2. Series 1 Part 1...Muqaddimah (intro) to the Tafseer of surah al tawheed

  • 12 years ago
This is a humble effort to translate and depict the introduction of a book written by Shaykh Ahmad al Hasan (known as 'al Yamani') a scholar from Basra in Iraq. The book is called 'Tafseer Surah al Tawheed' i.e. the exegesis of surah tawheed (oneness of Allah or generally known as surah al Ikhlas).

I am hoping that this effort will enable a better understanding of the scholar's work amongst the mainstream Muslim community in a bid to encourage greater understanding of different Muslim groups and build community cohesion.

This is not meant for commercial purposes but solely for educational and research purposes.

You can find out more about this book by visiting the website of the helpers (or Ansar) of the Syed here:

http://ar.al-mehdyoon.org/kotobsayed/kitab-taw7id/4.html (accessed 24th Feb 2012).
