More Gulf Coast Chiropractic & Rehab Panama City FL Reviews

  • 12 years ago
DR. JOHNSON, AND HIS STAFF ARE ALL VERY FRIENDLY AND COMPASSIONATE. Dr. Johnson and his staff are awesome!!!I had been waking up every day with pain in my shoulder. After doing treatments with Dr. Johnson for about two weeks, I no have longer any pain in my shoulder. I had also been having pain in my left hip area. Dr. Johnson treated that and gave me stretching exercises to do, which has also been helpful in alleviating the pain. I have also been very pleased with Dr. Johnson's staff, they are all very friendly and compassionate. I recommend Dr. Johnson to everyone I come in contact with. Once again thank you Dr. Johnson, Nichole and Audra. Yall are the best...

I'VE HAD CONSIDERABLE IMPROVEMENT... Neuropathy Patient who before couldn't let the blankets touch his toes in bet has had considerable improvement, and would recommend this treatment to just about anybody.
