• 10 years ago
Finally able to access these videos, enjoy the 'Lost Episodes' of Mega Man X3

I'm noticing a distinct pattern that each DickJudgment Industries...erm... Doppler Stage has their own unique ways to troll me throughout their levels in different ways. Can't recall if there is 3-4 stages total, nor can I recall if there is a boss rush... We'll just have to see during next week.

DickJudgment Octopus isn't that bad of a fight. Troublesome yes, but Triad Thunder puts it in its place. This is the boss only if Vile wasn't dealt with properly with his weaknesses, otherwise Vile would be this stage's boss

Clarification: Apparently one needs to switch to Zero before engaging that bug mini-boss thing. Only problem is I don't know how to switch into Zero, so no Z-Saber for X - but Zero gets to live at least
