• 6 years ago
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BALCONYTV.COM 17/02/2008
"Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything." Plato I agree with most of what Plato has to say about music; the music I love elates me and makes the world around me steeped in beauty and thought. But when I listen to Queen Kong find myself disagreeing with one or two aspects of his philosophy. Don´t get me wrong, QK makes my immediate environment much more glamorous and special, and it certainly lifts me, but it doesn´t come from a sort of idealised beauty or morality, it comes from the darker, worldlier, more uncomfortable parts of my psyche. Days had it when they had mute gimps in leatherwear clutching their heads in angst at their gigs. Days previous to those found them (or at least, Murphy and Lawler) screaming over a tape recorder. Their origin was founded in the parts of ourselves that only they were brave enough to embrace. It was fantastic. What a relief from the chuck-wearing, haircut-due indie children we had to contend with until then! Those afraid to offend sensibilities! How refreshing to find musicians that were actually artists in the true sense of the word. And that´s what they are. Artists, but with a grasp on what´s special about pop music. Pierre Schaeffer pioneered electronic sounds in 1948 with his cinq etudes de bruits (Five studies of noises). How could he have known how his experiments would merge with rock n´roll? What would he have made of Pink Floyd? What would the both of them have made of Queen Kong? Would they think them an inventive, industrustrial pop band? Or would they feel guilty for the fingers they felt probing the deeper regions of their souls? Because your unmentionable thoughts are Queen Kong´s currency. This band deals with sexual dominancy/submission, pain love, anger, et cetera, but always with charisma and panache. With a style and flair that´s infectious. With a humour and a cork accent that´s charming. We had a Band this special on our doorstep and they´re forced to make a wage in Dub-il-in te-owen. I wonder to myself. Andy Warhol would have fallen in love with them. But would have scolded cork for letting them go. Queen Kong, I´m drunk, but I salute ye.


Tune in again tomorrow!!!

