Dr Wesley Johnson Online Reviews

  • 11 years ago
MY FEET WERE NUMB... It was tough my feet were numb. They were sore. I was getting cramps. It was hard to walk. It was just hard to maneuver on my feet. It wasn't fun to just go out and get the newspaper. The office was great. The staff Wonderful. I feel much better now. I don't have the cramping. I don't have pins & needles on my feet. I tend to get around much better. I'm improving a lot. It definitely opened up my mobility.

MY BALANCE HAS IMPROVED GREATLY... I appreciate the girls in the office. All of them are very professional and kind.

My balance has improved greatly and do have a slight improvement in feet as far as new feeling.

MY LEGS, I COULDN'T FEEL THEM... I couldn't hardly stand up. I was drunk when I walked. I've done away with the walking cane.

I can now walk straight, and stand up in the shower.

We are thrilled to offer many different aspects of chiropractic care!
