Mechanism and therapy of typical atrial flutter

  • il y a 12 ans
There’s been a big explosion of information about the different ways to approach ablation atrial fibrillation. Some are contradictory to each other. So I try to outline kind of all the concepts involved over the last decade and what science is behind each different concept of a way of ablating atrial fibrillation.I think it’s very important even for a refering physician to recognise that the outcomes and potentially the complications from and ablation procedure depends of what sort of concept is used to guide that. Particularly in the way of arrhythmias after an ablation. Very aggressive ablation techniques often lead to atypical flutters which are very difficult to manage clinically, so I think that recognition of ablation procedure is very important.This course is probably most focused on people who are interested in doing ablation but could also interest cardiologists in general that take care of patients with atrial fibrillation.


