Gulf Coast Chiropractic & Rehab Panama City FL Zero Complai

  • 11 years ago
I'M A RUNNER AND I WAS HAVING TERRI... I'm a runner and I was having terrible foot pain that wouldn't heal. I went to see Dr. Johnson and he diagnosed it, prescribed a treatment that fixed the problem and 10 days later I was back to running again. Before the first appointment, I was able to fill out all the preliminary paperwork on my home computer. There's no need to sit in the office for an hour filling out forms. It was very simple and streamlined to get me back to work as quick as possible.

MY SLEEP THANKS DR. JOHNSON, AND SO DO I! When I started coming to Gulf Coast Chiropractic, I had extreme numbness in both my right and left arms and hands. The pain was not only annoying but painful and interrupted my sleep almost every night. I would wake up several times each night having to walk around to get feeling back in my arms and hands.

I AM FEELING BETTER... I am feeling better...
