• 9 years ago
Chakrasana is a yoga pose, which helps in maintain the spine and the digestive system. This yoga pose is important in maintaining the back.

Chakrasana has been a part of yogic practice from ancient ages and has formed a major part of the life of the rishis and sages of India.

Meaning :

Chakra means wheel and asana means pose in Sanskrit. So chakrasana looks like a wheel and also like a rainbow.

Technique :

Start the yoga pose by lying down on the back with the hands on both the sides.
Now bring the heels close to the buttocks and at the same time bend the knees with the heels around a foot apart.
Take your hands up and bring it near the ears.
Keep your hands on the floor and point the fingers towards the shoulders.
Gradually lift the body up with the help of your feet and palms.
As you do the asana turn your head so that you gaze towards the ground.
Now stretch the shoulders and thigh and come to the final position such that your body looks like an arch or a wheel.
You can remain in this position for as long as you can.
Now release the position and bring the body down until it reaches the floor.

Benefits :

Chakrasana helps to strengthen the muscles in the abdomen and back.
This yoga pose also helps to tone the organs in the abdomen and maintains the excretory, digestive, and reproductive organs.

Variations :

This asana can be done in a one legged style or with raising one leg or in one handed style.

Precautions :

This pose should not be practised by people who suffer from any kind of chronic injury to the legs, hips, arms, or shoulders, blood pressure, spondilitis, hernia or duodenal ulcer.

Tips :
When you perform Chakrasana make sure you bend backwards by balancing yourself on your thighs and ankles so that you do not hurt your back.
