12. Series 1 Part 11...Finale 2of2 [The Hajj and the Hujjah]

  • 12 years ago
This is the last video of Series 1 and concludes the theme of the 'Hajj and the Hujjah'.

The key theme is the topic of the prostration of the family of Prophet Yusuf (as) to him as discussed in Question 89 vol. 3 of the The Allegories which is a book of questions and answers between him and his Ansar.

The importance of using logic in the deen is also discussed. Please note: this video is an attempt to jolt people in to using their own minds for understanding the deen, particularly to try to think laterally about traditions such as the ones from the na'ibs of the Hidden Imam.

There are no audios from the Yamani in this video; all voiceovers are provided by Ansar.

The translations within this were provided by the production team itself.

See you in Series 2.
