Let's Play Mega Man X3 - Bonus - Beam Sabre

  • 10 years ago
In Doppler Stage 2, there is that long weird room with the bug enemy mini-boss thing. Well, if you call Zero beforehand and fight/win as Zero, Zero still loses after killing the bug, but in his defeat, he grants X his Sabre. Unlike Zero though, X can shoot a beam.

Also, to any that are curious. at the pause/weapon select screen, press the R button and Start to switch into Zero. I did NOT know this for quite the longest time, but hey, that is why you guys didn't see much of Zero.

Did I mention that Zero takes a shit ton of damage? Uh....yeah... maybe me not playing as him wasn't a bad thing after all, because if he dies, he dies - nuff said. Also, Sub-tanks can't be used by Zero - so think of him as this game's Mega Hard Mode I gue
