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1. The Teachings of Abraham: The Master Course CD Program, 11-CD set
(US) https://amzn.to/2GVWGBl
(IN) https://amzn.to/46awnCZ

2. The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham
(US) https://amzn.to/2V83LZy
(IN) https://amzn.to/4c8VxmV

3. Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires
(US) https://amzn.to/2ZN8ted
(IN) https://amzn.to/3WueZ8V

4. The Law of Attraction Cards
(US) https://amzn.to/2DJfnaX
(IN) https://amzn.to/3zRB5t5

5. The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide
(US) https://amzn.to/2GXf9yO
(IN) https://amzn.to/3WckFmK

6. The Essential Law of Attraction Collection
(US) https://amzn.to/2ZQlHGN
(IN) https://amzn.to/3SdaahS

7. Getting Into The Vortex: Guided Meditations CD and User Guide
(US) https://amzn.to/2DIhYlq
(IN) https://amzn.to/3zSFGLJ

8. Money, and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness
(US) https://amzn.to/2DL1poM
(IN) https://amzn.to/4fdIva9

9. The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships
(US) https://amzn.to/2PGIXCE
(IN) https://amzn.to/4d7U8O1

10. The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent: Living the Art of Allowing
(US) https://amzn.to/2GQ35OA
(IN) https://amzn.to/4fg5txF

11. Manifest Your Desires: 365 Ways to Make Your Dreams a Reality
(US) https://amzn.to/2LfRuOg
(IN) https://amzn.to/3zRwt6g

12. Sara, Book 1: Sara Learns the Secret about the Law of Attraction
(US) https://amzn.to/2PMRV1i
(IN) https://amzn.to/46bezHL

13. Sara, Book 2: Solomon's Fine Featherless Friends
(US) https://amzn.to/2V7GgzX
(IN) https://amzn.to/4cRsHZ6

14. Sara, Book 3: A Talking Owl Is Worth a Thousand Words!
(US) https://amzn.to/2GO7txA
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00:00Good morning. We are extremely pleased that you are here. It is good to come together
00:18for the purpose of co-creating. Do you agree? It's good to be together. It's good to come
00:28together. It's good to focus together. It's good to make more together. It's good to bounce
00:37off of one another. It's good to let your desire expand even in the moment, isn't it?
00:45Do you know what you're wanting? Did you come knowing what you're wanting? And are you enjoying
00:51the expansion of your personal desire? That's such a big part of the satisfaction of life,
00:58isn't it? That life keeps calling more through you and to you. Does your desire feel good
01:07to you? Mostly sometimes, sometimes not so good. Do you ever find yourself saying to
01:15yourself or to others, I felt better before I wanted that? I wish I didn't want that.
01:29That unattainable dream. And of course there are no unattainable dreams, but sometimes
01:38it feels like it, doesn't it? Are there things that you've been wanting for a while that
01:42seem slow to come? Then you must not be really offering a vibration, mostly of what you want.
01:53You may have some, where is it mixed in? Or why is it taking so long? Or how come that
02:00guy's got it and I don't, or what do I have to do for God's sake? Sometimes you feel a
02:09little deprived of the things that you want. And we understand why it's sort of logical,
02:16isn't it? That when you want something and it hasn't yet manifested in your experience,
02:24it's missing. And it's not easy to notice that it isn't missing when it is missing.
02:32And so you keep noticing that it's missing. So you keep practicing the missing vibration.
02:39You practice the feeling of what it feels like when, what you want hasn't happened yet.
02:44And then without meeting too, and often without even knowing you're doing it, you hold it
02:50away from you with your very awareness that it hasn't come yet because the presence of
02:57something is a different vibration than the absence of something.
03:02You can tell by the way you feel. Once you get sensitive to the way you feel, once you
03:07begin realizing that you are a vibrational being and you live in a vibrational universe.
03:13And that's the part that we're really wanting to emphasize with you here, because it doesn't
03:17feel all that vibrational when you're seeing it and hearing it and smelling it and tasting
03:22and touching it. In other words, that thing that's missing in your experience or that
03:26experience that's missing in your life, that person or that money or that whatever it is.
03:34It's a tangible thing. It's something that is real, that not only you can see, but others
03:38can see too. And when you can't see it, you've just got to admit if you're a sane, rational
03:44person, it's missing Abraham.
03:47Don't make me pretend something is that isn't. I don't want to be one of those crazy people
03:54with my head in the clouds. I don't want to be one of those irrational people who just
03:58makes stuff up. And we say, noticing what hasn't manifested is different than not believing
04:15that it's coming or understanding that everything is a work in progress. And if you could just
04:24stop taking score quite so hard, if you could care a little less about what others think
04:30about what you're doing, if you could be more caring about how you feel and less noticing
04:40what others think about whatever it is that you're doing, you could begin to bridge some
04:45of those things that are missing because they're not really missing.
04:50You're just in the state of becoming. It's like your vibrational beings. You are, but
04:57it's like, you are vibrational beings. You really are, but it's like you are vibrational
05:04beings, your vibrational beings, your vibrational beans, and you are translating vibration through
05:10your eyes, through your ears, through your nose, through your fingertips, through your
05:14tongue. You are translating vibration into reality all the time. You're vibrational beings.
05:22You are, but it's like your dog. Your dog is a better translator of sound and smell
05:31than you are. And you never say, stop it. You little faker. I know you can't hear that
05:41because I can't. If it were real, I would hear it too. So just cut it out. And Oh, often
05:51the bushes, you go pretending that you can smell something over there. I know, I know
05:56there's nothing there. If it were there, it would be in my reality too. There are things
06:02you don't want to smell. So you get the point. You are vibrational translators and you're
06:16good at it in many regards, but you are, we love you so much.
06:22You know what's coming next. You're a week at your translation relative to the creations
06:31that you are in the process of creating because you want the manifestation, the full manifestation
06:38before you're willing to feel satisfied. And that's what trips you up because your dissatisfaction
06:45in not being able to fully see it, hear it, smell it, taste it, touch it, keeps you from
06:51a vibration that promotes it, that encourages it, that allows it, that grows it. And so
06:58you can hold yourself in the absence of something unnecessarily for most of your life because
07:05you develop patterns of thoughts that hold it apart.
07:10You know, your belief, your belief about so many things, your beliefs are simply thoughts
07:17that you continue to think. And some of your beliefs serve you so well. And some of your
07:22beliefs do not serve you well. And it is not an easy thing to sift and sort them. Although
07:27you try it as humans and mass consciousness on your planet, you're sorting behaviors and
07:33activities and lifestyles and beliefs into piles.
07:36Good ones, bad ones. You say good ones, bad ones. You're standing over here calling theirs
07:40bad and they're standing over there calling yours bad. And we're watching all of it and
07:44say how good it all is because in this variety, there is so much for you to choose from. And
07:51since you are individual creators and since you create your own reality, no one else is
07:57depriving you of any of the. Not so much. We know, but yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. So as
08:04you begin to realize that you are a vibrational being and you begin to step back from the
08:11details of what's manifesting and you begin to.
08:17Sense or at least want to sense the vibration that precedes the manifestations. Then what
08:26you begin to discover is that you can take pleasure all the way along the way in the
08:31unfolding of the manifestation. As we are demonstrating here, we're sort of using this
08:37over here as your manifestation, see it, hear it, smell it, taste it, touch it. And this
08:42is the non-physical in the process of becoming the physical reality. This is vibration turning
08:47to thoughts and thoughts turning to things. And it's the way all happens.
08:52Everything is like that. Everything that you witness, everything that you see or hear
08:56or smell or taste or touch, all that you call reality is vibration that has enough momentum
09:03and enough people focused upon it. That you as mass consciousness begin to witness similarly.
09:13And because you witnessed similarly, then you assume it's only what you are witnessing
09:18similarly. That is reality. And the other stuff that you are not witnessing similarly.
09:25In other words, dog, you're faking, you're faking. Well, how is it that you've come to
09:31accept that that dog is not faking or have you still think he's a little faker?
09:37The reason that you accept that the dog is experiencing something and that maybe he's
09:43just tuned in a sharper way than you are is because these dogs have been so consistent.
09:50There's not some faking and some not faking. Oh, some can smell a little better, but they
09:54all fake it. Don't they? In other words, they're all out there sniffing around sniffing, sniffing,
09:58sniffing for stuff that you can't smell and hearing things, hearing things that you can't
10:04Yes. There has a neighbor whose dog will howl for several seconds before she hears the siren.
10:12Little faker. So as you realize that there is a whole lot in the works that you have
10:22the ability of sensing, and that if you will allow yourself to sense it, first of all,
10:29you can know whether you want to move toward it or away from it by more attention to it
10:34or less attention to it. But the most important part is as you begin to give your attention
10:40to these vibrations that are in the process of coming into their full fruition or your
10:48full realization, as you understand the process, then you can begin to take satisfaction while
10:58they are in the process of becoming.
11:00And that is such an important thing. In fact, there is not anything that we would want you
11:06to understand and experience more than that, because that means you can be happy all the
11:13time. If you are like most humans who believe that what's this, whatever it is comes about,
11:21then you will feel better. So in the believing of that, you hold yourself in a position where
11:27you don't feel quite as good as you could, because it hasn't come quite yet.
11:31And there are some things that you hold yourself in disappointment about for a long, long,
11:36long, long time, because you can't stop being the objective human who faces reality and tells it
11:44like it is. So there are two things we want to say to you about that. One is we're not so
11:51interested in you understanding that you can face reality. We want you to know that you create
11:56reality. And the other thing is that we want you to understand that as you are creating reality,
12:05that you are able to see it the way you want it to be. And in the process of that feel better
12:12because you have stopped the resistance, which is the reason that you don't feel good.
12:18When you say I want more money, there's a natural flow of energy. All things begin moving toward
12:25you to help you in the realization of more money. All Providence moves, all non-physical energy
12:33moves. The same energy that creates worlds moves. With you and to you and through you and for you
12:40to assist you in the creation of this more money that you want. And in the moment or in the moments
12:46in all of the moments that life causes you to ask for more prosperity, more comes immediately
12:53because when you ask it is given instantly. But the thing that we want you to hear today is that
12:59it's given in vibrational form. Can you hear the words, you little faker it's given in vibrational
13:07form. So you've got a tune to it with more sensitivity in order to feel satisfied by it
13:15before it's in your bank account. And if you don't tune to it's becoming, if you only stand back
13:23waiting for it to already have become, then you slow everything way down.
