Buying a Horse

  • vor 12 Jahren
Buying a horse is a big commitment. Before making a final decision you should be aware of the great responsibility owning a horse will ask from you. Not only do you have to feet, groom and ride the horse daily, you also have to pay for all the necessary equipment, vet visits, as well as stable or loose-box rent fees. Are aware of the fiancial burden owning a horse will put on you and are you able to afford a horse, now it is time to find the perfect horse for you.There are many different ways of buying a horse.You can for example search online on different horse sale plattforms or visit horse breeders. If you want to be sure to make the perfect purchase, take your riding teacher with you and take the horse you like for a trial-ride.Also,don't forget to have the pre-purchase appraisal done.

