A CPS Insider Reveals Secret Rules Followed By Corrupt CPS

  • 12 years ago
CPS is organized white collar crime, there is no doubt about that. This woman deserves credit for not only repenting, but for honoring that repentance by fighting to expose this great evil called CPS. Some people repent but do not do anything else, she repented but is fighting against that evil. In my case, because of Ana's obsession with my husband ( she is doing all this after all, because she has wanted us to divorce since before our sons were born, and she controls DCYF who in turn controls the fake court) they are telling my husband that he has to divorce me in order to get his biological sons back, and has created situations meant to create strife and stress within our relationship. Please see video at the URL below documenting a
strife-creating call on June 1st perpetrated by these agencies.


I must admit that my husband not only is afraid of these agencies, but seems to be strangely dumbed down ( and I'm not saying this to put him down, but simply because his indifference to many things is very hard to understand). Ana seems to exert some strange control over my husband, even though my husband has admitted all the evil which Ana has done to us, and all the NUMEROUS problems which she has created in his life before and after he met and married me. Well, all I can say is that Ana is a master deceiver and manipulator and dabbles in things that are not good at all.
I'm the only one fighting against these agencies ALONE. But I know that G-D is with me and I won't give up but will continuing fighting to expose Ana and to protect my sons' TRUE best interests.
Also please check out our Anti-CPS & Anti-Psychiatry Image Album at the URL below:



