JUGENDAMT: The So- Called "Child Welfare Agency" Of Germany

  • 12 years ago
During the last four years there has been a dramatic increase in CPS corruption coverage. These demonic agencies are a global problem. My children were taken away from me in Mallorca, Spain due to false accusations made by Ana Dickenson, who even took a trip to Spain to ensure the speedy kidnapping of my sons. Rhode Island DCYF helped to arrange the illegal and clandestine deportation of my sons. Our "trial" in Rhode Island is illegal because DCYF of Rhode Island is not even authorized to hold a "trial" in Rhode Island, U.S.A for something which supposedly took place in a foreign country (where we had a real lawyer, and where the case was in the courts).
This video gives the erroneous impression that such things are not occurring here as well in the U.S. Things here are just as bad. Furthermore, I don't think that communism is an improvement when DCYF is a communist-oriented institution. Communism is when the state controls your life and your family.

My family is way more normal than Ana's family for the following reasons (notice that I said normal, not that we have more income, as money does not equate normalcy):
1) Any abnormal situation in Ana's family is because of how her family really is. While any abnormal situation in our family is because she has created it.
2) My family is not into satanism and witchcraft . I and my husband ( at least while he was living with me) practice Judaism. Ana is in a satanic cult, and I'm quite sure that her obsession with destroying my family has affected the time that she can spend with her unfortunate misguided children (not that being a mother was ever high on her list of priorities).
3) I always was a hands-on mom who took good care of my own kids, while Ana's daughters rarely saw her during the first years of their lives but were shuffled from relative to babysitter.
4) I married my husband for love and ALL of my children are really my husband's biological children. Ana did not marry for love, and her whole family life is a well-orchestrated sham, and as part of that concealed abnormality, mistaken identity is a crucial part of sustaining that pleasant-looking sham. Ana depends on mistaken identity to portray her golden mirage to the gullible world.
5) Ana was embarrassed to teach her daughters Spanish, because she has complexes and deep down wants to be an Anglo. I spoke to my sons most of the time in Spanish, though I also introduced them to other languages.
6) My husband, despite his faults, is way better with children than Tony Dickinson is.
7) I would never hurt no child, while Ana's heinous abuse of my sons shows that she is capable of doing severe harm to children without any remorse.
