Creating the ultimate equipment requires repeated use of strengthening and synthesizing. For starters, choose 3 rank 4 items (rank 3 can be used) to serve solely for the stats, the level 1 items. Max (or near-max) them out. Now, take a rank 5 or 6 item (5 is best), also for the stats, and synthesize those level 1 items to form a level 2 item. Repeat this for 3 level 2 items. Now choose a rank 5 or 6 item that has a skill you want and synthesize the level 2 items into it to make level 3. Form 3 level 3s to make a level 4. Form 3 level 4s to make a level 5. Keep going until the limits have been reached. Each higher level takes 3 times longer and 3 times the GP but makes the item about 50% stronger.
The angel will do the work. Do not add exp booster or deep thinker to the angel as the lower the level, the faster equipment will burst. Add burst up with all 5 energy sources directed to it. Add vital gain to make EN a nonissue. Renya should have all 3 capacity ups, burst up with all 6 energy sources toward it, and may have exp boosters. Be sure to buy a lot of exits as you'll need them. Choose the items you want to work on and put them in the item bag.
Using map 2-1 is the key to making the process of strengthening equipment very fast. For the most part, find a dead end room (not all such rooms work), get into a corner, then hold O+X while the angel, in "fight as you see fit" mode goes around bashing zombies. Zombies resurrect after 50 turns. When the angel isn't in the same room as Renya, all actions take 1 game frame and with holding O+X, you advance 30 turns per second. Continue this until either level 30 or 31 is reached (except when something is on the edge of bursting), every piece of equipment you're working on is burst, or the divine wind notice comes up 1300 or 1800 turns in.
The fastest way to get GP depends on how strong you are. If just starting and you can handle advanced martial arts with all burst equipment very well, direct all 6 energy sources into godly purse. If you need the equipment not in burst status, direct 4 energy sources into burst down then the other 2 into godly purse. Be sure to always have the paw paws in effect when defeating an enemy. If you're strong enough, use EX advanced instead and direct the energy sources into demon soul instead. Demon soul returns 5% of the enemy's HP as GP, 2% extra for each energy source directed toward it for up to 17%. The enemies in EX advance have very high base stats, especially HP which makes demon soul a lot more effective, up to 5 times as effective as normal money bag drops. If burst down is needed, use it. Equipment, once it reaches 1100 burst point limit (at +50), is about as strong as it'll be so that's a good point to start running through the applicable martial arts dungeon with burst down.
The angel will do the work. Do not add exp booster or deep thinker to the angel as the lower the level, the faster equipment will burst. Add burst up with all 5 energy sources directed to it. Add vital gain to make EN a nonissue. Renya should have all 3 capacity ups, burst up with all 6 energy sources toward it, and may have exp boosters. Be sure to buy a lot of exits as you'll need them. Choose the items you want to work on and put them in the item bag.
Using map 2-1 is the key to making the process of strengthening equipment very fast. For the most part, find a dead end room (not all such rooms work), get into a corner, then hold O+X while the angel, in "fight as you see fit" mode goes around bashing zombies. Zombies resurrect after 50 turns. When the angel isn't in the same room as Renya, all actions take 1 game frame and with holding O+X, you advance 30 turns per second. Continue this until either level 30 or 31 is reached (except when something is on the edge of bursting), every piece of equipment you're working on is burst, or the divine wind notice comes up 1300 or 1800 turns in.
The fastest way to get GP depends on how strong you are. If just starting and you can handle advanced martial arts with all burst equipment very well, direct all 6 energy sources into godly purse. If you need the equipment not in burst status, direct 4 energy sources into burst down then the other 2 into godly purse. Be sure to always have the paw paws in effect when defeating an enemy. If you're strong enough, use EX advanced instead and direct the energy sources into demon soul instead. Demon soul returns 5% of the enemy's HP as GP, 2% extra for each energy source directed toward it for up to 17%. The enemies in EX advance have very high base stats, especially HP which makes demon soul a lot more effective, up to 5 times as effective as normal money bag drops. If burst down is needed, use it. Equipment, once it reaches 1100 burst point limit (at +50), is about as strong as it'll be so that's a good point to start running through the applicable martial arts dungeon with burst down.