Turmeric: Anti Inflammatory Superstar

  • 10 years ago
http://justturmeric.com Turmeric: Anti Inflammatory Superstar Turmeric curcumin has one of the most potent anti-inflammatory properties of any botanical herb. It makes an excellent natural pain reliever, but it also has many other health benefits. Here’s why. Inflammation is part of the immune system’s response to attacking viruses or bacteria as well as trying to protect tissue when damaged. In fact without it, we wouldn’t have an immune system that could deal with all the pathogens we come into contact with. When the immune system detects something harmful, it activates in many ways including the release of prostaglandins that are enyzmes that are part of the process of triggering inflammation. Once the body has killed the invader, or the tissue is stable and starting to repair itself, inflammation should recede to normal levels. However, we know understand that while inflammation as a response when the body is attacked is good, chronic continuous inflammation is not. It is very common for the immune system to become overly sensitive and inflammation becomes present in our cells constantly. Diet is also a huge cause of inflammation – or the western diet is. Processed foods, dairy and meat cause inflammation while fruits and vegetables don’t. In America, we typically load up on the stuff that isn’t good for us. Science has discovered that inflammation is a condition present in virtually all chronic diseases. Researchers believe that it is, if not a direct cause, an indirect cause and that eliminating inflammation in the body is vital for overall health and in preventing or treating many medical conditions. Turmeric curcumin is one of the very best anti inflammatory botanical herbs. In fact, it is the most widely studied botanical herb in western science and has many other potential health benefits. Researchers are studying it to determine its cancer prevention…
