Omega 3 Fish Oil Reality Check: Video Summary

  • 11 years ago
Folks have been taking fish oil for years. 50 years ago no one understood the specific medical benefits although many moms wouldn't let you leave your house without a day-to-day table spoon of the nasty tasting stuff. They believed in it and were convinced it kept you from getting sick!

Today, there is lots of science supporting the benefits of omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids which we receive from fish oil. EPA specificilly is scientifically linked to be good for heart wellness and there is growing evidence that DHA benefits brain function.

At Ballena Nelle, we know omega 3 is essential for wellness. It is a part of every biological function that takes place in our bodies and reduced omega 3 levels typically show various other medical conditions.

However there are numerous various other assertions about the benefits of omega 3 fish oil supplements. Literally thousands of medical trials that have been conducted and others still are ongoing, attempting to connect this substance to all kinds of wellness effects.

Arthritis, dimentia, pregnant moms, unborn babies, chronic fatigue syndrome, asthma, colitis, chrones disease, scitzophrenia, allergies, depression-- every one of these conditions and every one of these populations has been studied to try to figure out the affect omega 3 EFA's have on enhancing the condition or total wellness.

While omega 3 supplements have been studied in all of these areas, more often than not, it is companies offering the supplements that take some of these trials and studies and make assertions as an advertising tool.

In this video, Maria from Ballena Nelle offers a summary of some of these claims and an assessment of whether or not they have really shown that omega 3 fish oil supplements are effective in these cases.
