أنيس غني

This is an independent research study into the works of Syed Ahmad al Hasan 'al Yamani' who is a religious leader from Basra, Iraq.

This study has been initiated to understand the teachings of the Yamani. It is hoped that through this effort greater cohesion might be built across the Muslim community.

Everyone has a right to express their religious beliefs and it is no different for the followers of the Yamani who have been persecuted in Iraq.

Feel free to comment on the vids in this series and you are welcome to reference this site in your own studies, but we ask that you do not plagiarise the work here by copying it and pretending that it is your own because that is dishonest, theft and contrary to the teachings of Islam and the way of the misguided anyway and immoral people.
41. Yamani Studies Series 4 Part 5 [Reminder to All]
9 years ago
28. Yamani Series 3 Part 4 - [Evil people bear bad fruits]
11 years ago
29. Yamani Series 3 Part 5 [Speech of Fatimah pbuh]
11 years ago
27. Series 3 Part 3 [More Sufyani Forces Arrive - There is no going back now]
11 years ago
25. Series 3 Part 1 [The Imam vs the Batriyyah]
11 years ago
13. Yamani Series 2 Part 1 - Know your Imam
11 years ago
0 - Yamani Studies Objectives
11 years ago
14. Yamani Series 2 Part 2 - The Yamani and Ma'rifah
11 years ago
19. Yamani Series 2 Part 7 - How do I want after the Duniya_
11 years ago
16. Yamani Series 2 Part 4 - The Yamani…a continuation of his teachings on Ma'rifah
11 years ago
18. Yamani Series 2 Part 6 - The Husain of your era
11 years ago
15. Yamani Series 2 Part 3 - Nobody's Fault But Mine (interlude)
11 years ago
21. Yamani Studies Series 2 Part 9 - [Lost History 1...the illness of Fatimah al Zahra' (pbuh)]
11 years ago
20. Yamani Studies Series 2 Part 8 - The Red Jafr of Imam Mahdi (as)
11 years ago
24. Yamani Studies Series 2 Part 12...Series Close [Lost History 2 - History repeats itself]
11 years ago
22. Yamani Studies Series 2 Part 10 - [The 'Airlift']
11 years ago
19. Yamani Studies Series 2 Part 7 [How do I want after the Dunya?]
11 years ago
12. Series 1 Part 11...Finale 2of2 [The Hajj and the Hujjah]
12 years ago
11. Series 1 Part 10...Finale 1of2 [The Hajj and the Hujjah]
12 years ago
10. Series 1 Part 9 [Countdown to Armageddon, Ansar ul Mahdi and the Messenger's Will]
12 years ago
9. Series 1 Part 8 [Scholars of the end times, taqleed (blind following) and the intellect]
12 years ago
8. Yamani Studies Series 1 Part 7 [Personalities 3 - The Mahdi and the Beast...2 of 2]
12 years ago
7. Yamani Studies Series 1 Part 6 [Personalities 3 - The Mahdi and the Beast...1 of 2]
12 years ago
5. Series 1 Part 4 [Personalities 1 - Understanding the Yamani, al Mahdi and al Muttaqeen]
12 years ago
2. Series 1 Part 1...Muqaddimah (intro) to the Tafseer of surah al tawheed
12 years ago
3. Series 1 Part 2...'Who was the lookalike of Isa?'
12 years ago
4. Series 1 Part 3 [Wa lam yakun lahu kufuwan ahad]
12 years ago
1. Series 1 Opener [Intro to series and Book dedication by al Yamani]
12 years ago