Do You Allowing Money To Flow In Unusual Ways Using Abraham Hicks Method

  • 12 years ago
Do you think that the law of attraction is not work at all? Think again! I have to admit it that I love to hear it and want to share with you.

You can get this audio CD called The Teachings of Abraham: The Master Course CD Program, 11-CD set [Audiobook, CD, Unabridged] [Audio CD] from this link

Some of the thing you will learn from this audio CD Abraham is surprisingly funny. They focus a lot on love, attraction and manifestation. They give the example that you get a big American Express bill in the mail, and you say "I need more money." And the universe says "okay." But then you go on to say, "I don't have enough money to pay this bill. The people next door have more money than I do. They probably inherited it, those lazy bums." And as you continue to beat the drum of "I don't have..." The universe says, "Okay" to that too. So it is very important to control our thoughts, as the universe will send us what we ask for.
