"Manifesto I" De Stijl

  • vor 12 Jahren
The artistic concept of De Stijl was an artistic response to the Great War 1914-1918. European dynasties disappeared in the years 1917 and 1918 from the political map of Europe as in 1917 the Romanows, as in 1918 the Hohenzollern and the Imperial House of Hapsburg(responsible for the outbreak of the Great War in 1914)
Even in 1918 during the last months of the war, De Stijl wrote the "Manifesto I". This manifesto of De Stijl art group is at the center of the visible and invisible theatre of ARBOS - Company for Music and Theatre, together with the "Wiener Linien" in selected Metro stations performed by Horst Dittrich and Mark Rupert directed by Herbert Gantschacher.
