howard got him off of that.
25:19He's reformed now.
25:23There was a killing in connection with that case, too, wasn't there?
25:25Yeah, there was.
25:27One of my deputies got ambushed up there.
25:30If you don't mind, I think I'll do a little investigating around here.
25:34Well, that's fine with me, Hoppy.
25:56This is the quietest place I ever saw.
25:58Yeah, that's the reason I bring you here.
26:00You want to hide out, don't you?
26:02Ain't nobody gonna see you here.
26:04Well, that suits me.
26:18Stuffy in here.
26:20We ain't been out here for a couple months.
26:23Am I hungry.
26:24I could eat a half-baked wolf right now.
26:27Go ahead and fix him.
26:28I believe he might hunger himself.
26:30What, me cook?
26:32I'm a guest here.
26:35Why, you young whippersnapper.
26:38Here I am practically saving your life.
26:41Well, anyway, if I cook, there wouldn't be any whiskers in the stew.
26:45What's the matter, my whiskers?
26:47Oh, nothing.
26:49I suppose it's because of your whiskers you never learned to cook.
26:52Oh, is that so?
26:54Come on, get a bucket of water.
26:56I'll show you whether I can cook or not.
26:59Best dad-burned chuckwagon cook in the whole state.
27:04Tell me I can't cook.
27:18Hey, I just saw a couple of fellas running around on the east line house.
27:21Who was it?
27:22That old windbag?
27:24Yeah, and another fella.
27:27Was he riding a white horse?
27:29No, there was no white horse.
27:31All right.
27:33Go on back, and don't let anybody come near Lost Canyon.
27:36We're going to start Randall's cattle through that draw near his east line.
27:40I guess I can scare them off, all right.
27:55Don't worry.
27:57You'll show up later.
27:59I'm not worrying about Cal Howard, Dad.
28:02I've broken our engagement.
28:04He was entirely too bossy for me.
28:24I know you understand, Dad.
28:26You always have.
28:30Ever since I was a little tot.
28:32Well, I've tried to, honey.
28:42Well, hello there, Cassidy.
28:46Good evening, Mr. Randall.
28:48Good evening, Miss Agnew.
28:49Well, this is a pleasure.
28:50You know, we were just talking about you at dinner.
28:52Is that so?
28:54We lost our foreman today.
28:56And we couldn't think of anybody better to take his place than you.
28:59Well, that's mighty nice, but...
29:02What happened to Taggart?
29:04I don't know.
29:06He, uh...
29:07He left this morning without saying anything.
29:12Well, I...
29:13I sure would like to have this job, but...
29:16I've got a few private matters to take care of first.
29:18Oh, I think Dad could get along without you for a couple of days.
29:21Don't you think so, Dad?
29:23I think so.
29:25What about Tuesday?
29:28That's fine.
29:31Say, Mr. Randall.
29:33I came over to ask you a few personal questions.
29:37If you don't mind.
29:39Why, not at all.
29:42Has anyone made you an offer on your ranch lately?
29:45Well, yes.
29:46Yes, uh...
29:49So Howard told me.
29:51Why do you ask?
29:53Well, I understood that Crawford and Howard were buying up some property around here.
29:57I wonder if they'd made an offer on yours.
29:59Crawford and Howard?
30:01What would Howard be wanting with a ranch?
30:03I didn't know Cal Howard was...
30:05Was rich enough to be investing in ranches.
30:07I didn't think so myself.
30:09Did he give any special reason why the syndicate wanted this property?
30:14No, the ranch has always paid good money.
30:16Never occurred to me there could be any other reason.
30:20Well, I suppose you wonder why I'm asking all these silly questions, but...
30:24I can explain later.
30:26If you don't mind.
30:28Not at all.
30:30Well, I'll come to work Tuesday.
30:32Oh, don't go.
30:34Why don't you stay and have some coffee?
30:36Say, that's a mighty good idea.
30:38Oh, I'd love to.
30:39Say, that's a mighty good idea.
30:41Oh, I'd love to.
31:09Oh, I'd love to.
32:32Did he get you, Wendy?
32:34No, my horse stumbled.
32:36Lazy old jughead.
32:40What do you suppose he was shooting at you for?
32:43I don't know. I can't figure it out.
32:45What are you doing here?
32:47I'm just on the way over to the line shack to have a talk with you and Lucky.
32:52Say, I got some news for you.
32:54What is it?
32:56I'm going to be a new foreman.
32:58You're? Hot dog.
33:00Say, what happened to Tiger?
33:02He quit.
33:04Good riddance to bad rubbish, if you ask me.
33:06You like him, huh?
33:08Oh, yeah. Yeah.
33:10Just like everybody else around here likes him.
33:12Except lawyer Howard.
33:16You see, this Tiger used to be a pretty tough hombre.
33:20And Howard got him out of a tight spot.
33:23What kind of a tight spot?
33:26Well, there was talk of murder.
33:33Just watch.
33:35Just what I thought.
33:50Oh, Mr. Randall.
33:54I'm glad to see you, Cassidy.
33:56I'm afraid I'm going to be needing you sooner than I expected.
33:59Well, I'm taking care of a little business here in town right now, but I can come out in the morning.
34:02Well, that'll be all right.
34:04I've got to round up those last pedigree cattle I bought.
34:07Say, Mr. Randall.
34:10On account of a friend of mine, I've been doing a little checking up on this bank robbery.
34:15Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?
34:18Why, not at all.
34:20I understand that you borrowed the money from Crawford to pay for them cattle.
34:24Yes, and he refused to renew my note.
34:27And he knows I can't possibly raise the money to pay him by tomorrow.
34:31It's the first time he's ever refused me.
34:35Did he suggest putting a mortgage on your ranch?
34:39No. No, he said he had to have the cash.
34:43Well, I guess I lost my temper.
34:47I told him I couldn't possibly raise the money and that if he wanted the cattle, he'd have to send the sheriff after them.
34:54Where are the cattle?
34:56Principally down near the east line.
35:00I'll be over at your ranch the first thing in the morning.
35:03Well, I'd certainly appreciate that, Cassidy.
35:23Well, what do you want?
35:25What do you want with a Randall ranch?
35:28What business of yours is it?
35:31I happen to be Mr. Randall's new foreman.
35:37Well, you won't be long if I get the ranch.
35:41But I'm going to see to it that you don't get it.
35:44Say, listen to me.
35:46I happen to be the legal representative for an eastern syndicate, and that's none of your business. Who wants the Randall ranch?
35:52But I'm going to make it some of my business.
35:54There are a lot of folks around here who'd like to know where you get your part of the money to pay for them ranches.
36:00I wouldn't lose any sleep over that if I were you.
36:03I haven't.
36:05But when I need money, I go to the bank to get it.
36:11In the daytime.
36:15It was too bad your pal, Lucky Jenkins, didn't follow your example.
36:20Lucky didn't rob the bank.
36:21He didn't need the money.
36:24Still trying to prove Lucky was an angel with wings on, eh?
36:28I'll bet you wish he did have wings.
36:31But he's very much alive.
36:33And ready to identify the men that blew that safe.
36:38Well, why don't you have the sheriff arrest them?
36:42While he's about it, I ought to have him arrest you, too.
36:45It's the accessory before the fact I'm after.
36:48And you're the only man in town that knew that Blanchard mine payroll was in the bank.
36:53You're wasting your time.
36:55I spent that night at the mine.
36:57A smart lawyer like you would have an alibi.
37:01I'm afraid trying to connect me with a bank robbery is going to prove a big lie.
37:06I'm not going to let you get away with it.
37:09I'm not going to let you get away with it.
37:11I'm afraid trying to connect me with a bank robbery is going to prove a pretty difficult job, Mr. Cassidy.
37:18Connecting you with Taggart ain't going to be so difficult.
37:22And he's the man that claims he saw Lucky in the bank.
37:25Taggart would have swung before this if it hadn't been for you.
37:28Say, I'm not interested in your theories. You're wasting my time.
37:32Get out.
37:33Get out.
37:39I'll get out when I've got a full confession from you.
37:43Even if I have to wring your neck together.
37:47I wouldn't try it if I was you.
37:54You saw this man about to attack me.
37:57I sure did.
37:59You heard his threats?
38:03If being a detective isn't the healthiest job in the world, I'd advise you to give it up.
38:09You're getting away with a whole skin this time.
38:12But don't cross my path again.
38:16Now get out.
38:26When you get ready to cut my trail, you'll find me at the Randall Ranch.
38:33What did he mean by that?
38:35That was a threat to let us know he'd be ready for us when we go after him.
38:38When we go after him? We just missed the best chance we'll ever have.
38:41He couldn't take a chance here.
38:44But he's got to be stopped.
38:46What does he know?
38:48Lucky Jenkins is alive.
38:51Cassidy knows he wasn't in that bank.
38:54And he knows you were.
38:56But you got the money. I didn't. And you promised to protect me.
38:59I can take care of Jenkins and I can take care of a jury.
39:01But Cassidy's dynamite.
39:04Yeah? Well, I can take care of him.
39:07And I'm starting right now.
39:09Wait, you better get Joe.
39:11When you attend to Cassidy, get those blooded cattle of Randall's over into Lost Canyon.
39:15We've already got them on the move.
39:17All right, I want them off the Randall Ranch by noon tomorrow. Now get moving.
39:31All right.
40:02Everything all right, boss?
40:04Yeah. The boys are getting the cattle through without a hitch.
40:07Let's get going.
40:21How is Lucky?
40:23Oh, he's getting pretty lonesome out there.
40:25There's no particular rush, Cassidy.
40:27But I think you better get the cattle moving.
40:28There's no particular rush, Cassidy.
40:30But I think you better get the boys together and start rounding up those cattle.
40:33I'm just waiting for Miss Agnes to come back with my horse.
40:37She's got to ride every new horse that comes on the place.
40:46What are you doing out of that lion house?
40:48You know it ain't safe till I get you squared away.
40:50Well, a gang of rustlers are driving off a bunch of Mr. Randall's cattle down on the east line.
40:54Which herd is it?
40:56Well, Wendy says it's a pedigree stock.
40:58She's keeping a lookout.
40:59We'll soon put a stop to this.
41:01Circle the ranch and tell all the boys to get over to the east border. Hurry it up.
41:04I've got to have a horse.
41:05Here, you take mine. I'll saddle another and follow you.
41:15Get over to the east line as quick as you can.
41:29Hey, Joe, there comes Cassidy now.
41:32I'd know that white horse of his anywhere.
41:35This is the chance I've been waiting for.
41:59He'll be coming up right over there pretty soon.
42:02Pretty long shot, ain't it?
42:04Not too long.
42:06But not close enough for Cassidy to use any six-gun.
42:09You don't take any chances, do you?
42:12Not with him.
42:14Well, if you don't get him, I will.
42:16I ain't going to miss.
42:18Well, if you don't get him, I will.
42:20Well, if you don't get him, I will.
42:22Well, if you don't get him, I will.
42:24Well, if you don't get him, I will.
42:25Well, if you don't get him, I will.
42:27I ain't going to miss.
42:39You got him?
42:41Yeah. Come on, let's get out of here.
42:49That's my horse, Art.
42:51Somebody's took a shot at Miss Agnes.
42:53Go after him.
42:56Come on.
43:20Are you hurt bad, Miss Agnes?
43:22No, I guess it could be worse.
43:23We better have a look at it.
43:29Oh, that's not bad. It's just a scratch.
43:32Why should anyone be shooting at me?
43:35They probably thought it was me.
43:39I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let you ride that white horse.
43:42But why?
43:44We'll talk about that later.
43:54You think you can ride back to the house alone, all right?
43:56Oh, yes.
43:58You better get back and take care of that wound.
44:00All right.
44:07You ride this horse home.
44:12I'm sorry I can't go along with you,
44:14but there's some rustling over on the east line.
44:16I can make it all right.
44:24Listen, Crawford, I've got some good news for you.
44:28We've got Randall over a barrel now.
44:30What's happened?
44:32He's rustling those cattle he's got mortgaged to you.
44:34Why? He knows he can't get away with that.
44:36Doesn't stop him from trying.
44:38I don't say he's trying to steal them.
44:40He'll hide them to prevent you foreclosing on them.
44:42He was pretty angry when I refused to renew his note.
44:45I can put him in the penitentiary for hiding those cattle.
44:48Sure you can, but you won't.
44:50You want to buy his ranch, don't you?
44:51Well, now he can't refuse you.
44:53Say, we have got Randall over a barrel, haven't we?
45:22Harpy, I'm sure glad you got here.
45:24Where'd they drive them cattle?
45:26Down into the Lost Canyon.
45:28Rustler's Valley, they used to call it.
45:30Well, I've sent Lucky to bring all the cowboys.
45:32You and I wait here for them, and I'll go on.
45:36We'll get there as soon as we can.
45:39Good luck.
45:41Good luck.
45:43Good luck.
45:45Good luck.
45:47Good luck.
45:49Good luck.
45:51Good luck.
46:22Say, Hank, as soon as you get these cattle here,
46:25bring the boys back to the cabin.
46:51Come on.
47:22I told Harpy we'd follow him.
47:24Come on.
47:51Come on.
48:22In another half hour,
48:24it'll take a magician to find those cattle.
48:27Are you sure we can get away with this?
48:30I haven't made a mistake yet, have I?
48:32Well, I guess not.
48:34But you'd go pretty hard with me if you did.
48:36Rustling cattle and holding up banks is pretty serious.
48:40It's not as serious as murder,
48:42and I got you out of that, didn't I?
48:44You'll never forget that, will you?
48:45Well, it wouldn't be healthy for you to forget it.
49:07Harpy's going to run away!
49:09He's going to run away!
49:11He's going to run away!
49:13He's going to run away!
49:15I told him we'd follow him.
49:17All right, let's get going.
49:25No matter what happens, you stick to your story.
49:28Randall told you to drive those cattle off and hide them.
49:30That's all you know.
49:32I guess you know what you're doing.
49:34It's going to be pretty hard to convince anybody around here
49:37that Randall would rustle his own cattle.
49:45Don't move.
50:00Your conversation was very interesting, but I didn't expect you to be sitting in on this
50:05game, Howard.
50:17Come on, get him up.
50:28Sit down.
50:29If you make a move, I'll drill both of you.
50:44Well, how did you get here so quick?
50:54I took the shortcut down to the gully and went into Howard.
50:56Yeah, well, Cassidy won't bite this anymore, eh, Tackett?
50:58What are you talking about?
51:00What do you mean, what I'm talking about?
51:01Well, the job you sent us out to do.
51:03We spotted him a mile away on that white horse of his.
51:06Tackett knocked him off 900 yards.
51:07Swell shot, Tackett.
51:08Shut up!
51:09Well, I guess I heard all I need.
51:20Well, too bad your boys bungled your job.
51:29Now you are in a tough spot.
51:32I didn't have anything to do with this.
51:44That's a randall outfit.
51:45We better head for the cabin.
51:46Let them have it!
52:17We're in luck.
52:31The boys are back.
52:33But maybe the randall outfit will be too much for us.
52:39Let's get them into that cabin and bottle them up!
53:08I wonder where Cassidy is.
53:36I don't know, but I sure wish she was here.
53:40Last time he was ever missing was when things got hot.
54:06You'll never tell your story to the sheriff now, Cassidy.
54:12My men will be here any minute.
54:13Well, you sent a decoy this morning, but you'll never get out of this.
54:18I don't think I'd send Miss Agnes out as a decoy.
54:24But it was only a scratch.
54:27Your bad man there don't take any chances.
54:30He must have shot him about a half a mile away.
54:33I'll make a break for the cabin in a minute.
54:41Once we get him in that cabin, we'll sure fix him.
54:50I got an idea, Winston.
54:57Come on, follow me.
54:59Is that all you got?
55:00I'll be out of time.
55:29Get your guns.
55:38They're closing in on us.
55:39They're coming up.
55:47Hey, what's this idea of?
55:50Come on, you'll find out.
55:51I ain't no mountain goat.
55:58Get over on the other side.
56:07Drop them guns on the table and don't move.
56:23Hey, Wendy.
56:24It'll be easy from here.
56:25What are you talking about?
56:27What'll be easy?
56:33Now it's my turn.
56:34Never mind, boys.
56:35I'll take care of this.
56:37You go on over to that door and show yourself.
56:39And call your men off or I'll drill you full of holes.
56:57All right, get out.
57:10Hold your fire.
57:12That's Cassidy.
57:34I know who's a good idea, Lucky.
57:44Come on.
57:45Let me have your gun.
57:46Keep your boys here and watch that door.
57:52Come on, get on your feet.
58:00Have you seen Cassidy anywhere?
58:02He's inside.
58:04Jump in Jupiter.
58:18We kind of busted things up a little, didn't we?
58:20Yeah, and you'd have saved us a lot of trouble if you'd have busted up a little bit more.
58:24Get that gun.
58:29Come on, get out of here.
58:33Come on.
58:36Cover him.
58:45All right, boys, head over to town.
58:47Turn them over to the sheriff.
58:49Come on.
59:00Cassidy, that's mighty good work.
59:03We got enough on that gang to send them the pen for the rest of their lives.
59:12You were in a tough spot, Cassidy.
59:15Well, I should say I was in a tough spot.
59:18And if you ever find yourself in the same position, just send for Lucky and Windy and give them a big pile of rocks.
