3. Series 1 Part 2...'Who was the lookalike of Isa?'

  • 12 years ago
This is a translation and visual depiction of the question and answer session between Shaykh Ahmad al Hasan al Yamani and the Ansar on the topic of the lookalike of Isa (Jesus Christ - peace be upon him) who was crucified in his place in order to save Isa.

The text you see on the screen is a translation of the question and answer as documented in the book by the Yamani called al Mutashaabihaat and is available on the al Meydyoon website whose address is this:

http://ar.al-mehdyoon.org/ahlketab/almasihyin/masloub.html (last accessed 8th March 2012)

The quotes in square parentheses [ ] are Qur'anic verses and you can find their places in the Qur'an by following the above link.

I hope people benefit from this by getting a better understanding of the call of the individual known as the Yamani.

May Allah forgive any mistakes and shortcomings.

Allahumma salli ala Muhammad wa aali Muhammad.


