Artist Creates Art From Cupcakes

  • 11 years ago
A media artist creates art from cupcakes.

Who doesn't love cupcakes?

A remarkable artist in New York, Leah Foster uses cupcakes for a unique purpose, creating magnificent displays.

Using different colors for the frosting and paper cases, her completed works are beautiful and vibrant.

One of her masterpieces is named ‘Muffin Tops’.

Foster baked approximately 10,000 cupcakes and stacked the individual cakes on top of each other to create 10 foot tall towers. She utilized fishing line to keep the cupcakes from topping over.

The artistic edible installation premiered at an art gallery in Dallas, Texas. Another one of her displays involves food coloring. An art gallery floor is shown, covered in what looks like varying colors of spilled paint.

In actuality, the scene is created with different colors of cake batter and food coloring. Baked cupcakes are strewn over the messy display.

Foster states “The batter functions as paint, yet does not attempt to hide its identity as a food product. In exposing the duality of the cupcake, I hope to question the physical expectations of the human form.”