Autism is a neural disorder distinguished by impaired social interaction, communication problems and unusual repetitive behavior

  • 12 years ago
Autism is a neural disorder distinguished by impaired social interaction, communication problems and unusual repetitive behavior. The signs usually begin before the age of three. It affects information processing and alters how nerve cells connect and organize. A D has a strong genetic basis.
Autism is the most severe of a group of pervasive development disorders (P D Ds), including Rett syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, Asperger syndrome and P D D not otherwise specified.
Autism affects one in every 110 American children, and one in 70 boys. Males ou tnumber female at least four to one. Autism is the fastest growing developmental disability, increasing 10 percent annually. It costs 90 billion a year. One million to 1.5 million Americans have it.
The disease may not have a single cause, but is a complex disorder with aspects that have distinct causes: Genetics, prenatal environment, viral infection, environmental agents that cause birth defects.
Mutations in different sets
