How To Find Real Natural Arthritis Pain Relief

  • 10 years ago Natural Arthritis Pain Relief Do you suffer from arthritis? Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can be managed. You don’t have to let it take over your life and leave you feeling crippled. Here are some natural arthritis pain relief strategies that will make a big difference. Osteoarthritis occurs in joints as joint cartilage between bones breaks down either through age or as a result of trauma or injury. The bones come in direct contact and friction occurs. This causes the body to try and react to protect the joint. Swelling and inflammation results which causes stiffness and pain. Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by the body’s immune system. For reasons not understood, something triggers the immune system to attack a joint or some joints, causing inflammation and swelling. In all arthritis conditions, inflammation is present and is the condition that causes pain. If you can reduce inflammation in your joints, you will get relief. So what causes inflammation? The immune system and diet. As we just said, the immune system triggers inflammation as part of its response to protect a joint. However, over time, the immune system often becomes “trigger happy” and can become very sensitive, meaning thresholds become lower and inflammation becomes constant. Diet also causes inflammation – or at least the typical western diet high in processed foods and sugar. The most effective thing you can do with your diet is to make sure you’re getting enough omega 3 essential fatty acids. You can also use an omega 3 fish oil supplement. Look for one that has a good content of EPA and DHA, the two omega 3 fatty acids that have all the anti-inflammatory power. Eat lots of berries – anything with color. Strawberries, blue berries, raspberries – all good. And plenty of fruits and vegetables. Don’t eat processed foods high in transfats or anything with…
