Speed Camera Catches Horse Instead Of Speeding Car

  • 10 years ago
A horse in Germany recently helped one driver avoid paying a fine for a traffic offense. The camera was actually triggered by a vehicle but it just so happens the horse was in the way.

Not too many people are in favor of speed cameras and the tickets that come as a result. A horse in Germany recently helped one driver avoid paying a fine for a traffic offense.

The speed camera snapped a photo of the pretty horse last month, but it was just released on Monday. The horse was reportedly traveling 36 miles per hour on a country road that has a speed limit of 31 miles per hour.

The camera was actually triggered by a vehicle but it just so happens the horse was in the way. Instead of capturing the speeding car, the horse’s mug and body are the focal point.

The vehicle causing all the trouble is right behind the animal and the license plate is entirely blocked out by the equine’s tail. That means the motorist avoided getting a ticket which would have amounted to about 13 dollars.

The equine got his 15 minutes of fame as the next possible Seabiscuit, but authorities quickly dashed everyone’s hopes.
