Drugging & Labeling Bright Children (Clip) ( I'll fight for you Wencito & Galileo!)

  • 12 years ago
This is a clip from a documentary that I plan to upload in its entirety. I am uploading this clip apart because I can relate to a gifted child being destroyed by false labels and drugging because my sons are in a similar position, especially my eldest son.
In my case, the disturbed woman who has my sons is an excellent actress, is envious of both my sons (especially the eldest one, whom she has targeted for labeling with certain non-existent conditions), and has conditioned, traumatized, abused, and slandered my boys, and has caused my sons to be labeled with conditions which they do not have in order to degrade them and feel good about her evil worthless pagan self.
She has been trying to pass off my brilliant eldest son as "autistic" since he was very small for reasons related to her personal envy and feelings of displacement. It is a shame that blind people cannot see that she
feels the insatiable need to demean my sons in order to console her empty destructive immature self.
My eldest son at the age of 3 and-a-half knew how to say the alphabet in English,Spanish,and French, knew how to count from 1-20 in English,Spanish, and French, loved to sing and sung nicely, could write several words in English and Spanish, could write 3 words in Hebrew, knew how to write his first and last name with good penmanship, knew how to write his younger brother's name, could play tunes on the piano by ear, draw nicely, he was bilingual (English,Spanish) though not very talkative, with additional vocabulary in French and Hebrew. He was brilliant and interested in learning and lovable, now he has been destroyed by this mad woman and no one would believe what he once knew, and what he would know now academically if he would have remained with me. I believe that my son has been exposed to electro-shock in the past, and suspect also that he is being drugged without our consent. My eldest son at the age of two knew the entire alphabet and recognized all the letters so that at two he could spell words.
My youngest son Galileo (who was taken from me too young-at 1 and a half-in order for me to be able to recognize his talents) showed signs of high intelligence before being kidnapped, but he has lived 90% of his life away from me in abusive non-stimulating homes where the main agenda is suppressing his potential in order to brand him as "Special Needs". Both of my boys are highly intelligent, and my eldest son is multi-talented, but their innocence and vulnerability has been exploited and what my sons have been exhibiting are the harmful effects of nearly 4 years of trauma, loneliness, lack of stimulus, abuse,and conditioning.
What we are witnessing today is what I would call a Pharmaceutical Holocaust intent on destroying the most vulnerable yet the most beautiful part of our society, our children.
