• 9 years ago
Pirates on Horseback (1941)
Approved | 1h 9min | Action, Adventure, Western | 23 May 1941 (USA)

Hoppy, Lucky and California search for a mine owned by Trudy Pendleton after it was taken from her by the swindling gambler Ace Gibson. They find the mine and Hoppy fights Gibson over it.

Director: Lesley Selander

Writers: Ethel La Blanche (screenplay), J. Benton Cheney (screenplay)

Stars: William Boyd, Russell Hayden, Andy Clyde
00:17:41Looks like a cyclone hit the place.
00:17:43Sure don't look like the home of a man who struck it rich.
00:17:46Does to me, filthy rich.
00:18:10Well, I hope I didn't frighten you, gentlemen.
00:18:21Well, you did kind of at first.
00:18:24We're not frightened now.
00:18:26I'm Trudy Pendleton. Were you looking for me?
00:18:29Trudy Pendleton? You mean your Ben's wife?
00:18:32No, I'm his niece.
00:18:34Well, Doug McCastron never know he had a niece.
00:18:37Well, then you two are kinfolks.
00:18:39Kinfolks? Are you related to Uncle Ben?
00:18:42Am I related? Huh. I'm his 42nd cousin.
00:18:46Uh, or something.
00:18:48Well, are you relatives too?
00:18:50Oh, no, no. We just came with California.
00:18:53I'm Lucky Jenkins.
00:18:55How do you do?
00:18:56This is Hopalorn Cassidy.
00:18:58How do you do, miss?
00:18:59Yeah, and folks call me California, but you call me Cousin Jack.
00:19:02Hello, California.
00:19:04I, uh, suppose you also came here looking for the lost mine.
00:19:08Well, uh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:19:10That's the general idea.
00:19:13You know where it is?
00:19:15No, I'm afraid not, and neither does anyone else.
00:19:17Why, most everybody in Rimrock flocked out here before I arrived
00:19:20and turned the place upside down.
00:19:22But they didn't find anything.
00:19:24Oh, that's why the place is so messed up.
00:19:27Well, let's help her clean it up, huh?
00:19:29For sure.
00:19:30Yeah, let's.
00:19:32I'll fix the stove.
00:19:34So you can eat.
00:19:39Ha, ha, ha.
00:19:41I'll go out and see if I can find some tools.
00:20:08Got some baling wire here.
00:20:32You want me to help you?
00:20:33No, thanks, Hoppy.
00:20:34I got it all fixed.
00:20:35All right.
00:20:52You got it fixed, huh?
00:21:09I've done something.
00:21:11Uh, just the kind of a stove that Mac Bennett had.
00:21:17He was the dumbest.
00:21:20The whole family was dumb.
00:21:23It's unclosing these ants.
00:21:29Sweet peas.
00:21:38No, I wouldn't like that.
00:21:41You can't eat that.
00:21:43We don't want it.
00:21:46Where'd you find those seeds?
00:21:47In the woodshed.
00:21:48In the woodshed?
00:21:50You know, Hoppy, Cousin Ben must have been quite a gardener, too.
00:21:53Yeah, he must have been.
00:21:54Well, I think I'll start me a little patch here.
00:21:57I thought you'd come out here looking for a gold mine.
00:22:00Well, sure, but meanwhile we've got to have some fresh vegetables, ain't we?
00:22:04Yeah, fresh vegetables.
00:22:05Sure, because you wouldn't want to catch the scurvy.
00:22:08The last time I had the scurvy, Hoppy...
00:22:09Yeah, I know.
00:22:10The last time you had the scurvy, you died.
00:22:14I died.
00:22:18Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:22:22Isn't that what you think?
00:22:24Nice moon out tonight.
00:22:26So we noticed.
00:22:29Well, I think it's time I was getting some sleep.
00:22:31Good night.
00:22:32Good night.
00:22:35Good night.
00:22:36Good night.
00:22:46Would you mind pulling my boot off?
00:22:51She sure is a nice girl.
00:22:54You certainly fall in love in a hurry.
00:22:57He sure does.
00:22:58Quicker than I can change my shirt.
00:23:01You mean oftener than you change your shirt.
00:23:05Will you pull the boot off?
00:23:22I thought maybe you'd feel safer if you had this.
00:23:26That was very thoughtful of you, Lucky.
00:23:35Gosh, but you look pretty in the dark.
00:23:37Is that what you think of me?
00:23:40No, it wasn't that.
00:23:41It was, uh...
00:23:44Yes, go on.
00:23:45Well, it was the candlelight shining through your hair,
00:23:48kind of lighting your face.
00:23:54I'll tell you.
00:23:55I'll tell you tomorrow.
00:23:58Aren't you going to leave the rifle?
00:24:02Oh, yes.
00:24:03You, uh, just put the shell in.
00:24:06It's already loaded.
00:24:09Good night.
00:24:10Good night.
00:24:14Oh, California, you look so pretty in the dark.
00:24:18Is that what you think of me, Hoppy?
00:24:21Well, you're beautiful with the firelight in your hair
00:24:26and shining through your whiskers.
00:24:30Uh, Hoppy.
00:24:32Well, maybe I better tell you about it in the morning.
00:24:36Oh, shucks.
00:24:38Tell me now.
00:24:41Get this car out of you guys.
00:24:43Hey, hey, maybe you'll need that tomorrow.
00:24:45Oh, jeez.
00:24:48Go on to bed.
00:24:50You darn fool.
00:24:51Ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:25:34Lucky's asleep.
00:25:35What's the matter?
00:25:36There's someone outside.
00:25:38Yeah, I know.
00:25:40Don't be frightened.
00:25:44Lucky, come on.
00:25:47I know who it is.
00:25:48Come on.
00:25:49We'll have some fun.
00:25:54Put them out.
00:25:56Don't shoot.
00:25:57It's me, Hoppy.
00:25:58It's California.
00:25:59How do I know?
00:26:01Look, look.
00:26:02Oh, so it is.
00:26:05What are you doing out here?
00:26:07I'm playing cards.
00:26:10It says here you got to plan them in the dark.
00:26:13You got to, huh?
00:26:16All right, you're in the dark.
00:26:19Uh, now listen, Hoppy.
00:26:20Come on now.
00:26:21Now, give me the light.
00:26:22Hoppy, I can't see a thing out here now.
00:26:29Now, give me the light.
00:26:31Give me the light.
00:26:32Give me the light.
00:26:33Give me the light.
00:26:34Give me the light.
00:26:35Give me the light.
00:26:36Give me the light.
00:26:37Give me the light.
00:26:38Now, Hoppy.
00:26:41Come on, Hoppy.
00:26:47Come on.
00:27:05I'm so hungry I could eat a steak a yard wide.
00:27:08Why don't you give your stomach a rest?
00:27:10Why should I?
00:27:11It don't give me none.
00:27:17Looks like we get company.
00:27:42Wonder who he is.
00:27:44I hope it ain't another cousin.
00:27:51May I come in?
00:27:53Why, hello, Mr. Gibson.
00:27:54What brings you out this way?
00:27:55Oh, I just thought I'd drop up to see how you were doing.
00:27:58Well, I'm glad.
00:27:59Say, um, tell me, who are those men outside?
00:28:04Why, the whiskered one is a relative of mine, and the other two are his friends.
00:28:08Oh, Hoppy, I'd like to have you meet Mr. Gibson.
00:28:10This is Mr. Cassidy.
00:28:11How are you?
00:28:13Excuse me.
00:28:15Oh, Hoppy, will you see what's the matter with this stove?
00:28:17It simply won't stop smoking.
00:28:19I'll fix it.
00:28:54Well, I guess I had better be going.
00:29:05Goodbye, and thanks for dropping in to see me.
00:29:26Lucky, California, come here.
00:29:42Trudy, look what I found in an old catalog.
00:29:48Now we'll be able to find Uncle Ben's mine.
00:29:51You found it?
00:29:52Look at that.
00:30:05Who's the eagle?
00:30:06Maybe he's an Indian friend of Uncle Ben's.
00:30:08By golly, Trudy, I'll bet you're right.
00:30:09I'll get the...
00:30:10Wait a minute.
00:30:12Maybe we'd better not get so excited until we find out who this eagle is and where we can find him.
00:30:17Why do you suppose the eagle will only show us the way to the mine at sundown?
00:30:22Maybe it's an old Indian custom down here.
00:30:24Well, let's get to town and try and locate him.
00:30:26Perhaps the sheriff can tell us who he is.
00:30:28That's an idea.
00:30:29What are we waiting for? Come on.
00:30:30Here, Hoppy, you'd better take care of this.
00:30:32All right.
00:30:33I'll only be a few minutes.
00:30:34Oh, I forgot.
00:30:36I haven't a horse.
00:30:38All right.
00:30:51Well, I wish we knowed something.
00:30:53If anyone knows who this eagle is, it'll be Flying Cloud.
00:30:57Oh, here he is now.
00:31:03White man, California, have him pow-wow Flying Cloud.
00:31:07That's you.
00:31:15Sign language.
00:31:17You know him, Heap, Big Chief, Injun, Eagle?
00:31:24I'll get him.
00:31:25Look, look, Eagle.
00:31:32I'm awfully sorry, sir.
00:31:33I do not know him.
00:31:37Oh, hello, Sheriff.
00:31:38You sent for me?
00:31:40I'm trying to locate an Indian named Eagle.
00:31:43Thought you might know who and where he is.
00:31:47No, I'm quite sure there isn't anyone in my tribe that bears that name, sir.
00:31:52Well, thanks anyway.
00:31:54But if you run across a strange Indian by that name, let me know, will you?
00:31:59I shall, sir.
00:32:00Goodbye, Sheriff.
00:32:09We'll find Eagle if we have to ask everybody in the county.
00:32:11If you do, you'll be looking for trouble.
00:32:13It's my advice you all keep quiet about Ben's message or else...
00:32:16Well, you know what happened to him.
00:32:19He's right.
00:32:20Well, we'd better get going.
00:32:21Well, thanks for the trouble you've taken, Sheriff.
00:32:23That's quite all right.
00:32:24I'll let you know right away if Flying Cloud finds out anything.
00:32:36What's the matter?
00:32:37Hopper's gone.
00:32:42Did you see anybody leave from here with a white horse?
00:32:44No, I didn't.
00:32:46You didn't, huh?
00:32:48Yes, I did too.
00:32:50I saw some stranger take one around the corner a while ago.
00:32:53In fact, he took him in the stable.
00:32:55Took him in the stable?
00:32:59I'll be right back.
00:33:05That's funny, isn't it?
00:33:08Let's go along.
00:33:10I'll wait here.
00:33:12Well, hello.
00:33:13I didn't expect to find you in town.
00:33:15I thought I left you fixing lunch.
00:33:17Well, you did, but Hoppy...
00:33:20I found it necessary to have a talk with the Sheriff.
00:33:47Ha, ha, ha!
00:34:18Hold it.
00:34:24Drop your guns.
00:34:36I got it.
00:34:46Come on.
00:34:57I got it.
00:34:58Come on.
00:35:22What happened, Hoppy?
00:35:23Well, they took Hopper and made a trap so they could get Ben's message.
00:35:26Oh, Hoppy, that ain't possible.
00:35:28Well, the pocket's gone.
00:35:30Maybe he dropped it inside.
00:35:31Let's look.
00:35:51Yep, here it is.
00:35:52California was right.
00:35:53There, now, didn't I tell you?
00:35:55Hopper, are you all right?
00:35:57First thing I know, they had me roped and gagged and threw me down here on the ground.
00:36:00Do you know who they are?
00:36:01I've seen them around, but I don't know what their names are.
00:36:03Come on over to the office with me.
00:36:07But I can't understand how anyone knew you had Uncle Ben's message.
00:36:10Well, apparently somebody did or this wouldn't have happened.
00:36:12Do you know who they were?
00:36:14No, but I got a good look at them and I think I know who they're working for.
00:36:20They're in the office.
00:36:21I'll let them in the back way.
00:36:31We did as you told us to, boss, but we didn't get the message.
00:36:33Well, I saw what was supposed to be it and I don't like the looks of things.
00:36:36So we'll just have to work on what I overheard at the Pendleton place.
00:36:39Anyone of you ever hear of an hombre called Eagle?
00:36:44No, why?
00:36:45He knows where Ben's mine's located.
00:36:47Now you and the boys get busy and try to find him.
00:36:50And keep out of sight.
00:37:25Now throw in the saddle for another $10.
00:37:28You like his look, Trudy?
00:37:29Yes, I do.
00:37:31Well, I want Mr. Pendleton to try him out and see how he handles him.
00:37:33He likes him, Mr. Eagle.
00:37:34All right with me.
00:37:36Lucky you and Trudy go out to ride and see how he works out.
00:37:38All right.
00:37:47Say, what kind of a looting fellow was it about my horse in here?
00:37:50Oh, he's about my size, sort of.
00:37:54You see that fella?
00:38:00Yeah, is that him?
00:38:01No, that ain't him.
00:38:03Oh, that ain't him, huh?
00:38:05That's a friend of his.
00:38:06I've seen them together quite often.
00:38:09All right.
00:38:25Did you find out anything?
00:38:26No, and neither have the boys.
00:38:28I'm beginning to think we'll never find that Eagle.
00:38:51Where is he?
00:39:05Where is he?
00:39:06Where is he?
00:39:07Where's who?
00:39:09Have you seen him?
00:39:10Yeah, here just a minute ago.
00:39:11Figured on buying a horse from me.
00:39:13Ha, ha.
00:39:14Have I got news for him?
00:39:17I got to tell him about the nuggets I just found.
00:39:19Sure, dozens of them.
00:39:20Yellow and brown, some big, some small.
00:39:23Mostly big.
00:39:24You ought to see them.
00:39:25Finest I ever saw them.
00:39:26Where'd you find them?
00:39:27In the old mine, back at the Pendleton place.
00:39:29Pendleton place?
00:39:31Of course, sure, they're beautiful.
00:39:33I said to myself, I'll just go out and see what might be there.
00:39:36Well, sir, I crawled inside.
00:39:42I said, uh...
00:39:47Thought he was gone.
00:39:49Had he?
00:39:50Hey, where'd he go?
00:39:51He's stuck low, back at the Pendleton place.
00:39:54Hey, fellas, they found gold down at the Pendleton place.
00:39:56Say, they just made a new strike out east of here.
00:39:58They did?
00:40:00Somebody just left gold.
00:40:05Now, stay right where you are.
00:40:06I'll be right back.
00:40:08All right, doc.
00:40:12Can I go with you?
00:40:13Get in.
00:40:16Get up.
00:40:18Hey, Charlie.
00:40:19What's the matter?
00:40:20They struck gold at the old Pendleton place.
00:40:22Nuggets and sides are hanging today.
00:40:23Come on.
00:40:24Right away.
00:40:32What's the matter?
00:40:33Somebody's made a strike.
00:40:34I'm going to stake a claim.
00:40:35I wonder if it could be the Eldorado.
00:40:54What's all the excitement about?
00:40:55They struck gold out near the Pendleton place.
00:40:59Come on.
00:41:00Hey, Hoppy.
00:41:01Hey, Chuck.
00:41:02What's going on?
00:41:03Somebody's found gold.
00:41:08Hey, Chuck.
00:41:09What's going on?
00:41:10Somebody's found gold.
00:41:15Right here.
00:41:16Right here.
00:41:17Right here.
00:41:18Right here.
00:41:20What's going on?
00:41:42What's going on?
00:42:09This is on your property, isn't it, Trudy?
00:42:23I think so, Hoppy, but I'm not sure.
00:42:37Good luck.
00:42:43Thanks, Ed.
00:42:49According to that friend of yours,
00:43:06them nuggets ought to be around here somewhere.
00:43:07A friend of ours?
00:43:09You mean the Californians?
00:43:14Where is it?
00:43:15You see anything?
00:43:16I haven't seen anything.
00:43:17It's around here somewhere.
00:43:18Somebody found some.
00:43:40Where did you get all this gold?
00:43:41That's what I want to know,
00:43:42Where is all that gold you're talking about?
00:43:43How should I know?
00:43:44Somebody told me.
00:43:45Taylor, wait a minute.
00:43:46You're a loco.
00:43:47I didn't say I found gold.
00:43:48I said I found some, some nuggets.
00:43:49There they are.
00:43:50All right.
00:43:52Sheed-shell of imposter,
00:43:53you get that!
00:43:54He knows who she is!
00:44:01Some nuggets.
00:44:06There they are.
00:44:31They're staying right there at the house.
00:44:33And even though she thinks you're a good friend,
00:44:35I don't believe she'll tell you if and when they do locate the mine.
00:44:38No, maybe not.
00:44:40You remember that note Ben left?
00:44:42That's right, Judd.
00:44:44Things might be different if those three cowpokes weren't around.
00:44:47I... I don't know.
00:44:49I don't know.
00:44:51I don't know.
00:44:53I don't know.
00:44:55I don't know.
00:44:57I don't know.
00:44:59If those three cowpokes weren't around, I...
00:45:05What are you up to?
00:45:07I know how to take care of those three.
00:45:23Doggoneit, every time we go hunting for that mine I get a lock of new blisters.
00:45:29I sure wish that Eagle fella'd show up.
00:45:32Yeah, me too.
00:45:34You know, I'm beginning to think that Eagle isn't a man.
00:45:38Ben must have had something else on his mind.
00:45:41For instance, what?
00:45:43Well, landmark, for instance.
00:45:46Or something. Eagle might have been his pet name for it.
00:45:50Sure, that's what I think too, Hoppy. Maybe.
00:45:58Wait a minute.
00:46:00What's that look like up there to you?
00:46:02Where? Looks like a bullfrog or something.
00:46:05What's the matter with your eyes? Can't you see it's got a head on it?
00:46:08And it's got wings.
00:46:11Hoppy, do you suppose...
00:46:13That's the Eagle, all right. Come on.
00:46:27Let's go.
00:46:57Let's go.
00:47:27Let's go.
00:47:57Let's go.
00:48:27Let's go.
00:48:50Hoppy, I think Cousin Ben was off his hinges.
00:48:54There ain't a trace of a man up here.
00:48:56Yeah, but you can bet your bottom dollar this Eagle's got something to do with that mind.
00:48:59Yeah, you're right about that, Lucky.
00:49:02It's the key, all right, but we just don't know how to work it.
00:49:05Trudy's sure gonna feel low when she finds out we haven't found anything.
00:49:09Oh, no, she isn't. She don't have to know anything about it yet.
00:49:13All right, now that we got up here, let's try and get down.
00:49:18Let's go this way.
00:49:27What's the matter?
00:49:30Look who's here again.
00:49:33Well, what about it?
00:49:36Well, you haven't got a brand on her yet, Lucky.
00:49:40Come on.
00:49:46Thanks again for bringing that lovely basket of fruit.
00:49:49You're entirely welcome.
00:49:52Oh, by the way, Miss Pendleton, do you mind if I ask you a question?
00:49:56Why, no.
00:49:58Well, it just occurred to me.
00:50:00Are you sure California's a relative of yours?
00:50:03I've no reason to doubt it. Why do you ask?
00:50:06Oh, nothing. I was just wondering.
00:50:09Come on.
00:50:24Any luck?
00:50:26Not yet, Trudy.
00:50:28Ah, let's don't worry about that now. What have you got for 300 M.D.?
00:50:31Liver and onions, corn, mashed potatoes, and hot biscuits.
00:50:34My, my, am I gonna surprise my stomach.
00:50:38What's the matter, Lucky?
00:50:41Aren't you feeling well?
00:50:44Yeah, I feel all right.
00:50:47But what do you let that ace keep hanging around you for?
00:50:50Why, Lucky, I really believe you're jealous.
00:50:53No, it's... Well, he's a tin horn gambler and I don't...
00:50:56That's enough. I won't listen to any such talk.
00:50:59He's been kind and considerate.
00:51:01He may be a gambler, but at least he's a gentleman.
00:51:04And what's more, I won't have you trying to pick my friends.
00:51:16And Flying Cloud told me that Carter's also been asking his tribesmen if they knew anyone called Eagle.
00:51:21Carter? You say he works for Ace?
00:51:24But how did Ace know about the Eagle?
00:51:27Oh, probably Trudy told him.
00:51:29I don't think so, Lucky.
00:51:31You remember Ace was at the cabin the day I found that message?
00:51:35Well, doesn't it seem possible that he could have come back and overheard what we said?
00:51:38By golly, Hoppy, I believe you're right.
00:51:40I saw footprints in my garden.
00:51:42Yeah? Yeah.
00:51:43He's a bad egg, Hoppy. He probably planned the whole thing.
00:51:47Thanks, Sheriff.
00:51:49We'll keep an eye on the gentleman.
00:52:02Do you remember my asking you whether you were sure California was a relative?
00:52:06Well, I wasn't.
00:52:08And because of my concern for you, I decided to do a little investigating.
00:52:12Well, what did you find out?
00:52:14Read this.
00:52:16I received it this morning from a friend of mine.
00:52:18He told me that California was a relative of his.
00:52:21And he told me that California was a relative of his.
00:52:24And he told me that California was a relative of his.
00:52:27And he told me that California was a relative of his.
00:52:30I received it this morning from a friend of mine.
00:52:37And from your description of the three men,
00:52:39they are without doubt the same cooks
00:52:41who recently cheated several women here of their savings.
00:52:46Why, I can hardly believe that.
00:52:49And yet, that must be why Lucky didn't want you coming here.
00:52:53Well, of course that's why.
00:52:55They were afraid I'd get on to their little game.
00:52:57I'll take care of them.
00:52:59You and I are going to see the sheriff.
00:53:00No, I wouldn't do that just yet.
00:53:02We've got to have concrete proof of what they are, and...
00:53:11Yes, Rudy?
00:53:13Come here.
00:53:22You claim to be a cousin of Uncle Ben's.
00:53:24Can you prove it?
00:53:25Well, uh, well, no.
00:53:27I guess you can't with Ben gone.
00:53:29I never was a hand at keeping papers.
00:53:31That'll do.
00:53:32I'm giving you and your friends just ten minutes to get off my property.
00:53:35Why, Trudy, what...
00:53:36I'd like to use one of those minutes for a word with Mr. Gibson.
00:53:41Ace is a strange thing about the three of us.
00:53:44What do you mean?
00:53:46It's funny, but every time anybody tries to double-cross us,
00:53:50or anyone we like,
00:53:52something usually happens to them.
00:53:55I understand you, Mr. Cassidy.
00:53:57You will.
00:54:00Maybe you'll understand this.
00:54:05That's the beginning of what I meant.
00:54:07Why, you!
00:54:09Get out! Get out of here! All of you!
00:54:11Come on, we've got some packing to do.
00:54:26I don't think we ought to leave Trudy back there alone, Hoppy.
00:54:29Well, what gave you the idea we're going to?
00:54:33I want to take another look at that eagle up there.
00:54:36That sundial.
00:54:41Well, we thought of landmarks,
00:54:46the eagle pointing,
00:54:56And we've also been pretty stupid.
00:54:58Yep, we sure have.
00:55:00Me too?
00:55:01We'll find out.
00:55:03What does sundown usually bring?
00:55:06You too.
00:55:07I give up. What does sundown bring?
00:55:14See how the shadow falls over that woodshed?
00:55:18We've been in it, around it,
00:55:21and all over it.
00:55:23But we haven't been under it.
00:55:25Come on.
00:55:53Come on.
00:56:24Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute.
00:56:26Give me that shovel.
00:56:28Get that wood out of there.
00:56:43Get this out.
00:56:53Nice and dark in there, I wish.
00:56:55You got a match?
00:56:58Here's a candle.
00:57:02Here's a match.
00:57:04Well, he sure had this hidden, didn't he?
00:57:24Come on.
00:57:43Wait till you get a look at this.
00:57:47Look at that.
00:57:49Hoppy, this hole is chock full of gold.
00:57:53What do you think that'll run at time?
00:57:54Oh, it's hard to tell.
00:58:03Come on, get up out of there.
00:58:05Get their guns.
00:58:10So you knew where the mine was all the time.
00:58:15Keep your eyes on them until you hear from me.
00:58:18Come on, Trudy, we're going in town and see the sheriff.
00:58:23Come on.
00:58:46I'll go get the sheriff, Trudy.
00:58:49Just make yourself at home.
00:58:53Come on.
00:59:13The sheriff wasn't there, but I left word with one of his deputies for him to come over as soon as he gets back.
00:59:18Won't you sit down, Miss Trudy?
00:59:22You know, I hate to think what might have happened if it hadn't been for you.
00:59:26It was nothing.
00:59:27It was only right that as Ben's best friend, I should look out for your interest.
00:59:31You're very kind.
00:59:48Hey, what are you up to?
00:59:50Come on, what do you got in your hand?
00:59:52Nothing, I'm just playing a little game.
00:59:57Guess what.
00:59:59What do you mean, guess what?
01:00:01No, not what do you mean, guess what.
01:00:03Guess what's in what hand.
01:00:05Why, you old...
01:00:13Hand me my gun.
01:00:15He's got them all.
01:00:16Well, how do you like that?
01:00:20Set him up, Clarence.
01:00:24You take care of them, I'm going to town.
01:00:27Come on, get out.
01:00:34Get on your horse.
01:00:36Get going.
01:00:38Come on.
01:00:49You realize, of course, that operating a mine is no easy task, especially for a girl.
01:00:53Yes, I do, and, well, I sort of counted on you and Sheriff Blake to see me through.
01:00:57And I'm sure you'll find us both ready and willing.
01:00:59However, it takes a lot of money to develop a mine.
01:01:02And any mine is a gamble until it's absolutely proven.
01:01:05Now, I'll tell you what I'll do.
01:01:07I'll buy a half interest in the mine.
01:01:10Or, better still, buy you out altogether for $5,000.
01:01:17Oh, please don't think me ungrateful, Mr. Gibson,
01:01:20but from what California said about the ore, I was led to believe the mine was very valuable.
01:01:25Well, it may be, but you can buy a lot of pretty things for $5,000.
01:01:29Well, thanks for your offer, but I'd rather discuss the matter with the Sheriff before I decide what to do.
01:01:35Asking Blake's advice shouldn't be necessary.
01:01:38You trust me, don't you?
01:01:40Why, of course, but...
01:01:43I'm beginning to think you don't want me to discuss the matter with the Sheriff.
01:01:47Certainly I don't, you little fool.
01:01:49You think I want to spoil the best game I ever sat in on?
01:01:52I'm taking over that mine, even if the...
01:01:57Hey, the manager! You're not going anywhere!
01:02:06Unless you sign the property over to me,
01:02:09something unpleasant is likely to happen to Hoppy and his friends.
01:02:12All right, you win.
01:02:26I'm not carrying a gun, Cassidy.
01:02:29I'm not carrying a gun, either.
01:02:33I'm not carrying a gun, Cassidy.
01:02:47Neither am I.
01:03:02I'm not carrying a gun, either.
01:03:32I'm not carrying a gun, either.
01:03:38Dirty double-crossing brat!
01:03:58Nice work, Hoppy.
01:04:00What'd you do with the others?
01:04:02Oh, they're all right. They're tied up outside.
01:04:04Take him and the other two and turn them over to the Sheriff.
01:04:06It'll be a pleasure, Hoppy.
01:04:09Come on, get out of there. Keep going!
01:04:14What's the matter with you?
01:04:16Oh, I've been such a stupid fool.
01:04:22I don't think you have true.
01:04:24Thanks, Hoppy.
01:04:30You know, Hoppy, when you asked half a million for the mine,
01:04:33I thought that corporation lawyer would fall over.
01:04:36Yeah, now that I see a check for half a million dollars,
01:04:39I'm about to fall over.
01:04:42Hoppy! Hoppy!
01:04:45Look, look.
01:04:47Telegram from the bar 20.
01:04:49I just won first prize at the county fair with my petunias.
01:04:55And here's a check for you and Trudy.
01:04:57Yeah, well, I've got to get back and get my blue ribbon.
01:04:59Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute.
01:05:01You know, half of that belongs to Trudy.
01:05:03Yeah, show it to me.
01:05:06See you at bar 20.
01:05:07Wait a minute.
01:05:08Hey, kelp.
01:05:20Oh, don't worry about that thing.
01:05:22We'll catch him in town and have it stuck back together.
01:05:29Let's go.
